Sunday, February 10, 2019



Beloved, this universe is divided into two kingdoms. You got to know that planet Earth is divided into two kingdoms. Even the African continent is divided into two kingdoms. Your country is divided into two kingdoms. That kingdom of light ruled by Jesus Christ and the kingdom of darkness ruled by the devil. 

As a born again Christian, you must not be uneducated and uninformed about the kingdom of darkness. For you to combat the enemy, you must identify him. We must know about the origin of occultism and witchcraft that affect our lives. You must not be uneducated about your opponent. You must know who you are up against. You got to know the enemy of your life, your wife and your children in order to shoot on target, not in the air.

As far as I am concerned, witchcraft is one of the worst things on earth because witchcraft prevents people from living God's destiny on earth, and it prevents people from maximizing and reaching their potential on Earth. Witchcraft always targeted people from having God's promises and witches seek to shorten people's lives on earth through chronic diseases. That's why Prophet Isaiah 26:13 says, O LORD our God, other lords beside Thee have had dominion over us: but by Thee only will we make mention of Thy name.

Let me tell you in life, there are thrones established in people's lives, and families in countries by the kingdom of darkness in order to dominate and they are dominating in planet Earth. If you don't belong to Jesus, you are already dominated and you belong to the devil. Even if you are a good guy, the fact that you don't have Jesus Christ you belong automatically to the devil and the Prince of Darkness is ruling in your life. He can destroy your work or your marriage.

If you are a Christian, you should make sure that the throne of your family is occupied by Jesus alone. Because there are powers establishing that throne over families and they are dominating and there are witches establishing their thrones over families and they are causing sickness and failure. Therefore, a Christian has the obligation of praying for his family. In the book of Acts, chapter one, verse eight, the Bible says, you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.

Beloved, Jesus said these words because He knew that on Earth, there were powers that were in operation and in activity, powers such as black magic, white magic, green magic, yellow magic, red magic, Roman Catholic magic, airpower magic.

Actually, after receiving Christ, I waited for seven years. I was in prayer and Bible study and after being taught and being filled with the power of the Holy Spirit then I began to testify. You cannot rush to war before being filled with the power of the Holy Spirit.

I will start this testimony by telling you how I was initiated into witchcraft. I am Jean Paul Kalumba and the fifth of a family of nine children. I am a father of five. My mother is alive but my father died some time ago. He used to be a Member of Parliament in the Mobutu regime in 1981. 

When I was in my fourth year in primary school, I had a friend who was a witch. We were really close friends. We were always together after school, and we were going to his place and my place to eat. And in the evening, we were parting on our ways and the following day in the morning, we were meeting again. Although we were good friends, I did not know his spiritual identity. You got to know who is your friend and his spiritual identity.

I noticed that in the class, my friend was never writing like everybody else. One day I asked him, "Why don't you write in a class like everybody." In response, he laughed louder and mysteriously. Then he put his hands on my eyes. The moment he did that my spiritual eyes opened. And as a result, I saw the writing on the board, changing their meanings. Actually, these writings were insults. This was incredible. I even saw snakes on the board. I was about to shout in terror but my friend stopped me. I was in terror and sweating and I could not tell my experience to my family as they were unbelievers. In fact, the opening of my spiritual eyes marked my initiation into witchcraft.

Witches traveled to their gathering place at 1 am. And when they do, many people get sick. It in that time babies cry in that time. Cats make strange noises. The person that discovered that I became a witch in the family was my auntie because she was a witch. She is the one who took me to the gathering of witches. Actually, I was sleeping then I heard like something heavy landing on the roof. Then I saw her arms entering the house through the roof. She was naked. She then transported me to the astral realm of witches. When I arrived there, I got married to her in a ceremony. She was dressed in a white robe, and I was dressed in a black suit. Later, we had our full moon, and we had sex. Since that spiritual marriage, even my father began to notice that my auntie loved me more than her own children. My father could not understand what was her motivation. We had three children in the astral realm of witches.

But the following day at midnight, a paranormal event happened. There was a wind in my house blowing powerfully and the windows opened by themselves. I tried to knock on my father's bedroom door to wake him up, but he was plunged in a deep sleep. Actually, there was an entity coming from the realm of the world of the cemetery. That's why there was this wind. Then I saw a white woman appearing before me, even though the doors were closed and there were bodyguards outside. She was a siren from the realm of the cemetery.

She said her name was Madame Lanow Viera. This demon could afford to get in our house, because Jesus Christ was absent, so the family was insecure, defenseless and exposed. Then the evil spirit from the cemetery asked me to travel with her. Actually, she was shooting lasers from her eyes. Then I did an astral traveling with her to a place but I don't know specifically where it was. I could hear noises of birds and animals.

Then she took a knife and she injured herself and she told me to drink my blood. But I refused. And I tried to run but in a split second, she was in front of me, and she then forced me to drink her blood. And while I was drinking her blood, I felt like I was losing my humanity and a demonic force and energy was entering me. Afterward, she asked me, "Are you feeling something in your stomach?" Then I felt like vomiting and then I started to vomit.

Then a lizard came out of my mouth. The lizard started to get bigger and bigger and it reached a length of six meters. The siren told me to seize it on the neck, which I did. Then the lizard became little. As it got little, the siren asked me to swallow it again, which I did. Then she said to me, this is the spirit of cannibalism in you. Every time you are beaten, the lizard is going to feel the pain for you, but at 6 pm you will feel that pain. This was difficult for me. And since then, when I was angry, my eyes were getting red blood and my nails were growing longer and to calm myself I had to bite someone on his neck like a vampire. That night after the ritual with the siren when I woke up there was blood on my mouth. My elder brother noticed it and he went to call my father but when he came with my father the siren Helen removed it from my mouth already. This night marked a significant and fundamental change in the family because there is now an agent of the devil in the family, a committed witch but no one in the family knew about it as they were all unbelievers.

Actually, in school where I contracted witchcraft, there were three categories of pupils. The first one like everybody else, go there to study and prepare the future in order to have a better life. The second category also comes to school to study for the future. But they have an assignment from the dark world which is to destroy pupils who came to study. Usually, during the break, they give fellow pupils their food in order to destroy them or to initiate them into witchcraft. But if you serve God, He will keep your child in school against witchcraft initiation which is like targeting and initiating children in sorcery as they are innocent. So when you give birth to the baby, the first thing you have to call the pastor to cover the baby with the blood of Jesus because people would want to visit the baby including witches. When witches come to visit the baby they will shoot a ray of light to the baby's navel in order to initiate the baby and do witchcraft. So a baby needs to be protected. In fact, witches from their third eyes can see the star or the destiny of the baby. That's why when Jesus was born the first people to know that a Great King is born were astrologers. They said, "We saw His star," and today we have witches functioning like astrologers. They are checking babies' stars and destinies and they are combating and trying to get a hold of babies' destinies. That's why when you are taking the baby to the church, do it with an effort. The devil likes the initiation of babies because if a baby was supposed to live for two years on Earth, he might live that two years in practicing witchcraft in his service.

The third category of students come from the Slavic world which is the kingdom of Rosicrucianism in the infernal Kingdom ruled by a hybrid demon called Bernard. These people are wealthy and intelligent, they have good cars and money, people envy them. They come to the university to initiate students into Rosicrucianism.

Firstly, let me define what is a witch. A witch is someone who has surrendered his spirit to the devil and he has opened his life to be inhabited by a demon who influenced him to commit crime and works of wickedness. This demon transmits the sinful lifestyle driven by wickedness in order to commit crimes. A witch is prepared for his task in the astral world, which is to offer human sacrifice to Satan. Witchcraft is an exotic branch of black magic, which is wicked, destructive, devastating, and murderous. The moment you become a witch, you must offer a human life as a sacrifice, and once the sacrifice is offered, the hierarchy will take one bone from the victim and design a mystical phone for the initiate and they will take another bone from which they will design a camera for the initiate to monitor his target and family and from another bone, they will design a seat for the initiate in the assembly of the witches. After being initiated in witchcraft I was given a new name. In the physical world, my name is Jean Paul but in the spirit realm of witches, I was named PBT and that's the name they were calling me over there in the astral realm of wizards.

Beloved, when you are exorcizing a witch, he must tell you the name of the person who initiated him and his own name in the world of witches. He also has to tell you about his function in the world of witches, and how many children he has in the realm of witches. You should ask him what is his phone numbers in the astral realm, and you have to ask him which animal is his character.

In fact, there are three types of witchcraft. There is the first subconscious witchcraft. In this case, the person is unaware that he is a witch. They are using him they are even using his face too but the witch is unaware.

The second level is the conscious witch. He is committed witch. He knows consciously that he is a witch. He has a specific function and has a grade. He is an active witch. If he is a man, he will be forced to marry in the world of witches. If she is a woman, she will be taken into a marriage without her consent. If she is a mother, she will have to marry one of her own sons in order to use them. Obviously, she would love that son more than other children. And when the boy grows up and gets married, he will love her mother more than his own wife. He will be closer to her mother than his wife, and it will be her mother running his household because the man is married and used by his mother and they are giving birth to children in the astral realm.

This mother will be coming in the night to molest her daughter in law using the penis of a dog. The victim will dream that she is having sex with a man but it's the mother in law in activity. As a result, the victim will suffer a miscarriage. In this scenario, you are dealing with a committed witch who consecrated his life to work for the kingdom of the devil. Usually, the devil uses active and committed witch in the church and uses them as an infiltrator to occupy a strategic position in the church in order to cause chaos among the children of God.

Normally, before giving responsibility to anybody in the church, pastors must pray and hear the voice of the Holy Spirit to avoid a fatal mistake.

The third kind of witchcraft is called blood witchcraft. There are people who are born witches, and they have witchcraft in their blood. And when they married, they give birth to children who are witches. We are dealing with hereditary witchcraft. 

Let me warn you, women, not to allow just anybody to breastfeed your baby. Actually, if the person breastfeeding your baby is a witch she can transmit the baby witchcraft and when a baby contract witchcraft you will notice that she will fail to develop properly and you will notice that only the head that is growing in size as if the baby has a deformity.

After initiation in witchcraft, I was supposed to go through totemization like every witch. Totemization is done through ritual and ceremony in which there is a demonic presence. What happened in totemization, I will choose an animal as a totem. I chose a cat. Afterward, I wrote my name on a paper and I threw it in a fire. Then I was given the heart and blood of a cat to swallow, which I did. Then I declare publicly that I was not Jean Paul Kalumba. I declare that I was a cat because that is the animal that I chose as Totem. Other people choose a lion, or leopard, or the tiger and as the ceremony was attended by a demon, the behavior or the characteristic of a cat was infused in me. Consequently, I will be manifesting the feature of a cat because I am inhabited by the spirit of that animal, and I will manifest the image of the animal even in my movement and my behaviors. 

And the demon responsible for totemization is called Shiva, the Lord of the Flies, He is a prince of darkness. The devil gave him the power to remove the image of God in men and replace it with animal nature. He put down animals image in humans. Every witch that goes through totemization and when a witch is about to travel in hyperspace, he will turn into his totemic animal then he will use it as a tool to travel space. 

After totemization, if I had children in the physical realm, I would have been given a seed to plant behind my house. As a result, a spiritual tree would have grown behind the house, and that tree would produce a specific number of fruits. I mean, if I had 10 children, the tree would produce 10 fruit, but every year there will be a wind blowing on the tree and the fruit will fall from the tree. As a consequence, one of my children would have died and this would be happening every year. That wind would be blowing every year until all the fruit fall and all the children die. 

When witches attend night meetings, the first report that they present is that of their families. Every witch has to report everything happening in his family. As a result, there will be blood, conspiracy, and schemes against their families. There will be rituals, dancing and cursing in order to hinder their family progress.

I always said that one of the foundations of Christian life is morning prayer. Because throughout the night witches just spend time in conspiring and plotting against the children of God, and they designed schemes in order to attack them, but with morning prayer, you can undo everything. You can render powerless their plot.

The morning prayer is a massive weapon against the eight hours of night activity of witches and occultist and there is a lot of power in morning prayer service. In every family, the devil is working to place a witch as a representative who will serve as a transmitter of information about the family in the dark world.

In the second world war, the Americans were using a plane called flying fortress in order to capture details data about the enemy. In witchcraft, a fortress is a human. I mean, a witch from which all information about the family is transmitted to the dark world. Consequently, they will plot and conspire to hinder the family.

As a witch, I was transforming myself into a cat and I was getting the information about my family and I was reporting them to the astral realm. I was the cause of sickness in the family. I was doing this when people are paid their salary so that they spend them in the hospital.

After being initiated into witchcraft by my best friend, I ended up with another friend who was also in the occult. He told me that he will do a demonstration in school, but I must be strong. When we arrived at school, he started to sing in Arabic. As consequence, our class blackboard changed. Then everybody saw a spirit writing on the blackboard. He was writing the sentence, I am looking for Marie Tree. 

When the students saw that an invisible person was writing on the blackboard, they panicked and they ran out. Later I heard that this incident is happening in all the Catholic schools in the city. This evil spirit was terrible. 

The city was in turmoil and all the schools closed. People even died because of this spirit who came from the cemetery to manifest in the city. It was a demon deployed by my friend. He managed to shake the whole province by deploying a demon of the cemetery in schools. 

Then the authorities sought help from a Catholic priest to resolve this situation. That priest did not use the name of Jesus, but he put on a gun and having kabbalistic symbols. These symbols are called satanic ventricles by the Roman. These kabbalistic signs in the priest garment represent a demon called Christ the King.

Actually, the Roman Catholics don't worship the same Jesus as Christians because, in white magic, they are three Jesus. The first Jesus is called Christ the King. He is a false Jesus, he is venerated on the 25th of November. He is a demon of the world of the damned. He is not the Jesus Christ of Nazareth who came back to life.

The second Jesus is called Jesus of London. He is the demon who gives success to businessmen, sportsmen, and musicians, people invoking for success. And many Congolese musicians mentioned him in their songs.

The third Jesus is called Jesus of Africa. Over here in Katanga, there are places you can see his footsteps as people go there to watch them. 

I was saying that the priest was wearing a garment having kabbalistic signs. When he met that demon, the demon submitted to him to honor him. The truth about witches is that when they cannot defeat you in a spirit realm, they will proceed in the physical realm. They will try to upset you or to get you angry, either by their actions or their words. It's when you get angry that the door is opened that a shortcut is made for them to enter you.


  1. I would like to know if the false Christ the King Jesus is celebrated on November 25th or December 25th.

    1. This is something to think about. God only authorized 7 feasts. Any feasts declared by men of the cloth for the church may be unlawful and may be the legal ground for demons to come in. So it may be likely that the false Jesus is showing up at churches where the Feast of Christ the King and Christmas are celebrated. M
