Monday, August 10, 2020



Brothers I was in communion with the Lord on the 15th of July 2020 and an angel spoke to me, “Write!”

Without understanding, I started writing and the following writing came out.

Brothers, before I say what I wrote, let me explain. At the end of writing, I read it to correct some mistakes and I was very surprised. I asked myself, “How did I write all this? I can't believe I wrote all of this.”

There were many words, many revelations that people can often speak in visions and prophecies. This is the normal way because we are familiar with that.

But brothers, when the Holy Spirit orders us to write and to share, it is because He wants to alert us, He wants to warn us, He wants to prepare us. So brothers, let's be sensitive to the voice of the Lord, the voice of the Spirit.

Even in the past when the Angel spoke to John, “Write what the Spirit says to the Churches. Whoever has ears, listen to what My Spirit says to the churches.” (Revelations 2:29)

Who are the churches? They are people, like you and me, a relative, a brother, so pay attention from now on what the Lord is going to say to you. May He open your spiritual eyes for you to see how soon His return is.

The writing is as follows:

Beloved, the coming of Jesus is very close. Let's get our house, our spiritual life in order. Great things will happen from now on but to a greater extent. Many say that everything that has happened has happened before, yes, but in a smaller proportion. From now on everything will happen in a bigger proportion and very fast. Different things will happen at the same time and quickly. The days will be shortened and things will happen very quickly. The sword will pass and those who are clean let them be cleaner and for the just do justice even more and those who are dirty and ungodly, they will get worse and will be angry with those who seek God who seeks holiness. Holiness is what will lead us to God. A short period is left for Jesus to return, as many are asleep. The earth will be shaken because the Bride and true Christians need to wake up. It will not be long before Jesus returns, but before there will be a Great Awakening. The Bride will be caught in the Rapture and this will be the start of the Great Tribulation. We will see the puzzle being assembled, but some pieces will remain for the Great Tribulation.

Let us stand firm, evangelizing our brothers. In the coming days, there will be a great movement of the Holy Spirit in the four corners of the earth. The sleeping Christians will be awakened and the deviated ones will come back and walk with us and there will be a great revival. As on the day of Pentecost described in the book of Acts, this manifestation will be so strong that people will be baptized by the gift of tongues, and healings, evangelization, casting out demons. They will manifest on the streets as they will be acting on a large scale. It will be a very strong spiritual battle because the enemy is working hard because he knows that the coming of Jesus is approaching; he needs to destroy lives and take as many people as possible to hell.

Brothers as the revival of God will start from Earth, even babies, by the authority of the Holy Spirit will reprimand leaders and many who are wrong. Singers are using the name of the Lord, but they are not fixed on the road to salvation. They are talking about the Lord for money, they are trading and making merchandise of the name of the Lord. They are selling the Word, selling preaching, selling hymns, performing shows and the Lord will allow them to be corrected inside and outside the churches. And many will prophesy one to another and many will be converted.

The Gospel will be preached all over the planet through the Internet and by the movement of the Holy Spirit. God will fill the vessels, His chosen ones to evangelize, to speak, and to be witnesses of the grace of the Gospel. Many John the Baptists will be raised preaching repentance, without fear, filled with the Holy Spirit, without fear of being persecuted because the Lord will be with them. Christians will be hated, called radicals and there will be a great separation between those who serve and those who do not and hatred for Christians will be very much on social networks, such as Facebook, Instagram and others. You will not be able to post anything from the Bible. There will be laws for that but before the laws there will be such hatred that when a Bible verse or something is posted, there will be many comments that no one will want to post. Your friends and family will hate you for the name of Jesus to fulfill what Jesus Himself said, “They will be hated for My name’s sake, they will be persecuted because of My name.”

Matthew 10:22 And ye shall be hated of all men for My name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.

Matthew 24:9 Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for My name's sake.

John 15:21 But all these things will they do unto you for My name's sake, because they know not Him that sent Me.

Luke 21:17 And ye shall be hated of all men for My name's sake.

Mark 13:13 And ye shall be hated of all men for My name's sake: but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

During this period, many will be converted. Many will repent and come to God's side. This disease called Coronavirus is only the beginning but it doesn't stop there. They are all eating and drinking. They are even getting used to it and talking about parties, beaches, and carnivals. Many play and party with the name of the disease and the name of the virus. They are mistaken, blinded by Satan. However, this is only the beginning.

God is going to allow terrible things going forward so that there is indeed repentance. Let us watch and be attentive. Let us be innocent as the dove but prudent as a snake. Let us be careful with technologies, social networks, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, television, and others. Be careful with WhatsApp and YouTube. These tools have the power to take away spiritual virtues and even kill the soul. Use everything with understanding without vices and without exaggeration until the moment God wants and says to come out of these tools because in the future Christians will not be able to use them.

For some people, the Lord already requires holiness and distance from some of them. To achieve a greater degree of holiness requires separation. Let us pray that God will take away all lies, envy, strife, selfishness, greed and that He will help us to fulfill our duty as our accounts and debts and that we will forgive everyone, we should not have resentment or disagreements, mistakes with anyone and may the Lord also give us discernment of spirits because apostasy has taken many in these last days and many have preached deception, deceiving multitudes of followers who want to hear those who suit them. Let us fight against the Prosperity Gospel because the Lord did not promise this to us and did not promise us wealth on this Earth except eternal salvation in Heaven, the salvation of our soul.

The world is moving towards unification and we see this very clearly now. A single government, a single currency, a single religion soon and a great world leader but the True Church will no longer be here when this happens. Soon, paper money will not exist. The financial transactions will be for transfers and documents and vaccines will be in a single document to facilitate delivering everything ready in the hand of the world government. People will be controlled. Everything will be controlled. We already see this starting.

Let us be in communion with God at all times. If possible, pray three times a day, several times a day. Reading the Word, the Bible that gives us strength and is a spiritual food for our soul. If possible, fast to bring us closer to God. We must do our part to evangelize souls and plant the seed like a good sower. God has the power to germinate every seed that has been planted.

Brothers, be with God. Let's just stick to the Word. Let us stand firm in the Lord Jesus. He does not look right or left but he looks at the One who died for us who is our Savior, our Deliverer. Let's affirm ourselves to Christ. Don't look at the man, don't look at the woman. Look only at Jesus. If one or the other doesn't want to serve God, don't rely on them because you have to follow the path alone. If your father doesn't want it, you go. If your mother doesn't want it, you go. If your husband or wife doesn't want to serve God, you serve Him alone. Salvation is individual and we must prepare ourselves because Jesus is at the door.

Maranata, Come Lord Jesus.


  1. Вроде, похоже. Но другие пророки говорят, что не будет восхищения до Скорби. Церковь пройдет через часть Скорби. И не помню, чтобы Бог у кого из пророков старых или современных использовал автоматическое письмо.. Что думаете, Джошуа?

    1. The part about the automatic writing was what made me hesitate to post this for a few days. I had to ponder over it, knowing that our readers are very well-informed and would raise objections to it.

      On the other hand, Brother Rodrigo could be writing under the dictation of the Holy Spirit. Maybe he didn’t explain it clearly in the original Portuguese video as posted by YouTube channel Lu Santos, giving rise to some misunderstandings.

      As I feared resisting the Holy Spirit, and since the message was sound, I eventually posted it. I hope other readers would share their views so that we can be mutually enriched by the discussions.

      As for the Rapture, I believe the Church is made up of three types of Christians: the Holy of Holies Christians, the Holy Place Christians and the Outer Court Christians. As our bodies are the Temple of the Holy Spirit and the Temple in Jerusalem is made up of the Holy of Holies, the Holy Place and the Outer Court, so likewise Christians, in various stages of perfection, would correspond to these three different levels.

      I believe only the Holy of Holies Christians would be caught up in the Rapture at the beginning of the Great Tribulation (the last three and the half years) and the other two, the Holy Place and Outer Court Christians would go through the Great Tribulation to purify and perfect them.

      As this topic has spawned many schools of thoughts, we all have to search the Scriptures and seek greater understanding under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth that leads us to all truth.

    2. Very well said my brother in Christ! This post is confirming in all that the Spirit has been saying to a few endtime believers. "Come out from among them & Be ye sperate, Holy, Set Apart"... give up tv, social media as much as possible for these things consume the Christian. Set time w Jesus. May we be willing! May we be ready! Help us Lord!
      Much blessings & much Mahalo for the post! In Jesus name, Amene!

    3. Thank you Brother Chong, God bless your ministry it has helped me in many ways to sanctify myself before the Lord. I feel like this prophesy was in my spirit also before I even read it. Even your blog is not able to be shared from Facebook for me the network blocks me. I had to share it though so I copied and pasted and I hope you don't mind.

  2. Thank you for posting Chong.

    I agree with you. However the main message is that time is short and we have to santify our lives and be prepared to what is coming soon.

  3. In agreement, Urgency, Change is in the air. May we remain in Union w God, His son, by His Spirit... Be blessed everyone!

  4. Even the atmosphere is different

  5. Não tenho dúvidas ser de Deus essa mensagem. O conteúdo nos afirma isso. Excelente mensagem de aviso para todos nós, igreja do Senhor Jesus
