Tuesday, August 11, 2020



They call me Inès-Désiré. I'm 24 years old. I was born in Franceville in the second province of Gabon (Haut Ogooué). My dad is Téké and my mom is Ndoumou. I am the result of a triplet pregnancy which lasted 11 months.

Indeed, when I was born, there were three of us (two boys, one girl). One came out by curettage and the other by the extra-uterine pregnancy. The other two died and I remained alive.

My maternal parents made a basket of twins according to our tradition. Indeed, my mother's grandfather was a twin, and with my mother, it was a tradition to venerate these baskets which were in harmony with the totems of my maternal family (black snake, mermaid, elephant, buffalo, spider…).

At the age of 14, I went with my cousins and my sisters to the river from Moanda station to bathe. That day, in that river, I felt a hand grab my feet and on the horizon, I saw a mermaid. I never mentioned this experience to my relatives.

Since that day, I had dreams where I found myself in the water, bathing and walking around with mermaids. The more I grew up, the more I discovered the world of water and was part of this world.

I have traveled a lot in the water kingdoms: river by river, lake by lake. The Queen of the Coast (Gara ka), the Sirois king of the kingdom of rivers (Schécké Ndonmba) adopted me and with all the kingdoms of waters (Africa, America, Europe, Asia…), they consecrated me in the waters by making several circles around me until my mind whirled around.

The Sirois king grabbed a strange stone and rubbed it on my body, from head to soles of my feet. It invested me with mystical power and a black snake with a ring on its tail was put in charge of me.

Gostrine (princess of the kingdom to which I belonged ) was the mermaid spirit in charge of inhabiting and guiding me. She and I went to buy a ring and a rosary for me at the market.

I got a tattoo (the 5-pointed stars on my arms and neck, a 4- pointed star on the outside of my leg left while a winged heart decorates my back). She asked me to do piercings on the lower lip of my mouth and on my tongue. I made a piercing on my lower lip and not on my tongue. It was a silver rod topped with a golden sparkle and screwed into a step.

The silver rod represents the male sex and the thread is the female sex. This piercing was a point of contact and a charm to attract rich men to me and whet the sexual appetite.

In this kingdom, my name was "Zikogoriane" which means "queen of the waters." Once I went to Barakouda beach (in Owendo), I snorkeled and went to the kingdom of the river sirens. I stayed there from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. I was married to the Prince of Sirois of the Kingdom of the Rivers and had 5 children with him (3 girls and 2 boys).

This wedding was grandiose, all the water mermaids were at this wedding. Each time I was delayed in the water, I had miscarriages and these fetuses were recovered by the Queen of the Coast. I had three miscarriages (3 girls).

When I got pregnant with my fourth daughter, there was an argument between the Queen of the Coast and the Sirois king Schécké. Gara ka wanted me to miscarry in order to get the fetus back but the king objected saying that I deserve to have this child because I have done enough for them.

Since that day, the queen was angry with me. She came every night to strangle me. Hence the king's recommendation that I sleep on my left side. In this position, she can do nothing against me.

The Mermaid Princess (Gostrine) was my best friend. She was the one who came to pick me up on land for the waters when we had meetings. She was with me everywhere even when I went shopping. She warned me of the dangers and hurt anyone who frustrated me or made me cry through their betrayal. I just had to be angry, sleep with that anger, cry and ponder evil on someone who frustrated me. As soon as I did that, whatever I wished wrong for that person would come true. Because of my anger, the mermaid princess has caused the death, transfer, and dismissal of some people.

Gostrine was sending to me the great men of this country, the foreigners and sometimes the gangsters. It was she who chose with whom I was to sleep to extract their energy. In one day I could sleep with 10 men max. I had the mission to withdraw the energy and the power of all the men with whom I slept with. Then I was going to deposit it in a secret room of the kingdom to which I belonged.

This energy supplied all the water kingdoms of Gabon, Congo and even the United States. I stopped going to school in the sixth grade. I led a life of debauchery. I smoked, drank alcohol and frequented the high places of this country. Night clubs, bars, snacks, hotels and motels were my places of operations.

In my missions, I saw certain men highly placed in this country, transformed into python, into boa to swallow me. Others wanted to steal my star or give me AIDS, but they never achieve their purposes as far as I'm concerned. However, several young girls that I know were their victims.

I was haughty, rebellious, recalcitrant, and insolent. I didn't respect anyone, not even my parents. All that my parents did so that I could learn a trade, I trampled on it. I didn't have love for my daughter. I lived according to the orders Gostrine gave me. The money these great gentlemen gave me, I did nothing to save or invest the money. I bought my clothes and had fun with my friends. When I bought devices, they didn't last long. I admired my older sister who was studying and leading a normal life.

My mother and big sister sometimes took me to church. I myself sometimes went to church on Sundays and when I started the deliverance sessions, they were never completed because I got discouraged along the way. But the Bible says that darkness is passing away (1 John 2:8) and that there is a time for everything (Ecclesiastes 3:1).

1 John 2:8 At the same time, it is a new commandment that I am writing to you, which is true in Him and in you, because the darkness is passing away and the true light is already shining.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the Heaven:


The marine kingdom is organized in camps. There are a lot of camps there, species by species, mermaid by mermaid. There are the beautiful, twinkling mermaids and the weird, ugly, gross mermaids; there are the snake men, very frightful creatures. There are the roads, the shops, the cars… like on Earth. There are several kingdoms there (kingdom of rivers; rivers; lakes; seas; oceans…).

These kingdoms are divided. Every kingdom has a king, a prince and a princess. The rules for each realm are not always the same. King Sirois has the Queen of the Coast as his wife, a very ugly and mean old woman. In reality the Queen of the Coast is not beautiful. Hence her concern to be adored ("you are beautiful, your beauty is incomparable, you are the most beautiful...").

She stays in a secret room on a bed. It is in this room that I  go to deposit the energy of the men with whom I slept. Every time I went there she called out to me so that I could approach her.

But the king of the kingdom to which I belonged had formally forbidden me to approach her at the risk of staying there forever. The kingdom to which I belonged had for king "Schécké Ndonmba." His upper torso is a white man and his lower part is a fishtail. He held a staff with multiple evil powers.

Each year, all those who are in the service of the Queen of the Coast and who are of childbearing age must become pregnant. For those who can no longer give birth, they manage to bring back to the Queen of the Coast a fetus. How? Either they cause miscarriages, deaths in their families, or they ally themselves with doctors and midwives, or they attack pregnant women and young mothers in the streets, in markets, in their villages, neighborhoods... These pregnancies go through miscarriages.

All these fetuses or stillborn children are brought to the secret room where the Queen of the Coast resides. It is she who raises them. Once grown up, these children are sent to Earth on feast days. They are demon-hybrid men and women commissioned to destroy men and women young and old. They seduce them, introduce snakes into them. Others go to churches and enter the bodies of distracted and false people. They go house by house to possess the young people who say they are abandoned and badly loved by their parents. Those to whom the parents leave free to do what they want, especially in times of puberty in young people.

When your children are in this period, you must be very vigilant, develop a bond with your child, act with a lot of tact and wisdom. Otherwise, it won't be long before the Queen of the Coast collects them as she did with me.

These demon-hybrid men and women also go to hotels, motels and prostitutes' bins to collect the sperm in condoms. They wring out the water from the towels used in these hotels, motels and bins and pour it all into the waters (seas, beaches, rivers, rivers, lakes…).

In the water world, the pregnancies that we mystically take with our night husband (actually a snake) do not last 9 months as on Earth. They vary between 2 to 4 months.

There is a secret city "Gastrininia" where meetings, judgments, executions and sacrifices take place. The worship services or meeting with the Queen of the Coast consist in bringing fruits and sweets, juices (Fanta, Coke,...), sugar, milk, sweet bananas, in short everything that is sweet to the sea or near rivers. Watch out for gangsters who ask you for these kinds of gifts for their rituals. Many of them work with the water spirits.

As soon as the presents are deposited, we hear a voice that communicates to us the invocations to be made so that the Queen of the Coast comes out of the waters. It is up to us to choose in which form (snake, fishtail, human...) the Queen of the Coast should appear.

Before she comes out of the water, there is a strong wind blowing and a whirlpool. There are only those who are dedicated to her, those who are already initiated and related to her who can see this wind and this whirlwind. When she appears, she takes several forms to see deep down into us if we are afraid of her. She can take the form of any animal or reptile to scare us.

When she sees that we have not afraid of her, she calls us to her. So we tell her that she is the most beautiful, that no one is beautiful like her. Her beauty is exceptional. We praise her. During this meeting, the conversation is made by a wind whose language we alone can feel and understand. Then she gives us gold jewelry (chain, curb chain, ring, buckles, goblins, etc.) which serve as a point of contact and means of communication when we need her help. The Queen of the Coast takes all shapes. She can take the face of one of our relatives (friend, relative, colleague...) to visit us at our home, workplace... In this case, only we know that it is she who is there. The people around us won't know it. Very often she sits in calm waters or in waters that are rich in fish. When you vow to be like her, she gives you a Night Husband who is actually a snake to lick you and make you shine. She gives you her eyes, which makes people afraid of you and have a hard time staring at you, looking you in the eye.

When you are related to the water spirits, you cannot get married, they are extremely jealous spirits. You can't spend time with a man. They keep any serious relationship away from you. You have trouble getting along with those around you and finding someone you really like.

The seed of the husband or the night wife that the Queen of the Coast gives you creates sterility in the long run. But it is spiritual sterility. People who are related to the water spirits are frivolous and are addicted to sex. They find it difficult to deprive themselves of sex and for some, to be satisfied with a single partner (nymphomania).

Women very often suffer from painful periods which can also lead to mystical sterility. When she has a mission for you, a wind blows and a voice is heard from your right ear. This voice tells you where you have to go, what time (24h or 02h), which siren you are going to meet and why. There are companion sirens that require sleeping with the windows open. They hate dirt.

In Franceville, the places of residence of the sirens are: the M'passa bridge, the Mbaya bridge, the caves near the river at the Sable district market, the Poubara waterfalls. In Libreville, they are at all the beaches. Each beach has its siren. When you are initiated and you see the Queen of the Coast, immediately you are connected with it and your mind will remain in the waters there. Even if you have a beautiful house and continued to live on the Earth, you cannot empty your mind that God gave when you were born. It is a spirit of water (siren or sirois) which animates you from now on. And when the hour of your death arrives, you disappear by bathing or drowning in water (swimming pool, river, river, sea…).


It all started with the arrival of my big sister. On April 20, 2013, she arrived from Libreville for Franceville. My mother being a member of the Commission “Chapel of the Conquerors” (Evangelical Church) in Franceville, she had a prayer cell established at home. Family prayer is done every Thursday at my mother's home with some church members.

On Thursday, May 02, 2013 at 6 p.m., we began the family prayer. It was my older sister who led the prayer and the Holy Spirit led us to the overthrow of the altars of the water spirits within our maternal and paternal family.

As soon as we started to knock down those altars, I started to protest. The mermaid princess (Gostrine) began to speak through me seeing that it was she who lived in me. She told my parents that she and I were bonded and that there was no question of them giving up on me. She also stated that they have an altar erected in my room. Indeed, I had a notebook in which I had drawn a mermaid, a turtle, a snake, a sun, a moon and a star. It is this notebook that served as the altar of the spirits of the waters in my room.

My big sister and my little brother destroyed this notebook by burning it. This first prayer session lasted 6 hours (from 7 p.m. to midnight). Princess Gostrine came out of my body declaring that she will come back, that there will be bloodshed and that she will have war.

When I came to my senses, my relatives told me what had happened. But I trivialized. By my bad attitudes, I tried to discourage my relatives so that the deliverance does not continue. Thus, Gostrine came to me again and a week passed without any deliverance sessions as agreed with my relatives because I received threats from Gostrine.

On Monday, May 09, 2013, I went to see Pastor Kéké Innocent (Missionary Pastor of the Chapel of the Conquerors in Franceville). I was fed up with the threats the Water Kingdom was inflicting on me. I wanted to end it. So I went to the pastor to pray for me. He asked me if I really wanted deliverance because it would be dangerous for me to be delivered and return to my vomit again. That after deliverance I could no longer lead my life as I would like, everything will have to change in my life.

I showed him my commitment and my sincere thirst for deliverance by choosing the day of the fast myself. Monday, May 13, 2013 (first day of deliverance): defeat of the kingdom of darkness.

The pastor, my family and I started the fast. It was the first step towards my deliverance. It was 12 p.m. when I had a fight with my boyfriend, and I was angry and broke everything in my room. For nothing, I went into a black anger. I was out of control, I was crying and didn't want to talk to anyone. I heard Gostrine's voice encouraging me in this bad attitude. She asked me to cut my veins with the shards of the mirror I had broken. But I refused and told my niece about it. I was afraid to go and talk to my older sister about it because I had irritated her with my bad attitude.

So, without knowing exactly how, I got up and with my niece, I went to Pastor Kéké. No word came out of my mouth. As soon as the pastor touched me, I started to protest. The pastor took me to church, they prayed for me until around 9 p.m. Then the pastor appealed to my family. My mother, my older sister and my aunt arrived at the church. Gostrine spoke through me and threatened the pastor, my family, the brother and sister who prayed for me. She said that there was going to be a war between the kingdom of the waters and those who prayed for my deliverance because there was no question for them to renounce me.

At 11 p.m. among other things, we began the prayer of deliverance. Although I was unconscious, I could still hear the voice of the pastor, my family, and church members praying for me. My mind was in the whirlwind. I saw everything that was happening under the water, in this great kingdom where I was held captive.

When the pastor, my family and members of the church began to praise, to call upon the fire of the Holy Spirit (Psalm 9 v 2, 15 and 18) and asked the heavenly host to come down to fight the forces of darkness that (Jeremiah 5v14), I saw a great light coming down from the sky. 

Psalms 9:2 I will be glad and rejoice in thee: I will sing praise to Thy name, O thou most High.
Psalms 9:15 The heathen are sunk down in the pit that they made: in the net which they hid is their own foot taken.
Psalms 9:18 For the needy shall not always be forgotten: the expectation of the poor shall not perish forever.
Jeremiah 5:14 Wherefore thus saith the LORD God of hosts, Because ye speak this word, behold, I will make My words in thy mouth fire, and this people wood, and it shall devour them.

It raised a great wave which separated the army from the waters on the way to the Earth (more mainly for Franceville at the Chapel of the Conquerors church). This wave killed many sirens and sirens of the army of waters including the Prince Sirois to whom I was married. There was blood everywhere, the children I had had under the water began to cry. The damage from this light was enormous. Despite the reinforcement, the damage in each water realm increased. The more the pastor, my family, and the church members prayed and sent confusion into the waters, the more the army of the waters lost their soldiers.

The pastor, my family, and church members prayed until 5 a.m. They used the word of God to fight my oppressors.

Psalms 10:2 The wicked in his pride does persecute the poor: let them be taken in the devices that they have imagined.
Psalms 10:7-8 His mouth is full of cursing and deceit and fraud: under his tongue is mischief and vanity. 8 He sits in the lurking places of the villages: in the secret places does he murder the innocent: his eyes are privately set against the poor.
Psalms 10:15 Break you the arm of the wicked and the evil man: seek out his wickedness till you find none.
Psalms 149:7 To execute vengeance on the heathen and punishments on the people;
Isaiah 13:11 And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogance of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible.
Isaiah 14:5 The LORD has broken the staff of the wicked, and the scepter of the rulers.
Isaiah 19:2 And I will set the Egyptians against the Egyptians: and they shall fight every one against his brother, and every one against his neighbor; city against city, and kingdom against kingdom.
Jeremiah 51:13 O you that dwell on many waters, abundant in treasures, your end is come, and the measure of your covetousness.

When they began to give thanks to God for my deliverance, I saw the angels on the waters above the kingdom where I was captive. They were coming down to fight. I saw Gostrine and the Sirois King Schécké lose control. I heard the praise and regained consciousness but my mind was still in this whirlwind underwater. Why? Because in my heart, I had not accepted Jesus in spirit and in truth as my Lord and my personal Savior. I had not really given up on this alliance with the water spirits.

So, I woke up. I saw the pastor, my mother, my sister, my aunt and two members of the Chapel of the Conquerors of Franceville. We reported on what happened and each went home in the early morning hours of Tuesday, May 14, 2013.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013 (second day of deliverance): divine intervention I resumed demonstrating at 8 a.m., I heard Gostrine's voice and I again lost consciousness. I found myself underwater. I saw Gostrine and the Sirois king in agony. I heard my big sister, my aunt, my mother and my niece pray for me and I told them what was happening under the water.

Then I heard my mother's voice calling me, asking me to come back to her, I heard my big sister asking me to call Jesus for my help. So I started shouting the Name of Jesus, telling Him “I won't take it anymore, I want You to get me out of this suffering, I give You my heart.”

My parents' prayers intensified, I cried out again to the Name of Jesus and all those who tortured me scattered. Under the water, I saw my big sister stretch out her hands to me. I grabbed them and began to pray, begging Jesus to save me. I renounced my alliance with the Queen of the Coast.

I said to God to deliver me so that I serve Him and praise Him alone. I firmly implored His mercy and divine intervention.

Suddenly I saw a Great Light, the waters opened, a White Dove and two Angels walking towards me. The Queen of the Coast and all the mermaids and mermaids who came for the judgment hearing fled. The White Dove and the two Angels freed me.

They said to me, "We came to get you."

As we came out of the waters, I saw myriads and myriads of angels descend under the waters, into the secret city. Tongues of fire from Heaven descended on the water kingdoms. I shouted with joy, repeating over and over, "I already am saved, I am already saved, we have the victory!"


After coming out of the water with the Dove and the two Angels, I saw two paths. One was really dark, the other was a shining Light. With the Dove and the two Angels, we first took the Dark Path: Hell. It is a place of suffering, tears, and cries of pain beyond all comprehension. So excruciating. In this dismal and dreadful place, my feet and those of the Angels did not touch the ground. The Dove stood above us.

There it is department by department. The politicians in their department; businessmen in theirs; traditional healers, gangsters, magicians in theirs; our ancestors who made alliances with the devil for the acquisition of fishing, planting, protection and wealth totems, among others, in their department.

I saw in Hell some members of my maternal family who died without having confessed Jesus. I saw a good number of my friends dead without having accepted Jesus. I saw the presidents, the first ladies out there in Hell. Young and old alike.

There, in these departments, there are cells, holes. There are the people in those holes that are incessantly being burnt. I saw some faces and others not. Everything is dark there, without a glow. There is no light, it is so scary and horrible. I felt compassion for those people who were endlessly chastised.

I said, “Oh, so Hell is like that? So what they say about Hell is real, Lord?"

The Dove replied, “Yes, it's real. This is Hell, the place of incessant torments, where all the wicked come, all those who disobey God, who walk according to the desires of this world and of their flesh.”

I saw monsters, horrible creatures, the ugliness of their appearance I cannot describe. Those are demons who work for the devil and who chastise those who are in Hell. There is no purgatory. When a person dies of natural or unnatural death, if he has not accepted Jesus as his personal Lord and Savior and has not lived in newness of life, rejecting the pleasures of this world to serve for the Glory of God, that person automatically goes to Hell.

It is often said that when someone kills you, they take charge of your sins. It's wrong. If you die a mystical death without Jesus, you go to Hell. If the person who killed you repents and accepts Jesus after you die, that person goes to Heaven. Not everyone has the grace of last-minute salvation.

Often in our society, we say that we have seen a loved one or an acquaintance who is already dead, either physically or during initiations. These people are close people who sometimes died before their time, victims of mystical sacrifices. These people are in Hell and it is the demons who work for the devil who take their faces to come and speak to you because they have a connection with your spirit.

1 Corinthians 2:10-11 But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God. 11 For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.

Hell is not a myth but a reality. After that, we got out and took the Bright and Shining path.


We were walking on this peaceful and radiant path of Light when, suddenly, a staircase appeared from the sky. We began to climb the rest of its steps. The higher we went, the more I was covered with a very white tunic. There was a very great light that widened as we ascended into the heavens. We have arrived in an extremely BEAUTIFUL place. It is good to live there. It is indescribable the joy, the peace, the serenity which animates us in this place. Everything is white there. I saw the angels dressed in white, but really that white is beyond comparison with the white we wear here on Earth. 

Angels were dancing and bustling about everywhere. I saw animals of all kinds, flowers of indescribable beauty. Then, the Dove and the two Angels led me into a large, radiant room. A Man in a radiant white tunic was sitting on a golden throne, He came up to me and took me by the hand. His radiance is incomparable. His eyes are beyond ours. He has long, shiny white hair. He wore a gold belt around His waist. His feet are like coal that has taken time in the fire. This Man is Jesus Christ of Nazareth! He is Radiant with Glory.

He took my hand and made me sit next to Him.

He said to me, “Now you've seen Hell, you know it exists. You saw what it looks like. I send you back to Earth to tell what you have seen, to witness My wonders. Whoever doubts what comes out of your mouth will be judged in Heaven. It is I who have allowed all that you have lived so that you discover and know the world of darkness in order to strip it, to bring down its Goliaths and to deliver all those who are in the same position as you once were. I have chosen you to praise Me and serve in honor of My name. Do not be afraid, I will always be with you. I'll show you the hidden things. You will be My oracle to build up nations. You will tell young people about Me. No door to Hell will stop you. You have to pray a lot, it is I who have chosen you. You must have the faith of Abraham. There is a fight in the dark world, their kingdoms are in confusion in an all-out war. You must speak courageously about Me and all that you saw in the crusades, the radio stations, TV… This testimony must go church by church; nation by nation.”

At these words, I began to cry because I did not want to come back to Earth. But Jesus told me that it is important that I go back there. I heard wonderful praises and adorations resound that made me cry.

Finally, I was able to come back to my body. I opened my eyes and saw my parents. Praises and worship came out of my mouth. I could no longer be silent. We set out to praise the Lord. All my relatives present and the director of the school where my mother works, began to praise the Lord, to give thanks. Others knelt down to worship our Lord because I was dead, Christ raised me up and brought me back to them.

To all my family, to my friends, to all of you who have read this testimony, Hell and Heaven do exist. There is no purgatory or reincarnation. I ask you to accept the Lord Jesus Christ and to pray a lot. Pray for yourself, for your families, for Gabon and the President. In Heaven, we no longer know each other in the flesh. Let's avoid confusion. Let us renounce all these totems which encumber us, blind us and keep us in bondage. May idolatry cease in our families. God has work and destiny for you members of my family, for all of you who are reading this testimony and for our dear country Gabon. God bless you, Amen. Jesus Christ is LORD.

If you sense marine witchcraft is oppressing your life, you may want to download and pray Dr Olukoya Prayer Against Marine Witchraft Or Water Spirits against this particular enemy of the soul.

1 comment:

  1. Prayer and the Word of God - two of the most powerful weapons that we have on earth.
