Monday, August 31, 2020



Testimony of the former Mexican actor Pedro Romero, known in Mexico as "Pistachon ZigZag."

Pedro became involved in the entertainment industry, which led to occultism and demonic priesthood. Like the American John Todd, Pedro also disappeared without a trace. He is believed to have been assassinated by the same satanic sect to which he had belonged in the past. Also, like John Todd, critics tried to discredit him, calling him a liar and a psychopath; but liars and psychopaths do not have well-documented inside information, confirmed and verified by other Satanists who are now Christians. What Pedro reveals in this multi-part testimony is the absolute truth about the Mexican entertainment industry and the Catholic Church, where they are all about occultism and Satanism. It is no different in America and other parts of the world. This series is transcribed and translated from the videos made by Pedro Romero.


I am very grateful to God: He saved me from the darkness in His wonderful light and as the Word of God says in Colossians 1:13 For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son He loves.

I spent many years in the entertainment industry and at that time I was introduced by an artiste (a star) to a satanic cult, of which I was a part for ten years of my life. I reached the level where I was to become a satanic priest, but now I am a priest of Him that is King of kings, and Lord of lords. As it is written in Daniel 4:2, to whom will you declare the signs and wonders that the Most High has wrought toward me? This is so that our Lord Jesus Christ may be exalted and glorified.

Two thousand years ago, when Jesus was walking through Jerusalem, we see that He came to destroy the works of the devil. We can see from the Bible that He said He did not come to condemn, but to seek and save that which was lost. 

He came to destroy the works of the devil, to free the prisoners, and to cure every disease of the devil. That Jesus of two thousand years ago is the same Jesus of these times.

So now, this morning, I will show you the signs and wonders that the Lord has done in my life. I didn't come to tell you a horror novel, no horror story. I came here to tell you about the signs and wonders the Lord has done in my life.

Many believe that an artiste's life consists of playing or singing; many imagine that an artiste enjoys happiness. But let me tell you what an old proverb says: what is under the blue waters? 

The Bible shows us that man is spirit, mind, and body. But man is spiritually dead if he does not have Christ as his Savior. And these kinds of people are turning to alcoholism, drug addiction and prostitution. 

And many of them end up being members of satanic sects, as was the case with me. 

Do we see the truth? God sent His Son Jesus Christ into this world to redeem and save us at the cost of His precious and blessed blood. 

In the past I had the opportunity to be part of the entertainment industry with the help of a friend who was an actress and singer, named Rebecca Vivar, the sister of brother Edgar Vivar, who for many years was part of the distribution of the television series Chesperito. 

Later I joined the National Actors Association and there I met businessmen and started traveling to many places. I signed up to study at CART (Center for Artistic Radio, Theater and Television). I took lessons on personality, acting, dancing and many other things necessary in my profession. 

Then I started touring and since then the offers for theater have started, together with actors like Ignado Lopez Tarso, Rafael Inclan and Enrique Guzman. And I remember that on one occasion, a caravan of actors went to Guajaca, and among us were Carmen Salinas, Ana Gabriel, Johnny Laboriel and Ricardo Cheralto, who later became a Christian along with other actors in a tent for comedians. 

When we got to that place in Guajaca we stayed at a hotel, and a few days later we went on a city tour to see what was traditional in that place and what kind of city it was. 

Then some people approached us with the Bible in hand, with the Word of God, and began to tell us that God loves us. 

I looked at them in astonishment and told them that I did not know them, nor did I know who they were. But they told us that there was nothing wrong with that and that we were invited to a meeting to hear what was being said, a message from God to us and our lives. Some agreed to go, others did not. 

Carmen Salinas and I were among those who agreed to go. When we got to the church there, we sat right in the back. And there I made jokes, I made funny actions and from time to time I paid attention to the one in front, preaching. 

His message said, “You are tormented, do you have problems? Jesus is the solution.” 

At the end of the sermon, we were invited to go forward to receive Christ as our Lord and Savior. And I kept telling Carmen Salinas, "Let's go ahead so that they can leave us alone and we can leave this place." 

But at that time I said it with mere words. We went forward and made a decision only with our lips, not from the heart, but the seed that is the Word of God had already been planted in our hearts. 

Then I went back to the Federal District, and after that, I started interviewing in famous magazines, radio interviews with Juan Calderon, TV appearances with shows like "Night with the Stars," late night music shows, and I started telling stories in photos.

I began to enter the world of the entertainment industry. I became an arrogant, proud, self-centered man to the point where I felt greater than my mother, as well as my brothers, by always criticizing and judging them because I felt I was already in a different social atmosphere at another level. But now I know that this is a corrupt society, full of bitterness, pain, and betrayal.

I had peace only as long as I met other famous people and other stars: and I remember that then I started to do impersonations in clubs of famous people like Leonardo Roso, Capulina, Paquita La Del Barrio, Amanda Miguel, Rocio Dulcan, and many other personalities. And I saw how people enjoyed my shows and impersonations but I was saying to myself, "How come they can be happy, but I can't?" 

The entertainment industry offered me many things I had never had before, but it did not give me the peace I was looking for in my life and soul. 

At that time, friends started telling me, "Take this, inject that, smoke this, and every time you do it you won't feel bad when you play in the show." 

Then I got into the realm of drug and alcohol addiction. When I returned home drugged and intoxicated, my mother warned me not to destroy myself. 

I would tell my mother, "You live your life and let me live mine in peace." 

And I spent months away from home, and there were days when I went here and there and everywhere. 

I remember that whenever I wasn't called by Televisa to do a radio or television program - the occult had always attracted me, everything to do with the occult and horror, everything to do with witchcraft - I used to go to video centers and rent a lot of horror movies like "Awakening the Devil", "Chucky", "Nightmare on Elm Street." 

The time came when I no longer felt any fear about those movies, and they didn't cause me to panic anymore. So I started saying to myself, "I need someone to bring me something stronger because I'm a person with strong emotions." 

During the night I could not sleep, I began to hear voices, to see shadows. 

And I was thinking, “Probably someone cast spells on me. I will go ahead and consult a spiritualist medium to help me with this issue. ” 

But instead of helping me, my problems and fears grew. And it really cleaned me up, that is, the money in my pocket. 

So the problem continued to be even greater, because I now know, through God's blessed Word, that the devil came to kill, steal, and destroy. But Jesus came to give His life and give it in abundance. Because that is why Jesus, the Son of God came to destroy each of the devil's works. 

After that I started reading books on metaphysics, dianetics [(from Greek dia, meaning "through", and nous, meaning "mind") is a set of ideas and practices regarding the metaphysical relationship between the mind and body created by science fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard.], hypnosis, magic and many other philosophies, trying to fill the void I felt in my heart. 

One day I arrived at a mall where I saw an ad about the ouija board. 

Then I said to myself, "I'm going to go ahead and try it. I will consult her to see if it is true that she has powers and if she can communicate with beings from beyond."

The Bible says in Ephesians 4:27 not to make room for the devil, and I made room for him reading that kind of literature, playing with the ouija table, watching that kind of movie. I began to fear during the night; I could feel something jumping on me. 

I said to myself, "It must be the spirit of the dead person who is here now." 

I went to the traditional church to confess, to tell the priest what was happening to me at night, and he sent me to say a number of prayers, "Our Father" and "Hail Mary," after which he said, "Come back and I will give you the solution. ” 

When I returned, he told me what I had to do, I was given holy water and I sprinkled it all over the room, after which I called into existence the eleven thousand virgins and many thousands of saints as well, but no one came to help me. 

And the thing that jumped on me went into me. I began to show personality changes. I felt a supernatural force; I felt that my spirit wanted to leave my body and I was scared. 

My spirit began to do astral projection to the point where I was able to make my spirit float around the room and see my body lying there. Once, I left the room and when I returned to enter the body, it took me more than an hour to do so. 

Because when I returned to occupy my body, it was already occupied with unclean spirits. I struggled to get back into my own body. I finally succeeded and I woke up sweaty and exhausted.

Then I told my closest friends what was happening to me during the night. 

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