Tuesday, September 1, 2020



They were telling me, "You have gifts, you have qualities, get ready. Look, we're giving you this person's address. Go and see her." 

I went to look for that person who was a fortune teller, a person who read tarot cards. And when that woman read my fortune, she said to me, “I see that you have a spirit in you that is very strong and ready. You can start learning the science of the occult.” 

I said to myself, "If it doesn't help anyone, it won't hurt." 

After that I did some research to find the best teachers. In my opinion, I found them in Catemaco, Veracruz, and went all the way there to prepare. When I got to that place, they gave me to read: the hand of the spiritist, about a certain spiritist, the book of hell, the book of darkness, the bible of the year 2000, which is a bible for all wizards. And I started absorbing all those readings. 

From there I went to Tijuana, and there in Tijuana, they would teach me during a nine-day vigil. In that vigil, they taught me how to make people deaf, blind, dumb, paralyzed, and even how to take their lives if necessary. 

The person who taught me in that vigil said to me, “I see that you have the necessary attributes to learn the occult, continue to prepare, to study as an apprentice. I will give you a letter of recommendation for you to see a friend of mine from Rio De Janeiro, go and be prepared.”

I went to that person's address and saw a group of people. I asked them about that guy, and they said, "You have to get your serial number and wait in queue." 

Then I waited in line. When I reached a certain distance and saw that person, named Jose Arigo, a recognized spiritualist in Brazil, he began to signal in my direction

I looked around to see who he was calling, and he kept motioning for me to go to him, and when I went to where he was, he said, “Sit here next to me, because in a moment you will see what you wanted to see.” 

When I was about to take out the letter of recommendation, he said, "Don't even bother taking out your letter, because I know who you are and why you're here." 

That's when I started asking him questions. 

"Listen, how do you know what diseases these people have?"

And he said to me, "I work with a group of doctors. While they are there and examining the people, I am here and doing the operations." 

I looked around and saw nothing but people. Now I know, by the Word of God, that those who help witches, healers, and sorcerers are demons! They are unclean spirits, known as "protectors." 

Meanwhile, the man was about to have surgery on a young lady for a tumor on her head. His tools for the operation were a kitchen knife, a saw, a piece of gauze, tweezers, and a small piece of cotton. 

I said, "Listen, are you going to have surgery with these things?"

And he said, "Yes, they're my instruments." 

So he took that little piece of cotton and with some strange invocations and prayers, passed the piece of cotton through the woman's head, took the kitchen knife, cut her scalp, went into her brain, used tweezers, put the piece of cotton, and the woman's head healed. The only thing left was a line left on the woman's head. 

And he told me, "Very soon you will learn how to do this kind of operation because I will give you two abilities." 

At midnight we went to a deserted place, in a kind of forest, a jungle in the area. And at midnight I received the two capacities, in which two Indians from the Inca tribe were involved. One of them was Telepujau, and the other was Wolf Skin. I felt energy enter my body. 

After this ritual, I went back to the Federal District and actually, when I needed to do that kind of thing, I invoked the two "abilities," I felt the energy and I got rid of tumors from people, removing them without even seeing the person. 

And the time came when some nightclub stars asked me, "Listen, can you do something to make this work?" 

While the artiste was in front doing his number, I was behind the scenes doing a ritual. And things went well for him with the aid of the spirit guides and demons. 

The moment came when I started fortune-telling for my friends, and they came back to me and said, "Everything you told me turned out to be true." 

In those days I used to say, "God loves me so much that He gives me the gift of divination." But now I know, by the Word of God, that these are occult practices, and that God does not give the gift of divination because it is not a gift at all. 

Therefore, from that moment on, I began to delve deeper into the witchcraft books every day, more and more. 

When I was passing through Televisa Studios, I met an actress named Consuela Castro, with the stage name Irma Serrano. 

She said to me, "I was sent to you. I need you to do me a favor.” 

She could have done it herself, but she didn't, because she used it as bait to lure me into a satanic sect. I did the service for her. 

She came back a week later saying, “You know what, I'm very happy with the service you did for me. I want to invite you to where I'm going. I am a member of a satanic sect in the northern part of the satellite city. I am a satanic high priestess and I want to invite you to come with me.” 

I accepted the invitation, and she said, "It's a surprise. I will blindfold you. ” So she put a blindfold on me. I got in her car and I had no idea which way I was taken. 

When I first entered that satanic church, what I saw at the entrance was the enormous face of the angel of death, Mendes' goat. There were pentagrams there, they had the faces of a lot of demons. Dragon heads were on the floor. They even had images of Jesus, but being tormented in hell by the devil. Jesus was tormented by the devil and saying, "My Father, why have You forsaken Me?" 

I saw candles in many colors and went on to study the place. I saw the bodies of the missing children, their hands, eyes, feet, and hearts. We started to go further inside and saw an enormous concrete table that was held by two carved goats. And in the center of the table was a pentagram, a five-pointed star, and in each corner was the word "Satan." 

I saw a group of people gathered there - a young lady wearing a red tunic and a man wearing a white tunic, a satanic priest. They were going to initiate that young woman into Satanism. 

The satanic priest said to the young woman, "Undress, for if you do not do it, the power will not flow through you." 

The young woman undressed. They put her on the table, tied her hands and feet, forming a five-pointed star, a pentagram. They started dancing around the young woman and bringing goats, dogs, cats and slaughtering them. And they poured that blood over the young woman's body. 

I have been ten years in what I now know by the Word of God to be a sect and I have come to know that the devil is an imitator of what Jesus Christ does. 

In a sect, there are fasts, prayers, vigils, songs, dances, and Bible reading. But not of the Holy Bible, but of the satanic bible. Baptisms are performed, but not with water, but with blood. 

Then the young woman began to renounce the God of any religion, and then they gave her to swallow the head of a serpent and the heart of a newborn child, spreading blood all over her body. 

The high priest took her sexually and said, "Now you have truly become Satan's bride." 

The man put on his tunic again, headed for Irma Serano, towards me. They greeted each other in tongues I didn't understand.

He touched me on the shoulder and said, "And what are you waiting for to be ready?" 

And I said, "Why me?" 

And that man said to me, "Because you were chosen in advance because of your birthday." 

I was born on October 31, and in occultism, in satanism, October 31 is the day of satanism all over the earth, the birthday of satan. 

Then he said to me, "I will give you this book. Think about it, meditate on it, and prepare, for I see that you have the potential to learn the occult." 

After that, I left that place with that artiste. I continued to work in nightclubs, impersonate stars, and act in plays. 

And the time came when I couldn't sleep at all, and I felt something urging me and say, "Get up and take that book."

I got up and picked up the book. I opened it and it was called the Satanic Bible. I began to read it, and it painted everything in a very pleasant way and in a wonderful way, making me understand that the one who will reign in heaven should be Satan, not Jesus Christ. 

I became immersed day by day in what was written in that book, and hatred began to enter my life so that I could not bear to have people staring at me in the street. I started arguing with people. I didn't like anything. If I saw that someone was taking drugs, drinking, engaging in prostitution, fighting, when someone was shot, I would say, “It's good! I hope they all end up in hell. ” 

I went to Irma Serrano again and said, "I want to be initiated!" 

And the ritual they did for that young woman they did for me. To be initiated, I was baptized with the blood of newborns and animal blood. 

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