Wednesday, September 30, 2020



The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami (also known as the Boxing Day Tsunami) occurred on 26 December 2004.

A series of massive tsunami waves grew up to 30 m (100 ft) high once heading inland, after being created by the underwater seismic activity offshore. Communities along the surrounding coasts of the Indian Ocean were severely affected, and the tsunamis killed an estimated 227,898 people in 14 countries, making it one of the deadliest natural disasters in recorded history. The direct results caused major disruptions to living conditions and commerce in coastal provinces of surrounded countries, including Aceh, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Tamil Nadu, India and Khao Lak, Thailand. Banda Aceh reported the largest number of deaths. Wikipedia.

This story is the true and miraculous story behind the tsunami in Aceh with the testimony of 400 Christians that this story really happened.

The 2004 Aceh Tsunami Great Disaster is long gone, but no one will ever forget it. The tempest was as powerful as the Hiroshima Bomb in the history of this earth. People will never forget the Aceh Tsunami and will remember it as the greatest natural disaster of all modern times.

No one will forget how the TV stations broadcast gruesome videos: human corpses lying in the streets, on the sidewalks, in the fields, in the gutters, hanging from power poles, on trees, and other places. Reporters report live standing around a pile of scattered corpses, like piles of fish in a fish market.

But does anyone know the miracle behind this terrible event? Now is the time for that miracle to be widely disclosed, in order to become a great warning to the world, just as Noah's Ark was a reminder of God's wrath against mankind on that day.

I copied the following from my diary from 2005:

This morning I heard a thrilling story from my aunt. She is my mother's younger sister, who just arrived from Pekan Baru - Riau a few days ago to this city, to visit her son who is studying here. The story was so shocking that I got goosebumps hearing it and decided to write it down here. She told about an event that went unreported by the press, which was the beginning of the 2004 Aceh Tsunami disaster.

On December 24, 2004, a congregation of approximately 400 people in Meulaboh, Aceh Darussalam was gathering at the church building for Christmas preparations when suddenly they were approached by a large crowd with violent faces. They are citizens of the city, city elders, government officials, and the Sharia police. The crowd angrily gave the Christians an ultimatum not to celebrate Christmas.

But the pastor and the church congregation tried to defend themselves, more or less saying, “"Why sir? We only celebrate our religious holidays. We did not commit riots or crimes. Tomorrow's event is to praise and worship God, sir. Rest assured, we will not disturb anyone."

But the masses ignored them and said, "You can't, you can't! This is an Islamic country! You disbelievers must not pollute our city! Look, if we kill you, no one will defend you, you know!?”

But the Christians still tried to persuade the crowd. Then the vicious mob decided this, “You cannot celebrate Christmas in the city. If you celebrate here, you will know the consequences for yourself! But if you still want to celebrate Christmas, we allow you to celebrate it in the forest on the mountain there!!"

After such an ultimatum, the masses left. Then the pastor and the church congregation conferred on whether to cancel Christmas or go to the forest and celebrate there. Finally, they chose the second option. Then they went to the forest, in the mountainous region. Somewhere, they cleared the grass and the grove, tied plastic tarpaulin to the trees as a shade, then began laying out mats. The next day, December 25, 2004, the church congregation flocked to the forest to celebrate Christmas.

The Christmas celebration is really heartbreaking. They cried out loud to God, asking for His defense. Most of them decided to stay in the forest that night.

Then very early in the morning, when it was still dark, the pastor's wife woke up from sleep. She had a strange dream. She woke up her husband and the others.

In this dream the Lord Jesus came to her, comforting her by saying, "Be strong, My children. Don't cry anymore. It was not you that the people cast out, but Me! Every nation that drives Me and My name out of their land will not escape My fiery wrath. Get up and go to the city. Bring all your brothers who are left there to this place right now, for I will strike this land with My hand!”

Then they discussed the dream for a moment. Some people considered it an ordinary dream and consoled the mother by saying, "Never mind Mother, don't be sad anymore. Surely the dream arose because Mother was too sad.”

But some others believe that the dream is really God's message. Finally, they decided to act on the message as in that dream. Several people were assigned to the city that early in the morning to summon the families of the congregation who did not participate in the forest.

Around 7 to 8 in the morning, they were all back in the mountains. They were shocked by the very terrible earthquake. Shortly thereafter, the Great Tsunami happened.

Now, the church pastor who survived has gone everywhere, witnessing this incredible story to churches all over Indonesia, including the church where my aunt worshiped, in Pekan Baru.

I don't know the truth of my aunt's story, because she is the only person who ever told me that story. That is why I first wrote it in this diary so that I would not forget it and so that when one day I have heard the same story from other people, then I will believe it and I will tell it to as many people as possible.

Brother in Jesus, some time ago, I remembered that note and then thought about surfing the Internet. Was there anyone else who heard the same testimony? If there is, it means that my aunt did not tell me a tall story, and it means that the incident really happened.

Then what did I find? I REALLY found it after painstakingly flipping through lots of sites.

That is why I publish this diary in this blog for you to publish more widely throughout the world. Let the whole world know that our Lord Jesus Christ is the only God and He is truly ALIVE!

Hallelujah !!
