Wednesday, September 30, 2020



Shalom my brothers!

God bless you all from Thiago Aparecida Silva, founder of the Time for Repentance and Holiness YouTube channel.

I am here to share my testimony of the 77-day campaign with the theme: The gates of hell will not prevail against the Church of Christ.

I want to tell my testimony. Yesterday on the eleventh day of the campaign, we were praying around midnight crying a lot in the presence of God. The Lord Jesus allowed me to cry until I felt the presence of God.

I made a request of God. I said (it's even recorded), “I make a request of You. If Your servant Kenzo Atsushi exists, pour Your Spirit on us.”

My brothers when I cried, when I asked about the servant of the Lord, Brother Kenzo, I had a vision, that is, a revelation from God. I had my eyes closed and then I could perfectly see a man in white, a man dressed in a white robe, with white hair that looked 45 to 50 years old but he didn't have a lot of wrinkles.

I said, “Lord, who is this man?” I suspected it was Kenzo but I wanted confirmation from God and the Lord spoke in my heart saying, “This is My servant Kenzo.”

It was great when I had this revelation. My brothers, when we had a revelation of this dimension, we were amazed and I said, “Lord, please confirm the vision.”

A sister in the channel sent a comment saying, “I was praying asking God for confirmation if Pastor Kenzo's testimony was real because there are many people on the Internet defaming Pastor Kenzo. Now I speak that Pastor Kenzo is real because I saw him today. I already believed he existed. Satan cannot preach against holy doctrine. Satan cannot be giving signs to people to sanctify themselves and to seek God and grow in the spirit world.”

After I started to read Pastor Kenzo’s testimonies, my spiritual vision became active. I can now see the spirit world until I see demons. Pastor Kenzo's testimony is real. I was built up by his testimonies and I continue to grow by the knowledge he imparted. May God bless you all in the name of Jesus amen.

Thank God, I had this spiritual revelation through this campaign. My brothers, join us in this campaign with us that starts every day from approximately 11:20 am until midnight. We are already live on the YouTube channel for the glory of God. So my brothers enter there to participate in this complete campaign.

Pastor Kenzo Atsushi exists and he is real. Amen. God bless you all. Everyone, remain in the peace of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. God bless. This is my testimony in the campaign for the glory of God. Be blessed and remain in the peace of the Lord.

This post was translated from the Portuguese video with help from Mayembe Bartolomeu of Angola

NEXT: Ronald Musona Of Brazil Clarification About Pastor Pastor Kenzo And Pastor Robert Atsushi


  1. Problem is Kenzo said Solomon is in Heaven, and Aston Adam said he's not. Who is right?

    1. Kenzo is right in Jesus Christ Name!!!!

    2. May the Holy Spirit shed more light on this nagging question, in Jesus' Name, Amen.
      Since Ashton Mbaya is still alive, can someone please (maybe Chong) Facebook him to double-check.

    3. This is a good point. We I will try to findout

    4. For the glory of GodOctober 3, 2020 at 11:37 AM

      Yeah, it indeed would be good to be able to get confirmation about Aston's claims. His testimony is ample and revealing and I didn't felt there was reason to doubt it but his chamber of alcoholics testimony truly baffled me because it is contrary to everything I know and have studied the Word says about alcohol. It even states simply touching a recipient with it (no matter if you drink it or not) is a damnable sin. So if God graciously provides you an answer about him (and perhaps some clarification on this issue) many of us will appreciate it.

    5. Aston Adam Mbaya's Facebook profile is here
      He is French speaking. You may wish to clarify with him on any point of his testimony. I withheld some of his testimonies from this blog in view of some aspects, similar to what has been expressed in the comment above by "For the glory of God."

    6. Evangelist JohnsonMarch 30, 2021 at 8:43 AM

      Bro Chong, why did you withold some of mboya's testimonies? If they're not in agreement with the bible then it is all false. No use uploading any part of it in the first place. Initially i was agreeing with his revelations until i discovered errors and incongruous teachings in his experience. Then I stopped reading it altogether.
      If a rapture testimony is not based on sound biblical Christian doctrine then you don't need to upload it at all. Not even a portion of it, however edifying the story outline may sound. Can be misleading especially for weak believers who are not skilled in using scriptures to search out things.
      Should Solomon generate debate about his eternity?
      Shouldn't they work out their own salvation with much fear and trembling?
      Isn't it obvious that contradictions, deceptions, cover-ups and lies are the intellectual property of Satan to confuse believers especially in prophecies, visions and rapture experiences.
      We are in end times!
      Christians be alert!!

  2. Такого человека как Кензо нет и не было, фиктивная личность, подделка и ложь!

  3. @Chong Joshua
    @Those doubting their existence

    Brother Joshua

    Last year (2020) between July & september I forgot to tell you something.

    After I had read (& shared on my fb wall) the testimonies of Kenzo and Robert,
    From your site, spiritreports,

    Something happened and I forgot to tell you.

    Around midnight,
    My Sister Faith had a vision of Heaven
    And in the middle of it,

    Jesus permitted Kenzo Atsushi (The Dead Japanese Pastor)
    To pass a message to me
    Unfortunately she didnt get the message for the vision was cut short.

    It was all my fault.

    Because I woke her up.

    The thing is,
    In the past I had the habit of waking my sister up between 11pm and 3am
    Whenever i was awake for prayers.

    On this particular day,
    I did the same and ended up cutting the vision off.

    In the vision
    Kenzo Atsushi only started saying

    "Tell Pililani that ------"

    That's the moment I disturbed my sister to wake her up for midnight prayers.

    The vision was cut short.

    This is what happened.

    To those who are doubting about the existence or testimonies of the Late Kenzo and his Son,

    It's time you believe that Kenzo Atsushi really existed.
    So is his son, Robert.

    The vision that my sister saw is another proof.

    #Kenzo kept himself off the internet under the orders from God
    So is his son.

    That's why it's hard to find anything about them on social media and the internet.

  4. Evangelist JohnsonMarch 30, 2021 at 8:11 AM

    Around midnight,
    My Sister Faith had a vision of Heaven
    And in the middle of it,

    Jesus permitted Kenzo Atsushi (The Dead Japanese Pastor)
    To pass a message to me
    Unfortunately she didnt get the message for the vision was cut short.

    Luke 16:20 is a clear teaching that the dead, whether in hell or in paradise are not allowed to communicate with the living. All rapture experiences bear witness to this verse. How come this Jesus is now permitting the dead kenzo atsushi to pass a message to the living?
    Bro Chong, see what I mean? Total mockery of the gospel!
    To what extent some people can forge testimony and disregarding scripture to make fiction reality!

    Kenzo kept himself off the internet under the orders from God
    So is his son.

    That's why it's hard to find anything about them on social media and the internet.

    Believe this and you will believe anything!

  5. Evangelist JohnsonMarch 30, 2021 at 8:12 AM

    Luke 16:20-31
