Wednesday, September 2, 2020


I then began to pay homage, worship, and service in those Satanic Temple facilities, and then I began to be apprenticed to Antonio Vasquez De Alba, who is a promoter of stars and politicians. Antonio Vasquez De Alba is a gentleman, who constantly appeared in the show called "And what is your opinion?" with Nino Canun. 

He is a tall gentleman with an enormous beard, who always spoke of the prophecies of Nostradamus. From that moment on, I started reading that textbook a lot. Day after day, the devil began to gain power over me. 

I continued to be an apprentice with Walter Mecado in the satanic glossolalia or language, in symbology, in graphology, and in the satanic praises and I began to specialize in all those occult matters. The more steps I advanced in that place, the more orders they gave me. 

They then gave me the commandments of the Satanic Bible, which said: “If you see that a person is suffering, make him suffer more! Don't feel compassion for that person. " Just as churches have the Word on their walls, so they have in their sects. And a phrase that has stuck in my mind for many years is, "Blessed are the strong, for they will inherit the earth, and the weak and the cowardly will not enter here." 

From that moment I saw how they selected the cutest girls, the most beautiful boys, sent them to mingle among the people at the parties, in the parks, to conquer the other girls and boys, and to invite them to the supposed parties. And those young people, when attracted to sects, ended up being kidnapped. Women ended up being tortured, ended up being raped, and if they got pregnant, they kept them alive because the baby would end up in a satanic ritual. 

They sent young people to hospitals to ask expectant mothers, "Ma'am, do you want me to read the astral map for your son or daughter so you know what the stars are preparing for their future?" 

When people gave their information, the young people would convey that information to the high priests. If they wanted that child to be born, they said, "Designate a guardian for that child." But if they did not want that child to be born, then they would say, "The child is deformed." 

And from that moment on, I began to realize that many businesses, such as Sonrics, Coca Cola, Walt Disney, Procter and Gamble, Bubalo, and many other businesses had satanic owners. 

Coca-Cola, years ago, had a pact with Satan, in which he said, “I will make you the number 1 business, the strongest on earth, but every two months, you have to give me 3 souls as a sacrifice,” and those 3 souls end up being sacrificed and bottled. And this was made public by Jacobo Zabludovsky many years ago, who claimed to have found fingers, traces of flesh, traces of clothing, in refreshments, and it continues to happen today. 

Sonrics is a business in which every October 31, large sums of money are paid to put razors, poison, marijuana, glass in candy. When those candies reached a lot of states in the republic or worldwide, so many children die from an overdose, others suffer cuts in their throats but the people wouldn't find out why. 

As I progressed there, I learned about a lot of things that were happening there. Long ago, Miguel de la Madrid Hurtado came to this sect, called the Order of the Black Sheep, to ask for help to win the presidency of the Mexican republic. 

[Miguel de la Madrid Hurtado was a Mexican politician affiliated with the Institutional Revolutionary Party who served as the 52nd President of Mexico from 1982 to 1988. Wikipedia.]

Stars such as Celia Cruz, Veronica Castro, Tatiana, Gloria Trevi, Lucia Mendez, Rocio Sanchez and many other states were members of satanic sects. 

I learned that Irma Serano and Ernesto Alonzo had a verbal outburst and said, "We have all the means of communication under our control." Many years ago, they introduced satanic soap operas such as "The Curse," "Black and White," "The Return of Diana Salazar," soap operas produced by a satanic high priest. So they were happy because they had control over all the media. 

I also began to realize that many scenes in the movies were actually rituals that took place. A satanic devotee said, "I can enter your house without even asking your permission." Through a toy, through a cartoon, through a soap opera, through a song, that's how they enter people's homes subtly. And people don't understand a lot of things that happen in their homes like children's rebellion and stagnation, quarrels and divorces, sicknesses, and death among other things. 

I also realize that in the Catholic Church, many who serve as Catholic priests during the day are satanic priests at night. 

Pope John Paul II, a 33rd-degree mason, belonged to the Black Brotherhood and the Satanic Church of Anton LaVey. If we see degrees 33 and add 3 + 3, it gives us 6, which is the number of the beast. 

And we see that this gentleman, many years ago came to Mexico. He got off the plane and the first thing he did was kiss the earth - in consecration to Satan. But before he left, he said, “Mexico, always faithful.” But as he said those words, he flashed the two fingers sign (the forefinger and last finger). This is not a sign of love and peace, but a sign of victory, V for victory, and we see how the image of a demon's face is formed here. We see that it is the representation of the goat of Mendes, and many artistes, many politicians make this kind of greetings. Well, these are the greetings of members of satanic sects to each other. 

["The goat of Mendes was a temple goat utilized in an ancient cult in the city of Mendes, Egypt. Supposedly, the goat copulated with priestesses in certain religious ceremonies.

"The cult was known for its bestiality (and may have even been practiced) at the inception of Christianity during the reign of the Roman Empire. The practices of the Mendes cult inspired the Christian association of goats with Satan and paganism in general. This idea was especially strong during the Middle Ages but persists in modern times.

"The pentagram, a symbol utilized by pagans and Satanists alike, is also sometimes referred to as the goat of Mendes or goat head of Mendes as a result of this association." Wikipedia.]

Catholics refer the upside-down cross as St.Peter’s cross because he was crucified upside down. But Satanists use the upside-down cross to mean the defeat and rebellion against our Lord Jesus Christ. When a person does so, he recognizes the beast and makes the sign of the satanic trinity (connecting the thumb and index into a circle, and holding the other fingers straight as a 666 sign) as a sign of rebellion against Jesus Christ. 

When Catholic priests intone prayers in Latin, they consecrate people to Satan. The ashes imposed on the foreheads of the faithful on Ash Wednesday is an initiation into Satanism. At midnight, Satanist priests bring animals for sacrifice in bloodshed rituals and say, “Let us consecrate all these people who have come for the imposition of the ashes.” And at midnight all those people who came for Ash Wednesday services are consecrated to Satan. 

I was given a satanic calendar. From January 1 to December 31, Satanists had festivities throughout the year. 

May 1st to Satanists is not Labor Day but a day of satanic gatherings. Christians celebrate the Good Friday Passion in remembrance of the death of Jesus but Satanists celebrate the defeat of Jesus Christ on this day. The Satanic sects kidnap in advance a person with a physiognomy more or less like that of Jesus, 33 years old, and that person is sacrificed and tortured during their rituals

The satanic calendar mark the dates of their activities, like orgies, human sacrifices, animal sacrifices, curses by wizards. In that calendar the strongest dates were October 31, December 12, December 24 and February 2, the Feast of Lights. 

The Satanists enters the whole month of September in fasting and prayer and when October 4 comes, they perform a worldwide ritual to curse the body of Christ (all Christian churches). In the Catholic Church, October 4 is the Feast of St Francis of Assisi but to Satanists, their “St Francis of Assisi” is the demon of strife and division in churches. 

When October 15 and 20 come, they begin to prepare a feast for Samhain, the god of the dead. 

1 comment:

  1. Could you please post the rest of the testimony today itself??
