Wednesday, September 16, 2020




On the fifth day of this seven days of fasting and prayer, I saw the radiant angels coming to me. They came with the chief Angel Gabriel. When they came, the angel Gabriel introduced himself to me and told me, “These angels will teach you different ways of prayer.”

These angels taught me how to ask something from God and how to keep away from defilement and stain in this world. They talked to me about the items that I bought when I was in prostitution. They made it clear that I was supposed to throw them away because of the circumstance where I bought them and then use them.

On this fifth day of fasting and prayer, they taught me many things. The angels of the Lord explained to me that every hour of the day is allocated to an angel of God. They explained to me when to pray. They told me when it is five in the morning, the Lord sent His angels to descend to the earth, with blessings from heaven for the saints, for every day the Lord comes to bless His children around the world through these angels.

Upon hearing this, I built a custom of waking up at 4am for prayer in anticipation of the blessing of the Lord. Likewise, when it is about 5am, the devil is active in order to stop many saints from getting their blessing and package from God. And there is a deep sleep in that hour of the day, making it difficult for the saint to rise at 5am.

In order to pray, my brother and sister, learn to wake up early for prayer. Every day I wake up at four expecting the blessing at five. Actually many saints come under attack by spiritual husbands and wives precisely at 5am in the morning, for this is the time where the angels bring the package at the house of God's children.

Spiritual husbands and wives come in this time of the day in order to steal the many blessing of God's children in this hour of the day.

Every time it is 11:30 in the night, I pray in anticipation of midnight when the kingdom of the enemy moves in action.

On that day when I began to pray at midnight, in the presence of the angels of the Lord, they were giving me one prayer subject after another, and the angel will encourage me to pray up to 6am.

On that day, I prayed from midnight to 6am in the presence of the angels who came to teach me about prayer.

I said, “Lord, serving You is tough. Had I known that being Your servant will require these sacrifices, I would not have accepted this.”

The angels said, “We are training you so that you can have a strong route where everybody will come to get fruit. You must be able to stand in prayer for two hours non-stop and beyond. So you're going to receive the training for it is imperative.”

On the sixth day of this fasting and prayer, the Lord came again to visit me. The Lord was coming to me anytime and in many ways. I noticed that the Lord was coming to me usually from three to 6pm. It seems that these were also strategic times of prayer.

On that day, I was praying with my eyes shut. And on that day I experienced the Lion of Judah, for the Lord came in His glory in the shape of a lion while I was in prayer. Since it was the first time for me to see the lion, I was in shock.

The Lord told me, “Fear not. You shall see Me in many ways and many shapes but fear not. I have come to open your spiritual vision. Your eyes must be open so that you can understand the vision.”

When the Lord came on that day, He asked me to pray thanksgiving prayer. Immediately I began to praise the Lord thanking Him for His goodness. Then the Lord asked to sing for Him a song of worship. Given that I sing brother Alain Moloto’s songs three times a day, I began to sing brother Alain Moloto’s song, and I worshiped the Lord with that song, for there is anointing in that song.

I was in worship when something happened. Whenever I wanted to open my eyes, I saw that my spiritual sight remain closed. When the Lord touched my eyes, I was able to see spiritually and I saw His hair that was whiter than snow. It was awesome beyond anything. Then, my brother, I saw a lion. And when I wanted to shout because of fear, the Lord told me, “Fear not.”

The Lord said, “People will call you many names, but do not accept to be called God because I am God.”

Then the Lord began to open my spiritual eyes. Brother, as soon as my eyes were open, I saw the spirit world and I began to shout, because of the things I saw. Had I knew the gravity of the unseen world, I would have told the Lord not to open my spiritual eyes. But whenever I shouted, the Lord would say, “Don't shout.”

The Lord wanted to remove fear in me for I would be seeing all kinds of spirits that walked the earth.

Beloved, when my spiritual vision was opened, I saw that even trees were moving like in a movie yet in the physical world trees are immovable.

When I was walking the street I saw around the boulevard, figures and characters that were launching arrows against buses and cars in order to cause traffic accidents. These were demons of accidents.

I saw that in the boulevard, they were cars that were demonic birds. They were cars that were snakes. There were cars that were coffins. There were cars that were beasts.

When my vision was opened, I saw the branches of trees turned to creatures and strange organisms that you cannot understand. I even saw a building moving in the spirit world.

I said, "Lord, this is frightening. I will not be able to bear this. We must stop this.”

I spent four hours shouting because of the gruesome things I saw. In the streets, I saw people walking with feet up and heads down. In truth, the Lord wants His servant to see but failure to dedicate and consecrate in prayer, including sinful life, enable the enemy to shut down the spiritual vision of God's servants.

I was with the Lord in my house. When I looked at the window of my house, to my surprise, I saw that it became two.

I said, "Lord, why has the window become two?”

The Lord said, “It's because you now have eyes to see. The second window that you see is a spiritual window. It is a doorway through which unclean spirits and witches can enter.”

The Lord said, "Now close that spiritual window.”

I said, "Lord, how can I close it?”

The Lord said, "Tell the window, 'In the name of Jesus Christ, be closed.'”

I said, "In the name of Jesus Christ, I command this window to close.”

Immediately I saw the spiritual window closing. On that day, I discovered that in every house, there are two windows and two doors, the physical and the spiritual, that we have to learn to close to prevent the enemy from entering.

The Lord taught me that every man and woman walking the street have bags with them, where they keep blessings, and He taught me how to keep our blessing for the devil has stolen bags of men and women who have fallen in hardship.

Since my vision was opened by the Lord, whenever I enter a place, I would be looking at people in the face. God’s children have the name of Jesus on their forehead. Others have stars on their foreheads. Others have grace. I saw one child of God who had an issue with drinking but he had two Angels on his left and right.

When I began to stand on the pulpit, the spiritual vision would be open, and I would start to see people’s lives. The Lord educated me not to speak out people’s personal secrets of their lives in the public.

He told me, “If you do that, you will kill a lot of people. Marriages will be broken. Pastors will separate from their collaborators. You got to have self-control.”

The Lord said, "Since your eyes are opened, when you go somewhere and you see something, you must find a way to tell people wisely.”

Therefore, l have learned to speak to people about their lives wisely. I learned to deal with sensitive information and people’s personal lives and how to tell them.

The Lord said, "When you enter a house, and you notice that there is no divine protection, you tell the angel Gabriel to send angels of protection. There are Angels of protection. They have whips in their hands and they stand in the four corners of the house. Every house of God's children has a pillar of light that is turning around, and there is a cross before the door.”

Brother, I remember when I delivered my baby, he had both of his eyes in good condition. But over time, one eye became damaged.

The Lord told me in the sixth day of fasting and prayer, “Now look at the eye of your son that is damaged and touch it.”

I said, “How?”

The Lord said, “Touch his eyes with your hand. You heard about divine healing, you will see it now.”

When I touched the eye of my son that was damaged, the Lord said, "Now speak words.”

On that day I laid my hand on my son and I said a few words. As a result, he was healed instantly. And I was shaken by this instant and tremendous healing. I remember in the past, I used to place the powder on his forehead because of the way he was making effort in order to try to see with his damaged eye but the instant healing was beyond belief.

From that day onwards, when I pray for someone's healing, brother, I only say two words. I don't say more than two words. Just two words are enough, the person will be healed. I don't need to make effort.

Therefore sinful life must be avoided. If I were living in sin, this would not happen for my battle and conflict with the Lord revolve around sin. Sin creates tension between me and the Lord. Sin is stopping men of God from experiencing glory. Sin stops the gift of the Spirit and the promise of God. Sin will stop God’s glory in your ministry.

Because of my intimacy and close friendship with the Lord, I have a word to say about the future of Congo because I have a covenant with the Lord. In that night, after opening my vision, the Lord began to show me how to pray for the sick.

He told me, “You will not pray for all the sick the same way. There are sicknesses that you have to name and command to leave. Do like Me and do like My disciples in the Bible, for I was calling things by their names. When Lazarus was dead, I lifted My voice and I said, ‘Lazarus come out.’ He was dead. But I called him by his name. You're going to call some sicknesses by their names and order them out.”

Brother, whenever I pray for people’s deliverance, I don't sweat like others. You can shout as much as you want in order to cast out the devil, but I don't shout and I don't sweat. I say two words and cast out the demon.

The Lord said, "When pastor Alexander touched people and say the word, things happen. He was not making efforts. He just spoke.”

The Lord kept mentioning pastor Alexander when the Lord was teaching me about healing. I saw before us images of all kinds of people with all kinds of sickness. He explained to me how to pray for them. Then He asked me to pray for them. I would spend all night praying for the sick before the Lord who was teaching me.

I said, "Lord, this is too much. I am tired.”

The Lord said, "I know why I am teaching you this. Did you read the way My disciples Peter and John dealt with the paralytic before the temple? Acts 3:1-7 Now Peter and John went up together into the temple at the hour of prayer, being the ninth hour. 2 And a certain man lame from his mother’s womb was carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called Beautiful, to ask alms of them that entered into the temple; 3 Who seeing Peter and John about to go into the temple asked an alms. 4 And Peter, fastening his eyes on him with John, said, Look on us. 5 And he gave heed to them, expecting to receive something of them. 6 Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have give I you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk. 7 And he took him by the right hand, and lifted him up: and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength.

On the sixth day of this fasting and prayer, the Lord continued to teach me divine healing. I sat by the side of the Lord in a simulation where people were coming before us. The Lord was teaching me in practice how to deliver prophecy and how to deliver the message and how to address people’s issues.

The Lord said, "When you are invited to a place, this is how you will pray in case of this and that issue. Don't ask for money for I will pay you. When people invite you, don't ask for anything, otherwise, I will withdraw My grace and My anointing.”

On the seventh day, I spent the day getting one teaching after another from the Lord. I will talk about that later. It was like graduation. I put on a new garment. There were many angels in our house and we worshiped the Lord for the angels know how to praise Him.

Continued in Part 5

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