Wednesday, February 24, 2021



My name is Antonio Souza and I had one rapture experience in the month of November 2018. I was a new convert and weak in faith. I was addicted to video games. Even after I have accepted Jesus one day I was playing Resident Evil. A terrible monster came out of the screen. I ran to my room in fear and one demon chased me and tormented me all night. I threw all my games away.

When I gave up my addictions, my wife started to give way to the devil, and she chased me because I was not working. I prayed to God to avoid her transfigured face. She was possessed and started cursing me with terrible bad words.

I invoked the blood of Jesus and rebuked that demon. My wife got dizzy and I held her to keep her from falling on the floor. I left her sitting on the couch because she was sick and that demon disappeared. My wife went back to normal and she asked me for forgiveness. That night I went to pray and the Lord revealed to me showing millions of demons causing family strife. The Lord said that these demons cause divisions within homes and put children against parents and wives against their husbands.

Jesus told me that these demons tried to cause division between me and my wife but the bondage was cut through prayer. These are demons that cause divorces, spirits that work inside the homes and make the children rebel against their parents.

Jesus told me that illicit things on the internet and television have attracted demons into the homes. The games along with these things have changed the behavior of families.

At night I closed my eyes and I was already in a dark and hot stinking place. I saw many politicians and Freemasons in Hell. The first famous person I saw in Hell was the Queen Victoria being burned. In the flames of Hell I saw Napoleon Bonaparte and queens from various parts of the world.


I saw demons working through cinema cartoons and other media. My favorite superhero was Batman. He introduced himself as the Dark Knight. This demon has won many souls to Hell and the majority are souls of young people. This demon is the leader behind the films and drawings of other superheroes. He is the one who commands the other demons to act through the drawings and films. This demon is idolized by many young people and children. I can guarantee that all the superheroes of Marvel and the Justice League are demons. They inspire their creators to make their caricatures. Many people think that superhero creators are intelligent for their creations and in fact, they were inspired by demons to create their images. The goal of these demons in bringing their caricatures to the real world is to become adored.

The theme of the superheroes who save the world is a way of imitating Jesus that saves people. I have always been a fan of Freddy Krueger's movies and I saw this terrible demon in Hell. He is the ripper. He causes nightmares in people leaving them disturbed. This demon is the same one in the movie and he has sharp claws that torture souls.

Many demon species are already famous in movies and cartoons. I saw the Donald Duck demon working inside the children's minds. This demon has the head and the duck foot and the child's body. I saw the Tweety who is a demon of childish homosexuality. I saw the Woodpecker demon that makes a child violent in rebellion. I saw the demon Tom that leaves the child troubled.

The principality who commands the areas of the cartoons and animated movies ordered these demons to destroy the children's childhood. I saw the demons working in the games area and this principality gave the order for the demons to inspire men to invent more games. In Hell there is a factory that produced a lot of games. This is the reason why many children are going to Hell. The demons do great work on Earth to destroy the children.

I saw an army of demons coming out of Hell and going up to the church. Pray because I saw thousands to demonstrate and fight against the church. 

I saw my brother in Hell who had been murdered five years ago. It all started when my brother got into trouble and his enemies swore to put him to death. He went to the center of macumba (witchcraft) and asked a macumbeira (a black magic practitioner) to protect his body against stabbings and bullets and he paid an amount to this woman. 

The Holy Spirit spoke through the mouth of a man of God who had a vision of a man in black on the roof of the car. He saw the demon of death. In the vision, this car followed my brother's motorcycle. This man of God alerted my brother but he said he had a protected body. When my brother took his bike to work, a black car trailed him as seen in the vision of the man of God. 

The boy in the car made several shots at the bike, hitting my brother. My brother was shot six times and fell off the bike. He died. He doubted the servant of God and preferred to believe in the prayers of the macumbeira that didn’t help.

When my brother saw me he said, “Mania, get me out of this place.”

I asked him, “Who killed you?”

I don’t know. What I remember was that I felt a bump in the head. After feeling the shock in the skull and a strong pain in the brain, I fell from the bike and my senses started to disappear. When I woke up, I was already in this place surrounded by fire and maggots but they enter inside me and they feed and the flames of fire devoured me. I can't take this anymore. I already paid for my sins. I just want to get out of this suffering even for a second to get rid of this place. Help me, Mania. Take me to mother please.”

A demon said, “I tricked you. I never covered your body with protection.”

That ripper demon with his sharp claws started tearing my brother's soul. Seeing this I started to cry and a supernatural force pulled me from that place through a dark tunnel. 


I found myself in front of a giant demon. He presented himself as the principality of theology that invents several biblical interpretations to confuse Christians.

He said, “I create several and different biblical commentaries. I produce books and Bibles of studies with different ideas. I inspire many theologians and created a variety of interpretation and so I form groups to defend a type of ideology and form other groups to defend other different ideas being so each have their truth one different concept from the others. These groups will not agree among themselves. Each defends its doctrine. We do opposing doctrines to put Christians in conflict. We cause divisions between them. We multiply more ideologies and fabricate more teachings.”

There are millions of demons there on Earth that work with me to produce more theological currents. We manufacture more adulterated Bibles with comments and more textbooks to leave many spiritually ill. Our teachings are created in dead churches. How many divisions are we causing inside the church? They discuss their theological views that are different. We created these theological differences to cause the divisions in the fervent prayer churches. When the hot and fervent churches teach our theology, we come and work within these churches.”

We even assume the services that were previously led by the Holy Spirit. We set the direction and preach false mysticism. We use prophecies, tongues, strange revelations and false visions. I will pour out a false spirit and activate false gifts. They believe that God is merciful and He will pour out His Spirit even if they are in sin. They will believe that they do not need to renounce the world to receive the power of God.”

That principality revealed all his works and took me to the place where Christians are in torment.

He said, “They are here for they trusted in their own human sciences and gave no more place to the Holy Spirit. They trusted their own biblical knowledge and gave no more place to the anointing of the Holy Spirit to teach them. They preferred to believe in their knowledge and not in the revelation of the Word inspired by the Holy Spirit. Our plan is working and we will continue making books and Bibles to be different to cause chaos and confusion. We are making teaching Bibles with comments to ask questions about holiness. We make evangelical books that question the Bible itself and say that God’s inspiration has doctrinal errors.”

We make books to teach more on blessing and business to forget the sanctity of the body. We teach how to carry earthly things to set aside the important things as commanded by God and so they will not denounce the little things in this world. The churches are dying spiritually in the very letter of the word. Our theology is killing many spiritually. We are changing the spiritual structures of the church. We are changing the minds of the people of the church by subtly infusing them with evil.”


A force pulled me and I was in a giant area of suffering souls. A giant demon presented itself to me as the principality of Mormons and that place was full of people that are under his power. All the Mormons and all the servants of Mormonism are going to be in that place. A force pulled me from that place and took me elsewhere.

That invisible force manifested itself in a being of light. He said he is an angel of God and was there guiding me. I was not alone in Hell. He was with me at the beginning but in invisible form. The angel took me to a place in very dark Hell lit only by reddish flames. The angel took me to several valleys where there are multitudes of people. Each valley was the size of an entire neighborhood bigger than in various places in Hell. There is no systematic classification of each sin. There are varying degrees of punishment and torture depending on the sin of each person. There were several compartments full of people suffering different tortures according to their sin. Whoever plow wickedness in the Earth will reap the fruits of the punishment of Hell.

Proverbs 22:8 He that soweth iniquity shall reap calamity: and the rod of his wrath shall fail.

What I perceive in Hell is that the wickedest people suffered worse punishments according to 2 Corinthians 9 6 and that I affirm, He who sows sparingly shall also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully shall also reap bountifully. 

I am not saying that people will not reap the evil in Hell if they can be good people or if they help their neighbor. No! If you die without Jesus, you are still going to Hell as salvation is not by works but by faith in Jesus. Salvation is a free gift that God granted to you to forgive your debt of sin. If the sinner refused the sacrifice of the absolution of Jesus to settle all the debts of the condemnation, he will have to pay for the sins himself in Hell.

The angel took me to places in Hell where I saw famous people. I saw TV presenter Hebe Camargo. The demons scoffed at her saying, “My slime!” She screamed in pain in panic of the demons that tormented her in the flames of Hell. She was just a gray skeleton.

[Hebe Maria Monteiro de Camargo was a Brazilian television host, singer and actress. She is considered the "Queen of Brazilian Television". She died at her home on September 29, 2012. Her net worth was over US$360 million. Wikipedia]

I saw President Getúlio Vargas being tormented. The face of this man was scared by the terror of that place.

[Getúlio Dornelles Vargas was a Brazilian lawyer and politician, who served as president of Brazil during two periods: the first was from 1930 to 1945, when he served as interim president from 1930 to 1934, constitutional president from 1934 to 1937, and dictator from 1937 to 1945. Wikipedia]

I will not talk about the torment of each famous celebrity and his reaction. I will summarize when talking about the famous because there were many who came to this place.

Chico Anysio in Hell along with Rogério Cardoso, Jorge Lafond, Shaolin Ronald Golias and Nair Bello. The actress Maz Manzan Cortez was there in Hell. The demons make an atrocities with them and quartered their bodies

The demons said to them, “Let us hear our clowns,” and tormented them with fire and said, “It contains your jokes forever.”

[Chico Anysio was a Brazilian actor, comedian, writer and composer. Rogério Cardoso Furtado was a Brazilian actor, comedian and composer. Jorge Lafond was an actor, comedian, dancer and drag queen. Shaolin Ronald Golias was a comedian. Nair Bello Sousa Francisco was a Brazilian actress and comedian.]

The singers that I saw in Hell were Jesusa Raul Seixas Renato Russo Chorão João Paulo Leandro Jerry Adriani Mc Daleste Clara Nunes And Cassia Eller. They all sang to the demons under torment and fire torture. I also saw the music producer Miranda in Hell.

I saw the singer and player known as the King of Baião Luiz Gonzaga who besides being obliged to sing had to play accordion until his fingers fell. The demons told him not to stop playing.

I saw two actors offered to key demons. Actress Daniella Perez was offered to the old black demon and the actor Domingos Montagner was offered to queen Iemanjá who took his soul to Hell through the waters. This entity received offerings in the Rio De San Francisco and received the strength to pull the legs of swimmers down to the bottom of the river.

[Iemanjá, goddess (or orixá) of the sea, is a central deity in the Candomblé religion. She often is depicted as a mermaid and is always dressed in either white or blue.]

I saw Daniella Perez and Domingo Montanha in Hell suffering. All the actors of the Globe Network when they die they will come to this place because of their pacts to sell their souls to the demons of the television media and soap operas for money and fame.

[Daniella Perez was a Brazilian actress and dancer. She was murdered with eighteen dagger blows during the production of her third novel. Domingos Montagner was an actor, playwright, clown, businessman and theater producer in Brazil.]

I continued walking in Hell and I saw several glass boxes of Hell. Inside each box a doll was stuck. Each doll is like a person on Earth. I saw a bishop's doll Edir Macedo stuck in the glass. I saw a doll by Valdomiro Santiago and Agenor Duque.

[Edir Macedo Bezerra is a Brazilian evangelical bishop, writer, billionaire businessman, and the founder of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God. Wikipedia

Valdemiro Santiago is a Brazilian evangelical pastor and leader of the Universal Church of God's Power. Graduated from the Order of Evangelical Theologians from Latin America, he has been an evangelical minister for more than 30 years. Santiago was allegedly expelled from the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God. Wikipedia

Agenor Duque and his wife, Ingrid Duque founded the Apostolic Church Fullness of God's Throne, a Neo-charismatic denomination in Brazil in 2006.]

The angel told me, “They are in spiritual prisons for living in another gospel. As long as they are inside these boxes they will not be saved.”

I asked the angel, “What would happen if one of these men converted?”

The angel said, “The glass box breaks and the dolls representing their caricatures disappear representing that they have found their freedoms. Currently, they are not free from spiritual prisons. They are manipulated by the forces of darkness that deceived them.”

He continued, “All churches imitating the doctrines of these ministries are held captive in the world of darkness.”

I wanted to see the other boxes glass to know who are the other people trapped in them. The angel did not allow that and took me to another place.

And there I saw small coffins and inside each coffin a plaque with the name of the church and I saw the names of six churches inside. Among them are the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God, the Universal Church of God's Power, International Grace of God Church, Apostolic Church Fullness of God's Throne, And Reborn in Christ Church.

The angel said that these churches are in abominations.

The angel said that the coffins represent that their doctrines are wounded and dying in front of God like a decaying corpse.

I saw several coffins but the angel did not allow me to see them. He said that the churches that imitate the doctrine of these ministries will be figured in Hell with the names of their churches.

From there an angel brought me to Earth to avoid those churches. We are stepping on the minefield. We have to watch to not lose our salvation. These were the revelations that were revealed to me.

God bless the church with the peace of Jesus and the blessings of the Spirit of God. Amen.

Translated from Antonio Souza video.


  1. I would like to understand what he means by "We manufacture more adulterated Bibles with comments." What does someone do if they have such a Bible?

    1. Get an original King James Bible

    2. Adulterate means CORRUPT..

      So in the actual fact of this demon, he means that the original Bibles words were twisted around in some Bible verses so to make the meaning weak & lite..

      KJV bible remain number 1 .. This other translations bibles have corrupted verses..
      Grab a KJV & a GOOD NEWS bible (or othe bibles) & often read what you read & refer to the GN bible from KJV ul see the wickedness of this demons..

    3. The King James Bible

      1) The King James matches the Ancient Dead Sea Scrolls that were found hidden in the caves of Qumran in 1947. They are the Ancient preserved manuscripts.

      2) All Bible revisions today are copyrighted ©️. The only way you can copyright the word of God is if you change it enough. You can find uncopyrighted Bibles at the Dollar Store in the U.S.A.

      3) Who better to put together the Word of God than a KING who understands kingdom terms and royal protocol? The Word of God has always been a Kingdom message. "For thine is the KINGDOM, the power, and the Glory". "SEEK YE FIRST THE KINGDOM OF GOD...".

      4) The King James Bible is complete. All other revisions are corrupt. For example, today, all the Bible revisions like NIV and the NASB come from the Sinaiticus and Vaticanus Codices. In the New American Standard Bible, Romans 13:9 is missing: "Thou shalt not bear false witness". The NIV itself has 64,576 fewer words than the King James. The people responsible for these revisions were occultists Hort and Wescott.

      5) The King James is based on the Textus Receptus manuscript which dates back to the 1st century. This is proven by 1st century Christians who quoted the Textus Receptus, such as Polycarp. Polycarp was a direct convert of John when he came off of the Island of Patmos (the one who wrote Revelation); as well as Irenaeus and Ignatius of Antioch. These men had nothing to do with Catholicism, because Catholicism started after the 3rd century with Constantine at the council of Nicea. Catholics just decided to "canonize" them and called them the early "church fathers". Remember, the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch (Acts 11:26), not Catholic.
      Anyway, the Textus Receptus was translated by 47 leading Bible scholars who had an understanding of Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Syriac, and Aramaic. They followed strict instructions to never interpret the text, they could only note alternative words in the margins.
      The Catholic Bible is based off of the Codex Sinaiticus and Codex Vaticanus manuscripts, dated in the 4th century. The Codex Sinaiticus was heavily tampered with. Corrections were written twice over crossed out sentences. It was so unreliable and corrupted that it was thrown away and found in a waste basket in 1844. Those manuscripts were missing a lot of scripture and they added apocrypha writings that were written 200 years after the original gospels were written.

      7) The King James Bible is the one the demons wanted me to toss in the garbage when I was in the New Age movement. There is a testimony of a woman I saw a long time ago who was a Buddhist. When she became a born again Christian, she asked God which Bible should she read and the Lord told her "The King James Bible". If you are supposed to read William Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" in its true form in school, why can't you do the same for the Word of God?


      "I saw a hand appear in the mirror. This handheld by three of his fingers a little book. The servants' spirits who helped me in this operation asked each other, "This hand is it that of the person we expect or the owner of the book? The little book in question was a New Testament. It was the Louis Segond Version, the classic French equivalent of the English King James Version.

      When the servants' spirits noticed that the little book was a New Testament, they all fled, saying that the owner of this book was still in his Word."-LISUNGI MBULA OF DR CONGO 4,
