Thursday, February 25, 2021



The Spirit of the Lord woke me up early one morning with a tremendous unction to pray. I went out into our little front room of the parsonage and began to pray in English and in the Spirit. Before I knew it, I was completely lost in the Holy Ghost. When I say lost in the Holy Ghost I mean whether in the flesh or out of the flesh I do not know. Without realizing it I had entered into a place where time did not exist for me.

I was praying in the power of the Holy Ghost in the presence of God’s glory. When God’s glory finally lifted off of me, it seemed as if I had prayed for a very brief time. I looked at my watch and to my amazement, seven to eight hours had come and gone. Now, in the past, I have experienced where time seemed to slow up, but my body speeded up. In this situation where I had just finished praying for up to eight hours, it almost felt like it was just a matter of minutes.

My wife can attest that during this whole time I was crying out and speaking in tongues, praying in the Holy Ghost fervently.

During that whole time my wife never bothered me once, she is wonderful in that way. When I am trying to press my way into the things of the Spirit, she simply leaves me alone.

The next morning the Lord woke me early once again in prayer. I travailed and interceded in the Spirit and English. I was praying like a house on fire with deep groanings and urgencies in the Holy Ghost. When this burden and God’s glory lifted from me, once again it seemed as if I had prayed for only one or two hours.

When I looked at my watch, another eight hours had come and gone! This continued for seven or eight days where the Spirit of God rolled me out of my bed with a deep Holy Ghost unction to pray! Every time I prayed, it would only seem like an hour, yet it was seven to eight hours each time that had come and gone!

Each time the Spirit of the Lord moved upon me within the 7 to 8 days, I was not expecting it to happen again. This is one reason I did not write down every day that this happened because I wasn’t expecting it to happen.

I need to explain something here. I believe God has taken me so many times into the supernatural because, within my heart of hearts, all that I have belongs to God. The time that I have belongs to God. I presented it to Him almost every day of my life. I strive to keep from having any agenda or personal plans. I have no hobbies and no interest in anything but the will and the purposes of God.

Yes, I have failed at times, but I have often succeeded with offering my day to the Lord. Actually, the Bible says it is evil, yes, evil for us to determine to use God's time for our fleshly desires. It reveals this to us in the book of James.

James 4:13 Go to now, ye that say, Today or tomorrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year, and buy and sell, and get gain: 14 whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.15 For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that. 16 But now ye rejoice in your boastings: all such rejoicing is evil. 17 Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.

Of course, you cannot, and you must not take this to the extreme. I have seen people quit their jobs because they said they wanted to give themselves to nothing but the word of God and prayer. That sounds good and wonderful, but most times, it’s not the Lord speaking to you.

Now, there are those who God has set aside for nothing but prayer and the word, but most Christians are not called to that kind of life.

I have seen men get into deep trouble and even lose their families because they got it into their heads to do this type of thing. If it is truly God that is calling you into this place, then he will provide for you. A good example of this is Smith Wigglesworth. He was a plumber by trade. God began to use him mightily in his late 40s.

He says that he did not merely up and quit his plumbing business if you read his testimony. But the day came when he was so busy for God, with the Lord providing, he just simply had no time anymore to be a plumber. Smith had no financial lack, and he never asked for money. God provided, and God will always provide when He’s in it. Of course, he never wanted a bigger house, fancy jewelry, or all the material things of this life. All he wanted was to please Jesus Christ.


Right after this time of Spirit-motivated intercession, we had a wonderful move of God. The local ministerial that I was a part of was conducting a week-long community revival in the little town’s pavilion. This was in Three Springs, Pennsylvania. They wanted ministers to volunteer to speak. I agreed to do one of the services.

My wife, Kathleen, would lead the worship for this service and I would preach the message. A lot of the local community came to these meetings. I was there every night to support the other pastors. I think our night was the last service. Kathleen and I had both had been praying and fasting believing for God to do a mighty work. The host of the meeting opened with prayer and gave some announcements.

He introduced my wife and me as the pastors of the Three Springs Assembly of God. My wife did a wonderful job in leading worship. Then it was my turn. As I stood up to the pulpit, I sensed a great unction of the Holy Ghost to preach. I remember what I preached about The Name of Jesus. I’m not exaggerating when I tell you what happened.

The Spirit of God arrested everybody in that meeting. It was like they were glued to their chairs. Their mouths were hanging open. The pastors looked like they were in shock. Then I gave an opportunity for people to be prayed for. The front of the pavilion filled with people wanting prayer.

After the service, the ministers came to me almost timidly. I was the youngest pastor among them. I was twenty-six years old at this time. Some of the older ministers seemed to be almost distraught. One of them said to me, “No one ever taught me to preach like that!” I told him it was the Holy Ghost. After that particular service people from the community began to flock to our church. People were getting filled with the Holy Ghost everywhere.

And with many other words did he testify and exhort, saying, Save yourselves from this untoward generation. Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls (Acts 2:40-41).

[Copied from Docmike Yeager's Facebook]

1 comment:

  1. I can relate.
    When growing up, i used to pray 30min while watching time so i be exact.. But as i grew older, the love for God grew & when i pray i dont look at the clock, i simply pray & state my case to Him, just talking to God. Then i go on to a spiritual warefare thereafter ,without realizing it has passed an Hour or towards it..

    This Habit is built when u try hard to Avoid sinful life, trying hard to do the Good & trying hard to please God..

    I wish i could be captured by the Holy Spirit to pray 8hours non stop.. But all night prayer Vigils get us to do 3hours of prayer adding breaks inside..
