Thursday, April 1, 2021



Lord, may this testimony edify Your people and let the one who is attached to this issue of anger like me be delivered and find the solution the way I did. Help him to come out of this issue of anger the way You helped me deal with it. Let it be used speaking to Your people, not me. May Your blood cover me and the people of God hearing me.

In 2001 I joined Spiritual warfare ministry where I was faithfully attending prayers, night vigils, and prayer retreats. The pastor kept telling me, “When you are confused over a matter, ask the Holy Spirit, He will answer you.”

I was taught and encouraged to seek the face of the Lord at home and to confront my problem on my knees by myself. Thus we learned to build a life of fasting and prayer at home seeking the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.

I often wondered why the pastor kept saying I should ask and talk to the Holy Spirit when I'm confused. I did not know the Holy Spirit very well. In the end, I began to pray to the Holy Spirit to speak to me. Whenever I was confused I kept praying to the Holy Spirit. Finally, I managed to get Benny Hinn's book about the Holy Spirit and when I read I discovered who was the Holy Spirit and I built a relationship with Him.

I was persevering in prayer and renouncing and walking in sanctification trying always to please the Holy Spirit and He came to give me another teaching. This time around it was about anger.

He gave me the passage of Matthew 5:21-22 You have heard that it was said of them of old time, You shall not kill, and whoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment: 22 But I say to you, That whoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in the danger of the council: but whoever shall say, You fool, shall be in the danger of hellfire.

In this passage the Spirit showed me the effect of anger. Brother, we must dread anger. We must invoke the Holy Spirit to help us to remove anger in our life. Anger is extremely dangerous. When you are angry you must understand that the Spirit of God is far from you.

Anger attracts a multitude of evil spirits to swarm around the angry person. Beelzebub is known as the lord of the flies and is present with the angry person. That is why the Spirit of God moves away from an angry person. The Holy Spirit observes Proverbs 22:24, Make no friendship with a man given to anger, nor go with a wrathful man.

The Lord opened my eyes and showed me a servant of His. He said, “This is My servant. He is angry. He is delaying repentance and failing to confess and he is serving Me with anger in his heart. As a result, he is killing people without realizing it.”

The Lord showed that when we are angry against people we are killing them and those who are angry against us are also killing us. When you are angry and you are failing to repent you are opening doorways to the spirit of hate, animosity, wickedness, insult. The Lord showed me that hate also functions like anger. It comes with bitterness and a critical spirit.

One day my husband went to work. I was doing the hair of my daughter. All the children went to the park to play but in the evening we were supposed to go to the night vigil. On that day when I was doing the hair of my daughter, I failed to realize that time was gone. I should have been getting the children ready for the night vigil. The children were still out playing in the park. They should have been back to prepare and when my husband came back from the work he saw that it was late but nobody was ready and the children were still out playing in the park.

He asked me, “Do you see the time it is now?”

It was then I realized that it was late. My husband did not like it and he rebuked me and said words that I did not like. As a result, I got angry and isolated myself in the bedroom and I went to sleep with anger failing to confess it. I did not even pray before sleeping yet we know that the enemy is always looking for doorways and legality to enter our lives and destroy us. Thus I slept with anger.

Ephesians 4:26 Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger...

As soon as I closed my eyes I saw that I was surrounded. I was arrested and captured by a crowd of people I could not identify. When they arrested me they said, “We finally got her soul.”

In truth these people have been monitoring my life looking for a doorway to enter and capture my soul. These unidentified people said, “Now that we got her soul, thanks to the spirit of anger. Lead and take her to the tribunal.”

Immediately these people took me to the tribunal where I saw many of God’s children that were also captured and prosecuted. Some were arrested because of the spirit of hate in their heart. Some were arrested because of the spirit of pride in their heart. Others were arrested because they have this spirit of anger. Others were arrested because of the spirit of slander and defamation. They were many sent that were prosecuted in this tribunal. Each one was charged and condemned because of issues such as animosity, unforgiveness, and pride.

Brother we must run away from anger, unforgiveness, hate, pride, rejection. All these saints were prosecuted and condemned to death because of these things.

This condemnation to death comes in the form of serious sickness or disease like cancer which will progress until they meet death. 1 Cor 11:29...not discerning the Lord’s body. 30 For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep.

When my turn came my accusers told the judge, “She has to die because she has anger in her heart.”

The judge told me, “Since it is evident that you are dwelling in anger you have to die. Did you bring a lawyer to defend you?”

I said, “I have no lawyer.”

Beloved there was a crowd screaming to the judge, “She has to die because she has anger.”

The judge said, “All right, you have no advocate to defend you. Now, what is your plea? Are you pleading guilty or innocent?”

I said, “I am guilty. I have an issue with anger. I accept my sin and I cannot deny it.”

I said to the judge, “Would you like to give me one minute to do something?”

The judge said, “All right, you have no lawyer. You have pleaded guilty. I give you a minute to do what you want to do.”

At that moment, I saw that I knelt on my knee and I prayed to the Lord.

I said, “Lord Jesus, forgive me, I am going to die because of anger. You have been warning me and sounding the alarm about my anger for many years. But I failed to resolve it. I told the children to go to play in the park and come back on time for we have to go to the night vigil. But they failed to listen to me. And their father came to shout at me. As a result, the spirit of anger arose in me and I went to sleep with anger. And I found myself here. I accept my sin and I will die. But my children are left in the world. I have no one to protect them. I leave them in Your hand. I know they're going to kill me because of anger. But I ask You to forgive me.”

As soon as I finished my confession, the black veil that was my sin was replaced by a white veil. I heard the judge saying, “She is not guilty. Her advocate has come to defend her.”

Brother there is power in confession. I know if I had not confessed, I may not have come back to life. Many deceased people are judged in the afterlife before their condemnation and they are declared guilty before facing their fate. When I woke up from this experience, I was overwhelmed. I sat there on the bed in great fear. Immediately I began to confess anger.

I said, “Lord, I don't want anger, but it's still there. Why is this spirit of anger still attached to me? I have refused it but it is still coming. I want it to go.”

I said, “How much more should I fast and pray to be delivered from anger?”

I begged for the mercy of the Lord while crying. Immediately the Spirit of God came. I felt His presence by my side. He began to speak to me.

He said, “Esther, anger is evil and dangerous. When you are angry you will kill people. And you will open a doorway that will enable your enemy to destroy you. Anger is a doorway of demons. These demons almost killed you because of anger. This is because you have opened a doorway through your anger. Your enemies have been looking for a doorway to enter and destroy you. And they seized the opportunity from the doorway of anger and they managed to capture your spirit and they took you to the tribunal in order to condemn you to death. It is thanks to your confession that I have come to save you.”

1 John 3:15 Whoever hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him.

Moses was My son. He had a lot of patience. No one had patience like My servant Moses. He had a big heart. The children of Israel subjected him to all kinds of treatment, but he had a big heart. He was interceding for them crying for them in prayer because he had a big heart. However, he was in the bondage of the sin of his ancestors, which is anger. This anger he inherited from his ancestors came to manifest at the end of his life. As a result, he could not make it to the Promised Land.”

But what saved Moses’ soul in that critical time was a confession. For the devil came to reclaim Moses’ soul. When Moses died, the devil came with anticipation to get the soul of My servant Moses. He did not know that Moses was quicker to confess his sin, and Moses has confessed his sin at the right time. This is the reason he is in My presence.”

In Genesis 34, the Lord informed me that Moses’ ancestors Levi and Simeon had the issue of anger. This is what caused them to kill.

Genesis 34: 25 And it came to pass on the third day, when they were sore, that two of the sons of Jacob, Simeon and Levi, Dinah’s brothers, took each man his sword, and came on the city boldly, and slew all the males.

Since Moses was born in that family, even if he had patience and a big heart, Moses has inherited the spirit of anger from his ancestors. Moses had compassion for people but the spirit of anger was following him to the point that he failed to enter the Promised Land due to anger. It is Moses’ reflex to confess his sins that saved his soul. Beloved, we must be quick to confess our sin.

1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

NEXT: Esther Eugenie 3 How I Learnt To Overcome Spiritual Conflicts In My Life


  1. wow fascinating insight thanks Chong

  2. Greetings Mr Chong

    Point of correction on the 8th stanza:
    "Beelzebub is known as the Lord of the flies and is present with the angry person. That is why the Spirit of God moves away from an angry person. The Holy Spirit observes Proverbs 22:24, Make no friendship with a man given to anger, nor go with a wrathful man."

    The Lord should be in small caps all of it there after beelzebub.
    "Lord" belongs to Jesus our savior according to the Bible as now we read testimonies for edification.. (Ps 110v1)

    -Confess your faults one to another, heal one another, forgive one another, hold no grudge, hate not, rancor not, despise not, be not scornful, despite not. (James 5v16)
    -though people disappoint us, lets move without hate. Trust becomes an issue at most times after forgiving, but that can be dealt by the Holy spirit in changing such a person so trust can be gained again..

    Mandla. MG
    ( )

    1. Indeed, you are right. I have amended the "Lord" to "lord". Thanks for the correction and thanks for your biblical input too.

  3. And Benihin knows that those who sell Christian books after death go to hell ,and there is no mercy,

  4. There are many good testimonials, but some of them advertise famous pastors. Celebrity preachers are an abomination to God.
    Celebrity preachers agree with the world agree with the devil. In their church, vanity comes first

  5. Hi Chong, is it possible to add a search function to your blog? Sometimes I want to look up a subject that is not listed under topics

    1. There is already a searchbox at the top left corner of the blog.

    2. I put another search box at the top right corner

  6. No matter how much we can hate or detest this pastors, 1thing i realised though is that they still preach the word of God. yes many are sorcerers, When they add a lie & you being a Christian dont/cant discern the error/fault its your own problem.
    This pastors have their fate, but what ever that is of God preached since we know what is of truth coming from them, take it & leave the rest for God to judge..

    Im not saying follow them, what i mean is should you come across hearing or reading a message that aligns with the Word of God you can take it..

    1. I'm nobody to judge a person. God will judge .I love Benny Heen and all the preachers. But it would be better for us not to appear at the Great Judgment of God, We would rather be admired in Heaven.

  7. It was my opinion that you can not sell the Gospels, it is better not to write books than then sell the Gospels for money

  8. Hi Chong give us some new stories I check every day

    1. Your hunger for the spiritual things is inspiring. I have been visiting this blog for 3-4 years and I have not yet read all the articles (almost 1000 posts), though I re-read some. Spiritual or divine messages are always current,relevant and never expire, therefore this blog is an inexhaustible spiritual library given to us by God through Brother Chong. Thank you.

    2. My laptop crashed a few days ago, probably due to overheating churning out stories almost daily. I have to reinstall all the necessary software again. It is getting harder to find new stories as I seem to exhaust my sources too.

  9. Well since we got a bit of time then, might as well chat a bit.

    I've noticed one thing about all these stories that I find very interesting; that Angel at the gate never asks to see your good deeds!

    They want to see your robes white, they scan your spiritual condition for sin, but no one story has ever said the Angel asks them to take out their list of good deeds and show them. In fact the good deeds issue has never even been brought up, it's always about the state of the soul and if they are fit for their kingdom.

    Which makes me think: Like Mary and Martha, it's better to be sitting close to Jesus quietly working on those white robes than be a busy Martha out there making sandwiches for whoever thinking its a resume of good deeds that is required.

    They want to see your robes white in front of that gate, they actually don't care about what good works you think you've done. After all what is any good deed to a 12 foot Angel who has never sinned since eternity began anyway.

    1. Anonymous, you missing the point of Good deeds badly..

      No 1 said staying to Jesus will give you rewards. Staying close to Jesus will guarantee you eternal Life.. Then Good deeds will give you rewards according to 1 Cor 3v10-15,, your good deeds are your Building materials for the rewards you should get in Heaven.. (Any ways its Christ commandment to have good Deeds)

      What Christ was doing was not demoting Good deeds of martha, He wanted Martha to know the way to eternal life first than worrying about good deeds that are mostly linked to the old testament.. Jesus wanted people to understand the New testament, Him Himself being the New testament that mary got close to when Jesus spoke words that were never going to be repeated at that time."Gladly for us we have records through the Bible"..
      So as Christ washes away sins that your white robe be as purely white, fair enough youl make it to Heaven.
      For an example, a sinners prayer, should a drunkard be knocked down by a car on the road then he realises that he may die & he then asks Jesus to forgive his sins most deff his sins will be forgiven before he dies. But when he gets to Heaven thel show him that all his life he never did this & that but rather sinned till the grace time of praying before death, mostly he avoided good deeds which is called Righteousness doing. Therefore his reward wont be so great than some1 who held on all his many years of Life doing the will of God till death..

      Good deeds(righteous doing) plus holding on to Christ its Golden..
      Thel be poor saints in Heaven & thell be Rich saints in Heaven according to PAULs view in 1 Cor 3v10-15..

    2. I'm sure there are rewards for good deeds, but its not what the Angel at the gate is going to be asking you about.

      In terms of getting into Heaven, what they want to see is those white robes.

      In the parable of the wedding feast, the Lord did not walk up to the guy and ask him "Sir, where are your good deeds? show me your good deeds and you can stay"

      No, he said where are your wedding clothes for a wedding.

      Good deeds are nice, but its the robes of righteousness that get you into the Kingdom.

      This is why Mary chose the better thing, she would rather get close to Jesus and be transformed by him, than rack up those good works like Martha. Remember Jesus didn't actually approve Martha's choice, even though she was concerning herself with good works, Mary got the prize because of the two - Faith or Works - Faith was the more beneficial for her soul.

      That, and no Angel in any of these stories has asked to see someone's record of good works before the gate. What they do however is scan those robes of theirs for the presence or absence of sin.

      Better to have white robes and few works than many works with spotted robes.

  10. Like i said, Good deeds + holding on to Christ is more golden than what you think..

    You shouldn work on getting yr Robe white only, also work to get rewards aswell, like Paul said in 1 Cor 3v10-15 ,it will be glorious to those that did good deeds (building with Gold) when they get there..

    Im promoting getting to Heaven & getting Rewards.. Thats what you should preach aswell without thinking about Spotted Robes..
    People are not minding the fact that thell have treasure in Heaven, they miss being taught what will get their souls excited when they get there. they only being taught that God is a God of blessing in this world but Jesus never promoted that. JESUS promoted eternal life more with good deeds along slightly, meaning people shoudlnt worry about the things this world offers & how affliction is constraining the Christians for their righteous life they are conducting..

    Your statememt of
    "Better to have white robes and few works than many works with spotted robes" , shows delusion.. (Have your robe white with many works)

    Then i can ask, what are you preaching or evangelising to people.. ? That they shouldn worry abt works..? Aint that heresies already..
    _even if i can do good works now being a sinner, should u die a saint all will be remembered according to God in Ezekiel 18..

    1. You sound really really confused Mandla, let me streamline things for you:

      When Jesus said:

      "Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name drive out demons and perform many miracles? Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you workers of lawlessness"

      You'll notice that the people being cast out had many, many good works. But they weren't being thrown out for their good works, were they. No they were rejected because something else about them was missing, their robes or righteousness were found lacking.

      So which was wiser, the good works or the white robes?

      It would have been better for them to have paid more attention to those robes than racking up those great works.

      Are there rewards for good works? Yes.

      Is that what gets you in? No.

      What does then? White robes.

      "they shall walk with me in white for they are worthy" Rev 3:4

      "These are they that come out of the great tribulation, and they washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb." Rev 7:4

      And just in case you're still holding out on good works to get you through:

      "“Martha, Martha,” the Lord replied, “you are worried and upset about many things. But only one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, and it will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:41

      What was Mary doing? Not busy with many good works like Martha I can assure you, and she got Jesus's approval not Martha.

      But in context of the site we are on, and the material we are looking at. You are welcome to read through each and every single account (as I have) taking careful note of names and numbers mentioned (as I have) and found even one account, just ONE, Where that Angel at the gate beside the book of life asked to see someone's good deeds. Just one. I'll wait right here for you.

      You won't find it. Because good deeds are not considered at that point. They want to see you robes white and your name in the book. Your good works are not a factor. If they were, heaven would be bursting at the seams with catholics and their many merits. But they're not. Are they.

      Which brings me to my original observation of which you seem to have such a problem with. That the Angel at the gate does not consider a persons good deeds. And if you read each and every single testimony uploaded to this site you will find to be entirely true.

      And another curious commonality you'll find in these stories. There are many many many christian in hell. They all had some good deed somewhere so what's the problem?

      The answer is there was some spot on their robe they were unaware of.

      So having spent their time rather making sure their robes where spotless would have been THE CORRECT FOCUS. Because many good deeds do not a salvation make.

      So when you ask what it is I would preach to people, well I'd preach to them the very same word of God that you can see with your eyes in front of you in the Bible that salvation is by Faith in Jesus and his blood and not by Works.

      So put that in your pipe and smoke it you arrogant little man.

    2. @ Anonymous says "So put that in your pipe and smoke it you arrogant little man". Such expletive or obscene language is enough to destroy your 'good works'. "Good works" are approved only if we live in obedience, repentance, holiness and righteousness. If you spend $billions building churches but living in sin, your 'good works' will be disapproved by God. Thank you.

  11. Oh Jesus..
    When u die ul understand that works matter, you read testimonies here but u fail to understand that apart from being clensed by the blood of Jesus Christ all other things that are good are works..

    _We not saved by works but by the Blood of Jesus..
    _Works build you a Crown & a House & Rewards in Heaven..
    _Aint praying, fasting, preaching, teaching, evangelising, singing, testifying, offering, tithing, obedience, helping, attending Church good works(good deeds)..?

    Let me let you be,, you are clearly 1 of those that are misIntepreting PAUL heavily.. Its a waste of Time engaging with you..

    God open your spiritual understanding towards what im saying..
