Friday, October 19, 2018



The fourth assignment was to disorientate praise and worship and direct them towards Lucifer. To succeed in doing that we easily manipulated people who play keyboard and instruments and choristers. There are people who sing, but who don't have any life of prayer, it is very dangerous. There are people who sing to be admired, and who don't have any life of sanctification. I will tell you how we proceeded in churches. The devil is able to exploit any opportunity that arises to do evil. Listen to me carefully, you will understand that it is really necessary and even essential that our God strike all our enemies with blindness when they come to attack us, so that they are unable to see us, to see our homes, our projects, our children, and all that belongs to us.



His second assignment: It is to push human beings into stardom. Today you see young men with earrings, relaxed hair, and braided hair. Because they have seen this musician or that star with braided hair, and they start to copy them. These demons work seriously even in Churches. You can clearly see it in the way people dress. There are some people who come to Church to compete with one another, and put themselves forward, instead of seeking God. In the Church, these demons often work in choir groups, praise groups, especially the chorus-singers. There are chorus-singers who sing to be admired, instead of singing for the glory of God. Similarly, melodies and worldly dances have already been introduced in the Church of God. Beloved, understand very well that you must fear God. The Bible says in Joshua 24:14 "Now fear the Lord and serve Him with all faithfulness. Throw away the gods your forefathers worshiped beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord."

And on Saturday, he works with Sankai, the demon of music. You know the musician Pépé Kallé, he is already dead. When you listen to his old albums, he spoke of Sankai. Sankai simply means bewitchment. There are Children of God who say: "I do not listen to worldly Congolese music. I like zouk, slow, reggae, rock music." There are Christians who have such things in their houses. They have CDs, DVDs of zouk, slow, etc., of Celine Dion and others. Do you know that Celine Dion is a priestess of Lucifer? Madonna, Shakira, Britney Spears ... And the list goes on. But there are Christians, brothers, and sisters who have those things in their houses. Know that it is the glory of Satan. Do you know the album "Kibuisa Mpimpa"? I do not have time to explain this to you. Kibuisa Mpimpa, à la queue-leu-leu, effrakata where it is said: "God is great, man is small, everybody knows it." The god that one mentions there is not God the Creator. And even the god mentioned in the Muslim religion. When they say "Allahu akbar," God is great, it is not God the Creator, it is another one.



He said, "Many musical groups in churches are full of fornication. This is the reason I do not manifest Myself."



When I was backslidden I went to a Charismatic Church called "Chapel or Church of Praise." When I was there I sang and jumped. I feel very sorry about the time that I spent there. Brothers and sisters, if you've ever sung the song 'Satan, you are under my feet', never sing it again because it is prideful. You don't know what you're doing. Even Michael the archangel wouldn't bring this kind of accusation against Satan, but he said, "The Lord rebuke you." The Lord rebuked me for singing this song in New York. Think about what you are saying when you sing and what is coming from your lips? The real situation is that WE are in sin and that WE are under Satan's feet. However, we sing, "Satan, you're under my feet" anyway. When I was healthy I could jump and clap and everything, but when the Lord touches me, I can hardly walk through this building. When the Lord touches me, it doesn't cause me to jump and clap and that kind of excitement.

When I came to the edge of hell I had no desire to jump. I had lots of pain concerning my past because I had lived without God and I was perishing.

Brothers and sisters: don't think that you can sin, and then come to Church and sing Hallelujah when you're sinking in sin. I don't know, but maybe you know some other way to eternal life? Maybe your way says that you can sin and still go to heaven? But I wasn't going to go to heaven. When I went my way, my end was hell.



The angels said to me that apart from Clarice, there are many musicians here, many choir singers, many pianists, many fanfarists, many Gospel singers, this is their department. I’m asking Gospel or choir singers to live in holiness and avoid fornication. Beloved, in hell humans are treated like toys by demons. They can do whatever they want with humans especially if you are a Christian. That’s why we must go to heaven with our family at all cost.



After that, the Lord showed me a group of youths of a church that when they leave the church, they went to a dark place because they think that the Lord is not seeing them and they got into that place and they start masturbating and fornicating against their own bodies. And after that, they would go and minister at the altar! Presidents of youths, leaders of the church!

Now the Lord showed me a disco and a church and the Lord told me, "Observe well” and I looked and saw that the church just looked like the disco! There was no difference! They had the same sound systems, same music, the same equipment that is entering from the world into the church! The world should convert to Christianity, but not the other way around. We are bringing the world into the church! Also, I have to tell you this: We cannot praise and worship God with a reggaeton, with a bachaton or rock. Even today there are Christians songs that are being sung to God and then to the world, using the very same words! They don’t mention God but only mention the word ‘love'.

I also saw rap music and perreo in the church and that is unacceptable. The Bible says that we must worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness. Now, who invented the Rock? It was Anton Lavey, this man is the founder of the Satanic church. He made and wrote the Satanic Bible and introduced rock inside Hollywood. And if he invented the Rock, that was to glorify Satan, not God. In other words, what they are giving to the devil they are also offering to God?! That is impossible and unacceptable to God. Rock is Satanic and it was invented in hell.

Anton Szandor LaVey, born Howard Stanton Levey, was the founder of the Church of Satan as well as a writer, occultist, and musician

Pastors and evangelists, please get out that cursed music from the churches! The rap was invented by a man called Selassie. Who was this man? This man was the one whose favorite title for himself was ‘I am the King of kings and the Lord of lords." And the church today is using that music while the Bible says that the only king of Kings and the only Lord of lords is called Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God. The other is an apostate. The Lord then showed me the musicians that are so perverted. They are singing in the church, on one hand, then they make contracts to sing even in restaurants as private musicians; they go to church to praise the Lord! Let me tell you: that music the Lord doesn’t accept and please excuse me I must tell you the truth. What is from God is holy and separated for God and God alone. And what those musicians do today, they go, sing at the church, then they disappear from the service, because they look like they are playing to God as a contract, so they think they don’t need to be there for the rest of the service, they leave early.

At that moment, the Lord told me “Unfortunately, that type of church will not enter into the kingdom of heaven.”



I was transported by a supernatural force to the valley of the Gospel musicians. I could hear Gospel praises in that place. The angel of the Lord appeared to me suddenly.

He said that all Gospel praises are made there to succeed in the world. Several names of Gospel record companies are there, even Sony Music Latin. And inside this giant room, I saw several Gospel beats. The rhythms are blues, dance, hip-hop, electronic, hardcore, rock, samba, black music, hard rock, country, forró, heavy metal, jazz, rap, pagode, sertanejo, gothic and others. The composers of these record companies were inspired by the demons and the lyrics of these songs corresponded to the requirements of these musical companies. The lyrics contained words of well-being, achievement, miracles, personal victories, and prosperity. The angel said, "Perceive the false Gospel being sung in these praises. Heresies are scattered in these songs." The angel took me in a valley of only evangelical singers. The number of these singers who are in hell is frightening. I told the angel why these singers who praised God are here. The angel answered me, "They did not praise God but the world. They did not glorify God and self-promote seeking glory for themselves. They fell into the trap of Satan receiving money, fame, and success."

I saw the singer Jessy Dixon in hell that suffered a lot with the fire flames the demons tormented him. (Jessy Dixon was an American Gospel music singer, songwriter, and pianist, with success among audiences across racial lines. He garnered seven Grammy award nominations during his career).

He became famous with his Gospel songs, got a legion of fans who worshiped him and made many people of the church turn idolatrous.

All Gospel record companies are involved with Satanism. I asked the angel why these labels are here. He said, "All that is built to enrich with the Word of God is a sin. These Gospel industries think of profit."

From hell, the angel showed me the land recorders. I have seen many satanic symbols and a room of evil ritual covenants. The angel said, "These entrepreneurs enrich themselves with the praises and earn a lot of money for each musical talent. They are greedy and enslave Gospel singers at shows. Many of them make deals with demons to make millions. The praises are inspired by demons and in the letters have teachings of prosperity theology."

The angel showed me 3 ways. The one on the left saw only the ungodly who did not know Jesus. The way to the right I saw the saints who have not yet defiled themselves. And a new path was born in the middle of the two paths. The angel said this is the third way which is the blending of the saint with the profane. Revelation chapter 3 verse 16, because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.

The angel showed me several singers and Gospel bands walking this middle path and at the end of it, I saw a fire pit. I saw a group of demons in front of these singers offering suitcases of money. The singers were led by the demons following them because of the suitcases. Both the left path and the middle path were wide and full of people, but the path to the right was few that walked. The angel led me to a very strong principality. He is the god of Gospel praise and had a black contract in his hand. He's in charge of the record business.

He was writing new praises on earth that will let the person who sings those praises become famous and earn millions of dollars. I saw several papers with letters of praise that never glorified Jesus, but the man with his victories and conquests. All the singers who signed contracts with these devilish record companies automatically sold their souls. I've seen names of Gospel singers in hell who are still alive on earth.

Their names are in hell and the places where they will stay when they die. I saw a place for a singer duo praising together. I saw a place for an evangelical rock band. They were 5 places for each one waiting for their souls.

The angel said to that prince of Gospel praise, what was his purpose on earth.

The demon said, "I inspire my composers and command the Gospel world, the project I created here is now in success on earth. Singers are my agents who spread heresies in music. I have Gospel preachers who are also products of my market. In my Gospel world, both singers and preachers are forced to sell their gifts and market what is holy. I make preachers and singers idols and so I am forming millions of idolatrous believers within the church. I am gaining many souls for Satan and has a great reward."

That demon gained a throne in hell by dragging millions of souls there. Satan gave him great prestige. I saw when he showed me his reward in hell.

Satan let him reign in a piece of hell and do what he wants and still left millions of demons to serve him. The devil laughed with happiness, for his Gospel project that had been designed in hell was working. That scene scared me and I was shocked because I had dreamed of being part of this world.

The angel led me to the tall, devil-eyed demon. The demon showed me several rhythms that he created and is very successful on earth. And many of those sinister rhythms and those beats were praised.

I've seen demons playing instruments in hell inventing new rhythms.

He said, "I have already contaminated the praises of believers and they adore me with my rhythms. They think they worship their God and are deceived."

The angel said, "Hector, Satan was a cherub of light and his function was to worship God. He ruled a choir and the angels praised God. When he rebelled, he brought to the earth his songs that do not exalt God. Praise glorifies the world and people's ego is exalting Satan. He specializes in profane music and now he makes all kinds of praises to the world."

The angel took me into the valley that had a large band written Gospel. There I saw all the singers, preachers, songwriters, entrepreneurs and all the people who were part of the Gospel industries. The demons tormented and still mocked them.



I had another vision. I saw Satan and his demons inside a recording studio. At this meeting, they plan to contaminate more praises with vengeance, discord, war, exaltation, and ostentation in Gospel songs. I saw how the lyrics directed the praises to their effects, their conquests, the proud and the egos of men. They were deliberately forgetting to praise Him who gave His life for them.

At the meeting, Satan said, "Let's make evangelical singers become celebrities and thus win their souls. They will sell the Word of God with their concerts. They do not sing praises to God out of gratitude, but for money. Their names are already in hell."

My spirit returned to the body.



The angel said, "Notice the praises Kenzo. I saw the sisters praising and their praises were smoke rising up to the ceiling of the church." I asked the angel what that means. The angel said, "These praises are not of God Kenzo. These lyrics do not exalt the Father but contain human philosophies."

After the young people began praising Gospel songs with the rock style, the angel said, "This rhythm is devilish, created by Satan. Many singers are putting these rhythms in praise. Man uses his strategies to attract humanity with these rhythms. Every rhythm of these servants in the world contaminates the praises of God."



The angel took my hand and we flew to heaven at a speed. The speed that this angel took me to heaven seemed like lightning. The angel took me to heaven and we entered the white temple where I saw angels praising God. That temple was filled with the glory of God and thousands of angels praised, glorified and exalted God. The angel said, "Kenzo, this is the true praise that God receives."

I said to the angel, "It is very difficult to make holy praises there on earth. We are sinners."

The angel said, "Man can make holy praises, not as perfect as those of heaven but can make holy praises that please God. The Holy Spirit is on earth to inspire the Levites."



I went to the part in hell where I saw Gospel singers burning in hell, both singers and musicians. I asked the angel, "Why were they there?" The angel told me, "They marketed praise and became rich; they praised not for love, only for money. The more they had, the more they wanted to have. They never bothered to help the work of God and the needy, only wanted to do praise to earn money. Many churches spent money on these mercenaries, money from the holy work of the Lord that could be used to serve and help the needy.



I went to visit a church called quadrangular. I did not like the rock praises they sang and I went back home.

When I was praying, Jesus showed me all the members of this church in a sewer. The more they walked forward, the more they sank down until the waters of the sewer covered their heads and they were suffocated. They drowned and lost their breath. Without breath, they died.

Jesus said, "Sin is like this deep sewage, the more it walks in sin, the more it sinks into it."

After they died, a whirlwind appeared beneath that water and pulled them all into the depths of the abyss. The deeper it was, the darker the waters stayed. There was no light at the bottom of those waters. Jesus revealed to me that the dark part that lies deep in the water is the entrance to hell. The whole church was swallowed up to hell.



I looked and saw a devil who praised Satan. He had a stringed instrument in his hands that I had never seen on earth. I realized that he played several rhythms that I had seen on Earth.

The angel said that the songs that became hits and successes in the world were produced in hell first and when a singer made a pact with Satan that song from hell was given to that singer to succeed. I saw several rhythms in hell as the rock, rap, samba, rap, salsa, forró, and other rhythms.

I asked what this meant.

The angel answered me, "These are the rhythms that praise Satan in hell and on earth. These rhythms are already entering the church. Satan is seeking to destroy the praises of worship. These new rhythms of praise are of Satan. Warn the people of God that these rhythms of praise God do not receive in heaven, for they are not His. Tell the people not to offer any praise. "

The angel said, "The demons inspire the composers of the world to record to the world and are now inspiring evangelical composers who do not have the Holy Spirit. Their hearts are trapped in materialism."

I saw in hell several names of record companies of music.

The angel said, "These recorders you have seen do not record labels for those who sing for the world. These record labels are for the Levites of the house of the Lord. The true evangelical labels are the minority. They do not aim for profit which is unlawful in the house of God. The great evangelical labels compete among themselves to win a larger share of the world market. These market the praise of God and most of their owners have made pacts with Satan in exchange for recognition of their companies. They follow all the coordinates of Satan to corrupt the singers of God. Satan will give his offering to the Levites giving fame, success, and money and many of them will accept his offerings. One day Satan offered fame and success to our Lord, but He overcame. Still today Satan offers to take many Levites to hell and all those who deal with Satan will come to this place. If any Levite wants to record praises, he should do so for God's pleasure and not to be enriched and seek fame."

The angel warned me about the unclean praises that did not glorify God but had in their lyrics things that are from the earth and not spiritual. The angel said that there is yet a great singer making praises of provocation to his enemies inciting envy. The angel said that those praises that spread disputes are not from God.

The angel showed a vision in hell. I saw a great football stadium on Earth full of people worshiping singers who sang praises. That singer finished singing and received a large sum of money.

The angel said, "There will come a time that many will be made rich with praise. They will not praise God out of love anymore. Tell the Levites not to sell the praise of God by charging high prices in the churches. Do not covet what exalts the name of the Most High God."



I saw Gospel CDs from various singers in hell with their images on the covers. I met several singers in hell when Jesus showed me a part of hell where all the Gospel singers are. Jesus said, "They are not my singers, they never praised Me. They sold My name, they are agents of the new world order spreading the lies in their songs. They charged money for them to praise My name and lived a life like the singers of the world who live in lust. They sing to gain their glory, becoming stars to be idolized, creating fan clubs for themselves. This impure Gospel, without renunciation, does not come from Me and belongs to the Gospel world. I have never received their profane praises that are touched by the demons of hell."

Jesus told me these things, while the demons tormented the Gospel singers. The demons pushed a hot iron into the throats of these singers that went beyond their necks. Yet the demons mocked them by forcing them to sing their praises. The way they follow is false, created by Satan to deceive the elect. Whatever is lukewarm, Jesus abhors. These singers stole the glory of Jesus together with famous pastors who are celebrities.


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