Friday, October 19, 2018



Beloved, when I became an agent of the kingdom of waters, I was instructed to attack the revival churches in my country Congo, because there was an intense awakening in the Congo during this period and the kingdom of darkness was in disarray. I was instructed to perpetuate the invisible war on churches and to coordinate systematic attacks on local assemblies. But first, I had to sleep with the princess named Jacqueline who was supposed to transport me under the sea in the world of darkness.

As my third mission was against the Church of Jesus Christ, I was given the mission to destroy a woman who was a Christian. The mermaid told me that this woman was full of grace and divine abilities, which is why she was identified as a potential target to be destroyed.

The mermaid said to me, "We will kill her and we will eat her flesh."

"How will I execute this mission?" I asked the mermaid.

She said to me, "Do not be afraid because we have allocated 450 demons to help you destroy this Christian, they will work with you and accompany you everywhere."

My first strategy against the sister was, therefore, to create confusion in her church through dreams caused by demons we deployed. Later, I visited this sister's family just to flatter them. I talked to her mother who loved me very much because she hoped I would marry her daughter. But in reality, I was trying to destroy her. I was accompanied by 450 demons including the mermaid. After talking to her family, I booked a room at the hotel where I had to destroy her through sex. She loved me sincerely because she did not know that I was a fake brother. Many people come to church not to pray. Some of them are agents of the enemy. So I booked the hotel, I knew she was not going to say no, she trusted me.

When the day arrived, together we went to the hotel. The mermaid was hiding in the bathroom. She was in her half-fish hybrid form. The sister was unaware of the presence of the mermaid. The sister was in a loincloth, and I noticed that her attitude changed, she was a little sad. I think she had guilt. Then she asked me to read a Bible verse. It meant nothing to me, it was just a book. So I quickly went to the bathroom where the mermaid was hiding to ask her opinion. She said to me, "Do not be afraid, let her read if she wants, there will be nothing, there are more than 400 demons here, whether she reads the Bible or not, she will die."

So this sister opened the Bible in the book of Isaiah. I do not know why God wanted me to hear the words of this verse. This woman did not know she was minutes away from her death. She was unaware of the presence of a mermaid in the toilet and hundreds of demons around the hotel. So she opened her Bible that says, "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. All who rage against you will surely be ashamed and disgraced; those who oppose you will be as nothing and perish. Though you search for your enemies, you will not find them. Those who wage war against you will be as nothing at all." Isaiah 41:10-12.

This sister did not know why the Holy Spirit made her read this verse. Beloved, when the Holy Spirit prompts you to read the Bible do it right away. As soon as this Christian lady read this Bible verse, I heard the mermaid scream. She said to me, "Joseph, we must flee, run!" It was a cry of distress. So I saw the mermaid run away at the speed of lightning. I did not know why she would run. It was only when I raised my eyes to the sky that I realized why the mermaid had escaped that way.

In fact, I saw myriads and myriads of angelic soldiers come down to answer the reading of the Bible verses by this lady. They had their sword lifted. The mermaid and the 450 demons fled and I was left there with the sister. I thought 400 demons were a lot, but when I saw these legions of the angelic army come down, I got out of the hotel room and escaped. The people working at the reception were surprised to see me in my pair of shorts with my clothes in my hands. The woman could not see all this and did not understand the reason for my escape. She did not know that a whole angelic legion had been deployed by the Lord for her. Many things happen when we pray, even if we do not see them. I left the sister in this hotel room never to return, while the mermaid and the 450 demons were already far from this place.



The mermaid then asked me to summon my mother so that she could appear in the magic mirror. So I started to call my mother's name insistently. But something happened. Fire came out of the mirror, and I noticed that the fire was chasing the mermaid and the two newts. I heard them screaming and crying out in anguish and terror. I did not know that my mother was a born again Christian. So we were attacked by this flame of fire, but God spared me, it is these spirits of the waters that underwent the attack. Sorcerers and occultists can watch Christians in magic mirrors, but they cannot touch them. They use the strategy of offending Christian as a means to gain access to an open door to reach the Christian.



We also entered into several churches where we would identify the true workers of God. Since we could not reach them directly because of the Spirit of God, we would identify weak people in their group. For example, if there is somebody in their prayer group living in sin, usually sexual sins (those who have sexual intercourse out of marriage are many in the churches), we would act through the one who is totally accessible because of sin, until as the days went by the group and communities would break out through disputes and quarrels. We constantly looked for a fault to bring down the sons of God. We would send money to pastors, gifts after an inquiry about what they like. Once the pastor accepts one of our gifts, he automatically becomes someone else, he loses his anointing. We could also act through his wife if the pastor had refused. And if his wife refused the gifts, we could enter through their children. We were constantly looking for doors through the weak to reach and bring down the stronger.

Apart from our actions as human agents, I saw demons going in churches that do not have the fire of God and sit on the shoulders of the faithful in order to provoke drowsiness, laziness as regards listening. When there are children in the church, they would excite them so that they make noise. He who preaches is no longer heard.

One day we went to the house of a Christian who prayed a lot. She would disturb our world very much, she would set trouble in our activities when I rose up at dawn to fly away. That person prayed at the very time when we were to go out. Perhaps, she was disturbing without knowing it, hundreds and thousands of wizards who were about to go out spiritually. One day we went to her house to attack her. At 10 pm, she was already praying. We were not able to do anything in her house. Then we went to the cemetery to attack from a distance, we could not do anything there either. The devil is really powerless in front of people like her, that is, true Christians. The devil cannot even touch the coffin of the one who died being a true Christian because God protects his corpse. There can be no spiritual activity on this corpse as it is the case with other corpses where, as soon as the person is buried, begin very dense activities on a single corpse.



Later, my master Bomber called me to tell me that there was a Church in Germany that prayed a lot, and this Church disturbed our programmes and disrupted our activities in the invisible world. So he entrusted me with the task of extinguishing the fire of their prayers, knowing that I was victorious in all my missions. I took my flying carpet and traveled to Germany, where the Church was to see things for myself. Once there, the power that emanated from this Church did not even allow me to approach it. I then realized that I was powerless against these believers; I was ashamed of myself. This defeat and this failure were enlightening. I could not understand the kind of power these believers had. I went to report this to my master, the fallen angel. He told me that he too had tried to attack this Church, but without success. I was surprised; even my master the fallen angel was helpless before these believers; but the devil is tireless, he will always try to come back again and again.


Sometime later, in my destructive work, Satan personally entrusted me with the mission to destroy the spiritual life of a man of God who came to Brazzaville for an evangelistic campaign. It was in August 1992. This Christian crusade was to be held in the Stadium of the Revolution, which is the current Massamba-Debate stadium. A large crowd had gathered singing praises to God. Then they raised their voices to pray. I wanted to stop them by blocking their prayers with my astral hand that I had placed over their hands, but it was a failure because their prayers gave off extraordinary firepower. Later I saw a protocol member heading towards me. I thought he had seen what I had done, so I immediately knocked him down by the power of my invisible kick, just like the wrestlers do. To avoid suspicion, I made myself invisible, then I went to stand on the platform where the Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke was. I stood in front of him to hit him and destroy him. So I sent magic rays to him to hypnotize him and kill him.

I saw the man of God speechless for a few minutes, and when he resumed his speech he asked the assembly to pray for him because he said Satan was in the crusade. And when Christians raised their hands to address prayers to God for this man of God, I felt on my body something like fire devouring me and a strong power thrust me out of the presence of the man of God. And finally, not knowing what to do, I was there dumb, immersed in the most total confusion and breathing in me hatred against the Evangelist. It was the second defeat for me in the destruction of the churches. If only Christians knew these things they would not be careless about prayer and the Word that keeps them from the devil's maneuvers.

After this incident, I had to meet my master Bombar to report to him what had happened. He advised me to persevere. The next day at the same time, I went to the crusade to sow disorder and distraction in the midst of the crowd, and it succeeded perfectly because people were distracted, they could not focus on the Word that was preached. That day, there were only two cases of healing. Despite my inability to touch the man of God because he was surrounded by flames of fire, I still managed to cause disorder in this campaign, because I influenced the crowd who wanted at all costs to touch the man of God and this caused disorder. Knowing that I had failed in my mission to kill the man of God, I decided to capture some weak spirits and sacrifice them to Satan in compensation, and I managed to catch 50 of them that I sacrificed to Satan. On this subject, I would like to advise Children of God to always be spiritually prepared when they go to this kind of gathering. You must always confess your sins and ask God to fill you with the Holy Spirit; for not, all those who participate in these crusades are children of God, there are also agents of the devils. During this crusade, I remained in Brazzaville in Meridian Hotel where I lodged, but I could not know where the man of God lodged because he was protected by God.

Seeing that I did not succeed in killing him, I went looking for those who were acting as security officers in this crusade. I managed to catch three of those brothers who were weak. That same night, I went to Mambo Palace Hotel where Lucifer lodged to report on my work. He told me that among the people acting as the protocol of the man of God, there was a woman who belonged to a secret society; she was a member of Hydro-Congo at the time. The devil told me that he was going to entrust this woman with the task of killing the man of God. Dear brothers and sisters, the devil has taken steps to introduce his agents into the assemblies known as revival assemblies, and they have the mission to restrain the churches, to stir up trouble and divisions in the churches, while preventing true servants from progressing spiritually. The devil’s agents tend to work in the Church leadership commission and want to be elevated to Church leadership. They tend to impose their will on pastors. In most cases, these men and women have always been great corporate executives, and thanks to their financial means they are able to buy the conscience of the men of God blinded by material gain.



After this rally with the powers of the universe, Lucifer sent a letter to Satanists and principalities reminding them of the obligation to destroy the Church of Jesus Christ. I have the content of this Lucifer’s letter which is as follows:

To all Satanists, representatives, agents, principalities, I write to you because Christians do us more and more harm. If we are not careful, we could be dominated, crushed and defeated. I wanted to draw your attention to the resolution we made at the last meeting in November 1991 at midnight. We succeeded in keeping the content of this meeting secret from Christians. As a result, we were able to suppress and bewitch them. That's why I take this opportunity to congratulate you all. But things have changed. We must improve and modernize our tactics and our strategic control of the universe because Christians are pressuring us with fervent prayers and their strong faith. The solution is to use the biblical principle the wrong way.

We will turn the Bible upside down. We must continue to apply the technique and tactics agreed for this decade. Do not allow them to read the Bible, let them take an interest in reading publications and books that have nothing to do with their spiritual lives such as fun stories, magazines, and novels. Therefore, when the temptation comes, they will have no support and they will fall. Do not give them time to pray; push them to feel lazy in prayers, otherwise, the Spirit of God will reveal our plans to them, and they will take counter-measures and crush us. You should never allow them to fast because they will become spiritually strong and they will conquer us. We must not let them give offerings and tithes so that they are in poverty, because God loves those who give with joy. Do not allow them to love one another with sincere love. Their love should be only in words, not in acts.

You have to push them to criticize and slander each other. You must give them freedom and wisdom in lies telling so that it becomes a bondage and a way of life, so that they do not enter the kingdom of God, but end up in Hell, the city of fire. You can let them preach on the return of Jesus Christ and the Rapture, but you have to make them think that it will happen in 10 or 20 years time because the reality is that He can come back now. You must not allow them to evangelize or testify. Make sure they are in front of the television for hours and hours to prevent them from reading the Bible and praying. Make sure they are in conflict and division. Create misunderstanding in their midst so that they are not united. I wanted to write to you on more tactics, but for the moment you have to apply this recommendation according to my directive. If you have a problem, you can call me on this number which is a direct line and you will reach me. You must keep this letter secret. Christians must not be allowed to lay their hands on it; otherwise, we will be in pain and defeat. This is our plan for this decade. I wish you much luck for this decade from 1991 to 1999. Take care to attend our weekly meeting in our headquarter in the pandemonium.


So Lucifer entrusted me with the mission to fight the pastor of a Church in my country Congo-Brazza. When I arrived in the city of Pointe Noire where the Church was, I began by investigating the pastor. After this investigation, I finally discovered his strength. I discovered that he was a man who feared God and who was powerful in prayer. The implication of all this was disturbing. In fact, it prevented our movements and activities in the city. In his church, there was an intercession group that prayed every day and every night. Beloved, you must understand that the devil does not attack hypocritical Christians because they belong to him. Only those who walk in holiness and the fear of the Lord draw the attention of the devil.

This pastor was a member of a community of many churches, but he was the one who feared God. That's why the devil designated him as a potential target. My strategy against this pastor was to extinguish the fire that shone and burned in him. My tactic was to get him to break the law so that I could have access to his life. I was also supposed to stop his evangelical journey to Europe. Whenever he went to the administrative offices for the visa, I deployed demons in those offices to oppose him, but the main purpose was to make sure that this pastor could break the law. I had 800 warrior demons working against this pastor. Failure in the kingdom of darkness is unacceptable. So we worked hard. But despite our determination, this pastor was constant and intense in prayer. So, I summoned the chief sorcerer of this neighborhood and his brotherhood so that he could go to this pastor and complain about the noises caused by the intercessors in their prayers. In fact, in all quarters of the world, a chief or secretary general of sorcerers has been established.

I told the chief sorcerer, "Gather all the sorcerers in this area and go to the pastor, you must pretend that the intercessors make noises with their prayers at night and people cannot sleep." So in the morning, the sorcerers went to see the pastor to complain. They approached this pastor with abusive and shocking language to make him feel offended. It is a powerful strategy that succeeded because the pastor reacted with pride. As a result, the door of his life was opened and the sorcerers managed to send a demon into the life of this pastor through the door of pride. He was spiritually weak and his attempt to travel to Europe failed. You must understand that the devil will seek an open door to access your life. Anger and offense are the two great main doors used by sorcerers against Children of God. The Bible says: Be angry but do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger. Ephesians 4:26. I managed to extinguish the fire of this man of God.


A few days later, the devil sent me to Namibia to destroy a man of God who was troubling us. After a few days, I went to the capital of Namibia. When I arrived, I transformed into a beautiful woman. I had reached a level where I could take the form I wanted. Then, the intelligence service of the kingdom of Lucifer that works 24 hours a day informed me of the location of the targeted pastor. I was informed that he had gone to visit a church member, but was on his way back. I approached the road where he had to go, in the shape of a woman hitchhiking. He was driving on the same road and when he saw me in the form of a beautiful woman, he stopped his car. He was already captivated by my beauty and he wanted me. When I got into his car, I seized the opportunity. As he desired me, I threw 30 demons in his mouth. They are demons of sexual immorality, fornication, and covetousness. They immediately took hold of him and began to influence him.

After a while, he stopped his car around his house. He was supposed to take money so we could go to a hotel. When he entered his house, I noticed an old lady sitting by the door, she was his mother. When the pastor took money from his room, I approached his mother and gave her the face of a girl. And when the pastor came out of the house, he saw the beautiful young woman sitting exactly where his mother was sitting. I manipulated the pastor's vision to show him the things I wanted. The pastor did not realize that the beautiful girl was his own mother, and since he could no longer control his sexual behavior because of the demons of fornication inside him, he ended up sleeping with the pretty lady who was his own mother, because his vision was manipulated and they were both bewitched. The pastor, according to him, thought that he took the money, took me, and went to a hotel where we had sex; but I had manipulated his vision, it never happened. He just slept with his own mother. I was there in the car; I simply implanted a false vision in his mind.

While the pastor was sleeping with his mother, I took the form of a rich young man, I went to sleep with his wife and daughters, and I managed to put the spirit of fornication in the house of this pastor. When he committed incest with his mother, he received even more demons of fornication who began to influence him. Later, he went to visit one of the elders of his church. When he saw that he was not present, he coveted his wife who was alone. He seduced his wife and they had sex. And while they were in action, the elder came back and caught them in the act. He got angry and told the Church what had happened. This situation was unbearable for people in the Church. As a result, this church was divided and ended up dislocating. This mission in Namibia was a success. I was rewarded in the devil's kingdom with gifts and promotions. In the kingdom of the enemy, if you cause the fall of a man of God there are many rewards for you. Men of God must understand that not all women who come near them are necessarily ordinary women. Some are mermaids and demons; others are Satanists in female form.



After completing this mission, I traveled home to Congo where I went to see the devil in a hotel where he resided. He had the form of a rich young man. He received me and congratulated me. He gave me three more missions, with great promises and great rewards. He asked me to attack the Church in Germany where I had already failed. He asked me to fight the revival churches in the Democratic Republic of Congo. I knew in advance that it was an impossible mission because the devil himself with his angels had tried to fight this Church in Germany but without success. The devil knew I had a sign of God on my forehead, so he sent me to destroy the churches in the hope that God would reject me forever.

One day when I was walking in the city, I saw a woman passing by and she was carrying a child. I noticed that the child had a light shining on his forehead. I knew it was a sign of God. I tried to destroy this child by grabbing his spirit with my astral hand, but I realized that the more I tried to take the child's soul, the more I became powerless and weaker. It was strange, I felt humiliated. After this experience, the devil appeared at my place and he was furious. He said, "Why did you try to kill that child without my permission?" He said to me, "You have to relocate to a different house." I ended up leaving my home and moved to a new neighborhood, but I encountered another problem. I had a neighbor who was a Christian and his prayers blocked me. I decided to send him a power of seduction, fornication, and spiritual weakness, in order to extinguish his fire which was hurting and blocking me. Later he became an alcoholic and began sleeping with men. I became comfortable as his power diminished.



I came home and was praying for the flock I'm taking care of. Jesus showed me in a vision a very strong demon rising from hell. He received the mission to destroy the worker, Isidora. This sister is one of the prayer leaders of the women evangelism group. This devil has a mission to weaken her, to discourage her prayers, to leave her cold and to overthrow her ministry. She has been responsible for raising many women to follow holy doctrine and pray. She has an intercession group.

The Lord said, "Pray for her, for the wrath of the devil against her is great."

I had another vision, this time it was with the Kelemen worker. A demon was given the mission to take him out of Jesus' way and kill him. This demon had received this mission but it failed and another stronger demon was sent in the place of this one to do the mission. I saw in the vision when the Kelemen worker was in his house and this demon was watching him. He was looking for some sin in the worker to have legality to act against him but he did not find anything there that gave him strength. Even so, he was walking through Kelemen's room waiting for an opportunity.

This demon is tall and has a black cloak like a vigilante soldier waiting for the right moment to attack. If the worker had some sin in him, this demon would have already attacked him. If he had any object or television that would give legality, that demon would have already hit him. I saw in the vision that this demon will fight against the life of the Kelemen worker to his death. He was given a mission to try to destroy him to the last breath of his life. I passed the vision so that the worker would be attentive.

Jesus revealed to me that people who live in holiness and prayer are the ones most persecuted by demons. Only in the church where I am shepherding did Jesus say that some are marked by demons for disturbing them. The Kelemen worker is the most dedicated in my church. When I go to do the mission, he watches over the work together with the worker Isidora who is also a leader of the women's group. She's a sisters column.

And it's these two workers that the demons wanted to destroy. If the demons succeed in destroying Isidora's work, the evangelism group will not be the same without her, for she is the most spiritual woman. And the Kelemen worker is the man who takes care of the ministry when I do missions, he is the person I trust.

The demons decided to attack the foundations of the church, destroying the bases for the columns to fall. Without the columns, the whole ceiling collapses.

I lost a spiritual worker. The demons offered him a great job offer in Germany. He went and did not want to shepherd one of the branches I opened. I had to return from the trip and return from the mission to take care of the church he did not want to pastor anymore. I had a vision that many souls would accept Jesus in Australia. The harvest would be great, in Australia but I had to leave the work there and go back to that church so that it would not close. The demons conspired and arranged the whole employment strategy for the shepherd to travel and I go back to take care of my flock. I had to do this racing against time, but I hope to get a reliable man to take care of the branch and thus be able to travel to countries far away.

I had a vision of the Juliska worker who belongs to this branch. She was in her house and several black figures were running past her room. I saw several eyes watching over her. She is a worker who walks in holiness but she has not prayed every day. And the demons were circling her like the vultures wanting to swallow her.


I went to preach the Word near my house in a church. This pastor preaches the truth, but his church did not obey the Word. When I entered his church I saw that the brothers' ears had waxes of chewing gum. The ears were closed with black waxes. Jesus revealed to me that the demons have closed their ears because it is a church that likes to praise but does not like to pray. Whatever this pastor preached, the Word would go into their left ears and out from the right. I prayed and those waxes melted and fell from their ears.

The pastor said that for the first time they were hearing the Word that came out of his mouth. They were attentive and paying attention to the preaching. I told the pastor that they have been set free in their hearing to listen and obey.


I had a vision with the demons of spiritual coldness putting impediments and barriers in the holy churches. Serious pastors who are opening churches to do the work of God are in trouble. They are closing down the churches because demons do not let people congregate in them. They are putting discouragement in the hearts of people not to congregate in churches of serious doctrine but let people go to the churches of prosperity.

The churches on the broadway are full but those on the narrow way are empty. Why is this so? Demons of spiritual coldness are keeping people away from staying in holy churches. And many are closing because they have not enough tithes and offerings to support the work.

But only the churches that have been opened up to God will continue to be opened because such churches will continue to wage spiritual warfare. Those that were opened without the direction of the Holy Spirit, even if they were preaching holiness, will eventually close because they do not wage enough spiritual warfare against demons assigned against them.



The leadership team was also our target. We first sought sin and weakness in the leadership group and used it as a gateway and demonic control. When one of these leaders was found to be a lover of money, that allowed us to cause chaos in the church and to attack the church. I used a mystic camera for surveillance, and candles for incantations. I also used these candles to control the thoughts of those who are not in Christ so they do not come to church.

I used green candles to capture the property of those who are not in Christ. I used white candles to cover myself mystically. These white candles were sent to me by the world of darkness because they did not exist on the earth. I used the blue candles to win souls and distance them away from Jesus in order to kill them later, recover the years of their lives and pass them onto those Satanists who had died and were working in the underwater world so that they live long and help us in the invisible battle against Christians. I used black candles to kill and make the victims go mad.

Pink candles were used to cause women to dress indecently. I mean sexy. When they go to church, they will seduce weak minds by their dressing. It was important to wait for the moment of offerings to make invocations with the pink candles. Sexy-dressed girls and women go in front in order to attract the attention of weak minds, when people march to the front to give their offerings, and those who will covet them will lose the blessings they had received from God during the preaching and worship sessions.



After my consecration in the white house of Lucifer and my marriage with the siren Linda, the devil gave me 999 demons to work with me in various operations and missions. I had received the title of a malefactor. The devil then gave me a hexagram, a six-pointed star. My mission was to destroy the living churches of Jesus Christ with this star. I had to fight the true Servants of God. I had to detract their preaching; instead of preaching the word of God as written, they would have to tell their lives, their travel experiences, and all kinds of teachings that have nothing to do with the Bible.

Here are the functions of the six branches that constituted the star I had received:

1st branch: My first mission was to incite Christians to doubt the Word of God in order to weaken their faith. For without faith it is impossible to please God, and faith comes from the Word of God that is heard. There was a demon who worked with me to harden the hearts of Christians during preaching. This demon is named Thomas Ankara. This demon urges Christians not to obey the Word of God. This demon also pushes Christians to go late to church, knowing that angels come to church in time with a blessing for Christians.

2nd branch: My second mission was to prevent Christians from reading the Word of God. I was helped by the Hindu demon Ankara. We made sure that Christians did not read the Bible, but rather other books like "Watchtowers". Reading the Bible is one of the pillars of the Christian life. During the preaching of the Word in the church, I deployed demons that had the size of mosquitoes to distract people and push their thoughts to travel.

3rd branch: My third mission was to prevent Christians from praying unceasingly as recommended by the Bible in 1Thessalonians 5:17. Once a Christian loses the habit of praying, it becomes difficult to get this habit again, and when such Christians try to pray, they lack words, they find it difficult to concentrate; a feeling of restlessness surrounds them. The first thing I did to prevent a life of prayer among Christians was to put unbelief in them. This distanced them from their leaders and the Word of God. That is why you will see some brothers who were very zealous in their life of prayer weakened, this is the mission of the devil in the church. These brothers were victims of the bite of the spiritual mosquitoes I had received from the devil to spread to the church, in order to keep Christians away from God.


4th branch: My fourth mission was to deploy the demons of fornication in groups of the church, such as the choir, the group of worship and intercession. I sent my wife Linda to seduce the brothers. When she did not succeed, I transformed myself into a woman and did it. In case I did not succeed, I would start to overload their thoughts, pushing them to watch pornographic movies. Pornographic films in black magic are a sexual initiation because they are acted by demons. These films are devoted to the world of Polium. When you watch them, you are contaminated. You feel great sexual desires to the point of not being able to control yourself. We then work on your thoughts as a means to lead you to masturbation. The fact is, in black magic, when you masturbate, you are actually having sex with 600 demons. After this act, 300 demons leave and 300 remains, and keep you in fornication. You begin to love sex without control and restraint.


The intercession group was my main target because they are one of the pillars of the church. The stronger they are, the stronger the church. I attacked the intercession group by sending the mermaid, Linda. When she failed, I sent the siren Jacqueline. When she failed, I used beauty products, eyelashes, lotions as open doors to reach the intercessors. I used these products in case they were designed by sirens.

Products such as eyelashes extension are designed by the mermaid Linda. And products like lipsticks are designed by the mermaid Jacqueline. Many makeup and beauty products are demonic and make women appealing. The simplest way to enter the intercession group was through the beauty product because many of these products are designed by the sirens and goddesses of the underwater world.

Thanks to these beauty products, I could push the brothers to covet and desire the sisters in the intercession groups. Once the brothers and sisters in the intercession groups fell into sexual immorality, I sent demons of fornication inside the group. From the moment when sexual immorality enters the group of intercession, the group is invaded by the demons of prostitution and their prayers become impotent because of sins.

The leaders of the churches were also my targets. Among the 999 demons the devil had given me, I had a demon called Maria, a woman of great beauty. The latter turns into a physical woman and goes into churches to ask for information in order to seduce pastors. Hence, the importance of discretion. She also likes to go to the pastors for consultations. Generally, when she arrives, she gives the impression to the pastors that her problems are related to her intimate parts. If you are not vigilant, you will immediately fall with her into immorality. And when you fall into fornication as a pastor, the whole church is drawn into immorality. These fornication demons have possessed pastors so much today that some even have a bed in their office. And when a pastor falls into immorality, it becomes very difficult for him to preach sanctification. Yet without sanctification, no one will see the Lord.

I also attacked groups of worship to prevent their songs and praises from reaching the throne of God. I sent Linda to cause fornication in the worship group so that their worship would be rejected by God.


5th branch: In my fifth mission, I worked with two goddesses. One is called Dalila, she is the demon of homosexuality. When he enters a man, he leads him to behave like a woman. The second is called Cynthia, she is the demon of lesbianism. When he enters a woman, she behaves like a man, and begins to dress like a man; even her manners and personality change. I also tried to encourage Christians to listen to worldly music. Know that the music of the world is a great gate for demons. When you listen to or sing the music of the world, you call demons in your life.


6th branch: This branch was intended for false prophecies. There is a demon called Martadela who very often possesses Christian women and urges them to give prophecies that come from the devil. Beloved, the prophecies of God never come to divide the church. When a prophecy divides the church, it does not come from God, but from the devil. You need discernment.



I had another vision, I saw demons hidden in places where the Christians could not see them acting. They launched surprise and cunning attacks. I saw the evil forces acting, and many Christians were not ready for war, were not clothed and could not win their battles. I saw some brothers who were pillars. The demons attacked to bring them down in sin. They stood, and did not open the guard to sin, succeeding in winning.

I also saw the devil overcoming many Christians through sin. They had no Holy Spirit. Their struggles against the devil were futile. They could not win the war. I have also seen many Christians, being deceived by the millennial intelligence of Satan. They fell into armed snares. These demons are strategic in their attacks on Christians.

I saw demons infiltrating the minds of the brethren to control them. Many were unprepared and were surprised by demons. They were caught without waiting. They did not watch. They fell into the trap. Every demon knew of their weaknesses.

These demons could not overthrow those brethren who were forewarned and full of Holy Spirit. Where they trampled on, their feet had a fire. The demons did not come near them.

I also saw a wall of raised fire, around a house. I asked the Lord, “Who were the people who live there?” The Lord answered me, “This family prays, watches over and keeps My Word. They are separated from the world and is a special family for Me.”

I realized that the demons were trying to get in there to destroy that family, but that wall of protection was erected there. The prayer of that family prevented the demons from entering. This family watched and was attentive to Satan. I realized that this house had no television.

I saw devils slowly entering other homes, without anybody noticing. These demons waited for the right time to attack at the time of the Christian's inattention and weakness.

But the demons do not tread on all ground. Demons retreat when a family lives a life of prayer, watching over sin. These families clean their houses of deception, purify their homes from sin and all evil influence. All evil that draws demons to the home was removed. This family resisted the demons, causing them to retreat.

These demons, when they could not enter these homes, would go to the houses where they had the legality to work. The family that watched because of prayer and the purity of their houses did not give legality to demons to enter their houses.

In the field of a Christian who prays, and lives a holy life, purifying his home, it is a minefield for demons, and a dangerous line of fire, where devils fear to enter.

In the vision, I saw a daring demon entering a holy home and crossing the line of forbidden fire. The Christian was praying. I saw that demon receiving an attack. The prayer turned into a ball of fire and penetrated that demon. He took the fire and screamed, running out of that Christian's house.

My vision went further. I saw a demon sucking the peace and the joy of the people. That demon called other demons to participate in the feast of destruction. Each demon worked in an area of that person's life. I saw millions of possessions and other demons preparing the dwelling, for other demons to come and possess him.

These dwellings are built within the hearts and minds of people, I have come to see a nest with millions of demons within each person's thumbs. I saw a lot of dirt, and a dark smoke coming out from inside people, and a strong stench of carrion, coming out from within.

Only the Word of God can free these people from the demons, and to clean them from within, taking away all the debris that these inhabitants leave inside them.

These people must surrender their lives. The Holy Spirit will cleanse the inside, and implode the kingdom of God in their hearts, plucking out the demons and their palaces, which they have built within each person. The Holy Spirit wants to reign, to bring peace, joy, and happiness to people to have God.

I saw millions of people sick spiritually, deceived and walking down a path of false happiness. I saw the demons-infested air. When my spirit left the body and went to heaven, I could see spiritual things that my fleshly eyes could not see, and I realize that we fight with enemies that we can not see.

Let's prepare the church with the shield of faith, the sword with Word and prayer. I saw a sword of fire descending from the sky and turned into a Bible. A voice said, "Win souls with my Word, fight Satan, handle my sword, wherever my Word is, demons have fled. This book you saw is a powerful weapon, filled with ammunition of consuming fire, which does not come from the earth, came from the heavenly mansions. Each verse is a weapon that can be used against Satan, fight with it, defend and attack the invisible enemies."

I also saw the demons researching many churches, analyzing their strengths and weaknesses. They studied every people to destroy that ministry.

I will expose errors of these churches, so that other churches do not make the same mistakes, and do not come to serve like a demon's nest within the church.

I will also speak of the spiritual qualities of some churches that I saw in the vision. These ministries deserve to be an example of other sleeping churches.

These churches I saw in the vision bothered the demons. These churches organize for the great spiritual battle if they put on the power of God, live in prayer, renounce the world and live a holy life.

Let each one hold his office in the church, work together, recruit more brothers into the army of Jesus, focus on spiritual warfare against the hosts of evil. Enter into a spiritual relationship with Jesus, have interaction with the spiritual things of heaven. Respect each other, grow together in unity, in love and grace.

Pastors should teach biblical truths to their churches. They should ask the Holy Spirit to harmonize the thoughts, unite the people and prepare them for war. Pastors, have patience with the new converts, help them grow in doctrine, prepare these soldiers, root the Word in their hearts.

Organize your spiritual lives, let go of sin, forget the fights and the past offenses you had with your brother. Unite for the war of the last days, forget that person who hurt you. Paul said that our war is not against flesh and blood, but against the post-evil, not against the neighbor or his brother who must fight, but against the evil hosts.

Worry about the evil aftermath, and stop worrying about what they say about you. Carnal strife will not lead anyone to any place. There will be no winner, only wear and tear on both sides. This fuels anger exalts the ego and weakens your spiritual lives. This disunity between the brethren breaks the bond with God, a war between brothers, Those who win are the demons.

I saw devils taking advantage of this breakdown of unity and throwing evil darts, destroying them one by one. These demons took advantage of the weaknesses of these quarrelsome brethren, who opened portals in their lives for the demons to enter. They did not have the strength to fight against these demons.

In the sight of those who held communion, they were not struck by the darts of demons. They had no strength against such brethren, churches maintained spiritual order, lived in unity and forgiving one another.

I saw devils come into the churches and put them against each other. They were spiritually weary of so many strifes. They waged war, destroying each other.

God showed me the lives of Christians. They were dead in sin. Their spiritual lives died for not giving up sin. An angel of the Lord entering this church covered his nose, for the stench of carrion was immense because of sin. The Holy Spirit revealed to me that in this church, the people had a hard heart of stone and that the Word of God had not penetrated their hearts.

Brethren in vision, I saw a large army of demons ready to attack. They are well organized, unlike churches that are not spiritually organized to win. This battalion of demons focused their attack only on those kinds of churches that bothered and mattered to them. These troops of demons of destruction worked hard to destroy the 6 foundations of the church, holiness, and purity, obedience and submission to God, prayer and knowledge of the truth.

My vision went to another church. God told me, "Here in this ministry there are no conflicts and tensions, all personal problems are solved. No one here brings their problems into the church. As they enter the house of prayer, they immerse in worship."

The meetings of the weekly workers have avoided the quotations. They are watching. In the vision, I saw the demons wanting legality to enter, but they could not. The demons wanted to break the union of the brothers, but they did not find spaces.

The demons had a plan to induce brothers to congregate in this church. These brothers had left their churches because of problems and went to congregate in this united church. They were rebellious brothers and the devil entered the bosom of the church through them. They caused contention and disunity. These demons succeeded in breaking the union, causing hatred. They were unnoticed. The church did not watch and pray against the enemy and fell.

The church was weakened, and the demons have capitalized on their weaknesses. Those churches were not with their spiritually organized armies. These demons worked within the spiritually disorganized churches. These demons entered into marriages, betrothal, and finances. This is because the people do not pray, do not watch, and do not sanctify themselves.

Spiritual warfare is fought, and the enemy is active. The pastor must organize his army. This war will only end when Jesus will take us away.



Jesus said, "I will reveal to you what is happening in the churches, listen and tell mankind." Jesus took my hands and stood me and said, "Satan will confront all those who are weak. Against the true believer, he flees because he cannot resist the truth."

Jesus showed me in a vision Satan attacking the churches in cowardice. When he could not defeat that congregation, he used social networks to defame that congregation by using weak church members. That congregation was attacked and the scandal marks stayed in that church. Satan used his evil darts and left his marks, but that congregation, while being defamed, was prepared to defend against those attacks. Satan and his demons could not overthrow that church. There they were all spiritually armed and walking in the Spirit.

I saw devils causing divisions within other churches. These demons chose the weakest and most carnal ones throwing evil darts in their minds and their hearts. The weaker believers were manipulated by the evil forces to overthrow the stronger believers. The carnal believers were used to make spiritual believers out of their congregations. Without these spiritual believers, the church did not grow and became an easy target for deception. The demons' plan was to draw those brothers through the weakest. Any church that has spiritual believers, every evil work in those churches was unmasked and revealed to me. I have seen devils working within churches that opened their doors wide to them and many of their pastors were underestimating the strength and trickiness of the demons.

I saw devils tearing down great men of God and dragging them into the world. Their goal is to overthrow the most spiritual. In my travels to hell, I see the number of evangelicals is increasing in hell. This is not a joke. The situation is serious, everything is proof of the great work of demons. They do not play in service and have fulfilled their missions. So pray and watch and ask Jesus for strength.

Walking in the churches I have had terrible visions. I saw demons coming into the bodies of the weaker believers to persecute the spiritually strongest.

I say to you who walk in truth, be prepared for the insults and slander of the brethren who walk after the flesh. I have seen devils sending their ministers to preach within the churches, sowing heresies and lies. Watch over pastors whom you call to minister in your ministries. I saw demons within serious churches causing many to rebel against the shepherd, causing divisions within the church, putting the shepherds into difficulties.



There is a spiritual war being fought at that time. I saw with spiritual eyes that the church is part of this war. You were not called just to go all the days in the church and live for just for your family and your personal interests. The church was separated for war.

Learn to fight and win your day-to-day struggles. Jesus told me that most Christians do not know how to fight, and others have great armaments but do not know how to use against Satan and his demons.

Lord Jesus told me that the church is more concerned to grow in material life, forgetting the spiritual. The church is not marching into the end time war.

Jesus said, "Tell the church to learn to advance in the spiritual world, I am with them. If the church does not advance, the demons will gain more territory. The church will be stopped, lose the action, are with great paralysis and will not go forward."

Jesus has told me that materialism has reduced faith, and the modern doctrines of the churches are not nullifying sin, nor fighting divisions among the people.

And the demons have worked 24 hours with their strategies of cooling of the faith, inducing Christians to the pleasures, encouraging the church to break the alliance affirmed with Jesus.

The demonic legions have set up these war places to destroy the church.

Jesus told me, "The people have to unite, remain in Me, and live My Word so they do not lose the war for the devil. The church has to gather under a single war cry, no matter the denomination."

Jesus said that He feels pleasure from those who are in His presence. They will overcome Satan, pass the tests and have their strength renewed. Those who are worn out by war will have their lives restored and will resist sin.

Satan has affected minds with harsh trials, causing an emotional crisis. I will restore their wounded souls when you search for Me. Tell the church that Satan is keeping an eye on the crown of the saved to steal, causing many to stray from My path.

The Lord showed me in a vision dry pots. He revealed to me the situation of these vessels, which stopped praying and seeking God at dawn. These vessels need sprouts and be filled with the presence of God.

I had another vision I saw Satan with the demons laughing at a whole congregation.

Satan said to the demons, "These people do not frighten me." Then I saw a giant foot crushing the church.

Jesus told me, "This church is under the foot of Satan and dominated by demons."

In the vision I saw Satan saying, "These dead soldiers do not have the strength to bother us, they cannot fight against us, they are ours waiting for their souls in hell, we will not worry about them, there are more important things to conquer."

Jesus told me, "These people died in their sins, they accepted the lie of Satan, their disobedience arrived on a level, they cannot discern what is good and what is evil, for they are nothing in sin, they are blind in their iniquities."

Tell My church, do not give up the source of wealth that is My grace, those who leave it will be defeated by Satan, but those who remain in it will conquer, and no matter how much Satan tries to stop those who are under grace, success will come their way.

Tell My people not to cling to denominational plaques, and not to speak ill of other Christians from different churches.

Many use the plates to promote scandals of denominations, and others speak of faults and defects of other Christians, exposing their images, making their sins revealed to the world to see, accusing instead of bringing their brother who has lost My light.

I justify the sin of those who repent and defend the accusers. All denominations are imperfect on this earth. I am the perfection that I release and purify. I did not create church names, but I built a holy people for Myself, whoever clings to the names of denominations will not rise in the Rapture.

I am the way. I save and Satan is deceiving many, turning into idolaters of denominational plaques. My blood has the power to redeem the repentant sinner who left the world to live for Me. My blood did not purify any sign of denominations, nor did I pour out My spirit in the temple of stone.



When I got home I bent my knee to pray and had a tremendous vision of spiritual warfare on earth and in the air. Satan and his followers barred the angels in the air preventing them from descending with the blessings of the faithful, a war in the air was being waged. I also saw spiritual warfare between churches and demons on earth.

The Lord Jesus said, "Tell the church to put on holiness, not to lower the rear, keep your hands on the sword, watch and pray. May the fallen rise in the faith, and stand firm against the attacks of Satan, be strong and courageous, even with the whips that cause injury, resist. And if they have no strength to fight, I will heal the wounds and raise up the wounded warriors who will not give up on My path.

Tell the church to close the rear, for the devil seeks to enter, the greatest weakness of the devil is that of the straight church, fearing that he walks according to My Word, against these Satan is a failure, he cannot defeat.

And all those who do not watch, Satan will attack to steal your salvation. He does not get tired of losing the war, he is always trying My people, he is insistent and he struggles to triumph over the church. Tell the church to depend on Me. I am your strength, do not exalt yourself, for being spiritual and obedient, Satan finds the weakness in the midst of strength.

Samson was strong. In the midst of his strength, Delilah found his weakness and made him fall, the greater the strength of man, but his weakness will appear. In the midst of a great spiritual coating, pride arises in the hearts which is the weak point of Satan's attack.

Tell the church not to trust in your strength, but in My strength. The demons study the strengths and weaknesses, and attack in the forces to undermine their resistances. But those who persevere will give authority to break down the evil forces and the evil fortresses will be destroyed by the pure and holy church.

Many use the knowledge to attack their brother and have lacked the strength to attack the evil fortresses and do not use their knowledge to save souls. Many have lost heart, are powerless, and fallen in faith. I will give the courage and strength to persevere to the end to all who seek the strength in Me.

Tell the church that your achievements are not material, but spiritual. My winners are not those who conquer the world but who conquer the heavens. Many have focused their dreams on the earthly possessions.

Many have forgotten eternity, and are not positioned against the traps of Satan. I want renunciation and holiness. My path is thorny hard to tread because of the barriers, only those who love Me do not give up.

I had a vision of a church with 20 dedicated members living the truth and constant prayer, the demons were frightened and furious with these peoples. This little church was united in prayer, one thought, one holiness and one love. They had attitudes of wanting to obey God, their goals of helping the weak and the needy, bothered the demons. There was no jealousy and no competition between them, the pastor treated everyone alike.

Satan tried to infiltrate that church, and put one against the other; his plans were frustrated, they remained united as a united and joyful family; they shared their clothes and food for those in need. They were sealed in love, they did not complain to God for being poor, they did not press God on the wall, to ask for blessing and to supply their needs.

They left everything in the hands of God, their interests were in that which is spiritual, their doctrinal standards is to follow the statutes of Jesus, staying together and firm.

Jesus has shown me in another vision, churches that are spiritually sick because of heresies, false doctrines, and the Gospel of deceit. These churches were so weak they did not have the strength to fight the demonic legions. These churches were anemic, and the demons destroyed the people of these churches with false healings, deceiving many souls.

The demons destroyed relationships and marital lives, causing divorce and throwing many into misery and debt. All of this happened inside a church. The false shepherds threw their fishing nets and hauled many souls to the devil.

The demons infiltrated the minds of the people not to let the people seek out serious church pastors who are committed to the truth.

I also saw Christians coming out of serious churches to congregate in false churches to be deceived. Many pastors of these false churches did not know the truth, because they did false theological seminaries. They were not men who were freed, they died and they went down to hell.

Jesus showed me pastors who knew the truth and began to work seriously. However, their ambitions made them deflect and they began to teach the false Gospel.

Jesus showed me a spiritual war being waged, those who lost were imprisoned by demons. They yielded to sin and lost all God-given authority to subdue the demons. Those who were overcome by sin became slaves to the demons. And the sin of their lives gave legal ground to the demons to operate. The few who remained in this war immobilized the demons.

Jesus brought a message saying, "I do not want My work to be equal to the works of the flesh. Tell My people to let the Holy Spirit take over the direction of their lives and complete the work. The church has given pleasure to the flesh, they are warm in My presence, they want to serve Me and the world, they mix what is holy with what is of the world.

There is no use in wanting to be a saint walking in the practice of the world. Those who please Me no longer live for the world; they surrender their lives in holiness to Me and let Me rule their lives.

Tell My people, do not live an incomplete life in My presence, their double lives do not please Me. I want you to live entirely just for Me, fulfilling My Word. I do not want a servant who is divided between the world and My ways.

Many are in church more than 10 years but do not know Me, have not had a real date with Me. I want to be the owner of their lives, but they do not want to surrender to My Word.



I had another vision. I saw a great collision in the spiritual world in the air; there was a great war between angels and demons. I looked at the ceiling of the church and saw how the air of heaven had 3 angels battling a legion.

Jesus told me, "This legion wanted to attack this church, but My angels intervened for them. They are not prepared for war. Tell the people to prepare against the demonic bombardments they have seen against them. It takes the spiritual structure to withstand and oppose attacks. Satan did not want these revelations to be passed through you to the pastor of the church. The demons are furious with this ministry, because of the revelations that were passed today. Tell the church to prepare for the trials, which will come from now on."



I went home, Jesus showed me in a vision, Pastor Ramon's church in spiritual warfare against the legions of the air.

I saw the legions bombard the church with darts the size of a soccer ball, which looked like black fireballs. These legions were demons of all sizes, 20 centimeters, 1 meter, 2 meters, 4 meters, 10 meters. There were also monsters and dragons casting fires by their mouth, those balls falling from the sky toward Pastor Ramon's church. And also from the pastor's church, he raised fireballs into the air and hit those demons.

Many of them when they were hit would become dizzy and fall on the ground, others on the rivers and seas. These fireballs that came up from the church caused great impacts, hitting the demons. They could not resist and fell from the air down.

There was a great explosion in the air and on the ground, in a bombing exchange between Pastor Ramon's church and the legions.

After this vision I went to Pastor Ramon's church, he was happy to see me but he was sad. He said, "Since when you came here and passed the visions the trials have increased."

The church went into a 2-month prayer purpose every day. His servants could not stand it and they turned away. 4 became sick and 9 went to another church. The pastor said that he was sent away from the company where he worked. He said that Satan owned his boss and fired the company. And the wife of the deacon Horace left him with the children and left home.

But God gave victory, had revival, the church entered into a very strong communion, people were raptured and many were baptized with fire.

I remembered when Brother Horace invited me to preach in the humble church of Pastor Ramon.

To get God's mantle, they paid a very high price and that's what happened to that church.

Many have asked me why demons do not attack other churches, why are they protected against attacks.

I said, "The demons do not war against dead soldiers, they do not bother you, they do not give you danger, you do not have the strength to fight. For those who are already dominated by the powers of darkness, Satan already operates within, establishing his throne and queen. Where sin dwells, dwells its agents of evil. The demons attack strong soldiers who threaten their territories, those who are in activities in the work and expose the deception, that is why the proofs come to these warriors."



I had a terrible vision, I saw an army of demons coming together to kill me and overthrow my faith. They planned to make me fall and destroy my ministry. In this meeting, demons rose from hell, seas, earth, and air.

A principality of Nigeria said, "Let's attack the missionary Kenzo, we will destroy his ministry, we will attack all areas of his life, he has a point that will shake your faith. We have to overthrow him and make him sin by denying his God, and then when he falls into sin, we will kill and take his soul to hell."

"This pastor has revealed our secrets, preaching the truth for the world, we have lost many souls because of his ministry. We are struggling to stop him, now he is making men like him, making disciples and being the mirror to many. Many are being raised on earth because of his ministry. If one Kenzo is difficult to stop, imagine several Kenzo around the world, he has been making copies of himself."

"This missionary has been giving a lot of soul harm to us, many who have heard his preaching have died and are in heaven. We have to stop him, we can not let him continue. Every soul that heard this missionary repaired their lives, those who died are with their God, that has kindled my anger."

Let's put together a strategy to overthrow his ministry, it's just a man of flawed flesh who feels desires."

When I saw this vision I was worried at night, and yet I went to minister in another church. Before I climbed the pulpit I was sitting behind the pulpit with the Pastor Adebayo of that church.

The Holy Spirit spoke through him and gave an account of what he saw. "Pastor, Jesus revealed to me that an evil army is ready to attack you." Jesus told me, "To raise a cry for the life of the pastor tonight. We will be presenting the missionary this morning to God to give you the strength to face this militia that has risen against your life."

After hearing this revelation, I felt a force inside me. I preached that night and went home.

The Holy Spirit said, "Fear not, I am with you, they have risen to fall."



I saw in hell a legion of armor demons. These demons are those of the spiritual warfare, whose function is to make war on the churches. And from hell, I saw a church that defied these demons. This whole congregation that challenged him, spiritually, was without God's armor for combat. The angel showed me they were naked and unclothed in the spiritual realm; they revealed their shame to the demons and had no spiritual condition for a confrontation against those creatures.

The angel showed me 3 churches that are pure in my city. The demons were around these churches wanting to destroy their Gospel. Then I saw a small church and three demons wanted to get inside, but they could not find anything wrong with that church to gain legal entrance. One of these demons is that of prosperity and the other is that of vanity, along with the third that is of spiritual coldness. These demons could not infiltrate that little church.

The angel said, "Do you know who the pastor of this church is?"

I said, "I do not know, who is he?"

The angel said, "This church is of the shepherd Robert who is blocking the entry of these demons into the ministry, through the purity of the Word, defending the holy Gospel. If he allows one of these 3 demons to enter his ministry he will be destroyed."

Satan sent a famous preacher to his church, he was accompanied by the demon of spiritual coolness. This preacher said, "My fame will draw a large crowd of people to your church and your ministry will thrive." Any pastor who likes the number of people would accept this proposal, but Pastor Robert declined. Satan sent a rich Christian who is an expert of the theology of prosperity. Beside him was a demon of prosperity. This rich Christian promised to give his million dollar tithe to him and pay all food expenses, and plane tickets for him to do missions anywhere. Any ambitious pastor would accept the proposal, but Robert did not accept the offer.

Satan sent a highly respected pastor to Robert. This man was well spoken of as Man of God and of the priests. He would give people money, ask for no offerings, and make people believe that he is not one of the shepherds of prosperity. This man need not ask for money since Satan gave him everything in the covenant. He is an enemy of the sanctity of the body and was pleased to see the women of his church sample their bodies for him to covet. This man was accompanied by a demon of vanity. He wanted to preach in Robert's church to persuade people not to follow the doctrine of sanctification. Robert did not accept his invitation and the plan of Satan fell to the ground.

Satan sent several Christians to congregate in the church, people who were willing to do the work. Robert noticed the onslaught of Satan and did not accept those members. Those members were full of poisons of false doctrine wanting to congregate with him and trying to corrupt the sheep when the pastor was to travel in his missions. I saw how those Christians were possessed and disguised as sheep to destroy Robert's ministry.

At that moment the pastor was in a spiritual war and I was very much astonished at the great man of God. The church that his father left took advantage of his absence spreading rumors he had gone astray. He was already living in another country when Satan used the mouths of Christians to defame this servant of God.



After the vision I had of my daughter, Jesus showed me a vision of a great spiritual war. The demons were preparing to attack the church, the purpose of this war was their interest in souls. Demons were attacking people who are congregating in serious churches and do not want them in denominations that teach them to live the Gospel. These Christians were being tested for actually walking in the truth. Many did not resist the tests and backslide.

The demons could get some believers out of the church and bring them into the world, but when people left the true churches, going to the false, the demons celebrated. I saw an army of well-organized demons; they had strategies and plans to destroy the church; they possessed armaments of darkness to reach the church. These demons do not want to attack profane and rebellious churches, they always look in the churches where the shepherds preach holiness. This is the flock they want to attack. If you are the only one in your church who has decided to live the truth, you are being targeted by the devil at this time. The devil is not worried about the flock that has not given up their lukewarm and worldly ways. Those who have not renounced the world, Satan considers them defeated.


I saw the legions surrounding a praying church, they kept waiting for the church to cool down to operate. One of the church members was in sin and did not want to leave the world. He was inside the church, the demons were looking at him, until one of them said, "Here is an opportunity to enter the church through him." Then one of the demons possessed the boy. The purpose of that demon was to cause division and to destroy that church through that boy.


Another legion of demons possessed a very wise theologian, and they took this man to a serious church. The pastor who saw this theologian was astonished by his wisdom and saw his credentials as bishop. The pastor gave honors to this bishop. A sanctified church was falling into the snare of the devil.


I will reveal the 5 plans of Satan to destroy an entire church that walks in holiness.

The first plan is theology and human knowledge. No theology written in books or taught in courses fights sin hard. Today's theologies come with a teaching that nothing is a sin. I thought of doing theology at the beginning of the ministry, but the Holy Spirit did not allow it and said, "Theology is carnal and always goes against what is supernatural. The experiences that you will have, no book of theology can explain. Many men who had faith in spiritual things did theology that killed their faith. Theology has denied My truth."

The second plan of Satan for the church is to gain the greatest number of souls from the churches of truth.

The third plan of Satan is to cool the church, causing the people not to pray, only thus will it infiltrate the church.

The fourth plan of Satan is to bring sin into the church, taking away the spiritual authority of the people.

The fifth plan of Satan is to win the minds of the people, with the doctrine of blessing and wealth. He wants to replace the Gospel of holiness with the Gospel of prosperity.


These 5 plans of Satan are to gain the lost territories and reign within the church. The doctrinal confusions that came from theology is a weapon of Satan to win souls. What is at issue in this war is the crown of the eternal life of believers.

I have seen spiritual darts that cause the spiritual death of the believer, darts paralyzing the spiritual life of prayer, darting sickness to the body, mental dart to reach the minds of believers, causing depression and suicide, a doctrinal dart that causes confusion in the mind and makes one stop believing that holiness is important. They threw these darts at a long distance, these darts did damage to the spiritual lives. It is necessary to put on the celestial armor.

The weapons of believers are prayer, holiness, vigilance, and endurance. Demons do not want Christians to have these weapons. They hold meetings to neutralize Christians, to control their lives by taking their time to seek God. The devil has many weapons of spiritual destruction to end the church.


These darts that undermine the spiritual forces are in technology, internet, television, social networks, and secular music. I saw the demons saying to hide the darts in these things. Any believer who gets involved with these things will have their lives attacked. The demons will not attack the church that makes an alliance with the world, for these are theirs and live for them. I saw the demons attacking the believer by surprise, quick attack without waiting, believers who did not watch were caught in spiritual traps that caused their spiritual falls.


Jesus showed me a multitude of dead bodies.

I said, "What is the meaning of this vision?

Jesus answered, "It is the spiritual deaths of many believers who do not pray, no longer feel My presence and have lost the pleasure of seeking My presence. They are in the church every day, but it is as if they did not have to be away from Me. These were dominated by sin and victims of the demons. The church has no choice but to confront the power of darkness. Prayers are attacks on the spiritual forces of evil and the Word destroys all lies."


Jesus continued, "The spiritual war of infiltration within the churches is commanded by Satan where false prophets preach in holy churches to destroy holy doctrine. These agents are spies who study the ministry to destroy it. The spiritual warfare is on the doctrinal reform of the church and replacing Holy Scriptures with the modern Gospel. Satan is working to change the Gospel by putting another type of teaching. Change the praises with profane lyrics with rhythms of hell. Satan is using demons to wreak war on denominations. At that moment there are several theological currents warring against holy doctrine."

Jesus showed me in the vision the false prophets manipulating people's minds about holiness, saying that nothing is a sin.

I have also seen the false prophets propagating deceitfully about their churches, talking about spiritual things that will never happen. And the media are used by them to advertise their prophecies. They want to garner the largest number of souls to increase church income and the media is a propaganda weapon.


Several teachings say that the sanctification of the body is not necessary. Satan planned to attack the truth by creating diversities of teaching, saying that hell does not exist. I saw all this in a secret Satan meeting when I was snatched up in the Spirit. He is having a war of various false doctrines against the holy Word of God. He is having a spiritual warfare using false gifts and revivals that are not from God. All this to deceive the people.

Satan also planned this so that the people will not come to sanctify themselves, and even in sin, they will be used with gifts and authorities. It is having a spiritual warfare within the church itself in the part of the union, but it is Satan causing discord. Because of this war, many are leaving the church and opening their own ministry for the sake of making money.
These brothers have dragged crowds of people from serious churches to open a church of lies.

I also saw in vision these weak people, falling into demonic prisons of sin. A group of devils was desperate because of an inner church that still kept the truth in their hearts.

I saw a vision as the legions of demons became unstructured as the church began to pray for three months without stopping. The devil's strategy is to enter into a church that has not yet sinned. They want to take over the power of all ministries to have all the souls in their hands. When they take over the ministry they will release their doctrines of demons into the church. The sacred mysteries will be replaced by profane errors; the churches that are established in sound doctrine, Satan will use those who do not live the Gospel to disrupt and disorganize the church.


The strategy of demons is to make a group of believers who do not abide by holy doctrine to defame those who preach the truth. Satan chose a group of believers who have not yet been born again to be the opposition of God's true servants. The demons are already breaking up the church of Christ by dividing the people.

Jesus revealed to me a group of believers attacking pastors, who are committed to God. They used the internet in the popular media to slander, telling lies about the man of God. The people gave credit to those who preach against holy doctrine to get rid of the obligation to walk in holiness. Many pastors want the doctrine of the sanctification of the body to end in all churches. The demons want to put one against the other inside the church to wear down the members of the body of Christ. This will weaken the church for the demons to control the house of God. Satan knows that a disunited church cannot defeat him. All that I am saying was spoken at the meeting of the demons.



I went to church at night and a legion of demons surrounded the church. They threw darts of infirmities. I was at the pulpit and told the church to start praying against the attacking demons. We were in prayer campaign three months ago. That's why the legion of demons was furious.



Jesus has told me about the spiritual warfare of the last days. I saw in the vision when praying in my room, an army of demons from the air. They are well organized in war. They know where they are going to strike and have targets on the ground. They know the people they are going to destroy. Where are the denominations and the Christians that bother them? They have goals to achieve and targets. Lord Jesus showed me the situations of the churches as they are. The church is not spiritually organized for war and has disunity between brothers.

Jesus showed me a church of few members that are far inland from the big cities. This small army of members is simple and humble people. This church is well organized and prepared for spiritual warfare. The people lived on plantations and did not work. They were committed to that little work. The legions of demons have a larger army and more experienced in war. And it has conquered many places and cities. The conquered peoples were subjected to slavery to serve Satan. Those humble and simple people were fragile and few, but when they bent their knees those demons fled. The legions had more guns and were stronger than these people apparently. The ultimate power of that people is Jesus who overcomes their struggles. The people were dependent on the General of armies.

I saw in the vision an army of well-armed angels ready to perform the services of Jesus for the church. Spiritual warfare is not physical. Jesus went through this desert war and used the Word as a weapon to defeat Satan. He rejected his reign on earth to prepare the spiritual kingdom to be won and established by His death. When the soldiers beat Him and Peter cut the soldier's ear, Jesus did not approve of physical violence. The attitude of Jesus denounced the flesh-to-flesh war that happened in the Old Testament. The war is no longer against the neighbor but against Satan and his demons. The next war against neighbor is to be won by love. Physical aggression or words against his fellow man does not come from God. War is won by obeying and living the Scripture.



Jesus showed me the witches doing witchcraft for the Christians of all the churches in a town. The witches' spells hit rebellious Christians. The Christians who suffered these attacks had their wrists in chains.

Jesus said, "These are slaves of Satan. All these are slaves of their own sins and became prisoners of the devil. These churches that were attacked by the witches were not prepared spiritually to confront the evil forces."

The sight of the witches is gone. What I saw in the vision are churches disgraced and defeated by sin. The devil does not respect teachers and doctors of theology, but he fears those who do the will of God and who search their whole heart. Jesus does not care about church offices and church plaques. This is insignificant before God; what matters to Him is a life separated from the world. It is not your position that will make you a true Christian. To be a man of God is to live a sincere, holy life with good conduct before God.


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