Thursday, October 18, 2018



If data in your mirror indicates that you are going to be rich, the devil will make spiritual holes in your pockets or he will burn your hand. That means you will work and you will have money, but you will have nothing to show for it. You will have a good salary but will do nothing with it.

There are also people marked "unemployed" on the forehead. They have degrees, but they will never get a job. If they found a job, they would be fired and would not keep a job for a long time.



Now the Lord started crying when He started to show me the condition of the church. Suddenly I saw a pastor on earth carrying a big suitcase and it was full of money.

The Lord told me, "These are preachers and evangelists that are getting rich with the offerings because they are preaching lies to My people and letting My people get lost.”

I tell you, preachers and evangelists, preach Jesus even if you don’t receive tithes and offerings. Sanctify the church.

Suddenly I saw that the money in the suitcase disappeared. I asked the Lord and He told me that “in that same manner his money disappeared, so will he disappear together with the Antichrist. But still, I have a remnant of my people who are not contaminated."

I see today how many preachers, pastors, evangelists are rich and millionaires. However, the members of their church are falling into pieces in poverty, needing food to eat and the pastor is in opulence, not helping them! So many evangelists, multi-millionaires even billionaires in super luxury cars. Where is the Good Samaritan? And I saw many pastors ministering at the altar, but I then saw this one pastor finishing ministering that day and leaving his home where his wife was and he left her to meet his lover with whom he lives too and she was also a member of his church!



Later, the fire rolled up another man with a big stomach, with a wrinkled body. This man asked me, "My son, do you normally read the Bible especially the Book of Luke?" I answered, "Yes." The man continued, "Do you remember the story of Lazarus and the Rich Man? Would you believe if I tell you that I am that rich man?." I said "No" because I have always thought the story is a mere parable. The man told me that it is not a parable and that he has been in hell for close to four thousand years and the hope of coming out is gone. He even surprisingly quoted the Bible passage "What shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul." He explained that the reason he quoted that passage is that he gained all the riches on earth, but now he is helpless and doomed forever, but for me, I still have the opportunity and that I should tell the whole world. He then explained further that nobody has any excuse to miss heaven, because on judgment day if any poor person ascribes his missing heaven to poverty, Lazarus who was a poor man would stand up and condemn the person and say, "Look at me, I was poor, yet I made heaven." For those that are rich too, Abraham would be waiting for them to disprove whatever excuse they may have by saying, "Look at me, I was rich, yet I was able to make it to heaven." So there is no excuse for anybody. The fire rose and brought the rich man down into eternal damnation.



Jesus took me to a place in hell where rich men who have grown rich with the misfortune of others are there. Lives were destroyed in misery and others had to die for the success of these men. These men who became rich at the expense of the poor are in the fiery furnace at that time. They were blamed for many people dying of starvation and malnutrition. They were rich, they died poor, they could not bring their money along with them; they would come down poor to the hell's galleries. They had success, fame and a lot of money. At the height of their glories, death reaped their lives and they were forgotten on Earth.

The tendency of the one who climbs is to descend. Those who go up too high will one day descend, just as Lucifer came down. All the kingdoms of the Bible that were once great and reached the top of the world fell. The higher they climbed, the greater their falls. Jesus became a servant, humbled Himself to be exalted among the nations. The secret for the Christian to continue to rise is to descend into humiliation before God.

I was exalted by my ego, but Jesus struck me when He cast me into hell. There I was nothing, I looked like a funny demon figure. You can be the most powerful man on earth and command the army of soldiers in your favor. When you get to hell you'll just be a soul like any other person. There is no difference between the president and a homeless in hell. Both died without Jesus, suffering is the same for all. The same flame that burns the body of the rich will burn the body of the poor. I saw in hell a rich man and a poor man suffering together, side by side. Both were charred by the fire and became like burning charcoal. My nostrils could not stand the stench of carrion in hell. I was disgusted by the smell of rotting flesh from proud people, they stank and pieces of their flesh fell to the ground full of worms. I was proud, now I am humble.



These people loved money when they were physically alive but they receive eternal suffering here. The Lord said, "These people are so caught up in their pursuit for riches that they value money more than people; prefer luxurious imported cars over faith and mock church goers. They also live in fear that the food that Satan pours on them will vanish so they try to fill their greed for possessions. Just as they were once sophisticated, Satan raises them high on a pedestal and burns their whole body to flames where they will live in intense and extreme pain."



I saw a rich man burning in the fire. The Lord Jesus told that man to tell Him why he was there. He said, "My money held me in material things, the more I had the more I wanted to spend on luxury, pleasure, and women. I did not have time to go to church because of the money that brought me well being. I was traveling the world and I never remembered God. Money was more important to me than Jesus. My money made me forget God and stopped my salvation. I preferred the transient wealth of the earth rather than the eternal heavenly riches. There is no hope for anyone descending to this place."

Jesus showed me people in hell who have deified their money and material possessions. I beheld people who had purchasing power on earth and influences such as presidents, judges, governors, kings, queens, emperors, bankers and businessmen. All these did not help the poor and when they died took nothing, leaving everything on earth. These were forgotten when they died. Both rich and poor in hell there is no superiority. All these men left their fortunes and their millionaire fortunes. And now everyone is in a place of eternal misery.

One shouted saying, "I would give all my wealth on earth to live a miserable life there. I want to go back to earth and be the most despised person there than to stay in this place of torment. Let me go back to earth and be a garbage collector, but do not let me stay here. Tell the people of the earth not to go out of their way to help the poor."

Seeing that man begging to return to earth was so sad. They repented too late.

In hell, there is no separation of classes between rich and poor. Everyone mingles in that place. I saw poor, rich, black, brown, white and brown all in one place. All religions, cultures, and languages are in that place. People from the time of Abraham and from various times to the present day.

Jesus took me to a place in hell where I saw a beggar man. Jesus said, "I have sent my servant to this man. And every day he brought food and juice. The Word was preached, but he did not want to give his life to Me and at dawn was found dead because of the cold. The blanket this man was given was not enough to protect him from the cold. The beggar shouted and said, "I do not deserve this place for living a miserable life on earth. I deserve heaven. This is not fair." This beggar tried to justify himself that he did not deserve hell for living a poor and miserable life on earth.



I am going to report the fall of a Christian, of the ministerial church followers of the faith. This church is near my residence. I have already had the pleasure to minister there, and to know that great man of God, who had gone astray.

Before the fall of this evangelist, the Lord Jesus showed me Satan sat at the table with 3 chief demons, setting up a plan to overthrow this man of God.

He was very applied in communion with God, all this caught the attention of the demons and bothered them. This man did everything that the Word of God commands.

He had a great spiritual performance in the Word, prayed hard and gave his best to God in the work. His spiritual life was stabilized, nothing weakened him and overthrew him. He overcame his family trials and maintained a spiritual level without letting down his anointing.

He recognized that he needed the Holy Spirit, and had a bond of spiritual affinity with Him, his friendship was knee-deep, and he was not influenced by false prophets.

He was a disciplined man and indoctrinated by the Word, who lived what everyone has trouble practicing.

His pastor's church was full of people because of him. The church survived and did not close the doors, because of his ministry that built the people.

This Christian was trained in sound doctrine, a quality worker, a man of initiation to do the work, willing to pay the price for the Gospel, a practitioner of good works, a man responsible for the work with a great biblical knowledge.

The Lord Jesus gave him the spiritual capacity to do the work. This man was spiritually rich, motivated by the Word, his cheerful expression was not defeated even with what little he had.

Even though he was wounded by the persecutions of many Christians, he would not open his mouth to argue with them; he would not be overwhelmed by the oppression of his church brothers. He would walk upright and smile on his face.

He endured the criticism, he was not shaken, he was not involved in debates and discussions, he gave all this to God.

His pastor charged him in the work, he bored that the charge is for his growth and the work of God, knew that the pastor wanted the best for him.

He was determined to win souls. The word to give up the work did not exist in his vocabulary, zealous of the work that God put in his hands.

He was a man who took the work of God seriously, did not murmur when business did not go well, prayed constantly, even though he did not have God's answer, he was convinced that God was listening to his prayer and that he kept his prayers in golden goblets in heaven.

And even though he was in great trials in his home, out of money and out of work, he knew that the Lord Jesus never forsaken him.

His purpose was the kingdom of God, a great soldier of the persistent heaven, did not care about offices and influenced many brethren to resist sin and trials.

He was a spiritual warrior, a man who did not only like to acquire knowledge, but he loved biblical practice, a theory he did not serve. The Word of God had to be transformed into action, lived and practiced that he did perfectly.

He was participatory and very active in the work, was aware that God had sent an angel to protect him and give him security, even without seeing this angel, his faith knew that he was by his side.

He saw by faith, had courage and attitude in the work, worked with satisfaction, worker qualified by God, fit for good work. His ability came from God, he was a man trained by the Holy Spirit.

His work had efficacy. It produced the effects desired by God. It pleased the gentleman in every way, an efficient man in everything that he did for God. His example of behaving made everyone want to emulate him.

He had mental self-control, he did not lose his temper with insults and adverse situations, he kept himself calm and serene, he accepted correction to improve his behavior, he evaluated himself and examined himself, to see if his spiritual performance increased.

He was submissive to God and his pastor, did not let his ego grow, nor did he want to be greater than anyone else.

Even though being unemployed he was faithful.

One day a church sent an invitation to his wife. She was happy and gave the invitation to her husband, he went to his pastor to ask permission to minister in this church. When he finished his ministry, the pastor who invited him offered four thousand dollars.

He did not want to accept, his wife told him to accept because he did not have a job. He accepted the money because of his wife.

That same church, sent the invitation a second time, offered him money. He did not want to accept it. The pastor insisted that he take it, and told him to think about his children.

The church sent the third invitation. He did not want to go as he did not want to receive any money. His wife said he had no choice, he would have to accept for the sake of his family.

Through this church he became well known in the region and began to minister in several churches. His ministrations cost $ 10,000.

This evangelist no longer had time to help his pastor, his schedule was full, and began to lose the pleasure of serving God out of love, he no longer prayed.

In the vision of Satan and the 3 chief demons, I saw they were celebrating the fall of this evangelist. Their plan to convince the evangelist's wife, to make him become a mercenary of the kingdom, a seller of the Gospel, had come true.

Satan said, "I used the shepherd to offer him money, he planted the root of greed in his heart." The demons laughed, for having made the evangelist a mercenary of the faith.

Months later he left the church. The living flame of the Holy Spirit went out, he became an alcoholic, beat his wife, and even committed infidelities with other women.

His wife was praying in the church where her husband was congregating, asking God to bring him back. That soldier who had nothing of material wealth had only spiritual riches, now he had money, but he had lost his spiritual wealth, which was his virtue.

He gave everything his wife wanted, through money, but also brought great suffering to his wife, who now preferred her old life humble and happy.



I saw covetous siblings clinging to money, they did not help the needy. They died and went to hell and their money stayed in the banks. They wanted a chance to go back to earth and get their money and help those who need it. All these covetous ones were in hell and they took nothing with them.



The angel transported me from that church and we went to another church. The angel said, "This is the church that you refused to come to when the Holy Spirit would have used you as His servant. This church is in disharmony with God; only those who give more offerings and greater tithes get positions and offices in that church. Those who give tithes and minor offerings cannot get jobs. Warn this church that God does not measure character by the amount of money."

The angel of the Lord pointed me to two men and said, "These men are unemployed. They use this time to earnestly seek the presence of the Lord. They are prepared men, but because they do not give their tithes and their offerings they were prevented from ministering and they cannot hold office. God is opening the door of employment to exalt these servants, but warn this church that God measures the degree of spirituality through obedience and perseverance, not by the positions that are granted. Man can have the highest office in his ministry, but if he is not living a life of obedience according to the Word to God, he is nothing. Man can be recognized on earth by his preaching, may hold a respectable church office, but if he is not walking as the Word says, he may be known in the world, but to God, he is a stranger. "

The angel and I went to another section of hell. I saw when the demons cut off a man's wrist and plucked out his hands. The angel said, "This man is here because he sold the gift of the Word that the Holy Spirit gave him. He sold what does not belong to him. God gives the gift but does not take money from His servants. He charged in the churches and as he became better known, he increased his asking price for schedules. Those who sell the name of Jesus will pay a high price in hell. Warn the churches to minister for love, without interests. The Holy Spirit will touch the hearts of people to help with offerings. Remember that just as God sent the crows to feed Elijah, He will send people to help His servants. Tell the people not to merchandise the Word and praise of God. Warn the church to watch, for the number of false shepherds will increase."



Jesus showed me publishers of evangelical books. These publishers marketed the Word of God, enriching the publishers. They sell the Word of God and all the money is not to help the needy. The owners of evangelical publishers grew richer every day.



After that day I had a vision of a church whose lights have gone out. And Mammon was sitting in the armchair behind the pulpit and preaching.



The angel took me to Mammon. He is a chief demon over 3 feet tall. The angel said, "Mammon, reveal the hidden things." And the angel pointed the sword and said, "It is Jesus' command to reveal everything to this servant."

Mammon showed me a small church inside a box. He said, "This is the modern church that is growing today."

I saw several flashing colored lights, dancing, DJ and theatrical arts. This church looked more like a nightclub, as the Pastors have desecrated the houses of prayer.

The angel said, "The theater is a lie, nothing is real, everything is staged. The theater is a farce that makes one believe what is not true. It was through the theater that came to the movies that happen on television. The church that works with theater makes people believe that the words of God are not true. If the Holy Spirit worked miracles and healings in these churches, the people will think they have been staged in the theater. Pastors have transformed young people into actors within the church. The theater is a profession that God abhors for spreading evil."

Mamom said, "These are our churches that grow on the earth. Every year many churches of this kind are opened. They still teach our Gospel, and the older churches that preached the truth are copying from these modern churches our Gospel to draw people."



I went to the section where the vain Christians are. They had many cars, land, and apartments. They spent the money to make their lives luxurious and extravagant. Vanity is something that wants to appear and get the attention of the world, saying, "Look at me; don't you see me? I am different." They are in hell for living in ostentation.


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