Friday, November 9, 2018



I remember one day, we were in the world of "Tartarus". We were in the middle of a meeting with Lucifer. There was a Satanist of Togo who had pronounced the name of Jesus by mistake and all of us who were in the room, fell on the ground, even Lucifer. Lucifer fell from his throne and found himself on the floor. Beloved, in the name of Jesus, every knee must bow and every tongue must confess that Jesus is Lord, including those of the devil. We do not have to fear the devil if we are truly in a good relationship with Jesus.



The devil never mentions the name of Jesus. When he wants to talk about Jesus, he only says, "The King of Christians." Because the name of Jesus is a bomb in the world of Lucifer and this is one of the reasons that made me separate myself from him. I thought that the power of Lucifer was the absolute best and it was only when I discovered the power of Jesus' name, that I started to doubt everything Lucifer told me.



One day, in a big meeting, the devil gave us many strategies to entrap true Christians, to win souls for the astral world. And at the end, he gave to each Satanist an assignment. My assignment was to go and kill ten people, besides the two people he had requested in my nuclear family. And we went and I caused a traffic accident, and there were 13 dead. After that, we went to another meeting. And in that meeting, each Satanist had to give the report of his assignment. And the devil was sitting on his throne, and all of us were there. We were many, and we had to give the report in turn. The first went forward, gave his report and returned to his place. I was the ninth person. I also went and gave my report. I said that the assignment that had been entrusted to me, was to kill 10 people and I had killed 13. And for that, I was cheered. Thus, I returned to my place. The tenth person also went forward.

The 15th person, a Satanist from Togo, went forward. He began by saying this: I failed in the assignment that had been entrusted to me. Then, the devil was furious. He got up, started to hurl insults at the Satanist, he tried to know the reason for this failure. Then he sat again on his throne. The man in question began to speak. His assignment was to kill a pastor in Togo. And he arrived at the pastor’s house, penetrated into the roof. He waited for the night when the pastor would go to bed, to kill him. Before going to bed, the pastor knelt and began to pray. And this man said: "He was praying and when he was praying, I felt nothing. I was still in the roof; I was waiting for the end of the prayer to act. But at the end of his prayer, the pastor said: It is in the name of Jesus. "He did not even say, Christ. All of us who were in the room were thrown to the floor. We were all on the floor. Beloved, while we were on the floor, I looked at the throne of Lucifer, he also, was not on his throne, he was on the floor, like all of us. He who was telling us that he was above all things, he had told us that his power was at the top and on that day, he too, like all of us, fell from his throne and was on the floor.

The devil on the ground, oh my beloved. The Bible says: Before the name of Jesus, every knee should bow. Even the devil should bow his knees before the King of kings. Because Jesus the King of kings was given the name that is above every name, and before that Name, every knee should bow, every tongue should confess that Jesus is Lord. I saw the devil on the floor. I saw with my own eyes Lucifer on the floor. And after that he got up and started to hurl insults at the man, the one who had mentioned that name, he was taken away and was killed. A free advice: If you are a sorcerer, and it happens that one sends you on a mission to kill a Christian, if you fail, know that it is the grace of God. If you fail, do not go back to your camp to give the report, you will be killed. If you fail, go quickly to the church and confess what you have done, they will pray for you and you will be delivered like me. And as soon as the devil got up, he told us: "Do not worry about this incident, soon I am going to reign in this world, I will give you important positions. Know that I will dethrone that feeble from His throne, that feeble, who is called I do not know what, I am going to dethrone Him." And when he said that, we acclaimed him, yet it was not long ago that we were all on the floor.



One day I had to visit my mother and I was looking for my shoes. I was looking for a pair of shoes that could match the color of my suit since I used to dress in fashion. While I was looking under the bed, I noticed a cleansing product and a bottle of water containing a fish inside. I was surprised because I knew I did not put those things there. As soon as I took the bottle of water containing the fish, the bottle stuck to my hand. I was electrocuted, I vibrated and trembled. I started screaming for help. I struggled to remove the bottle from my hand, but my efforts were unsuccessful. So I heard a voice in me telling me to remember the name I was singing when I was a member of the choir of the church of Fepaco. Indeed, after my healing from madness, although I was a child and even though I was not born again, I went regularly to church. I heard the voice tell me to use the name of Jesus Christ against the bottle that was stuck on my hand.

When I invoked the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the bottle came off my hand and fell to the ground. I tried unsuccessfully to open the bottle. Then I took a hammer and tried to break the bottle, but this bottle was even resistant to the hammer. Several times I tried to break this bottle with the hammer but without success. I could not understand; I was shocked to find that this glass bottle was resistant to an iron hammer. While I was using the hammer against the bottle, the fish in the bottle was making movements.



After Jesus was talking to me, the devil was standing at a distance and observing. Jesus said to me, "He has no power. You must exercise authority over him in My name." Then I said, "In the name of Jesus Christ," the devil collapsed on the ground.

Jesus said, "Everywhere you go to preach, if he opposes you, just use My name and he will fall like this because he has no power." Then Jesus said to me that the devil is using marriage in order to take souls to hell.



I told him that my concern was to see Jesus Christ and to become a millionaire. When I pronounced the name of Jesus Christ the devil was weakened at once, he got angry and hit his head on the table, then he said to me, "Young man I know your condition, you must understand that even if you wash a goat with soap, its smell will never leave it. You must understand that we will all go to the lake of fire and sulfur. We have the same fate you and me." I was confused and amazed by Lucifer's attitude. In fact, I did not know that the devil could not withstand the name of Jesus Christ. A few minutes after this incident, the devil tried to make me forget what had just come out of his mouth, but I got his words in my head. All that interests the devil is that we will all end up in the lake of fire and sulfur. Later, the devil blessed me and gave me the power to rule over the demonic powers of Hell. He gave me 900 warrior demons and ordered me to make war against the authentic church of Jesus Christ.



Then I traveled to France where I was invited by the representative of the Rosicrucian Order for the exchange of knowledge and occult powers. I explained to them certain mysteries of Satan and the doctrine of nosa. I asked them for some understanding of Rosicrucianism. I was told that everything started in ancient Egypt. But while we were talking, something happened in the middle of our conversation. A child whom I had killed in human sacrifice a long time ago appeared and he was dressed in white. On his garment was inscribed "Jesus". When we saw the child, we were paralyzed and we fell to the ground. There was a power emanating from this child and when he disappeared we got up. The people of this sect of the Rosicrucian Order questioned me about this event. I had no other choice than to lie to them that it was the devil himself who was testing us. I was confused.

A few days later, I went back to earth. I had my mystical sanctuary in the mountain, near the bush where I was resting and isolating myself. I was in this sanctuary, and when I fell asleep I dreamed of the same boy who had appeared to us in France. The boy was like praying, then he raised his hand and said, "In the name of Jesus Christ." When he quoted the name of Jesus, the place where I was shaking and my sanctuary caught fire.

I jumped out of my sleep, I was happy to see that it was just a dream, but a few minutes later I heard a sound like thunder and my sanctuary caught fire just as I saw it in the dream. Then a power seized me and projected me from the mountain and I became blind, I could not see anything.



After my second trip to the country of the Maharashathie goddess, I was given the powers to "bind" the talismans. One day, orders had reached us from everywhere. There was plenty of work. I could not handle all these talismans at night, given the short time I had. I made friends with some during the day in the cemetery not far from the city. Sometimes I would go to the cemetery during the day to work, but only after I made myself invisible, and wearing slippers so as not to make noise on my way.

I was accompanied by two friends. To avoid attracting the attention of curious people, we worked in silence. Usually, when we were doing this kind of activity, we were illuminated by a light. This light did not come from any visible light source. But not far away, there was a group of young people who had gathered for prayer. I had not suspected the presence of this group, since they were a little far away, in a house.

At some point of their prayer, a young boy had raised his voice and said, “I take authority over any influence of Satan in these places. I break all the chains of the devil, and I proclaim deliverance in place in Jesus' Name!”

Just after these words, the light that lit us disappeared. I made no connection between the disappearance of our light and the statement of the boy. A few minutes later, about five minutes, the light reappeared.

I forgot this incident, and I dove back into my job. Nevertheless, as a precaution, with the magic tube, I explored the area in order to discover a possible impostor. That inspection proved fruitless because, apart from the group of children who were praying, the magic tube discovered nothing else. A few moments later, pushed by I do not know what force, the same boy raised his voice for the second time and said, “You, satanic works, you, spirits of darkness, I order you to leave this place and go away into the abyss reserved for you from the beginning of time, in the name of JESUS CHRIST!”

Like the first time, our light had gone out, this time for good. After a long wait, I thought it best to neutralize this group of young people in prayer, and it was perhaps that they were responsible for the disappearances of our light. For a second review by the magical tube had revealed that this group being around was messing up with our activity.

I note that before deciding to master these boys in prayer, I fumbled with the magic tube to check each participant of that prayer group in order to detect any force or power. But my examination proved fruitless. It was only a matter of prudence that I wanted to master these young people. I only wanted them to sleep and not cause them harm. After all, they were just children. Armed with my magic tube, I approached the group. There was a bench that was lying there. I sat myself to concentrate to start praying the magical hypnosis. The friends with whom I worked had noticed my prolonged absence and had been looking for me. They found me collapsed on the bench, legs apart on the ground while the magic pipe was lying on the ground not far from my right hand. I was sound asleep, snoring. My friend woke me and explained to me the state in which they found me.

The story of my friends encouraged me to serious thinking. The question that tormented me most was to know how powerful these small children were to put me to sleep. I intended them no harm, except to sedate them so that I would have the time to quietly finish my work. How had they found my intentions and acted so quickly, and I cannot defend myself? So they had to have more power, more efficient than ours.

If someone had stabbed me while I was lying unconscious, I would be dead as anyone of ordinary mortals. Me, Lisungi Mbula servant of the goddess Maharashathie, the graduate of high Indian magic, custodian of the divine power of the great Ashanti, lying on a bench without knowledge! The words of the teacher came to me, "You will be protected against all enemies both visible and invisible."

The group of young people had finished their prayers and were long gone to where they came from. There was no way to reach them to ask them some questions. It was at that time only that I realized that it was following the prayer of the boy that our lights had disappeared. Doubt that arose in my mind materialized gradually. Despite claims by the teacher, our power was not the greatest. Above it, there was another greater power possessed by the group of young people, who had put me to shame. What does the Bible say about this?

You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them because the one who is in you is greater than he who is in the world (1 John 4: 4).

And even:

For the lips of children and those at the breast, you have ordained praise to confound your foes, to silence the enemy and the avenger (Psalm 8: 3).



Another day, three students from the University of Kisangani (UNIKIS) waiting to present themselves for an exam session had the idea to use some basics of magic. They bought cigarettes "Zaire Lightweight" dipped in the perfume "Sudan" and withered in the sun for smoking at midnight. At the appointed hour, they stood at the crossroads to meet spirits.

It was past midnight. I went to the cemetery as usual for restoration and entertainment. Usually, those who practice such things go invisible. Often during the day, when I went to the cemetery, I went unseen, but at night, I really do not see the need to do so. Only if there were people at the entrance, I "should disappear," and I waited patiently until they left and I entered (see below "the world of the cemetery").

That day, I met the three students at the fork. The sight of these young people at this hour and in such a place made me smile. I approached them and asked them, jokingly, if they were not afraid to walk at such a late hour of the night. Those young people, being uncooperative, gave me this answer, “If it is really about being afraid, it is you who should in principle be more afraid than we are since you're alone. We, we are three!”

I could not tell them I was not alone, and there was with me a legion of spirits servants to protect me. So I continued walking down the road to the cemetery, wishing them good luck in their business.

A little further, in my path, I met three unclean beings, three perfectly ugly monsters. Words fail me to describe the shape or appearance that these spirits had. I cannot compare to any creature of our world, there is no comparison. The sight of these vile beings gives nausea.

At the sight of these spirits, a fear came over me and I wanted to flee. Yes! I wanted to run away, because, despite all the time that I had going on in magic, I had never seen spirits as ugly and repulsive. But, remember that I was the holder of the protection of the divine Ashanti, I changed dimension: I used my ability acquired by spiritualist practices, that of becoming a superior mind.

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, I remind you that I had gone beyond the ordinary magic. My initiator considered me his son and had thus taught me a lot of knowledge that he had. This knowledge, in principle, required human sacrifices. But in my case, I received them free of charge from my teacher. Thus, after the usual magic, I graduated in occultism, spiritualism, and finally the high magic. I was the only graduate at the service of the goddess for the entire region of eastern Zaire.

After changing dimension, I became able to impose my will on inferior minds such as those that were in my presence. I approached them and asked them why they were passing that way. I wanted to know who they were and where they were going because their presence had not been reported to me. As a graduate for the entire Eastern Region, it was my right that we are kept informed of all the comings and goings of strangers in my administrative court.

The evil spirits gave me this answer, “We are Felbuss, the family of Prince Beelzebub. Historically, this area we live in is the neighborhood Rwapo here in Kisangani. We start to answer the invitation of friends.”

They could not lie to me because I dominated their will. But the area in which they claimed did not exist in Kisangani. Seeing my bewilderment, they became impatient and also wanted to know who I was. I revealed to them in the turn of my identity: My name is Lisungi Mbula. I am Diploma, serving the goddess Maharashathie India.

To my announcement of the name of the goddess, the climate of mistrust that already existed among us dissipated and they entrusted to me in confidence, "We're in a hurry. We are waiting, and time passes. We are also at the service of the goddess. If you want more information about us, phone us tomorrow at midnight to this number: 0001-Chao!”

I broke my spell. In other words, I won and they departed. Shortly after they left, I remembered the three students who seemed to be expecting a visit from some spirits. I established a relationship between these three students and the unclean spirits. I decided to see if my hunch was right. Besides, I had nothing to lose. I was right. Indeed, Felbuss were heading in the direction where three students were.

When these spirits came within sight of the three students, they did not have the courage to face the Felbuss and fled. I do not condemn them for fleeing as in any case, Felbuss was despicable and ugly. No one can bear to look at them or approach them without feeling a big fright. Besides, it's like they spread terror in their path. The evidence was that myself if I had not had supernatural abilities, I would have been like them.

One of the students fleeing stumbled and fell. Knowing he was lost, he prayed, “Lord Jesus, I acknowledge that I have sinned against You. Forgive my sin, Thou the Merciful! Save me, be my light and my strength!”

After this short prayer, something extraordinary happened. The Felbuss, coming from one direction, fled every man for himself, in three different directions. I did not understand why these foul beings fled. I shouted to them to tell them not to be afraid of these children. I shouted to them, "These are just kids!". But none of them heard me and would not listen to me. So I continued to scream while running behind them, "These are just kids; they are nothing, they are harmless!"

They heard my words very well, but none of them stopped. Their flight aroused my curiosity even more. For the second time, I changed dimension and managed to neutralize one of the three fugitives of Felbuss. I forced him to explain the reason for their sudden and hasty departure. He tried unsuccessfully to flee several times and told me this, against his heartfelt desire:

“We had to respond to the invocation of these three students that you saw. When they saw us, they fled. So we were angry because they bothered us for nothing. We were prepared to punish them, when one of them, the fallen, called Someone for help. That Someone then does not like His proteges to be touched or harmed. Because the other had called on Him, He was to come. And, coming, He would have caught and would have put us in a bottomless pit. How could we live there? That's the reason for our hasty flight. On one hand, it's our fault. We should have known if they were collaborating with each other. But we're still coming, and now here's the result. Anyway, had we known they were working with Him, we would not come!”

When the young student said his prayer, I notice I had not heard it since I was a little kid. I questioned the third Felbuss about who was the only one whose name, pronounced that night by a student, had driven these Felbuss which I myself was scared.

What is the name of this "someone?"


His name?


The Felbuss looked very uncomfortable and very tired by speaking the name of Jesus. He wanted to flee as quickly from where we were. I released him and he went away unhappy. Any doubt was no longer possible for me. The power of Jesus surpassed any other power. How else to explain a name pronounced late in the night by a layman could put fleeing monsters whose only fear was so thought-provoking? Two of the three students went mad, they did not even present themselves in the exams.

God's Word does say: everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved (Acts 2:21).



Then the Lord took me to the throne of the devil. I saw a very big, tall, fat, huge demon on this throne. He was very hideous and he immediately set his eyes on me. He called my name, ‘Senayon, you have come here to see our mystery. I will not allow you to share any of our secrets! I will kill you, I swear." And the Lord told me, "Fear not, for I am your Life."

Isaiah 41:10-11 Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am Thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of My righteousness. Behold, all they that were incensed against thee shall be ashamed and confounded: they shall be as nothing, and they that strive with thee shall perish.

Then after some time, we were invisible to the devil, and the Lord told me that "All things are not visible to the devil, he does not know everything. But all things are visible to God." I at first did not believe this because we all know that the devil is powerful. The Lord knew my thoughts and He took me to the back of the throne. I noticed the devil did not know that we were there. Then the Lord told me, "Call My Name" and I quietly said, ‘Jesus!"….. and a great power shook hell and the devil fell down from his throne.

Then the devil turned back and we appeared visible. Then the devil shouted my name, "SENAYON" and the Lord told me, "Try the power in My Name." I commanded the devil to die for three minutes in the name of Jesus! The power in the name of Jesus nailed his spirit on something like a wall and his hideous body fell down.

Philippians 2:9-11 Wherefore God also hath highly exalted Him, and given Him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

And after three minutes, the Lord released his spirit and the devil came back into that hideous body. Immediately when he rose up, he shouted with a great fury and wrath. Then I saw many demons approaching; they were rushing out and they all assembled with arrows in their hands. They all came against us at once, then heaven opened and I saw a pure white arrow! Just that one arrow came down and it destroyed all the arrows of demons.

I want to tell you, there is power in the name of Jesus; by His Name, every knee shall bow. Philippians 2:9-11 Wherefore God also hath highly exalted Him, and given Him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Mark 16:17-19 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In My Name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, He was received up into heaven and sat on the right hand of God.

John 14:14 If ye shall ask anything in My Name, I will do it.

John 16:23 And in that day ye shall ask Me nothing. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in My Name, He will give it to you.

There is power in the name of Jesus, call it out with faith and the demons will flee from you; but when you call the Name of Jesus without repentance you are in danger.



Afterward, the angel said to me, "Lala, if something happens to you, and you feel in danger, you can say two things, "The Blood of Jesus" and "In the Name of Jesus" because they are very powerful."



As the angel and I walked along, we encountered some altars along the way at intervals. The third altar we came to had what appeared to be fresh blood poured out upon it. I learned from the angel that the blood was not the blood of an animal: it was the blood of Jesus Christ. The angel told me that this blood was pleading for mankind and that it was speaking.

Blood that is 2,000 years old should have dried up by now, I realized. The kind of blood I saw was fresh, so very, very fresh.

The angel said that the blood is so fresh because it still has to power to redeem or save mankind on Earth. It appeared as fresh new blood as if the precious blood of Jesus Christ had just been shed on it. Hebrews 9:12 Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by His own blood He entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us.

I knew from then that there is an ultimate indeed an ultimate power in this universe. We have an ultimate or a sovereign power in this world which is above or which exceeds all other powers.

Because, I knew that ordinary blood, once it is shed and once air blows on it, it dries up or clots in no time. But the precious blood of Jesus Christ, even though it had been shed 2,000 years ago, is still fresh. It’s made me know that God is indeed God and God is all-powerful or has the ultimate power in this world.


We arrived at the place where the elders were worshiping Jesus Christ. There I heard a loud voice saying, “The time is set. The time is set. The time is set.” Then, another voice said, “The Blood. The Blood. The Blood…”

The angel of the Lord now took me to a window, and behind the window was an altar with blood on it: an altar of sacrifice. And on that altar, I saw blood on this altar of sacrifice.

God wants to come back to the Earth to destroy the Earth because people are not repenting; people are not giving their lives to Jesus Christ; people are not worshiping God. People are thinking that everything is a fairy tale and they are just living their lives anyhow. They are not repenting and they are not turning to God.

The only reason God has not come yet to judge the Earth is that the blood of Jesus Christ is still pleading and begging God for mankind.

God’s time is set all ready to come for His bride, but the blood of Jesus Christ is still pleading for mankind. Because, if God is to come now, a lot of people are not ready. People are not repenting. People are not turning to God. People are not living for God. People are not worshiping God in truth and in Spirit.

The only reason God has not come for His Bride and to judge and destroy the earth is that the blood of Jesus Christ is still pleading for the lost (including those who call themselves Christians who don’t know God’s name).

The angel told me that God was giving me a second chance. I was told to tell people what I had seen and what I had heard. I was told to tell people that “The time is up, the time is up, and that Heaven is real, … and Jesus Christ is alive, and the blood of Jesus Christ is still speaking.”



When we went to the youth department, I was horrified, and I shouted in compassion and horror. As a result, a monitor appeared. I saw Jesus Christ on the cross crying like a baby for these people. The angel said to me, “Gracia your shout of mercy and horror has reached heaven and the heart of Jesus who started to cry for these damned souls because His blood cannot save them anymore." In this scenario, there is nothing Jesus can do for them. Then I saw blood was coming out of Jesus’ hands.


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