Friday, November 9, 2018



After this visit, we left the royal residence of this dynasty, then after, we traveled to visit factories and manufacturing industries of several products and items that we use on the earth. First, we had to visit the dynasties responsible for these factories and industries. We first went to visit the Cabello dynasty. The king of this dynasty is the sovereign of our mermaid clan in charge of the production and manufacture of make-up products, jewellery, and clothing. Beloved, there is hair made under the sea. This hair is named after the royal family of this kingdom of mermaids. Mermaids have a lot of hair reaching even their hips. This hair is cut and transported on the Earth. I would advise the sisters to avoid artificial hair. These are mermaids' hair transported to the surface of the earth. After that, we went to see the production and manufacture of other products and articles. The half-fish hybrid entity that was my wife's brother, told me about the seductive items that are exported to the earth, like eyelashes and nails; this was before these products emerged.



"Some of the attachment and artificial hair having demons are taking them too hell. Some of the haircuts of men are taking them to hell but what matter is their heart, they should not keep people in their heart or have rancor, animosity. Tell the people to keep their hearts more than anything else."



The devil has called several other demons with different haircuts to come forward. Female and male haircuts. He said, "This is our fashion that is being launched on earth."

I noticed several radical haircuts, some with designs at the nape of the neck. Haircuts with designs on the head. Cuts with satanic symbols taking away the image of God. I have seen women believers in hell by cutting their hair. They have cut off the covenant symbol from their heads. I saw in hell brothers who made fashionable haircuts, extravagant cuts that call attention.



I have straight hair, and I used a product to make my hair curly. The angel said, "God has formed you in a way do not change anything of your appearance, let it be natural. Artificial hair, wig and all kinds of braided hair fashions, all of this are in hell and from hell."



I saw other angels picking up strands of hair that fell and went up.

I asked the angel, "Do not they let anything of the believer stay?

The angel said, "All that which is of the holy believer, becomes holy and does not remain on the earth, so I say that any sister who shears your holy hair the angels will gather and in the day of judgment these cut hair will be the proofs of her condemnation. The holy hair of the sisters is of reference to the angels."



I saw hair dyes being produced in a cauldron in hell. I saw women cutting and they painted their hair bald. I saw the demons cast acid on the head of a woman who painted her hair - her skull melted and she screamed in such pain. I saw a demon pulling a woman's hair and cutting her hair with a razor and shaving her hairy scalp until the skull appeared. That woman screamed in pain.

The demon said, "Hair that is cut on Earth will cut here too." Another part of Isaiah 3:24 was fulfilled, and instead of well-set hair baldness.

The angel said, "Tell the church not to cut into the hair and not to paint. The hair was given in the place of the veil."

I said, "The tips of my hair need to be cut."

The angel looked at me with a serious face and said, "Do not trim the tips of the hair."

I was worried about the sisters in my church because they all cut hair.



Here in Jamaica, it is very common for people to wear fake hair. And the angel showed me a Christian woman in hell for having fake hair. I saw several Christians there for using Kanekalon (a branded fake hair) and dread. The angel said, "They are here for rejecting and undoing the natural hair that God gave them. They chose to wear the false hair of Satan. Beauty can draw the attention of the world, but never of God. It is holiness that makes the person shine before the world. This is the beauty that pleases God and He accepts a life of righteousness and good works. The artificial beauty of the devil is futile and deforms the spiritual beauty of holiness."



I saw a girl who raised her eyebrows. The demons plucked out her eyes. A woman who draws her eyebrows changes her appearance. And the voice said to me she changed My image in her.



My pastor encouraged me to shave my eyebrows to please my husband. Before, I liked to shave out almost all of my eyebrow and draw a line. One day I was praying to God. The angel of God came to my room and rebuked me.

I blamed my pastor who induced me to do this.

The angel said. "it is your fault and you are responsible for your actions. Your pastor did not force you and did not even take the razor from your hand to remove your eyebrows."

The angel said, "When it comes to practice sin, you act independently of anyone even though the pastor said that it is not a sin. Know that the pastor cannot live your life and cannot breathe for you."

"He will not be your lawyer when you stand before the white throne at the Last Judgment. He cannot bear your sorrows or feel your sorrows when you are on trial. Jesus is the owner of your life; it is better to obey God than to obey men."


I saw Christian church women who waxed their legs and wore short skirts to show their sensuality. The demons ripped the flesh from their legs.


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