Friday, November 9, 2018



Around the mermaid, I saw all kinds of lotions, all kinds of soaps and makeup products she used. In fact, one day my lotion was finished and I thought, "I'm going to have to use the mermaid lotion." And this day it was the first time I used her lotion. But when I went out on the street it was outrageous; women were crazy about me. I could not understand what was happening; even married women were following me. When my uncle saw me he shouted, "What's wrong with you Joseph, why are all these women following you?"

In fact, the mermaid applied this lotion every 3 hours to renew her beauty, and it was after 3 hours that I became normal again. That demonic beauty was gone and those women who followed me began to leave me one by one. The mermaid lotion I had applied to my face had given me a demonic beauty. Many of the beauty products that women use are made in the water world by mermaids. These products give women a demonic beauty and make them attractive.



I continued walking in hell.

I saw shampoo and skin creams in hell. When the woman applies those cream on her body the scent would seduce the men on earth. When the shampoo lasts on the head, the chemicals would penetrate into the hair and brain causing mental changes.

Then I saw a woman at the church wear a perfume. And out of her body came a smoldering black smoke that entered into the nostrils of the people.

Isaiah 3:24  And it shall come to pass, that instead of sweet smell there shall be stink; and instead of a girdle a rent; and instead of well-set hair baldness; and instead of a stomacher a girding of sackcloth; and burning instead of beauty. 

And many men were seduced by the smell.

I saw the demon of seduction with a glass in his hand and when he opened the bottle an infernal fragrance came out from inside and entered my nose. I fell in love with that demon. I was hypnotized by that fragrance that came out in the form of black smoke. But soon the light that was near me destroyed the hypnotic effect. Hell is full of perfumes of seduction.



Women who painted their fingernails and hands had their fingers cut by an electric saw. They screamed in pain and despair.

The women who put makeup on their faces and those monsters threw acid that deformed their faces.

The ones that made the eyebrows and painted the eyes, the monsters plucked out their eyes, only holes could be seen in the eyes.

Other monsters took the woman's lips with a knife. All these women loved to wear lipstick and make-up.

Women who painted their hair were bald. The monsters ripped off all the hairy scalps of these women.

Did I tell one of those monsters what the place is? The monster said it's hell. When he said this, I realized that the monsters were demons and I knew I had died. I thought it was a strange place, but when I discovered it to be hell, I was sure I was dead.



Other women are in hell because they painted their nails. The demons cut off the fingers of these sisters.

And the ones that painted the hair, the demons plucked the scalp and left the sisters bald.

Those who wore lipsticks had their lips drawn from their mouths, becoming only the skeleton.

Those who wore earrings had their ears cut off. I only saw two holes instead of the ears.

Those who wore make-up had their faces melted with fire.

Those wearing necklaces had their necks serrated.



As I have the gift of vision, when I spend a lot of time praying, I happen to see angels and demons. But one day a disgusting demon appeared and said: “If you do not take off my makeup I'll tear off your skin and if you died today I would leave your face alone on the bone.”

That demon pointed his fingernail to my face. His nails were like knives. I thought nothing would happen because he was a spirit, but the fingernail on his forefinger touched my face and made a small scratch.

I was terrified. That night was terrible for me. I told my parents.

The next night that same demon appeared to me with a pot of acid. He threatened to pour it on my head. He said I was wearing his hair paint and that my hair did not belong to me anymore because it was marked with his paint. He said that the natural hairs are mine, but those colored hair is theirs, he had the right to pluck my hair.

When the devil tried to pour that pot of acid over me I screamed and my parents ran to my room.

The third night the same demon appeared to me and said: "I'm going to cut off all your fingers, you're wearing my paint, you're not safe, you're mine.

I said, "You are a liar. I am of Christ. The devil said: then why is He allowing me to disturb you? Where is your crushing strength?”

I began to rebuke. That demon laughed, he said: "You have no authority, you first sanctify yourself. That is how I deceive many women who say they are of God and use what is mine. I pretend that I leave when they reproach me, making them believe that they are anointed and that they have authority.”

That demon only left because an angel entered my room.

The other day I fasted and was preparing for this demon to show up again. I knew that the war would not be easy. That demon would torment me again. I did not know why God was allowing this to happen to me since I was a girl always dedicated to the things of God.

The other night the same demon appeared, he said: “My servant is getting used to it. One day we'll meet down there. I'll ask to torment you for eternity. I'll pull your ear and stretch it until you cut it. When you go down to hell I'll get your soul.”

I said: "I'm not your servant.”

The devil said, “Yes it has my mark on your ear, it belongs to me. You did not know that earrings symbolize slavery and who uses earrings are my slaves.”

I prayed to expel that demon and that demon did not want to leave. I stayed awake till dawn, disturbed and depressed until the angel came down in my room and that demon went away.

I started to understand that everything was done with God's permission. He wanted to teach me a lesson and I did not want to understand, because my selfishness of spiritual authority would not let me see how much I would need to improve my walk with God.

I had to cleanse my life. I wanted so badly to get rid of that demon that I did not realize what God wanted to show me. I did not pray that morning, because I knew it would not stop that demon from appearing.

I decided to do a test in the morning. I took the paints out of my fingernails, and the earrings. I threw the makeup kit out and the hair dye.

At dusk, I waited for the demon to appear, but he did not show up, because I had undone everything he said was his. I was confused I did not want to believe that filthy and disgusting demon. I knew they were liars, but that night was quiet.

Maybe you are a woman who is very vain and is in the church, and you do not believe what I'm saying. You can be criticizing me now. With all the spiritual authority that God gave me I speak for you to pray and ask for answers to God, He will reveal to you that you are wrong. Do not question this testimony, seek God's response as I did.

I prayed at dawn. The Lord Jesus appeared in my room. I could see what He was like the same humble appearance that lived on Earth, but His body was glorious. The light that came out of His body dimmed my eyes. He dimmed the light of His body so that I could look at Him. His face shone.

The Lord Jesus said that what the devil said is true. That demon received an order from the party of God to reveal the error of my life. He said that He was preparing me for a spiritual battle through that demon. He said that in a battle like mine one does fasting and prayer and if it is not enough to sanctify throw everything that is in our home away from home to break the lawfulness of the demons.

The Lord said, "Servant, you have learned that in a war it is necessary not to open the guard using that which belongs to the demons. It gives strength to them.”



I walked in places in hell where I saw the demons cutting the fingers of women who painted nails. The angel said that these women were evangelicals who are in that place for not renouncing the world.



I saw that Satanist getting a lipstick and other makeup kits inside a sacrificial house and performing a macabre ritual of blood. When a Christian woman applied that lipstick from that satanist's factory on her lips, a seductive spirit entered into her body. Her behavior changed. This Christian woman began to seduce men.



Jesus also warned me that at the beginning of my conversion I walked in obedience and over the years I started wearing earrings, necklaces, and makeup. I questioned Jesus, saying that He loves the church adorned and the Bible says that the people of Israel had to adorn their husband, even your church, Lord, speak that it is to adorn itself. Jesus looked at me and with much love explained everything.

He said, "Servant, the adornment of the world has no value to Me. What I want is a people who adorn themselves with My word. The spiritual adornments are love, obedience, purity and the fruits of the Spirit. The church which is adorned with My word shines as the light. Every word that the church covers is as if adorned with heavenly gems. As Israel was charged to adorn itself with sanctification and not with idolatry, My church is called to adorn itself with My glory. My presence will make my people shine like stars."

I said, "Lord, the women in my church wear jewelry. I saw them wearing them and I also wanted to wear them."

Jesus answered, "Now you know that you can not. No bride with the ornaments of satan will enter My kingdom. The adornments of the earth do not belong to Me."

Jesus took me up to heaven by a path of precious stones. He took a stone that shone and placed in the palm of my hand, that stone shone in my hand.

Jesus said, "Look at this stone servant. It has no adornment, for it is the adornment itself. Do not use adornment of the world. Be My adornment, the beauty of that stone is not outside it, but the light that shines brightly from inside it. I want a church like this precious stone, which shines by its very nature. Spiritual beauty is not in appearance but in transformation. That brilliance is a simple virtue and humility of heart. They speak for the church to be a mirror to the world and reflect My image. Be reflectors of My glory and shine in holiness. My light must reflect in the church, they have to be the reflection of My light. I do not want a people who have the image of the world or follow the customs of Egypt and imitate the people of Babylon."

When Jesus told me these words, He began to shine and was filled with glory. He is perfect, complete and absolute.



I saw a woman with her face in makeup. That makeup turned sour and her face melted and burned. I saw a woman with red lipstick. Their lips were falling and they were left with only teeth. Another part of Isaiah 3:24 is fulfilled, and burning instead of beauty. 



I was invited to preach the Word in a church. When I began to speak of the sanctity of the body an evangelist woman waited for me to finish the preaching. She got up from the bench and said she did not believe my words, accusing me of speaking heresies. This happened at the end of the service when I prayed for oppressed people. A woman was manifested by a demon and fell to the ground.

I looked at the woman evangelist and said, "You are saying this because you do not want to give up vanity, you need liberation."

She said, "I am already freed by the blood of Jesus and never fall into any demonic oppression in church."

I replied to her, "I'll make a challenge with you. Since you said that you are covered by the blood of Jesus, I will send the demon that is inside the body of this woman who is on the ground to enter yours. If you walk in holiness this demon will not find space within your body because of the dwelling of the Holy Spirit."

I ordered the demon to leave the woman's body and told him to enter the body of the evangelist. The evangelist was possessed by the devil and fell to the ground.

I proved to the church that she was wrong about the vanity of the body. That evangelist had a strong makeup, she wore black lipstick and pencils on her eyebrows. She wanted to embarrass me in church saying I was wrong to preach against such things. I cast out that demon of her life and she believed my words.

Church, have a zeal for the holiness of your body. Do not despise this doctrine because your body is an abode of the Holy Spirit. You need the Holy Spirit in your life to do the good work. The sisters in my church do not wear makeup. One day they were praying I saw a ball of fire touching their faces. The anointing of the Holy Spirit left the faces of the sisters bright, their cheeks reddened by the burning fire. The shine of the Holy Spirit is the best makeup there is. I have watched as the Holy Spirit left the sisters' faces beautiful, the lights on their faces made them more beautiful than when they wore make-up.

I also saw the faces of women believers in makeup burning like hellfire. That was in a vision I had when I looked into the faces of some believers. Spiritually their faces were deformed looking like Freddy Krueger's face. I saw the powder of the makeup they passed on their faces turning black microbes. These microbes entered their faces that caused blisters and inflammation. Their faces created scales of crocodiles and filled with holes that fit a pin. Those larvae that entered the small holes of their faces were demons. These microbe-sized demons also entered through the hairy crowns of the sisters who dye the hair. All this was a medium where the demons came in to possess their bodies. A woman who dyed her hair was possessed by several small demons who entered her hairy crown.



I saw in the vision, devils of art embodied in the actors and the actresses to enable them to interpret their roles. These demons deformed their faces and made them looked like clowns. They are responsible for making many artists win the best Oscar of the year because of the covenants.

These demons were able to change the personalities of these artists at the time of recording the scenes. The faces of women who do make up are changed into those of circus clowns. Are you actresses to paint and play a character? All the actresses who paint their face become another person who has nothing to do with their real life. This shows that makeup takes away the naturalness of God's creation. Every woman who paints her face, her personality changes and she becomes seductive and self-confident, full of wiles of hell. They are the devils of art who possess and transform real actresses of the real world, making them do things they wouldn't do in real life, causing them to split from their true personality.

Christian women who care so much about their beauty - one day the beauty of the body will grow old and there is no use fighting natural aging. Accept the course of nature, why do you care about your white hair? You should worry about your salvation because one day you will die and your flesh will be eaten by the earth. No matter how many plastic surgeries you do, your body will be a skeleton when you die and your efforts will be in vain. Worry about the salvation of your soul, this is eternal and does not end when you die. You want to be young, without wrinkles and beautiful - save your souls and have eternal life. There in heaven, you will rejuvenate and will not have signs of old age that is the mark of sin that entered the world because of Adam.

I went to heaven and I can assure you that they are all young and have beautiful and angelic faces, because they didn't care about the flesh, with what dies and is perishable.



The angel of God came down to me because my hope of salvation was over. I thought to myself that I will stay in that place forever. The angel of the Lord led me into the industrial complex in hell where I saw demons making lipsticks through the blood of bats from hell. This blood of bats was boiling in the cauldrons of hell. Red bars came out of the cauldrons, and to change the color of the bar they added something else into the blood-filled cauldrons. The colorings of the lipsticks were different when they added something else. For the lipstick to turn black hellish vultures were added inside the cauldrons; to give the purple color, snakes were added in the cauldrons; to give the color pink, frogs were placed inside the cauldrons; to obtain only the red, only the blood of the bats.


The demons made face powder with rotten mud from hell, muds drawn from the hellish wells. They took liquids from metals that flowed from the volcanoes of hell. These liquids were used to make earrings, bracelets, necklaces, and chains.


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