Friday, December 7, 2018



I had a vision with two Christian students of theology debating the Word. And the two demons watched the discussions laughing at them until one was offended and very angry, his heart turned into darkness. The other was happy to have won the debate and laughed a lot, but the demon possessed his body.

Jesus revealed to me that all those who are happy to win debates by humiliating their neighbors are possessed by a demon. The other boy who was angry was also possessed by a demon.

Jesus said, "The two devils who watched the two Christians possessed them."

Jesus showed me in another vision, one Christian cursing the other because of the debate. And in the last vision, I saw one Christian stabbing the other with a knife because of the discussion about the Word.

I have seen the devil of the debate, he is responsible who invents various ideological currents within theology and causes divisions among Christians.



My cousin Hugo who died in an accident is in hell. He despite being a Christian lived in strife with his father and did not honor him. He was always seeing defects in his father's personality. And everything bad that happened to him he blamed his mother. He did not assume his faults and responsibility and sought someone from the family to blame. For him, all of his family were wrong and thought he was right in everything. He never repented of his sins. He did not assume that he was in sin and needed to be sanctified. The demons were grinding his whole body in hell.



I [Jesus] ask you to tell the church to avoid conflicts between them with unpleasant discussions. The brothers have to learn to solve the differences and situations of both parties. They have to come to a personal agreement. Those who get lost are all arguing. They fall into the snare of the devil. Know how to listen to your brother before you judge him and make a decision that will harm you.

Enter into a dialogue of peace as two holy and converted people. The result of the strife is destruction. Resentment is born and the consequences are disastrous. Before offending your brother think hard. Pray to God and ask to break your heart until you cool your head.

Do not take unreasonable actions like a beast that will harm your fellow man. What is happening in the churches is the rivalry, disunity and deformation of the image of the neighbor. When someone does not know how to speak properly when it comes to preaching, people do not like it and choose their speakers.

Those who speak beautifully are the church leaders. And when I use the humble to speak to the church, he is despised for not having a status in the church and not a big job. The people mock small ones and ridicule those who walk around with stuck shoes and old shirts because they can not.



I observed brothers who were in hell for fighting and not forgiving; brothers in hell for fighting competiting with each other and quarreling. Others are in hell for getting their brother to sin. They are also brothers disunited and envious of each other.



I had a vision. I saw a traditional believer debating with a Pentecostal believer about the Bible. They talked about the biblical doctrines and they did not understand. Through this discussion they hated each other and became enemies. They were both hurt by this debate and a demon sat among them laughing and clapping. The Holy Spirit revealed to me that the contention about the gospel is of Satan that breeds enmity among the brethren. All these things lead to hell.



Jesus showed me in a vision, 2 Christians arguing about doctrinal matters, they fought over the gospel, bringing hatred and anger among their ministries. Jesus speaking these words to me was very angry with the wars of various churches.

Jesus showed me in a vision, demons inside a church full of people. I saw a chessboard with pieces. Jesus told me, "Satan is playing with this church, these people fell into the game of deception for not taking My gospel seriously. They who play with Me, satan plays with them.

The demons laughed and played with the people, the demons did not take those types of Christians seriously, and they set up deception traps to confuse, leaving everyone confused spiritually.



Pastor Alejandro called me into a debate.

I said, "Debates about the gospel causes contention and displeases God."



Jesus showed me in a vision, a church full of gifts, they used their tools for the edification and strengthening of the church. At the same time, they used their gifts against their own brothers. I saw swords in the hands of each brother, they warred between them, one dueling the other with the sword.

Jesus has revealed to me, they use My word to attack each other; your enemy is not the flesh but Satan the great enemy of God and His people. Many allow themselves to be manipulated by the forces of darkness. Satan has declared a war against the church and the only means of defeating My people is through their sinful actions.



I saw Christians in hell making enemies within the church, they have warred against their brethren, they have done enmity, they have quarreled, they have quarreled about the gospel and doctrines, they have quarreled over offices and matters that will lead nowhere, they are in hell asking a chance to reconcile with the brothers.

I saw believers in hell for fighting against the brethren of different churches, one attacking the other, reining in sin and fighting between brethren. I saw believers in hell stirring up arguments within the church, these quarrelsome brethren caused many conflicts, they liked to be against the other brethren and they still quarreled against their shepherd, they caused great strife, all were in hell asking for a chance to ask forgiveness of the people they persecuted. I saw in hell people who caused strife within their congregations, they were instigators, they lived in quarrel with who was better than the other, who was more used, who would take the highest office in the church, who was more blessed financially, who had the best job given by God, these brothers divided the church into parties or clubs of contention, they were in hell repentant of the evil they caused in the bosom of the church.



I saw couples of Christians in hell for making their home a place of war. Jesus said, "These couples lived arguing like two enemies, disputing the control of the home, they never resumed peace, establishing the family union, that place in hell belonged to them."

I also went to a place in hell where the parents were arguing with their children and them with their parents. I saw a father in chains with his son, they were stuck together and could not be undone. On earth, they did not unite, but in hell, they have to be chained to each other forever.

I saw the same case of a mother with her daughter. When they were on earth they seemed to be beasts and they came to attack one another. What made me sad was that these two families are Christian. Jesus looked at me and through His gaze and gave me a message. I realized that I have a lot of problems to my parents and at that moment I was dead in the hospital and they were suffering for my rebellion.

I brought suffering to my parents. I wanted to return to earth and reconcile with them. Children who have a father and a mother should reconcile with them. Their parents are the most important people on earth, ask forgiveness of them.



I have also cast out devils from tongues that speak too much. I have cast out devils from strife, demons from groups that formed within the church. I have seen the tongues of these people like serpent tongues.


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