Friday, December 7, 2018



Then, from where we were, we saw a healthy man coming in our direction, but he walked zigzagging. It looked like a drunk or blind man, or someone who did not know his way. When the man was coming near us, two people dressed in red appeared from I know not where seized him and dragged him in the direction opposite to the door of the enclosure! My companion asked me to follow them, which I did. After the journey, I saw very large ponds filled with reddish boiling liquid, similar to palm oil heated to 2,000 degrees. In view of the pool boiling, the man tried to resist, but two guards threw him into the liquid. When his body entered into this hot matter, the man could not help but let go a hellish wail. He struggled in the manner of a sea fish that was being barbequed, and his body took the form of a fossil.

Watching the scene, I think I would not like to share the fate of this man. Beside me, my companion, who was obviously reading my mind, said simply, "If, if your place is here." For the second time, I fell to my knees crying, He raised me and we returned to our first place. Meanwhile, on the way back, he told me: This man was a good man, he did alms to the poor and gave large gifts to the poor. Just before his illness, a situation caused him to railed angrily in fury, to the point of succumbing under the shock of emotion. So understand that at the time of his death, he was not animated by My Spirit, but rather that of anger. And yet, you read that he who does not have the Spirit of Christ cannot belong to Him! (Rom. 8: 9 But you are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwells in you. Now if any man has not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.) Anger has caused a breach in this man, which prevented the Spirit from leading him to Me. That's why you saw him being brought here without resistance on his part."

My beloved, the Apostle Paul saw the perversion of the human heart, which is always prone to evil and counsels us not to keep anger in our heart, "Let the sun never sets on your anger." In fact, I regretted the fate of this man.


The shortest way for the destruction of the Christian is anger. When a Christian is angry, it's a shortcut for me to come in and create an unleashing of things in his life. You can get angry at school, at work, and at home, but it is even more dangerous to sleep with your anger. Anger opens the door for the enemy to destroy you. Sleeping with anger means that when demons move at night, you are exposed and they can do what they want.



I entered the chambers of people who died in anger. Their anger left them uncontrolled to the point of committing folly. They did not perceive the cowardice of their acts. Their violent impulses made them act as irrational animals. Their gestures were destructive.



I saw Christians in hell who are there because of the wrath, they let the wrath become inflamed, they hurt people with their words offend the brothers, they could not contain themselves when they were criticized, they retaliated and they were explosive.


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