Friday, December 7, 2018



Then I saw a woman, the wife of the pastor in hell. Jesus said to me that her problem is unforgiveness. She does not forgive and she is not forgiving. When she died, she came here. The Lord Jesus said to me, "Gather pastors' wives and tell them to be forgiving and humble." Jesus said pastors' wives must be submitted to their husbands.



In a couple of minutes again, I saw another person; a late deaconess of my church, who died of arthritis when I was sixteen. I began to feel that I might soon find my self in hell too if that woman of high reputation could be there. I remember that when late Mrs. Emily Adeyombo died, my church Corner Stone mission did all within her capacity to appreciate the charity so nobly and constantly practiced by this woman. By the masses, she was regarded as an incarnation of virtue and paradigm of philanthropy. She responded to the needs of friends and foes. As if I had never cried in my life, tears rolled down my check with the question who can be saved?

“Mum. Why did you come here, did you miss your way?" I sobbingly asked.

“A-ll-en, thus is what unforgiving spirit has for me as a reward," she replied.

“Unforgiving spirit?" "But you were a deaconess! You mean you didn’t forgive somebody inside or outside the church?" I asked.

"It was discovered in the book of record that all my life was pleasing to God except the misunderstanding that happened between the choirmaster and me. By and large, I was older than he and as such, I was expecting him to come and apologize, at least courtesy demands for that. I was in this malice when death struck that same month," she explained. The fire became hotter than before as she was talking. “A-a-ah, o-o-o-o-oh , a-ll-en, please help me plead. I have forgiven him in my heart,” she pleaded.

I never knew when I began to cry too. My two eyes were shut in sorrow.

I couldn’t behold the woman on whose tombstone we wrote the epitaph: Late Madam Emily Adeyombo (Nee Beatrice) a loyal Christian soldier, who courageously fought for the holy course; carried her cross and kept the sword unsheathed. Your gentle spirit broke the bond of death when you were called home to rest in perfect peace until the morning of the resurrection. Her remains weren’t taken to the mission cemetery on the left side while entering our town but were buried in the churchyard in honor of her unalloyed Christian commitment. In the churchyard that Friday evening of her burial ceremony, the minister in charge read 1 Corinthians chapter 15 verses 39-57 with resounding farewell words, “Good mother, goodbye till we meet again beside the river of life”. We waved our hands to her remains and solemnly sang the first two stanzas of the heart-touching hymn of Late J.Montgomery (1771-1854) for her interment: Forever with the Lord! Amen; so let it be; life from the dead is in that word; tis immortality. Here in the body pent, absent from Him roam yet nightly pitch my moving tent a day’s march nearer home, my Father’s house on high, home of my soul, how near At times to faith’s foreseeing eye thy golden gates appear! Ah, then my spirit faints to reach the land I love, the bright inheritance of saints, Jerusalem above.

But friends, instead of the river of life, she’s in hunger, peril and untold pain. I dropped down and strove to pray. But, I couldn’t actually say a word. To my awful amazement, before I opened my eyes, Madam Emily was gone. The tide of hell had rolled on her and “swallowed" her up like Rita.

"Madam Emily, ah…where are you," I shouted. The “savage master" had swept her away from my sight. Fourteen years have passed in hunger and thirst and no remembrance was given to her religious activities. It became glaring to me that moment, that a sin can qualify one for hell.

Friends, while Madam Emily is in torment, thirst, and hunger on the other side, here in the world my church is busy marking her remembrance year by year. It is a pity.



Now I want to go back and talk about these souls that came to me from hell. I was crying and my heart wasn't even right. I wanted to come back to the earth and ask everyone to forgive me. I wanted to forgive everyone. If someone grieved me, I wanted to forgive them too, because those people in hell felt very sorry about their past. They ask for forgiveness, but they don't have any, because when they were on the earth they didn't forgive: "For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." (Matt. 6:14-15).

You need to love one another because today you don't love each other. You ignore each other. If you went to hell, you would be very sorry about this. In hell, everyone stays in sorrow about what they've done and everyone asks each other, "Soul, you had more opportunities to repent than I. Why didn't you repent? Why did you come here?"



Believers; trust me, hell is real and if we do not let go the above mentioned sins and allow God to cleanse us, if we don’t obey this Word, hell is where we will end up.

He who says he is in the light, and hates his bother, is in the darkness until now. Unforgiving and backbiting other Christians is one of the biggest reasons, why people who accept Jesus as Lord, people who go to church every Sunday still land up in Hell. I do bless every reader in the name of Jesus and wish him wisdom and understanding. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever more. He instructed us to love one another and to serve each other with the gifts He has given us. It is impossible to serve God and live according to this world!



Another shortcut that is an open door for me and the dark world of Lucifer is lack of forgiveness or grudge because there are opening doors for Satan in your life. A Christian who focuses on the things of this world like the lust of the flesh or the pride of life opens the door to destruction for the dark world of the devil.


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