Thursday, December 6, 2018



Unconscious witchcraft: Here we are dealing with people who do not identify themselves as witches, but who are used by conscious sorcerers. And to discover this form of witchcraft, you just have to analyze the dreams that you have every time. For example, in your dream, you see yourself either eating or having sexual relations, or serving food, or cooking, or being chased by people whose faces you do not see, and when they want to catch you, you see yourself flying like a bird. Then in the morning you wake up and say: I have escaped. Know that you did not escape; you are rather in unconscious witchcraft. Sorcerers are using you.

If I can talk freely about these things, it is because that is what I was doing. I am not giving you the testimony of someone else, but my own testimony. It is what I was doing. There are really several examples: You see yourself in your dream of swimming in a river. You go to bed fit, but in the morning you begin to complain of pain. Either it's the head that hurts, or you have pain in the spine, or you have abdominal pain. Do you work at night while you are in bed? Then why did you wake up with such pains?

If you are in unconscious witchcraft, a conscious sorcerer can use your image to go and disturb other people. But the next day, you will be the one to be threatened. And when one threatens you, you say: But I do not know anything about what you are saying. It is true that you know nothing about it, but it is your image that was used.



Continuing on the subject of supreme sorcerers, when we wanted to go in the world of darkness, we used the call whistle. And when we whistled, all the unconscious sorcerers came to join us, we then transformed them into horses and then used them as a means of transport to go to the world of darkness. That is the reason why some people wake up with pain in the spine or in the back because at night someone used them as a means of transport. That is what we used to do. For example, when we organized parties to enjoy ourselves and have fun in that world, we used to take people's heads, and these heads became our balls. That is why there are people who wake up with headaches. Again, during our moments of celebration, we sang and played drums. And the bellies of unconscious sorcerers are what we used as drums. Therefore do not be surprised to see people who go to bed in good health, but wake up with abdominal pain, it is just because someone used their bellies at night as drums.

We also took the legs of people and used them like guitars. That is why you will see some people with incurable wounds. You will also see some people with problems or pains in the legs. It is simply due to the fact that someone used their legs at night as guitars. We could also take a person and sleep with him or with her, and at that moment, this person would see himself or herself in his or her dream having sex. Do you think that it was really a dream? No, beloved, it is not a dream! If such a thing happens to you, know that sorcerers are responsible for it. With other people, we ate human flesh. When you see yourself in a dream eating, you think that it is normal, you think that it is only a dream. Beloved, I would like to tell you that it is a reality. It is the work of sorcerers.



Then suddenly, and with my own eyes, I saw my girlfriend enter the house through the wall. She crossed the wall of our room. I was shocked. I told myself that I was dealing with a woman using charms and superstition to dominate and control me. I could not realize that I was dealing with a mermaid who physically came to earth just for me. She came into my life with a specific mission.

When the mermaid crossed the wall, she told me to give her the bottle. I thought she was just an ordinary woman using charm and spell.

So I told her, "I'm not going to give you the bottle, you must know that I'm a master in martial arts if you dare I'll beat you up today." I said to her, "How can you use charm and spell to bewitch and control me."

Dear brothers and sisters, I was about to hit this woman, when suddenly she breathed on me. As a result, I collapsed on the floor. It was a Friday night when I collapsed into a coma, and when I woke up from this coma I realized it was Sunday morning. While I was in a coma for two days, something happened. It was like a dream, but it was not one. Christians, I want to warn you not to neglect dreams!

In fact, when I was in a coma, the mermaid transported me to the underwater world. I saw myself celebrating, we were eating meat and drinking red wine, it was actually human blood. It was like a wedding celebration for me, they put a ring on my finger and a bracelet on my hand. During this wedding party under the sea, I was surrounded by people half-man and half-fish. Then I woke up.



As I was established against the churches, so we deployed demons of dreams among the sisters. The purpose of these demons was to cause deceitful dreams with false messages, to create confusion in the local church. Christians were made to have dreams containing false and deceptive messages against the pastor, and even dreams of false marriages between brothers and sisters.

Beloved, when you do not live in holiness you can be attacked and you will end up having dreams containing demonic messages. We sought to create confusion in the church, but the Lord also speaks to us through dreams. In the underwater world, I was taught to prevent Christians from dreaming. Normally a born-again Christian is supposed to have dreams of revelations, otherwise, he is blind and blinded. Even the pagan kings in the Bible like Pharaoh and king Nebuchadnezzar had dreams containing specific and even prophetic messages.

The second tactic against Christians was to let them dream, but I made them forget what they had dreamed at night. The Lord Jesus can give you a message, but as you always forget the dreams of God that contain warnings or precautionary messages, you will end up suffering the consequences of what will happen to you. Sometimes you can even dream and even remember it. Many people do not finish their dreams. The spiritual implication is that you can start things in your life, but you will never end what you started. Many destinies of people are diverted into dreams.

There are also people who have repetitive dreams. It is a reflection of their spiritual condition. There are also people who only dream of the past, past experiences, past places of their lives; the truth is that it is the spirit of regression, which means that your life and your mind are stuck in the past.



I collaborated with a spirit called Tranca Rua, an Exugadeira spirit, a spirit that is both man and woman. This last spirit permitted me to do terrible things. When a couple was about to sleep together, I would put myself between them. I would possess either the woman or the man and it was with me that one or the other would have sexual intercourse. The fluids went into the world of darkness. [Having sex out of marriage exposes you to all these things]. I could also turn myself into a husband or a night woman, in order to excite people during their sleep and to have sex with men and women who often believe they are dreaming. This would bind them in the world of darkness.



There are seven levels in subconscious sorcery, and these seven levels are manifested in dreams. Once you are initiated or used in unconscious witchcraft, you begin to dream that you are participating in meetings and gatherings. You dream that you are eating with people you do not know. In reality, your mind actually participates in meetings and night celebrations. You also dream that you are married and have children. If you dream that you are flying in space like "Superman", it means that your mind is making astral journeys in hyperspace or in the astral world. You also dream that you drink wine but this wine is actually human blood. All these dreams are the manifestation of unconscious witchcraft.



I was empowered to transform myself into a woman as a spiritual night wife. Know that every time you have sexual dreams, substances are deposited in your lives and will manifest in the day in the form of failures, illnesses, blockages, and sterility, resulting in many problems including conception problems, erection problems, miscarriages, and diseases such as fibroids.

Even if you go to the hospital with these mystical diseases, medical science will not be able to do anything for you. Only the fervent prayer of the righteous which is powerful and effective can make the difference.



Beloved, you can dream that someone gives you money but in reality, it is an exchange. Your real money is taken that way and you have been given a white paper. If you find abandoned money and you take it and put it in your pocket without praying over it in Jesus' name if that money is bewitched it will create a hole in your pocket.


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