Monday, December 17, 2018



Wrestling led me into the Indian magic. I had the power of "Tarzan engine". A man of Kolwezi initiated me into wrestling. At this level, I am going to talk to you about an incident that arose when I wanted to kill the father of a wrestler. While I was in Likasi, I worked with a demon named zagam, that demon gave me the power to control nine cemeteries. I made the connection from the mountain where they have placed what they call "Marian domain of the Catholics" at Toyota. A wrestler of Kinshasa came to Likasi where the fights were going to take place. These fights were taking place from Thursday to Sunday. And what they call "big game" was going to take place on Sunday. He did not come from Kinshasa alone. He was with other wrestlers. But compared to the others, he was the best. Thus he was the one to wrestle on Sunday with the champion of Likasi. When he saw me, he called me and connected with me by telepathy. We met and he told me that if I helped him to win the fight, he would give me some money from what he would get. He promised to give me $400 and had given me $100 in advance.

Then I told him that in order to win we must block all directions, so someone has to be killed, and his spirit used to this effect. I explained to him that with the help of this spirit, it would be difficult for his opponent to get into contact with the mystic world. Thus, I asked him to give me the name of someone and that day, he gave me the name of his father. What was I going to do?

[...] At this level the brother explains all the ceremonies which he had to perform.

He continues: Beloved, it is with much pain that I give this testimony. It is just by obedience to God who asks me to testify, that I do so. It is very painful for me to repeat all these things. But to express my gratitude to Jesus who delivered me, I am doing it.

I had to go to the cemetery. It was on Saturday, I arrived at a tomb and there, I placed my cabalistic mirror next to the cross. And on the tomb, I placed 12 red candles, then I lit two stalks of "tchou-laï" (burnable deodorant in the shape of a stalk with strong smell used by the Muslims) and afterward, I took the perfume "aoussarabia" and sprinkled it over the tomb. After I concentrated and made incantations, and the 12 candles lit by themselves. The father in question lived in Kinshasa, he was a member of the church Béthel. There I was, in front of the mirror at midnight, with my knife. I had to send for his spirit, and as soon as he was going to appear in my mirror, I was going to stab him with my knife and kill him.

Then I concentrated to call that dad's spirit. Before calling him, I first called the wicked spirits, the spirits which are charged only to kill. I first called asmode and I sent him to get that dad' s spirit, but he went and did not come back, then I sent asdamo and he did the same thing. I called doros, it was the same thing. I then concentrated and called kituta murita, one of the big demons who works in the world of Armstrong, and in spite of the direction I gave him, nothing happened. I still concentrated and called other spirits, they all went, but none of them returned. And after all these vain attempts, I concentrated to call the Duke and the Marquis of Hell. What happened to me this night, even as I talk to you, I have never understood it.

While I was getting ready, I saw a fire. A flame of fire landed on the mirror. My mirror broke, I myself was propelled at a certain distance and I fall on the other side, even my candles went out. When I was propelled, I fell into a deep sleep and only woke up at about 6:30 am in the morning. It was already Sunday. I looked at my broken mirror and returned home. On Sunday, that wrestler went to fight and that day he was badly beaten. A day later, he fell sick and was sent to Daco hospital in Likasi. At each visit of the doctor, the name of disease would change, and the fourth day, that wrestler died. He who was trying to kill his Christian father found death himself.

Beloved in the Lord, even if your enemies have dug holes, I assure you, if you remain faithful to the Lord Jesus, they will fall in their own holes. With my lit candles, there was certainly fire, but because that dad was a Christian, his God is also a consuming fire and it is that fire that I saw coming. And the fires of candles which were lit, went out because the real fire was there. Beloved, if you fear the Lord Jesus, all that Lucifer will try to do against you will be null and will not prosper, and even all those who will try to take counsel together against you will fail, and all that they will do will return to them with immediate effects in the name of Jesus!

Let us read 2 King 6:16-19 "So he answered, "Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them." And Elisha prayed, and said, "Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see." Then the Lord opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw. And behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. So when the Syrians came down to him, Elisha prayed to the Lord, and said, "Strike these people, I pray, with blindness." And He struck them with blindness according to the word of Elisha. Now Elisha said to them, "This is not the way, nor is this the city. Follow me, and I will bring you to the man whom you seek." But he led them to Samaria."

You must ask God every time to strike all your enemies with blindness. Beloved, if we are in a perfect communion with the Lord, all the words that will come out of our mouths will be approved by God. Know that the world in which we live in a world that lies under the sway the devil. Since his fall, the devil knows that his time is short and in his perdition, he wants to take everybody with him. The devil exists, he really exists. And his mission is to lead human beings astray, to get them out of God's will.

Being at the service of Lucifer, I could represent him as a ghost. I had the power of metamorphosis, I could change into a mosquito, into a frog, into an owl, into sparrow hawk, into a crocodile, into a snake, etc. Lucifer even gave me the power to change into a woman to cause the servants of God to fall into adultery. Being with the devil, I saw his glory, I saw his organization and I ended up concluding that the devil is powerful. Even today I recognize that the devil is powerful but Jesus is the Almighty, Jesus is above all things, He makes the devil and all his accomplices tremble.



I would also like to mention a point of confusion that I had had. As I was still a Satanist, I was going out with a girl who was a member of a prayer group. It was the ministry Bethel. She invited me one day in her prayer group. As we got there, we entered the house, and she introduced me to the leaders as her fiancé. They greeted me with joy, gave me a place, and then there were also others who arrived, and the prayer started. I was also there, pretending to pray because I did not know how to pray, I did not know where to start. All I knew was invoking demons. I was there with the Children of God.

You should know one thing: of all those who come to church, not everyone comes to seek Jesus. Some come just to harm others. I was there, pretending to pray and when the prayer was over, I took the sister and I drove her home. Two weeks later, she came to my place crying. She came, knocked at the door, I opened and she entered. I greeted her, and she did not answer, but all she did was to cry. Then I looked at her, and in the end, she started talking to me.

Sobbing, she said, "Why did you never tell me about your state?"

I said, "My state? Which state?"

She told me, "Your spiritual state,"

I said, "My spiritual state? I am a Catholic Christian and if you want to know more, I'm also a scout there."

She told me, "No, this is not your true state!" "My true state? Who am I according to you?"

She said, "You're a great Satanist!"

I said, "Who told you that?"

She replied, "The leaders of our prayer group were in prayer when I gave them the request for my marriage, as I had already introduced you to them as my fiancé. While they were praying, they received a revelation from God. And God confirmed that you are a great Satanist."

I said, "Me, a Satanist! Look at me, if you see something that has to do with Satanism, tell me." Then I stood in front of her and said, look at me, "Do you see anything that has to do with Satan?"

And she said, "No"

Beloved, Satanism is not written all over the face! It is spiritual and it is only through revelation that we can uncover it. The Bible says that the heart of man is desperately wicked; no one can know it. There is only God who tries the hearts and the reins; He alone knows the true spiritual state of a person. So I told her, do not worry, those people who told you that, are just jealous, they are trying to prevent you from getting married, they are spirits that seek to block you in celibacy. They said that to you so that you do not marry me. I succeeded in convincing her, and she agreed. Then I even gave her money and I drove her home.

When I got home, I was angry, and I said to myself: These people who gave her this revelation will see tonight what I'm made of. So beloved, I went into my secret room, I concentrated and I took the form of an owl, I took my knife. The knife in question, if you look at it with carnal eyes, you will see that it is really a knife, but it was not a knife, it was a human bone. When you take the human skeleton at the level of the forearm there are two bones, the radius, and the ulna. The radius is what I used as a knife. And after having taken this form and my knife, I flew away. I went where these people who gave the revelation of my spiritual state were. I thought I was going to punish them. When I arrived in front of the house, there was an avocado tree. I landed there as an owl. After I projected myself on the avenue on the ground, staring down, and after that, I concentrated and I then became a human again, still staring down.

The house was in front of me and I had to stand up straight in order to attack. But what I saw that day, is beyond my understanding. I do not know how to explain it to you. When I stood up to move forward where there was the house, there was no longer a house. In this place, there was a large river instead, and the house that I had to attack was in the middle of the river, and we could only reach it by swimming. And as I could not swim, I took the animal form again and went home. The next morning around 10 am, I went back there to see the river. When I got there, to my great surprise, the house was really there, but there was no river anymore. Beloved, the Lord is the protector par excellence! When I went there to attack them, I did not see the house, instead of the house, it was the river. The Lord Jesus had confused me, He smote me with blindness, I did not see anything and what is even more complicated is the fact that these people who were in the house did not even know that I was there.

It was only after my deliverance, several years later that I went to apologize to those people. And when I spoke, they were surprised because they did not even know that something had happened. Beloved, when you are in the Lord Jesus, know that your sleep will be sweet and peaceful, your enemies will be confused. The Lord will smite them with blindness, and they will not see you. The most important thing is to be fully in the Lord Jesus Christ.



Conscious witchcraft: At this level, we have sorcerers who identify themselves as sorcerers and who are aware of their condition, like me. I was aware of my condition. Therefore, conscious sorcerers know that at night, they will go somewhere to eat human flesh and drink human blood. And those sorcerers are many in Churches.

Unconscious witchcraft: Here we are dealing with people who do not identify themselves as witches, but who are used by conscious sorcerers. And to discover this form of witchcraft, you just have to analyze the dreams that you have every time. For example, in your dream, you see yourself either eating or having sexual relations, or serving food, or cooking, or being chased by people whose faces you do not see, and when they want to catch you, you see yourself flying like a bird. Then in the morning you wake up and say: I have escaped. Know that you did not escape; you are rather in unconscious witchcraft. Sorcerers are using you.

If I can talk freely about these things, it is because that is what I was doing. I am not giving you the testimony of someone else, but my own testimony. It is what I was doing. There are really several examples: You see yourself in your dream of swimming in a river. You go to bed fit, but in the morning you begin to complain of pain. Either it's the head that hurts, or you have pain in the spine, or you have abdominal pain. Do you work at night while you are in bed? Then why did you wake up with such pains?

If you are in unconscious witchcraft, a conscious sorcerer can use your image to go and disturb other people. But the next day, you will be the one to be threatened. And when one threatens you, you say: But I do not know anything about what you are saying. It is true that you know nothing about it, but it is your image that was used.

Blood witchcraft: The first sign that helps to identify this form of witchcraft, is the lack of compassion. The second sign is the fact of beating children almost every day.

I make a digression at this level to get myself well understood. We all know that the Bible tells us in Proverbs 23:13-14 "Do not withhold discipline from a child; if you punish them with the rod, they will not die. Punish them with the rod and save them from death." I am not talking here about a normal correction. I'm talking about parents who are misusing the rod and brutally beat their children. It is about this temperament that I am talking.

Another sign is to beat your husband. There are women who are really terrible! Another sign is to beat your wife. These are the signs of witchcraft.

While I was in witchcraft, one led me somewhere and taught me how to work as a sorcerer. It was at the Moussophie river, on the side where the source of the Congo River is.

How does one know if he is a sorcerer? Even if you are a child of God, if you find yourself in what I will say, know that you are being used. And among the signs of unconscious witchcraft, there is also dirtiness. There are people for whom taking a bath is an uphill struggle. Here I draw the attention of women who like to leave a lot of dirt in their house. Know that when you leave dirt in your house, you yourself create runways for witches at night. Dirtiness witchcraft. Here are the elements that we were given.

Hatred: There are people who hate other people without valid ground, without any reason.

The spirit of vengeance: Render evil for evil. And even some Christians are doing it. The Bible says in Romans12:19 "Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: It is mine to avenge; I will repay, says the Lord." If you are a child of God, and that one does a wrong to you, let God take your revenge. Some Christians still have hatred. Yet the Bible says in Rom 12:21 "Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good." And the Bible continues by telling us this in Romans 12:18 "If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." There is also sadism, the desire to make others suffer. There are some people who are delighted when they see others suffer. The suffering of others makes them feel good. This is not normal; we must learn how to sympathize with others in their sorrows.

Immoderate jealousy: There are people who want to be the only ones to own things. Everything must belong to them and the others must come to beg them: "Help me, help me," in order to get the crumbs: If others also manage to get something, that hurts them too much, they are not happy. Know that this is witchcraft.

Lack of respect: You must not respect only your parents, but you must respect anyone who is older than you.

Lie: This is a very important point in which even Christians find themselves. And those people, one often use them through unconscious witchcraft. There are people who are not even able to spend a single day without lying. A little piece of advice: When you are somewhere chatting, and then you realize that you have nothing more to say to each other, take leave of each other and let everyone go home, instead of staying there and make things up that do not exist. There are even fiancés who betray each other. And they also claim to be Christians! Do you think that by living so, the devil can be afraid of you? In such a condition, even if you mention the name of Jesus, the devil will not tremble. The devil trembles at the mention of the name of Jesus only if this name is mentioned by someone who walks in the fear of God.

Beloved, do not just take the name of Christian. You must be a Christian who walks in newness of life. That is the meaning of being a child of God! You must give up what you were doing, become a new creature, and begin to walk according to the will of God. It is only at that time that sorcerers and the devil will be afraid you.

While I was a sorcerer, I had 24 mystic eyes. When you say that a sorcerer has six eyes, it means that this sorcerer has already killed two people. A person has two eyes when you multiply two by two you obtain four. And when you take the four and add them to the two ordinary eyes, you get six. But I had 24 of them. Beloved, by the grace of God, I am here today, walking freely. The Bible tells us: Though your sins are red like crimson, if you sincerely humble yourself before God, if you ask Him for forgiveness and forsake them our God will forgive you, He will cleanse you and He will make you as white as snow. And today, the Bible says that there is no condemnation to them which are in Christ. Since I am in Christ, all that I did with the devil, is history. I'm in the Lord Jesus; there is no condemnation for me.

So I had 24 eyes. With these eyes, I could see everything. In this world, if the Lord opened your spiritual eyes, you would be sick, seeing what happens. In this world, there are people who walk upside down. There are also people who walk, but when you look at them, you see a human body but a skeleton head. I could be on the road and see a girl, a pretty girl, but while looking at her with mystic eyes, I rather see an old woman walking. In this case, one has already taken her real young girl face and has given her an old age mask. And these kinds of girls do nothing but change fiancés. When you find yourself in such a situation, be careful, pray a lot. You must pray so that this old age mask fall in the name of Jesus and that you get your real young girl face back.

Beloved, witchcraft whether you like it or not, exists. Let no one deceive you, witchcraft exists. And in every family, there is witchcraft. We should only enter in the Lord Jesus who is our city of refuge. If we are in the city of refuge, demons can see us, but they cannot touch us. If you're in the city of refuge, do not risk going out of there. If you are in the Lord Jesus, make sure that you don't open a breach because the Bible tells us that the devil, as a roaring lion, walked about, seeking whom he may devour. Know that if you leave the city of refuge, you expose yourself to danger.

With those eyes, I saw many things. I saw demons, I saw Christians, I saw pagans and hypocrite Christians. All hypocrite Christians and pagans, I saw them without clothes, and even without a rope on the body. Beloved, imagine that a two-year-old little sorcerer while looking at you, sees you without clothes because you don’t like sanctification. Do you accept such humiliation? No, it is not good at all, let us really try to build a better relationship with God. And God will protect us and the sorcerers will not be able to see us.



Witchcraft can be contracted in three ways:

Firstly: through a pact or contract that you sign yourself. For example, you have a problem which is beyond you, instead of trusting in Jesus, you go to consult a soothsayer or a witch doctor, who gives you a fetish, a semblance of a solution. This fetish that you take gets you involved in unconscious witchcraft, and as time goes on, the fetish in question will transform you, and you will become a conscious sorcerer. When you have a problem, no matter how difficult it is, go to Jesus Christ, He is the solution. He is the Master of the impossible; He calls things that are not as though they were. I call Him Solution Man. Not only has Jesus the solution, but He is also the Solution.

Secondly: through family inheritance. Be careful. It may happen that they call you and tell you: "It is you who will be in charge of the family, take this, from now on, you will become the head of the family." Watch out very carefully, because one will get you involved in witchcraft.

Thirdly: witchcraft by influence. I insist here and draw your attention to the witchcraft by influence. You have no intention of becoming a sorcerer, but one makes you get involved in witchcraft without your will. And this form of witchcraft occurs through food. You should not eat anything. I would also like to draw the attention of the parents. If you do not know the spiritual state of your neighbors, never let your children eat there, in short, never let your children eat anyhow when they are not at home. It is good when you hear about witchcraft from afar because if it comes to your house, there will be an absolute disaster, you will prefer death to life. Once again, remember clearly that witchcraft is destruction in all areas.


It happens very often that a sorcerer falls. When a sorcerer falls, this simply means that the blood he used as fuel was not enough. Generally, when such a thing occurs, people come massively and begin to beat him. When one beats him, he feels no pain. All he makes, when you beat him, is funny faces. He does it just so that you feel sorry for him and let him go. If I asked you what is the whip that one can use to beat a sorcerer so that he can feel the pain, I am sure that many would tell me that we must use a broom, isn’t it? Open your eyes, beloved. The sorcerer himself in order to fly, climb on a broom and you believe that by beating him with a broom, he will feel something? There are only two types of whips that, when they are used to beat a sorcerer, would make him feel a double pain, physically and the spiritually.

The first is euphorbias. When you use them to beat sorcerers, they then feel a double pain. You, a sorcerer who is among us, if you happen to fall one day, know that the whip that one must use to beat you is already known. But as for us, Children of God, we do not even need this whip. The Bible tells us in Ephesians 6:12 "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil." So our struggle is not carnal, but spiritual. You should know that sorcerers are also entitled to salvation because God has abandoned His glory in heaven in order to seek and to save those who are lost. So sorcerers are also candidates for salvation, our fight is against witchcraft.


Here is how they proceed: they drop by at your place, greet you well, and even talk with you. And since you like to talk too much, you start giving him all your information.

So when you are with him, you begin to give him all the information about your family, yourself. You tell him for example One has already paid the dowry for my daughter so-and-so, her in-laws said that they will come at a given time to pay the dowry. My child so-and-so will do the state examination this year ... When you give all this information, do you know the spiritual state of the person with whom you speak? Do you know at least the reason why he came to visit you? You are the one who gives him your information, and in turn, he will give the report to the neighborhood chief. He will tell him, for example: "On my avenue, there is this or that problem, in that house over there-there is this problem, etc." Have you ever seen cases where some families, despite the fact that the dowry has already been paid and the day of the dowry fixed, the in-laws go and never come back again, as it was expected? Know that sorcerers are the cause of that. The neighborhood chief takes all the reports that the avenue chiefs gave him and pass them on to the department at night. So they use all the information that you gave them yourselves, to block your projects, if a marriage is in sight, they will block it. They will take a sorcerer of your family, and entrust him with the task.

And when sorcerers do it, they entrust a sorcerer of your family with the task of blocking your marriage, your fecundity, your work, your health, your business. You will realize that you work a lot but do not earn anything, while sorcerers who do not work, benefit from your work. Didn’t the Bible say that the worker deserves his wages? And when we work we should benefit from it. I can assure you that, if you live a constant prayer life, sorcerers will no longer be able to play with your blessings. And when they do that to a neighborhood, they block many things, from the things that have been blocked, they establish laws that will govern the area. That is why you will see that in some areas, people do not get married normally. There are also areas where people do not complete their studies. You can also notice that, sometimes it happens that ones live in a neighborhood, and things do not go well, but as soon as one changes the neighborhood, things that did not go well in the old neighborhood starts to go well on the new one, because there are laws that sorcerers have already established in the neighborhood. But we who are Children of God, we will not move because the sorcerers have established laws, we would rather pray and their laws will be canceled in the name of Jesus.



I am going to speak about the great work that God has done in the life of my cousin Fernandes. My cousin Fernandes was a sorcerer because he was from that religion. I never approached him when I was a Jehovah's Witness. Everything he asked for the demons gave, like a home, car and great job. My cousin never studied college to have a great job but by the fact that he served the demons he got all this without any professional qualification.

These demons that he called them his guiding and protective spirits were all gathered in hell. I saw them in hell plotting to reap the lives of those who seek them. My cousin had statues of these devils in his house but their appearances are of men on earth but they are already in hell and are very ugly monsters. These demons were in a meeting talking about my cousin, they were fooling him. I saw a demon say he would fill my cousin with material possessions and arrest him in these things and so kill him. These demons were planning to kill him. They gave away material things to him as good things and then they plan to take away his soul leaving behind all his money and material possessions on earth because he cannot take his wealth to hell.

After I returned to earth I interceded for his life. He had a statue of an angel which he called a spirit of light. When I interceded for God to open his eyes, a black and furry monster came out of the statue and he saw and ran from his house staying a month at my house. He got into a trauma and we prayed together and he converted to Jesus. How wise of God to use this strategy to make him see the monster coming out of the statue for his awakening. He broke all the statues of his house.



One day I was praying with a pastor when a pillar of fire came down in the house of prayer. The pillar was speaking. The voice said there is a toddler in danger of death; her mother's name is Annie. This is their address. You must go urgently to pray for the boy.

Then the pillar of fire disappeared. I and the pastor were amazed. It was 2 am then we slept. I was dreaming of the voice of Jesus repeating the same word. Then I woke up, it was 5 am. Then we went to look for the address. I asked about the name given to us to people in that address. They asked us if there is any problem? We replied that Jesus sent us to see her.

Then they called the mother. She was crying. I asked her, “How is your boy?” Immediately she started to cry more. I encouraged her and told her what Jesus told us.

I told the mother that one day you went to the market. You left the boy there. A witch in your family gave the boy a biscuit. That was the origin of the disease. The boy was supposed to die tomorrow, that is why Jesus sent us. But the witch's identity is about to be revealed. Then we prayed for the boy who was healed instantly. Then we left.

2 weeks later, the witch who was his uncle's wife came mystically to take the boy. While she was taking the boy away, she was flying in space with the boy at an altitude of 5 meters when suddenly she met an angel of the Lord outside the gate of the compound.

The angel started to beat her up. As a result, she fell on the ground with the boy who started to cry and scream. Then the people woke up in the compound. They noticed that the gate was still closed. They opened the gate, they saw the woman naked on the ground and in shock as she was beaten by the angel.

Then the family took the boy that was crying and called us. We came quickly to see the witch. She was still laying there naked in the street on the ground. She began to confess her witchcraft. In the morning she packed her stuff and ran away from the neighborhood.



On every visit to heaven, I felt like I was coming back with anointing and capacity. One day I went to the market to buy clothes. I saw a shop overcrowded with people. I went to check and I saw that they were buying jeans. I saw one that I liked. Then I asked a worker to give it to me. All of a sudden, the boss started complaining and lamenting.

He shouted his frustration to me. He said, “You killed me! You destroyed all my staff! I am finished!”

I asked him, “What have I done to you?

He replied, “Go away, please go.”

Then the Spirit of the Lord said to me, “This man has a talisman in his pocket that he is using to attract customers and your presence has destroyed it.”

Then I said to the man, “Are you using magic to attract customers?

He replied, “Just leave, please go.”

A few days later in the city center, I wanted to buy perfume. I entered an Indian shop. I saw the perfume that I wanted. I took it and went to the checkout to pay the money when suddenly the boss of the place prevented me from buying.

He said to his employee, “Don't take this man's money. He is not a good man.” The Spirit of the Lord told me that this Indian man has a mystical saucepan in the back of the shop and that he does ritual around it to attract customers. He even does human sacrifices in order to prosper his business. I denounced him loudly and then I left.



Later, she met a man and since she got on well with him, she decided to marry him. Their marriage had gone well and my mother moved into her new home. Then my mother gave birth to a boy, my younger brother. We were now three brothers. Since we were only boys, my mother started to want a girl. Later, my adoptive father started asking my mother for a daughter and he was putting pressure on my mother. He said to my mother, "I wish you could give me a daughter because I have enough money to take care of her." Actually, my father had a lot of money.

So my mother started looking for a girl to please her husband and keep her marriage. But I would like beloved, to tell you that children are gifts from the Lord, boys or girls. We must learn to be content with what we have because everything God gives is good. So my mother started seeking advice on how to have a girl. And since my mother's friends knew her concern, one of them advised my mother to visit a charlatan. The Bible says that bad companies corrupt good morals (1Corinthians 15:33).

So my mother was taken by her friend to see a witch doctor. I remember, at that time I was in primary 4 at Bonga-Yasa boarding school, outside the capital Kinshasa. Once at the witch doctor's place, my mother explained her concern to this man. He asked my mother to bring a goat and an egg. My mother was surprised. She said to herself, "How does the gentleman know that I have a lot of money, but he asks me for a goat and an egg instead of asking me for money." My mother was ignorant of spiritual realities. Beloved, when a witch doctor asks for a goat, a pigeon or an egg, you must know that the goat and the pigeon are for the sprinkling of human blood and the egg also represents life.

The next day, my mother gave what was asked of her. The witch doctor took the egg and put it on a plate. There was no fire but the egg began to boil. Then the witch doctor gave it to my mother and told her to eat it. And my mother ate this egg. After my mother finished eating the egg, the witch doctor asked her to give him the goat. As soon as my mother gave him the goat, he said to my mother, "We have just had an exchange, I have given you the egg which you have just eaten, this represents the girl you're looking for. You have given me the goat which represents one of your sons." When my mother heard these words, she was surprised and shocked. She was in disarray. My mother realized that she had been deceived and misled. My mother did not understand that in giving this goat to this witch doctor, she entered into an alliance and a pact with the invisible world and that she had given away one of her sons to the world of darkness.

Beloved, the devil is the father of lies. Whenever a man signs an agreement with him, he hides the terms and conditions of this agreement. And by the time you find out, it will already be too late. All this to destroy you. It must be understood that when you set foot in a witch doctor or charlatan, you create problems for yourself because you are pursued by unclean spirits. The witch doctor said to my mother, "Whether you like it or not, I have taken your son, he is under my control, you have come here by your own volition and then ... you should have asked for the conditions from the start!" My mother became angry. She started using the name of Jesus against the witch doctor but unfortunately, my mother did not have Jesus in her heart. Then the witch doctor said to my mother, "I will prove to you that I have taken possession of your son's life." He took the goat and threw it on the mirror. The goat disappeared and my image appeared in the mirror. It was as if I was being filmed at the boarding school because the pictures were broadcast live in this magic mirror. When my mother was recounting this story, she said she had seen me in the mirror dressed with my khaki pair of shorts that I used to put on.

When my mother saw this face in this magic mirror, she cried out with emotion and astonishment, but the witch doctor told her, "It's too late, we have your son but we have decided not to kill him because we have seen his star so he will work for us." As soon as my mother heard these words, she slammed the door and insulted the witch doctor and left. She continued to live her life normally. Later, she forgot what had happened, but the kingdom of darkness never forgets alliances and pacts.


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