I was a high ranking
Satanist, the fifth in Ivory Coast. The purpose of my testimony is
that you may know how the enemy operates. He is accelerating the
velocity of his operation against humanity. Very often and even
today, I can feel the wave of his power and action in the air. I feel
in my soul urgency.
I have been a
Satanist for 21 years and I have caused a lot of damage, so many
damages. I regret these destruction and it hurt me. That is why I
asked Christian parents to protect their children through prayer so
that they will not be initiated in witchcraft, for I was just a child
when I got initiated in witchcraft. Though my father and mother were
believers, they were blind spiritually. You have the obligation over
the children, you have begotten them in the world, you must intercede
for your children.
I was assigned to
destroy children. Therefore you must pray for your children to
protect them from enchantment and initiation. Do you really know the
spiritual condition of your children?
There is blindness
and a lack of spiritual vision among God's children. However, the more
you spend time in prayer, the Lord will open your understanding and
discernment and you will know how the devil enter so that the enemy
will not have an advantage on you.
One of the tasks we
had in churches was to make sure that the spiritual eyes of God's
children were shut. We worked so that God's children will remain
blinded. They should not see the spirit world. We fought hard against
the gift of vision and revelation.
Brother, your child
may be a witch. Given that you are blind, you will not see it. When
an enchanted object comes to your house, you will not feel it.
In the past, I used
to see Christians wearing belts that were snakes. Actually, we were
designing belts that were snakes in the Marine kingdom. We were
bringing them to shops. Even God's children were buying. Since they
are not led by the Spirit of God., they buy these belt-snakes in
shops. The most expensive shoes in the world are made from human
Because of lack of
spiritual vision you eat, love and trust those who plot against you
in the workplace, school, and church. Intense prayer will cause the
scale on your eyes to be removed. There is a real conflict. Wherever
there is a Christian the devil will send his agents. Christians will
face opposition and evil will not leave them alone because they are
Christians. You must have a prayer life. The war is inevitable.
A lifestyle of
giving means prayer before God. Brother, we were fighting giving and
liberality among God's children. Forgiving means a lot in the spirit
world. There is a voice in your offering and giving. The more you
give, the more your giving becomes prayer before the Lord, You shall
be protected in your property because of your giving. Your offering
speaks for you before the Lord.
The marriage of two
spiritual believers is a forbidden law. And it is a satanic law that
we were to observe for we were supposed to prevent true converts and
spiritual believers from getting married. For when these two unite in
order to pray, it is extremely dangerous. When two people assemble to
ask something to God, they will be unstoppable. Thus the devil has
ordered us to stop two spiritual believers from coming together in
marriage. We worked to cause carnal Christians to marry spiritual
Christians so that one will be a stumbling block for the other. The
weak will be a gateway in order to reach the stronger.
Brother, TV is one
of the weapons of the end time that the enemy has designed. God's
children are exposed to all sorts of demons when they watch movies.
Whenever you watch war movies, you are exposed to demons of war. When
you watch vampires movies, you are exposed to the spirit of
witchcraft that may enter your life. When you watch Italian and
Brazilian soap operas of love, you're exposed to sensual spirits for
in these movies, people kiss and expose their nakedness.
When people watch
movies, you are exposed to demons of idolatry, for they constantly
worship their gods in these movies. When you are watching these
movies you are participating in the worship of these pagan gods and
you shall receive the spirit of witchcraft. Thanks to TV, we caused
perdition and destruction.
Since I was
monitoring God's children, whenever you watch a movie for two hours
during that lapse of time, I was stealing and consuming your energy.
As a result, you lack the strength to pray and read the Bible.
Brother, whenever
men of God go to watch football at home or public stadium since I
was monitoring them, I would fly in space to monitor their reaction
during the game. When God's children sit to watch a football game or
any sport, my task was to monitor their emotional state and reaction.
Brother, the enemy
is monitoring you with precision and detail wherever you go, and
wherever you pass. He is in search of lack of vigilance and
indiscretion in your lives. When you seek to watch games, I was there
to monitor your gesture, your reaction, your excitement of anger and
joy. And whenever you shouted to celebrate, I would capture the
energy released in the air, which is called ether. Demons capture and
feed themselves with these emotions when you release them. Whenever
people shout out of frustration or joy there was a collection of
internal infernal energy. When you release anger, I will enter to
cause destruction in your life.
On the other hand,
we must understand that football players are in Freemasonry and they
are in contract with demons. When you support and clap for them, you
are out of the will of God. How can you claim to be against occultism
and support players that are Freemasons and they are in covenant with
demons? They are not different from witches and Satanists. Each one
of these popular players has demons. God's children must get out of
fandom for the devil is coming. You cannot battle witches and wizards
in the church and be a supporter of football players who are
Whenever a goal is
scored in a game when people shout with all their strength, demons
attend football games for the energy. They collect people’s
internal energy released by the crowds since football players signed a covenant with demons. When they score goals, the people would scream.
As a result, these demons will then collect the energy of the people
as a reward.
These demons sustain
the footballer and the dragon is fed with these internal energies.
Whenever a football game is playing, there are always demons
assembled to collect energy. And when a believer is watching a
football, he will come under surveillance and monitoring to check
whether he is going to release emotion of anger or pride and to shoot
him with arrows.
Brother, when
witches hold meetings, it is mostly done in the physical Earth in
isolated places, such as cemeteries, forests and mountains, and water.
They also hold meetings in places such as schools.
When they gather in
these places, as soon as they get together, they will begin to talk
to the four elements of the Earth and take over these elements.
They usually say to
the ground, “We command you, Earth, to be subjected to us.”
They say to the air,
“We command you to be subjected to us.”
They say to the
water, “We command you to be subjected to us.”
They say to the
fire, “We command you to be subjected to us.”
After taking control
of the four elements of the Earth, they will try to control the 12
gates of the city.
I want to inform you
that in the spirit world, every town, city, and village has 12 gates.
Brother, when you
settle in a new city or country, first and foremost, you must command
and control the four elements of the Earth and you must control the
12 gates of the city. You must control the four corners, the square,
the perimeter and diameter of your environment.
Each of the four
angles of the square around your perimeter have three gates and three
gates multiplied by four corners of the city and town where you live
equal to 12 gates.
In Revelation
21:12-14, 12 And had a wall great and high, and had twelve gates, and
at the gates twelve angels, and names written thereon, which are the
names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel: 13 On the east
three gates; on the north three gates; on the south three gates; and
on the west three gates. 14 And the wall of the city had twelve
foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the
When the enemy
arrives in a place, he will try to control the four elements of the
Earth and the 12 gates of that place. And whenever God's children
arrive in a city, when they failed to possess the land, which includes
the four elements of the Earth and the 12 gates of the area, they
will not prevail that the perimeter has been sealed.
This is why God's
children suffer defeat and change the city. They fail to control the
place and they fail to subject everything to their authority, and
they end up leaving the city claiming that nothing is working.
Yet the Bible says
in Joshua 1:3-6 Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread
on, that have I given to you, as I said to Moses. 4 From the
wilderness and this Lebanon even to the great river, the river
Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites, and to the great sea toward
the going down of the sun, shall be your coast. 5 There shall not any
man be able to stand before you all the days of your life: as I was
with Moses, so I will be with you: I will not fail you, nor forsake
you. 6 Be strong and of a good courage: for to this people shall you
divide for an inheritance the land, which I swore to their fathers to
give them.
When an agent of the
enemy enters a village or a city, he will quickly deploy 12 demons
before each gate of the city or village. Therefore you must increase
your strike force in order to dominate the 12 gates of the city.
When the enemy is
overpowered, he will seek reinforcement and for fortification.
The Bible in Ezekiel
48:31-34 And the gates of the city shall be after the names of the
tribes of Israel: three gates northward; one gate of Reuben, one gate
of Judah, one gate of Levi. 32 And at the east side four thousand and
five hundred: and three gates; and one gate of Joseph, one gate of
Benjamin, one gate of Dan. 33 And at the south side four thousand and
five hundred measures: and three gates; one gate of Simeon, one gate
of Issachar, one gate of Zebulun. 34 At the west side four thousand
and five hundred, with their three gates; one gate of Gad, one gate
of Asher, one gate of Naphtali.
In the world of
Satan, we were working with the music. There is world music and
Christian music. In the Ivory Coast, those who are in worldly music
are occultists. All the musical celebrities in the Ivory Coast are
satanic. For example, the
is a Satanist. He kills
human sacrifices
and drink blood. We all remember his song “The spirits
are speaking to you.” The singer who sang about Suka
Laila (?)
is also a Satanist because Suka
Laila (?)
is a mermaid, a demon.
Whoever aspires to a breakthrough in world music would need to resort to occultism as
there is a lot of competition. Unless you resort to occultism you are
not breaking through. Since you have musical talents you will be
sacrificed by your fellow musicians and your star and talent will be
In order to become
nationally recognized, you're going to have to offer sacrifices for
all the great celebrities of Ivory Coast are Satanists.
One of the national
singers who also resorted to occultism went to attend a Luciferian
meeting in America and she came back with woman underwear called
“String.” It was newly released in order to trick women.
Basically, the string is cursed. It is an invention of water sirens. Today
many women are wearing string yet it is cursed. This singer who
brought string in the Ivory coast wear miniskirts and expose herself.
When you hear
secular music, the demon who is in covenant with the musical
celebrity will show up in your house. There are demons everywhere in
the world. When this demon shows up in your house, he will steal your
star and he will hand it to the musical celebrity.
We used to work to
cause children of Christians to play worldly music on their phones
and laptops. Whenever these kids play worldly music on the phones and
laptops, demons were invited and landed in their homes. Worldly music
attract demons in your homes. These demons will steal your grace and
stars in order to hand it to the musical celebrity.
However, whenever
God's children play Christian music, I saw the angel of God connected
to the song landing around them. When you hear songs of worship and
praise that are inspired, I saw the angel of the Lord coming down.
You won't see him but I used to see him for I was monitoring God's
When you wake up in
the morning and you play songs of worship and praise, I saw the angel
of the Lord descending and cleaning the house from witchcraft
activity that occurred in the night while you slept. It is dangerous
when a Christian hear inspired Christian music for the angel
connected to the music will come down.
On the other hand,
whenever you play secular music, a demon will come down in your home.
You must always hear songs of worship with the children at home. For
whenever children learn to sing songs of worship, it is dangerous in
the spirit world. When children sing, even with difficulty, the angel
of the Lord descends. We must get the children to learn to sing songs
of worship. I know children who had destroyed witches and wizards
because of songs of worship.
In my village, there
was a child that used to sing a popular song of worship every morning
when he wake up. Many queens of witchcraft fear to come close to the
child. One of them that tried to breach the perimeter of protection
of the child was killed. No one could come against the child. I
remember I was still a witch back then, but I was powerless against
the child for he was singing everyday songs of worship.
Brother, when you
build a life for personal praise and worship, the enemy will be
crushed and the bondage of your life will fall, for the Lord dwell in
the midst of the praise of His people. God’s people fail to
understand the power of personal praise and worship in daily
devotion. We knew that whoever dared to eliminate the child will face
death. Therefore, we agreed on a strategy that consisted of causing his
parents not to take him to church anymore. Because his parents began
to leave him at home when going to church, this child was exposed to worldly music and he was no longer strong for he began to sing
worldly music instead of songs of worship and praise.
The demon that
manage world music is called Baphomet. He is not a man or a woman.
Many artists are attached to this demon.
When I was still a
Satanist, many celebrities and artists came to see me. They came to
seek notoriety and fame. When they came to me, I took them to the
river to meet the sea dragon called Dracula. I used to worship this
demon. Many people have heard the name of Dracula in the movie. It is
the name of the sea dragon that I was serving for I had a covenant
with him. There are also dragons in forests. There are dragons of
deserts, dragons of mountains.
The biggest dragon
is in the second heaven and the Bible says in Rev 12:3-4 And another
sign was seen in the heavens. And behold a great red dragon, having
seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on his heads! 4 And his
tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and cast them onto
the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman being about to bear,
so that when she bears he might devour her child.
These artists were
signing a pact with the sea dragon in order to become famous. I
remember after conversion, many months after leaving the devil, the
sea dragon appear to me to claim my soul. When he showed up, he said,
“You still belong to me, because you have something that belongs to
me, which is the link between you and me.”
When I heard this, I
was surprised. I came to understand there was a link that connected
me to him, which was supposed to be broken. Quickly I went on to do a
week of fasting and prayer in order to break the link.
Brother, when a
demon is in the body he won't leave if there is legality. He will
hang on something that enables him to stay. They are hardhead demons.
Whenever these
singers needed a great voice, they receive snakes of many heads,
which enables them to change their voice while singing. In worldly
music, celebrities invite demons in their songs and demons sing in
these songs.
I was in a perpetual
war against God's children. I was monitoring them and watching them
in order to find vulnerability in their lives.
Last time, I said in
order to enter the local church during the service I was enabled to
do so when a lady come to church with the so-called lady pants. When
a lady comes to church with a wig, I was leaving my body flying in
space and entering the wig in order to enter the church. When I dwell
in your eyelash, your wig or the so-called lady pants, even if you
call “Fire!” I was not leaving or affected because of the
property of the enemy, and I would remain there in the wig.
In the end time, the
devil has come up with clothes that are exposing the body of a woman.
Thus many women are walking half-naked in the street. The unclean
spirit causing women to walk naked is the goddess of immorality.
Lilith is a
dangerous female demon of the night, who is sexually wanton and who
steals babies in the darkness.
In this eternal war
against God's children, we were using water as a weapon. In order to
bewitch water in our city, we were summoning the goddess of water
called Semiramis, the descendant of Noah who uses magic dance in
order to hypnotize people. She signed a covenant with Satan for
immortality. She is serving the devil underwater.
Today in the Church
of Christ, pastors are celebrating Mother’s Day, yet it is nowhere
in the Bible. When we were in battle against God's children, we were
entering churches that celebrate Mother's Day, and no angels could
stop us. When we enter on that day, we were possessing the ground,
the air, and the pulpit and we were moving freely because no angels
were present.
This celebration of
Mother’s Day is dedicated to the queen of the sea, the siren
Semiramis. The image of the woman and the baby is that of Semiramis
with the child, the warrior. This siren existed in the Bible. She was
the Queen Regent of the Assyrian Empire. Her son was a conquering
King. Whenever there was battle and conquest, she was practicing
witchcraft to enchant the opposing army. In order to enchant the
enemy, she was dancing like a belly dancing woman, exposing her belly
and bewitching the troops. This woman that was a witch had signed a
deal with the devil for immortality. When she died, she was handed
control over a part of the ocean. She is the queen of the sea.
Brother, today most
processed meat is not animal meat but human meat. When you eat human
meat that you buy in the market, it stays in your body instead of
going out. In times of battle against God's children, we were
checking in their stomachs whether they have eaten human meat, and in
case they had a piece in their stomach, it was a legality that it was
enabling us to paralyze their prayer lives.
I said that the
Principality in charge of World Food is the Goddess Maya, who would
scan you in battle to check whether you have human meat in order to
have legality to bring down your prayer life. We use this meat to
downgrade the prayer life of God's children. We don't want God's children
to pray for long hours.
Brother, in the
astral world I had cars, planes, and helicopters and when I take off
to travel to the hyperspace and the satanic world, the smoke was
coming out of my engine and entering people’s houses that were
filled with smoke. When people breathe these smoke, they fall sick.
Brother, wherever
you live on the Earth, you must understand there are unseen transport
and communication infrastructure.
There are logistics
of the devil everywhere on the Earth. There are powerful and satanic
satellites, radars and cameras filming this world 24 hours.
One day I was moving
in space, I saw a satellite system of the satanic world in the spirit
world. I was curious and I approached this invisible satellite. When
I got closer I saw unknown entities who looked like robots. They were
actually demons of technology working in satellites of Satan that are
controlling this Earth.
There are
communication systems installed everywhere in this world. The witches
work a lot with communication infrastructure. The demonic army on the
land win the war against Christians thanks to communication and
advanced systems. In the war of witchcraft against God's children,
there is always monitoring and surveillance of Christians.
In the astral world
of witches, we had advanced phone system of Satan superior to the
physical system in the physical world. Very often we call one another
on the phone just like people of the Earth. Often in witchcraft
conflicts, I would call the control tower to ask information about
God's children.
I would call and
say, “Control tower, I want to know the whereabouts of the target
in this precise moment.” The control tower of surveillance
functions like a police or surveillance center.
Often they will say
to me, “The camera and radar is showing that the targeted Christian
you are after went to the market. At this moment he is on the bus in
the main boulevard going to the market.”
When I was informed
about the location of a targeted believer, we were rushing to deploy
snares and booby traps. We will often put them before sellers
that are witches so that you would buy from that seller, a servant of
When the control
tower informed me that you are in a bus moving, I would try to place
a rock before the bus to cause an accident.
When I am informed
that you went to visit a sister, I would work to influence the sister
so that you would fall in fornication with her.
Brother, I am trying
to tell you that you are under surveillance and you are monitored by
radars, cameras and surveillance systems of the enemy. Whenever you
leave your house to go out in the city there are unseen spirits
following you. There are intelligence agents. I mean there are
unclean spirits everywhere even in the trees. Wherever you see the telecommunication antenna in the city, the devil was also putting our
antennas side by side and whatever phone call and message you sent to
your friends and families were copied and recorded in our system.
Whenever you make a call it goes first to the central server of the
world of Satan before reaching your interlocutor.
It is only true
Christians that lead a life of fasting and prayer that cause the
system of Satan to crash when they call for we could not hear their
call and see them in the camera and radar. Everything is monitored to
gather intelligence about God's children in order to deploy traps and
Very Informative testimony. We must be careful of satan's devices and live a life of Prayer and worship. We should forsake TV and Games in order to be free from demons influence. Praise God for the Revelation. God Bless You!
ReplyDeleteGod bless you for publishing this
ReplyDeleteTV must be forsaken at all cost. I realise that even the news is used to manipulate people's way of thinking. Too many lies. TV is indeed a tool of control period!
ReplyDeleteThanks brother God bless I am researching o the Islamic occultism and wish you would direct me to finding details about a former commited one. God bless.
ReplyDeleteIf you can state his name, perhaps other readers can help you out too.
DeleteContinuation pliz
ReplyDeleteYes please 🙏
ReplyDeleteOnly God knows how hard it is to take time to publish such wonderful testimonies. May God reward your effort brother
ReplyDeleteTrue! The devil too have Bible study?
DeleteThis is a very powerful message to the church
ReplyDeleteIf anyone wants to find him. His name is Oscar Zagadou.
ReplyDeleteThank you
ReplyDeleteThank you for the publication.
ReplyDeleteIt has really opened our eyes to things we don't count or note. God bless you.
Continue praying for the Church
ReplyDeleteVery helpful! I've learnt a lot! God bless you brother!
ReplyDeleteVery informative, thanks for sharing this eye opening testimony brother
ReplyDeletePaz de Cristo. É o fim do testemunho? Não tem outra parte. Como foi a libertação dele?
ReplyDeleteThroughout his 6 parts testimony, he didn't mention anything about tithing. With all the messages flying around on the net that since we're no longer under the law, tithing is no longer a must, and will not, in any way, hinder believers from making Heaven. So we would like to know whether it's a sin not to tithe.
Nik, Jesus Himself said you MUST TITHE: "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay TITHE of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these OUGHT YE TO HAVE DONE, and not to leave the other undone."-Matthew 23:23
DeleteChurch is a service and you should pay for that service, otherwise you are robbing God. How else does the church pay for electricity, rent, maintenance, and other bills, and how else does it pay for food to feed the members and the poor, to help the needy, to help further God's kingdom?
"Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings."-Malachi 3:8
Tithing is important, and so are Offerings:
Offerings can be:
-Sharing your things,
-Praises to God
-Thanking God
-Offering money and services to other Christians in need
"Honour the Lord with thy substance, and with the firstfruits of all thine increase: so shall thy barns br filled with plenty, and thy presses shall burst out with new wine."-Proverbs 3:9-10
"2 Corinthians 9:12 “For the ministry of this service (giving) is not only supplying the needs of the saints but is also overflowing in many thanksgivings to God.”
Philippians 4:18 “I have received full payment, and more. I am well supplied, having received from Epaphroditus the gifts you sent, a fragrant offering, a sacrifice acceptable and pleasing to God.”
Hebrews 13:15-16 “Through Him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge His name. Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.”
Hebrews 6:10 – “For God is not unjust as to overlook your work and the love that you have shown for His name in serving the saints, as you still do.”
Praise God for this great testimony
ReplyDeleteForgive us ooh Jesus for we have all gone astray from your word