the 31st day of October 2018, the word of The Lord came to me saying,
"In as much as the Democratic Party have chosen the path of evil
in their support for every evil work and abomination before Me, and
have sold themselves to work that which is evil in My sight by
embracing the abomination of Sodom and Gomorrah and the killing of
the unborn child and the helpless; My judgment shall surely find all
that enable, promulgate, and perpetuate this evil, and all that are
complicit to it until they are no more able to promote evil and
abomination before Me. In the Republican Party, there are some who
have serious secret sins. I do what I do for this nation for My
Name's sake and for My people's sake; for the sake of My faithful
servants who call upon Me day and night and live by My Word in
obedience. Everyone shall be judged according to their evil deed,
their actions, and their inactions, except they repent and cease from
their unrighteous ways," saith The Lord God.
Lord showed me a particular television minister who presents regular
programming for his ministry. The Lord showed me that this minister
does not really preach the gospel, that all this minister does is
asking for money from his audience every time he presents his
program. The Lord showed me that every word that comes out of this
minister's mouth says nothing else but asking for money from his
audience instead of preaching His true Word. And The Lord said, "He
does not serve Me, he serves money and wealth, and he is deceiving
many. So are all the others who call themselves ministers of the
gospel that do the same and follow his path in their greed for money
and wealth. These are wolves among the sheep and they do not serve
Me,” saith The Lord God.
the 23rd day of December 2018, I saw a minister who was preaching on
television, and the minister stated, "We Christians know that
Jesus was not born on December 25th, but we celebrate Christmas on
that day because we are honoring the birth of Jesus." I inquired
of The Lord about His will concerning this, and if it is right for
true Christians to celebrate that day, the 25th of December in the
name of Jesus' birthday. And The Lord said, "Great multitude of
people who celebrate that day, the 25th of December are celebrating
and observing the rituals and ordinances of pagan gods which were put
in place by pagans and brought into the church by pagans on the
pretext that they are serving Me. By so doing, they have made a great
multitude of people around the world to err and commit the
abomination of performing pagan rituals and idolatry. They worship
the dragon and the beast, and they whore after the beast. By
observing this date, they have sold their souls to the beast who is
deceiving great many people around the world. By celebrating this day
and date they observe the rituals and celebrate the feast of pagan
gods on this day the 25th of December, even if they place My Holy
name on it. They err and are in danger of My judgment except they
repent and remove themselves from this grievous sin of the
abomination of idol worship. Foolish men and women who call
themselves ministers of My gospel vigorously and adamantly defend
their observance of this day, the 25th of December, which is a pagan
feast day. They also teach their congregations to do so and therefore
lead them to commit the great sin of idolatry against Me, The Most
High God. They all whore after the beast in their lust and gluttony.
My faithful servants honor Me and celebrate Me by living My Word
every day in obedience, and in holiness before Me. My faithful and
obedient children must follow the examples I have provided to them in
My Word. Observe My Sabbaths and My Feasts which I have set forth for
you to celebrate, to rest, to eat and drink, and to be merry. Also,
follow the righteous examples of My ancient apostles who were with
Me; they saw Me face to face and walked side by side in the way with
Me on earth. Neither I nor My apostles of ancient times who walked
with Me instituted nor observed any new Feasts. My faithful apostles
observed My established numerous Sabbaths and Feasts as it is written
in My Word. All who have an ear to hear, let them hear. Blessed are
those who hear and honor My Word, and turn from this grievous sin of
the abomination of idolatry and pagan god worship," saith The
Lord of Hosts.
Me, The Lord God with all your heart and soul, and with an open mind
in obedience; follow My Word explicitly and keep them as it is
written. Seek Me honestly and earnestly without guile or doubt, and
ye shall find Me at every turn in your life, and you will behold My
hand of salvation. Cast down and throw away your old unrighteous ways
and put on the new and righteous ways, and walk in My path in
humbleness and in obedience that it may be well with thee. Is anyone
hearing My Word which I have spoken and is calling you to repentance?
Blessed is he or she who hears and obey," saith The Lord God
the 11th day of January 2019, I saw and beheld the abomination of a
very tall, huge pine tree with a very large base borne by machinery
because of its size, and carried into a large corporate lobby. It was
decorated with all manner of ornaments, decked with gold and other
colors of ornaments, and lights. It stood two stories high and huge.
A feast was made for it with loud music to celebrate its lighting in
the name of Christmas. A great number of people, the staff, their
families, acquaintances, neighbors, friends, etc, attended. A great
multitude came and ate, drank, danced, and rejoiced over the tree
lighting in celebration of Christmas, the 25th day of December. I
pondered over all these things and said, "Lord God, how can your
faithful children escape this? How do they deal with this and escape
this workplace entanglement and abomination before you?" And The Lord
said; "My faithful servants should just don't partake in the
celebration and in the eating, the drinking, the dancing, and the
reveling so that they condemn not themselves by celebrating the feast
of the beast. My faithful servants must remove themselves from
whoring after the beast lest they condemn their souls by committing
the great sin of idolatry and abomination before Me," saith The
Most High God.
you read and hear these revelations of The Lord God Almighty, do not
harden your heart, but search yourself and repent, and turn from
unrighteous works, and seek The Lord God Most High with all your
heart and soul, and follow His ways and live His Word in holiness. If
you so do, The Lord will have mercy on you, and on all that truly
repents and follow Him in righteousness in your household. You will
have nothing to lose but everything to gain. "For what shall it
profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and loses his own
soul?" Mark 8:36 (KJV).
and obey the Word of The Most High God. Holy! Holy! Holy! Is The Lord
God Almighty. Serve Him faithfully!
Deborah Flint
The Testimony of ASTON ADAM 5,verifies this..
ReplyDeleteChristians should just do what is in the Bible, what ever outside the Bible will lead you to Hell.. Stop listening to your pastors that dont do Gods word, stay home & ask God for direction with Christian life, He will faithfully answer your call adding to showing you a real Church..
Well we see some Churches having miracles which we can say its of God, but ther be something holding the Church from being perfect. God will do what ever He wish to draw people to admiring His power even though some Churches do follow the xmas things..
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