The Lord God led me into the future. The technology was very modern. I heard the sound of bombs and saw big blasts. Planes were bombarding places and causing great destruction. Millions of mutilated bodies, bits of human flesh were found on all sides of the conflict. Coffins looking like large boxes were available to put millions of pieces of bodies inside. There was a war between countries. The prophecy of the red horseman was fulfilled.
Evangelical publishers stopped producing the Bibles by order of the Antichrist government. An elegant man came into the world and was the center of attention. His outward appearance was a handsome man, but his inner soul was a monster with lion teeth and sharp claws. His spirit was wild and his interior had deep darkness. And inside his chest, there was no heart but a vacuum.
That man was summoned to bring order and progress to the world. A new leader of prestige appeared and supported by the UN. All the rulers, priests, Christians, and the Pope saw him as a genius.
Then Jesus took me in the middle of a great war. Food crops like rice, beans, vegetables, and fruits were destroyed by the bombs. All agriculture was damaged and caused the famine leaving millions of families in misery. Hunger increased, industries and businesses went bankrupt. The remaining little foods were not enough for the world's population which resulted in millions of deaths from malnutrition.
The black horseman of the apocalypse was fully fulfilled. The shortage of food caused prices to increase to the point of rice costing 100 times the value of its price. The poor did not have enough money to buy food. Only the rich who had money could have food but prices began to soar that money lost its value.
And the mark of the beast became mandatory to replace the money printed on paper. Money was virtual, but only those who had the mark of the beast got the money. Whoever did not have the mark could neither eat nor drink, but the righteous lived by faith, for man shall not live by bread alone, but by the Word which proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
Telecommunication networks were destroyed and only a few channels were available. Highways, railroads, and means of transportation were destroyed because of the war.
The cities of the inner world had a camera system to watch over the world. Even in the woods, there were cameras that monitored people so they would not escape the Antichrist's dictatorship.
Diseases were created in laboratories and scattered on the ground through vaccines. Millions of people died through new diseases that have no cure. The torment of hell was on earth, there was great suffering. The yellow horseman of the apocalypse was fulfilled with all the plagues brought to earth.
All religions that did not worship the Antichrist were annihilated. All world religions came together to worship one man. A prophet in robes introduced this worship to this man, officiating as the only religion. The true religion was to worship that ruling leader as a God. This prophet wore a robe and looked like a priest. The true Gospel has been abandoned and the world has been tormented by darkness.
Diabolical laws were passed by the World Government Congress. These laws approved the death penalty for Christians and Jews. Those who did not support the laws of this new ruler had their properties confiscated and their families destroyed. Those who did not obey the laws were killed. Federal constitutions and judicial laws were in his favor. The number of rapes, suicides, murders increased exponentially.
There were clones of people walking in the middle of real people, but these clones were not people. There were robots with human skin looking like real skin, I cannot explain. They are state-of-the-art cyborgs that were created to work in companies replacing men and women. They worked without pay all day long and that increased the company profits.
The rulers of every country were demon possessed, I saw their dark hearts. The world was in chaos, death was on a large scale and there were much confusion. The hidden Christians spoke of the message of the Kingdom of God that was already near. The peoples were so connected with the goods of the earth that they ignored that message. Others were afraid to surrender to Jesus and suffer great persecution from the government. The world leader wanting to capture some groups of Christians infiltrated his men into the Christian groups. They deceived the Christians by saying that they had converted. These men who had already received the mark of the beast were received into the group as Christians.
Groups of deceived Christians were delivered to their execution by the troops of the Antichrist. Soldiers, shock troops, federal police and worshipers of the beast received promises of rewards to capture Christians. The whole world was after Christians. The desert was the place where there was no camera and the caves were the hiding place. The technological signals had difficulties with functioning because the signal was bad in the desert. Objects flew everywhere in search of believers. At the time I did not know what they were but now I know those flying objects were drones.
The drones had weapons of destruction that executed the victims. The photos of all who did not receive the mark of the beast were shown on television. The newspaper treated Christians who rejected the mark of the beast as criminals and law-breakers. They were offering rewards to people who could find the Christian group.
The posters of the Christians were nailed to every place on the streets and searched everywhere. Their faces were in the newsstands and they were called rebels. The Christians who were hiding could not carry any technology with them, even clocks could be tracked. All technology had tracking microchips. Christians could not trust their families that were marked with the sign of the beast. Christians could not believe their spouses who were bought with mansions and large quantities of goods. The Christians had to flee with just the clothes on their bodies without taking anything, just like the people of Israel when they left Egypt. Everything that was Christian or Jewish were confiscated by the government. It was no use working to buy a house. Who had the mark had everything, who had no mark had nothing and lost everything.
In a world destroyed by war and cataclysm, whoever had a mansion is rich since most have lost their homes in bomb explosions and natural disasters. Having lots of food is being rich, as the world has lost food crops through war and natural disasters.
The government forced the families and spouses of Christians to surrender them to the authorities. The whole city and forest were monitored, there was no hiding. The desert where the elect Jews were hiding was the place of Christians as well. There God provided food, even water boiled from the rock in the wilderness. Quail and her eggs were the food of God's people. The Christians left their homes with all their belongings.
Those who were captured went through torture until they denied Jesus. Those who did not deny were shot, others beheaded and some died in electric chairs. The religious empire reached its maximum power by persecuting Christians. But the world leader did not want to divide his power with the false church and destroyed the false religious system. All religions were weakened and had no more power. Now all power and all worship were concentrated in the hands of the Antichrist. The false church no longer existed and there were no religion except the worship of the Antichrist.
The financial crisis began to affect the government of the great leader. God Himself was destroying government property with the plagues. Government officials began to question the great leader and the opposition began to exist. That perfect government was crumbling little by little, even with all its governmental skills.
At 4:00 pm, I was still in the pastoral house. I was taken by an angel to see the Lord. The Lord Jesus showed me a big hole which was deep and dark. I saw a lot of people being pulled into the hole. They tried to resist, but failed and fell into the hole.
At 06.00 pm, as usual, an angel picked me up and took me to the Lord. Again the Lord Jesus showed me a big dark hole. Jesus told me, "The hole that you see is the place where the unfaithful people are going into for 3.5 years of great persecution (Rev 13), while for My faithful people I will move them to a place that I have prepared, away from the eyes of the snake."
Then Jesus took my hand once again and we walked through clouds of darkness from which we soon emerged into another world. There I stood side by side with Jesus, looking at a world consumed by fire as far as the eye could see. There were burnt charred bodies everywhere. Jesus said to me, "This is the end of the world." The whole scene was so terrifying that had Jesus not been with me, I would have fled from the unbelievable carnage.
In Malachi 4:1 it is written, "Surely the day is coming; it will burn like a furnace. All the arrogant and every evildoer will be stubble and that day that is coming will set them on fire says the Lord Almighty. Not a root or a branch will be left to them."
I am reminded of a time when God told me that He is going to end the world. He is very upset with the worldly people who had forgotten about Him, the creator of heaven and earth. This is so true because when we look around us we can see many people out there who are still living without the knowledge of our Father God's kingdom.
When I heard this rebuke my spirit in a matter of seconds was already beside Jesus. He said, "I will show in vision the church that will operate great signs in the Tribulation. This Tribulation church will have millions of branches worldwide. This false church is the only one that will exist and will bring together all the religions of the whole world to form one."
The False Prophet is the leader of this church and will have powers to execute the laws of death, killing people who do not follow the Beast. It will be a totally idolatrous church full of miracles and cures. The images of this church speak and even heal everyone who touches them.
This church has the power to intervene and take away people's freedom. The power that this church will have in people's lives was given through the Beast because of the covenant between the False Prophet and the Antichrist. These two persons will command the world in the great tribulation. The religion commanded by the False Prophet who is the Beast who came up from the Earth. And the policy commanded by the Antichrist who is the Beast who came up out of the sea.
In the vision, I saw the spirit of the Beast rising from the depths of the Earth, from the deepest infernal abyss. And the other spirit went up from the depths of the sea, even from the deep. I believe these two beasts were trapped in the abyss of hell.
The Spirit of the Earth Beast went to the Middle East and won all of Asia. The people of Israel and the Muslims accepted the Beast as their king. This man introduced the anti-Christian religion that came about as the whole appearance of charity is quite attractive. The false appearance of goodness offered the people all iniquity and abomination. He did not fight evil but strengthened sin. This false religion created 2 Gods of flesh in which the people could see and talk.
The False Prophet made the world population bow before him and the Antichrist. This religion was the most idolatrous of all time and operated as many signs as it had never seen before. Not even the churches of our day did as many miracles as I saw in the vision. The false prophets of our day will be too small in healing operations compared to this religion that will come to subdue the world.
The Antichrist will be a strategic man and will lead all religions into a single religion, to which the False Prophet will be the greatest religious leader of all time. The world taken by the religion implanted by the Antichrist will be marked with its sign. This mark will make many be properties of the Beast. And thousands upon millions of demons were released to work in the church of the False Prophet.
I was frightened to see several dark-shadow cults invading Earth. All the people who went to their churches were not faithful to God. Their congregations remained with the same name as the denomination founded by their pastor. But in tribulation who was being worshiped in the temple was the Beast. His statue was within all the earthly churches that were places of worship before God. All the Christian people, who had denied Jesus, were inside the temples being submissive to the greatest authority of the earth, the False Prophet.
The immorality reached a high level that every kind of sin was considered acceptable. The spiritual lives of the people were poisoned by the religious system of the Beast. People were spiritually dead through teaching, worship and the idolatry of the dogmas of the Beast.
The Holy Spirit no longer works in people's lives because of the rottenness of sin. The submission of the people to the anti-Christian teaching caused the Holy Spirit to depart from them. The Holy Spirit was with those who had the seal and remained hidden from the pursuers. The false church caused the spiritual death of almost the entire world population. There were no more evangelical churches to worship Jesus. The temples were invaded by the images of the Beast.
The true worshipers were worshiping Jesus in secret places. And the great signs, healings, strange appearances, and tongues were taking place in the temples of the worshipers of the Beast. All this happened without the presence of the Holy Spirit. Millions of people worshiping, several churches open, but God's chosen ones were not there, because Satan usurped the altar of worship by taking the pulpits of these denominations by profaning them with their filth.
God's people lost their freedom and preached the hidden Word of God. What has been revealed to me was that the world religious system will reign on Earth, and no other religion will stand before this gigantic organization that will crush the world and annihilate all religions on Earth.
Jesus said to me, "Write down everything you saw and witness on Earth."
A force pulled me up and I was out of hell. I was floating in the air.
A voice said, "Be prepared that I will show you the visions that will happen at the end time." I looked up and saw a great meteor falling from the sky on the ground. This meteor when it crashed in the city knocked down four buildings that were together. These buildings had several people inside who died with the fire of the meteor shock. Pieces of buildings fell on the avenue over the crowds of people passing by on the street. The gigantic pieces of buildings fell on cars, houses, shops, and the flames spread all around. Multitudes of people were killed being crushed and burned.
This sight startled me, but then I saw another larger meteor fall into the sea. The impact was so strong that the waters of the sea were agitated and caused a tremor in the bottom of the Indian Ocean, Atlantic, and Pacific. The waves rose more than 600 meters and continued to rise beyond that. Buildings of 10 stories up that were near the seas were covered. People were dragged from the windows of these buildings across the waves The waters took to the avenues, dragging cars, trucks, trees, houses, buildings, and crowds of people. This happened in the four corners of the world. Islands were submerged, small countries by the sea disappeared and civilizations were engulfed. Small countries that are islands have been under the waters at the bottom of the sea. When the waters became normal, the sea was full of bodies. Sharks, crocodiles, and other marine animals were filled with so much meat that they were dragged by the waters into the sea.
And on the avenue, there were many bodies, one above the other, and the streets were full of bodies everywhere. It seemed that the cities were hit by 10 atomic bombs because of the wreckage that the waves caused. Sharks, whales, fish, and other marine animals were also dragged ashore because of the waves. Several boats and large ships were swallowed up by the waters. The dead bodies that were scattered through the streets went into decomposition. Government officials did not know where to bury both dead bodies of people and animals. With those dead bodies in the middle of the street, epidemics of disease began to multiply through insects, worms, and bacteria. The demons at sea were more aggressive and swirling in the seas and hauling vessels.
Rev 8:8 -9 And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood; And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed.
I looked up at the sky and I saw a giant stone coming from the universe and shattered into many small pieces on entering into the atmosphere of our planet. Those small pieces were small in the air, but when they fell on the ground they were giants. Each piece of them fell into the sea and into the rivers. This gigantic rock that came from space had toxic poison. When it fell into the waters they became contaminated and millions of marine animals died and floated on the water. There was no space in the rivers or in the seas for the boats to walk because they had so many dead animals. There were animals torn apart by the impact of this large space rock. The waters became blood and a strong stench of carrion invaded the entire planet. The waters of blood curdled and many animals died of thirst for drinking those polluted waters. The oxygen level of these waters fell and took all life from the water, changing its entire molecular structure. The hydrogens of the waters have changed causing a major disaster in the middle aquatic habitat. The fishing industry went bankrupt for not finding fish in the water to sell.
Water was sparse on land, and inadequate for many people. The waters that were not blood became bitter because of the toxin from that space meteorite. Terrestrial animals and waterfowl that rely on fresh water to quench thirst have died because of the toxin. The taps were flowing with bitter waters killing millions of people. Those who drank from this water died poisoned by a deadly substance. Those small pieces of meteorite have been distributed to other rivers. The water currents scattered these particles leading to other rivers to kill the rest of the animals that depend on fresh water. Restaurants and snack bars that rely on water to make food and juices have failed.
Rev 8:10-11 And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.
Water was more expensive than gold, and many millionaires gave the fortune to get Clean Water Neighborhoods. The poor population that has no money died of thirst, only the powerful who managed to obtain all the reserves of waters. Vegetable gardens and all types of plantations that depend on water have died. Plantation farms failed because they had no water to irrigate. Death has entered reaping millions of people and animals across the planet. The rivers were contaminated by the pieces of that great stone. I do not know if it was a river with several slopes or rivers from other places.
I also saw several rivers turning into blood, not just a river but a variety of rivers from various places in the world. I do not know if it was because of the meteorites, but the reserve of the fresh water of the land diminished and the people quenched their thirst by drinking blood. Blood flowed through the taps, this was the only water that served to quench the thirst of the people. The blood flowing from the taps had millions of bacteria and caused mortal illness in people. Seeing that chaotic situation I was frightened by the terrible destruction that is coming to earth.
Luke 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; The sea will roar; roar like a ferocious lion and swallow the lives.
People have told me that the world will not end by water because of the promise God made to Noah and that is true. What the Lord has revealed to me that the waters will be His judgment against the rebellious nations. It will be the wrath of God against the man who has polluted the waters because of the oil that killed the marine animals. Water also has life, if it did not have the animals, it would not survive. The waters will take revenge on the men who have destroyed it.
Jesus showed me in the bottom of the sea, beneath the earth a terrible monster. I do not know if it's a demon or a monster, but it's spiritual. Jesus said that he is the leviathan who will soon shake the waters, where there are rivers, seas or lakes.
Rev 13:1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.
I was praying with great fervor and my senses were sharpened. When I realized I was next to the angel, I walked perfectly and even floated. I was happy to walk beside the angel and he took me above the clouds, where I could see the universe and the people walking on the earth.
A comet flew through space and upon entering the atmosphere of the earth turned into a torch of fire. It fell on the forest causing a great fire, destroying the vegetation. I saw the earth in great chaos and total destruction.
An angel that was in the air of heaven sounded a trumpet, and a great earthquake shook the whole earth. Several countries at the same time were hit. Then a great lightning struck the trees and the forests caught fire and many animals burned. Other animals ran to the city, ferocious animals that were in the forest invaded the cities because of the fire.
Another flash of lightning struck the electric wires, sending the houses and electrical appliances on fire. Many homes caught fire, killing millions of people. I heard a great burst in the land of a giant stone falling on the earth. The electric power was cut off and great despair took hold of the people. Companies and banks that depended on electricity were forced to stop their operation. Newscasts spoke of catastrophes and many communication networks were destroyed; television networks were off the air.
Several countries were affected by these asteroids that fell from the sky. Poverty has increased, companies have gone bankrupt and the financial crisis has increased. Many people had to get into debt because they lost everything. Stock markets were devalued in the market, prices of the euro and the dollar fell.
Jesus took me to a part of the world where there was a war between the soldiers of the army. They fought, planes were hit, ships sank through missiles. Several bombs were dropped from planes that fell and hit the ground. Houses, shops, businesses, schools, and cars were destroyed through air strikes. I do not know what war was that, whether it's the Third World War or the Fourth World War. What I saw was a war more destructive than the previous ones. If I join the first world war with the second world war that was on earth, it would be child's play compared to what I saw in the vision.
I beheld a real carnage, millions of torn bodies, head to one side, legs and separate limbs. I also saw chemical weapons being used as bombs. These guns released a deadly gas that everyone who breathed that gas contaminated their bloodstream, killing millions of people. Biological bombs made from disease-causing microbes were also dumped on the ground. I saw little worms inside those bombs. And when the planes threw these biological bombs on the ground, bacteria entered people's skins, causing wounds, sores, and other diseases that lead to death. Bacteria ate the internal organs and caused cancer.
Airplanes let out smoke filled with viruses that contaminated the population. This virus paralyzed the body leaving people in a vegetative state. And those who were not contaminated by the fumes, could not approach the infected to not catch the deadly virus. These weapons caused great mass destruction.
Jesus took me into another part of the vision, where I witnessed large rocks of ice falling from the sky and killing millions of people on earth. Houses, cars, businesses, and plantations were destroyed through these giant rocks of ice. The winds also became strong, causing hurricanes that knocked down trees, poles and destroyed houses, dragging people, cars, animals, and houses. The earth was in chaos, all destroyed. The government forces were faint against all this, not knowing what to do. Men realized and acknowledged the great destructive power of God, the creator of heaven and earth.
I had another apocalyptic vision. I saw the sun getting warmer, causing skin cancer in people. No one else could stand the sun and many stayed in their houses in ice baths. People who are naked on the beaches have their flesh burned to a high degree. Their skins burned with great mortal wounds. The ice of Antarctica, Alaska, the south and north poles melted and the waters of the seas increased because they received a lot of water with the melting. The animals in the cold could not stand the heat and die.
My younger sister Dayse Peterson had a spiritual vision when praying at dawn. Jesus appeared to her and said, “Tell my church that this turbulent night will be the last for My people. It's the longest night and it will be more terrible than every night. My church will cry, but a new day will come. That day will be eternal, there will never be an end; a new dawn will dawn on them, it will be a different day, the night will never come more upon My people, they will be with Me in eternity.”
Psalm 30: 5 For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favor is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.
Malachi 4: 2 But unto you that fear My name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.
My sister was amazed at this sight and fell on her face in the dust.
I said, "My Lord, the church is not ready, how are You ready for the big day?"
The Lord showed me in a vision all the churches of my city closed and the soldiers were allowed to invade several houses of the brothers.
I asked the Lord, "Will the church go through the great tribulation? The church will not survive."
The Lord said, "Daughter, the church will not go through all the tribulation, it is necessary that My people see the Antichrist to awaken.”
I asked, “Lord, has it got to be this way; the church cannot go up before the great tribulation?
He said, “For if I come before this sign many will not awaken. You must go through trials to remember Me and seek My presence. Remember the three young men of the furnace, they went through a great trial, had to pass through the fire to be purified and approved. Remember Joshua and Caleb who have passed through the great tribulation of the wilderness. They had their faith increased and they inherited the earth that exudes milk and honey. The church that will be preserved will also inherit eternal life in Heaven. That little time that my church will suffer on earth will be a small tribulation; she will not go through all tribulation; it will be as a watershed and all who are on earth will know who the true believers are. That affliction that is coming upon the earth will serve to ripen My fruits for the harvest. Are not all the fruits that belong to Me? When this persecution comes on the earth many will fear when it becomes hard and many will drop My name to not suffer persecution; they will stay behind for the great tribulation."
Lucifer promised these two princes after the rebellion to sit on the left side and the other on the right side when he won the final war. This prince has the power to operate signs and wonders, he will not incarnate but will have a Satanist to perform all his evil work.
In 1999, the angel of the Lord led me into a desert and showed me visions of the future. I saw an angel with a key in his hand and he opened a huge hole. A legion of demons was released. When a part of the Earth opened, a smoke leaves from inside the ground and darkens the day covering the sun. The darkness of that black smoke well invaded the planet. The world was taken in darkness. It seemed that the Earth became a hell. The darkness consisting of all forces of darkness invaded the Earth. The angels that were imprisoned were free on Earth to cause damage. The very king of hell Lucifer commanded the cavalry of hell and caused great torment in those who were condemned by the mark.
May all who are hearing this testimony please stand firm more and more. I had the privilege to see the future of the earth. I did not want to be here to see this. Today I live a life more dedicated than before, that everyone is in the peace of Jesus, Amen.
My soul was above the clouds. And I began to have a vision of the future.
I looked at the land of Israel and saw a crowd surrounding the people. Suddenly fire from the sky descended and consumed all that multitude. Fire rains began to fall to the ground destroying everything like hell; there were flames everywhere. The land had been purified with the rain of fire fell all over the planet and still charred the entire crowd that surrounded the people of Israel.
Satan was cast into the lake of fire, I saw in the vision the dragon being released. His defeat was sealed forever.
The angel revealed to me that the Bibles are going to be taken away from publishers, giving way to the Bibles of studies of false prophets and their books.
The government will establish laws contrary to God's Word if the churches do not comply with these laws like homosexual marriage, they will be closed. Churches will be forced to conduct same-sex marriages. Government laws will change for the worse and will be contrary to the Word of God.
May we come prepared for the great evil that will come upon the earth. The whole hell will rise against the church in the last days. This will happen before the great tribulation.
After my preaching, Jesus showed me in the vision, a bottle of olive oil, a lamp, an olive, a burned-out lamp, a burnished lamp, and a piece of electric wire.
I asked Jesus, "What is that?"
He answered, "The church is the light and the bottle you saw is the anointing. The lamp is every person and the light that shines within it is the Holy Spirit that shines within each of them. The electric wire that gives energy to each lamp to light is My anointing."
"The servant who does not have My oil will be put out. I am like the electric energy that I offer light to the lamps. Tell the lamps that are extinguished to shine in the darkness. It is time for them to ascend, the end is near. Tell the bulbs that are going out that they have to have enough olive oil in their reserves. By the time the oil runs out they have will more oil in their reserves to burn. The world is in darkness, be lit and make a difference."
"Only these lamps will attract the Bridegroom at the time of the separation of the tares and the wheat. The lights on them you saw are My seal in their lives, the mark of the Holy Spirit. Tell the church to fill with My oil that is My strength within them and that will make them shine."
"I have a very strong bond with My Bride on earth, that is why the demons did not destroy the earth. The Bridegroom wants the Bride by His side and will prepare her to bring near to Me, and make her heiress. It will not be long, the Bridegroom will appear to free her whom He loves from this world of darkness. I have already demonstrated My love on the cross of Calvary, making a high price, rescuing, washing, purifying and sanctifying."
On hearing these words, I heard the sound of trotting horses.
The voice said, "It is the cavalry of hell invading the earth, all the torment of hell has risen to the earth. The earth will now be the hell of suffering, the prince of darkness has taken over the government."
He said, "Let's reign, it'll be hell on earth.
People began to look for Christians to pursue. The Christians were frightened away; they fled so as not to die in this great persecution and genocide. The world and the government were against us. The era of the martyrs began; they will be human sacrifices for Jesus' sake. They would offer their blood to eternal life, shedding their blood for Jesus' sake, as Christ did on the cross of Calvary. That was the form of retribution they made for Jesus.
Many Christians were killed by persecution. When they were alive they could not stand. The Christians groaned in pain. They could not stand it any longer, and they cried a lot.
The trumpet rang and the remnants disappeared. I saw in a vision the lights rising to the sky and disappearing. The world was filled with darkness when these lights disappeared. When these lights disappeared, the world grew darker, totally filled with darkness. I saw a black hole that opened on the floor, black shadows were coming out from inside. The sky turned red, nature was inverted. It felt like it was turning against us.
A voice said, "The heaven is disconnected from the earth, there is no connection with humans anymore."
All were abandoned, the Holy Spirit was taken away, the bond with the earth was cut off. What made the heaven to be connected with the earth, was the church while still on earth, Jesus took His own. People sought out Christians who had disappeared and despaired of not finding them. These people were dull lamps that stayed on the ground. Jesus broke the bond with them, the connection was broken, the mediator Holy Spirit was taken away.
Grace has ended. There was no more covenant with the rebels. The Bride has been taken away, the covenant of salvation is over. Now the judgment of the lake of fire is approaching.
After these visions and revelations, I went to the church saying, "I mean for all the brothers who are living torches of God, keep them lighted so they do not go out. You are live coals from the altar of the Most High and are in this world to shine. When the Bridegroom has come, He will take those who are alight in His presence."
Jesus showed me in the vision, many torches fading. I saw many dim lamps covered by darkness because of sin. And where there is no light on, the darkness prevails. The Lord will not take the ones who are blotted out by darkness. Many are called and few are chosen. The separation will leave the tares and carry the wheat. Only the lighted lamps that will be taken from the earth, for their brightness will attract the Master to His meeting. These are the stars that shine in the darkness of the night and embellish the dark sky.
I went to bed and an angel appeared to me. He pointed his finger in my direction at the height of my nose. He pulled my spirit through my nostrils. My spirit stayed with the angel. He went up with me to the clouds. The angel showed the planet to me, the earth was vibrating its rotation and spinning at high speed and accelerated greatly.
The angel said, "The vibrations and rotations of the earth are getting faster and faster. The days of the earth are being shortened, the years will pass in a hurry."
The angel showed me the days of tribulation, a man of great religious importance made a sacrifice for Satan to release the demons. Satan receives strength and opens the pit of hell. An army of demons invades the earth to execute judgment on sin. People became crazy, unbalanced, oppressed, and possessed by demons. They were tormented and incurable wounds grew all over. There were fearful deadly diseases that did not kill people. These people took on a form of zombies and suffered great mental control; they were slaves of the government.
I looked at the River Euphrates. 4 angels were liberated and destroyed a great part of the world population with wars, diseases, and hunger. And along with these principalities, millions of soldiers from hell were released to destroy mankind. All the people and Jews that had no seal of God were decimated. The hordes of hell marched against the earth and caused destruction. Men possessed by demons became killing machines. Nuclear weapons were thrown into the earth and caused great destruction. Millions of people and the Hebrews were killed on this earth. Those who had the mark on their foreheads persecuted the Christians.
The wrath of God has fallen from heaven upon thieves, sorcerers, murderers, and prostitutes. The rulers with the Antichrist could not rule, all was in chaos and destruction.
Jesus showed me a monster with several heads that came up from the depths of the earth. That monster went to Italy and sat on the throne of the Vatican. And then that terrible creature was transfigured into a Pope. He united all religions through a new ecumenical law. The churches that did not accept and refused this agreement were persecuted, because the decree gave powers to the Vatican.
After this vision, Lord Jesus told me to return to my body. I returned to the earth and was in my house. I prayed to God and said, "Lord, what do these visions of the Vatican mean?"
Jesus told me that the church will not rise before the signs are fulfilled. I want to tell the church that the servants of God will see the Antichrist. This is going to be the biggest sign of Jesus' return. And many upon seeing the Antichrist will awaken in their prayers and the last revival will come upon those chosen who will be raptured. The church will go through the tribulation.
Jesus answered me, "Son, after so many revelations about the church, you still have doubts. I talked to you so much and you still did not understand." After this message, I meditated on the Word of God.
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