Ronald Muzona was an ex-Satanist delivered by Pastor Kenzo Atsushi in Zimbabwe. His testimony is found here.
Hi, my name is Ronald Muzona. I come to the defense of Pastor Kenzo and Pastor Robert Atsushi as there is much falsehood and slander that the Internet and the media are making about them.
All the experiences of Pastor Kenzo and Pastor Robert Atsushi were originally written in Japanese but it was in this country of Brazil that the reports were translated into Portuguese and then to other languages by trusted people. They did not change the details of the Atsushi father and son experiences in other languages.
After Pastor Kenzo Atsushi’s death, many wanted to print their experiences in books and sell them for profit but Pastor Robert Atsushi did not allow them to do so.
A Brazilian of Japanese descent called Diego Tanaka who now lives in Japan was the first to translate the original Japanese manuscripts to Portuguese. This was the first language that the original experiences were translated to.
Evangelist Josivan for the Mission of Nations Church posted those Portuguese testmonies in
Diego Tanaka wanted to publish those testimonies in Portuguese but Pastor Robert Atsushi said that it could not be commercialized.
Diego Tanaka supported Pastor Robert's ministry and gained his trust until he changed some details of Pastor Kenzo's first experience.
Pastor Kenzo started his ministry in the city of Timisoara, Romania and then in Cluj, Romania where he lived in three cities in this country.
He didn’t start his ministry in Denver in the United States, much less being born there.
The same Diego Tanaka reported Pastor Kenzo’s first experience of doing missions in the United States passing through several cities. It was in Denver that Pastor Kenzo had his first rapture experience of visiting Hell. He had the second rapture when he returned to that country. He had returned to do the mission in other American cities in poor places.
After returning to his home in Romania, his wife left him and his house was destroyed. Pastor Kenzo never spoke in his testimony that he was born in Denver.
Diego Tanaka had the original Japanese manuscripts and when he translated them to Portuguese, he changed the city that Pastor Kenzo Atsushi lived in from Romania to Denver. Diego Tanaka changed the city of domicile in the originals and placed another city but he did not change the teachings and revelations when he translated them.
It was in the United States that Michael Watson and his sister Kimberley met Pastor Kenzo and they were impacted by his ministry. The siblings even traveled to Romania to live near Pastor Kenzo and became members of his church.
After the death of Pastor Kenzo, Michael and Kimberley Watson stayed for a while in Romania. They had hoped that after Pastor Kenzo’s death, the doctrine of Pastor Kenzo’s church would still remain but they failed to convince the new leadership. They subsequently returned to the United States.
Pastor Robert Atsushi is not in Debrecen, Hungary [as of February 2019 when this video was posted]. At this moment, he is touring countries in Asia and doing missions there. Pastor Robert is Japanese and not an American. When Pastor Kenzo was traveling and doing missions in the United States, he took his wife and his son Robert when he was a child. When Pastor Kenzo grew older, he did not take his wife along because of her old age. He did not take his son Robert as his son went astray.
The visions of all the experiences of both Pastor Kenzo and Pastor Robert Atsushi have not been changed but only the name of the city. Diego Tanaka did this because Pastor Robert did not let him write the book in Portuguese for profit.
Pastor Robert will only speak on the Internet if God allows him. He will not disobey God to obey the will of man who wants his promotion through the Internet.
Stay in the peace of Jesus. Amen!
[Note: Some have been searching all over the Internet for Pastor Kenzo Atsushi's business and church in Denver and couldn’t find any. From this, some concluded that Pastors Kenzo and Robert Atsushi are not real persons despite the very deep revelations of their testimonies which are in sync with many other spiritual world testimonies from other witnesses. Now with this clarification from Ronald Muzona, we understand that we were looking at the wrong place in Denver and not in Romania. As the Scriptures say in Mark 4:22, What is hidden will be revealed.]
Transcribed from Ronald Muzona's video
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Thiago Aparecida Silva Is Kenzo Atsushi A Real Person?
Naomi Amaoka 3 Some Tormented Souls In Hell And Rewarded Souls In Heaven
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