Now if they want to create another form of possession, they would kill a person, recover his body, and leave it for 4 days. After 4 days, the body begins to swell and the fourth day, it begins to decompose and in the decomposition process, the body begins to secrete a liquid. We took that liquid and then gave it to false prophets as holy water. There are people among us who have already drunk water from the prophets, especially women because they are the ones who like prophecies very much. Beloved, the prophecy par excellence is the Word of God. The Word of God is the key to everything. That is what we used to do with false prophets, we gave them that water and people went to their house to get it. Many people believe that they can be freed only when one makes them drink holy water or anointing oil, or when one makes them pass through fire. No, my beloved! That is not how you can obtain deliverance. Deliverance is in the name of Jesus only.
[...] The brother gives a warning about the slip-up related to the misuse of oil in churches today. He mentions among other things the so-called oils of marriage, of fecundity etc.
He continued by saying that God is not behind those things and that all those practices come from the devil.
I had a vision of a false prophet. He prophesied blessings in the name of Jesus. People believed with faith in the lying word that came out of this man's mouth. These people received material blessings not from God but from demons. The legions of the air descended with the requests of each person who believed the words of the false prophet.
People believed in what Jesus did not promise, but in what the false prophet promised by the name of a God he does not know. The blessings that the demons of the air have delivered are meant to affirm that the false prophet is from God and all that he asks for in the name of Jesus happens in the hour. The purpose of demons is to hold those souls in the fold of the false prophet. That's why signs, wonders, and financial blessings were happening on the spot. By doing this the flock gets stuck in the fold of deceit until it dies and goes to hell. And so the souls remain in spiritual blindness and the truth remains hidden from their ears.
Many false shepherds made friends with me because of the herbs of prosperity. I extracted the oil from a plant, did a ritual and sold it to people. Many pastors bought and anointed people and prophesied prosperity with this oil.
People got good jobs with high wages, they went into big companies. Satan also deceives and opened the doors of jobs to accredit his pastors. Satan also gives prophetic authority to his servants. I gained a clientele of pastors who were buying prosperity oil. They never preached against the evil
deeds of my hands.
I was amazed by this revelation. I was at home getting ready to visit a client's church. I went to visit the apostle's church. He worked with his healing gift. A line of people begged for prayer in the church. This pastor did prayers with the laying on of hands. He took the illness from one person and transferred it to the body of another. People with cancer and other diseases were cured, he offered large amounts of offers. Later that pastor transferred the illnesses to the people who did not give offers. He said that the curse would affect all who did not bless the work. Those people infected with the diseases died.
The people in his church were very much afraid of the curses and contributed their offerings, investing in the work of Satan. While serious churches are closing the doors because they do not have the money to keep up with the work.
When I was a follower of the New Age, I had a friendship with this apostle who told me everything that goes on in his ministry. I went to the bishop's church to pay a visit. This man had great authority over the demons, he made all the demoniacs fall to the ground. He had a large estate with 10 cars in the garage, all with church money. He told me to open a ministry to get out of the humble situation in which I was. I make a lot of money as a New Age practitioner, but for the bishop, I was still poor, for not being a businessman of the religious world. This bishop one day prophesied that a man would have prosperity. A few months later this man managed to get into a big company and buy a car, apartment and everything he wanted.
I asked him if his words had power.
He answered me, "Yes, my words are prophetic. All that I speak has to be fulfilled, it is in the contract when I made that pact with the Devil for the sale of my soul."
I told him, "Do you know your soul is going to hell?"
He said, "I am aware of this, even though I do not believe that this place exists, I consider it as a Hebrew mythology, just as I do not believe in heavenly paradise. Our heaven and hell are built on earth. Money is the God who determines whether he will live in heaven or in hell. You can make your heaven on earth and with all kinds of material goods. I am aware of the covenant I made, I cannot go back."
One day some people challenged his authority, he prophesied that these people would die. Days later one of these people committed suicide, the other one was assassinated and a woman who had defied the bishop died with a disease.
The bishop told me, "I have the power to bless and also to curse."
I continued to walk through hell and saw three prophets in the valley of burning fire. A prophetess liked to deliver prophecies to the church. She promised what God did not promise and said, "God is going to give this and do that." Her prophecies even marked the year, month and day that God will keep His promises. Her false prophecies came from her own heart and people turned aside from the path of Jesus when those false promises were not fulfilled. The Word of God speaks in Numbers 23:19 God is not a man, that He should lie; neither the son of man, that He should repent: hath He said, and shall He not do it? or hath He spoken, and shall He not make it good? What God promises He does, what man promises in the name of God, he cannot fulfill. God does not give unfulfilled prophecies. That false prophetess is in hell being mocked by demons.
A prophet is in hell for speaking forth false visions. A demon appeared to him in the form of an angel and said, "Speak to the pastor to make a healing campaign." The prophet told the pastor to make the healing campaign and a miracle was happening. Whatever that angel said to the prophet he did. This angel began to produce false visions for the prophet to pass to the church. He introduced the spirit of confusion within the church, and many members left. This prophet died and went to hell.
I also saw another prophet delivering revelations to the church. He was an adulterer, and he went out with another woman who had gathered in another ministry. This prophet began to pray to God and received a gift of strange tongues that was not from God, died in adultery and went to hell.
The demon that tormented him said, "I used you to deliver the revelations. I am the spirit of the divination that came into your life. I am the same spirit that uses the fortune tellers, palmists, and tarot card readers. I used your mouth to speak in tongues."
I was terrified to know that the gift that the prophet thought of being from God came from the darkness. If you are a Christian and let evil come into your heart, you will never receive the gifts of God. Close your heart to sin and receive the Holy Spirit portion.
At the same time that my body was in the hospital, I was in hell with my hands in chains. I said to the demons, "I am saved, I cannot stay in this place." The demons laughed and said, "You did our will on earth, took witchcraft to the altars of the pulpits of your churches." The demons beat me, threw me into the invisible fire that burned my whole body. My brain fried and smoke came out of my body. I felt the heat of the burning fires. I was taken to a torture room. A monster was waiting for me in the cell, caught my neck to strangle me. He plucked out my eyes, my tongue and smashed my body to the floor. The pain I felt was immense, I asked for death, but I could not die. I was already dead spiritually, but I could still walk. My body grew back my head, eyes, and tongue which was earlier smashed by the demon.
We were in a partition in hell, the valley of the shepherds, bishops, and apostles. The angel showed me a man. He suffered great torture; the demons thrust a great sword into his eyes. He had no more eyes, only holes instead of his eyes,
The angel said: "Remember that man?”
I looked well and said, "This man is the pastor of my father's ministry. He is pastor Mark; he anointed my father as pastor and gave a church leadership to him to feed the flock. We all thought he was in heaven. What he did do wrong? This man is a man of God."
The angel said, "He committed infidelity to his wife; he watched pornographic movies and thought about women and masturbated; he committed virtual adultery."
I said to the angel, “But he did not commit the act.”
The angel said: “He did not do it because he did not have the opportunity; he preferred these whores instead of his wife. He had great desires for this class of woman and he never tried to break free.”
The angel showed me a bishop burning in hell. I asked, “What did he do?”
The angel answered me, "He betrayed his wife in social networks; he began to exchange illicit words with women who were wicked in their hearts. He was planning to make a trip to meet these women and have relations with them. He did not have time for this sin to be consummated for death suddenly reckoned with him. Everyone thought that he lived a holy life and is in heaven. Nobody knew that he had plans to commit adultery. Tell the church that if they commit adultery sins in their hearts even if they do not realize if they die and they will come to this place. The Lord God probe the thoughts and hearts, there are no sins hidden before His eyes. He contemplates the 4 corners of the world."
The angel showed me 2 shepherds inside a hole in the ground. The fire burned those shepherds. They fought to want to get out of there. One wanted to climb on top of the other to climb to the edge of that hole and leave, but there was no success for either of them to leave.
The angel told me, "They are here because they lived on earth fighting each other, because of the tithes and the offerings of the souls. They competed, one wanted to take the souls of the other and to bring to themselves."
I beheld a shepherd in hell for tolerating sin in his church. He knew of the sin of the people, and yet he did not correct the flock. Jesus said that he touched his heart several times to preach holiness, but he resisted the Holy Spirit. He even used a servant to tell him to preach. He did not repent and did not listen, being rebellious until God's patience reached the limit. Death touched him for choosing to walk in darkness and rejecting the truth.
Lord Jesus showed me a shepherd in hell for cursing a Christian who left his church to be a member of another; we should not curse what God created that is His image.
I saw gay pastors who opened churches for homosexuals, they suffered a lot because their sins were abominable before God.
These shepherds are sodomites and were in the same place as those who practiced unnatural sex.
My conversion was in a church of a false pastor. This pastor is a charlatan who never preached the truth and all his arguments was to extract money from the members. Those who did not give money received no blessing. That was the main theme of his messages.
One day this false preacher was preaching a message of prosperity. I was still a sorceress and was on that day at his meeting. Something happened at that moment. Because of me, I had to hear another Word and not his usual message. Something took over his body and he changed his words bringing a spiritual and edifying message leaving the church in awe. That Word entered my heart and that night I became a Christian.
He had preached against his own doctrine unwittingly. It was the Holy Spirit that took his mouth. I believe God used his mouth just as he used the donkey's to speak to Balaam. In a tongue that utters lies, God used to save me from the deception of Satan.
After that message, I serve God today. The false pastor even did not know what he preached that night. He does not even remember this message and it was through it that many members left because the Word was hard for all who were going after financial blessings. That message was different. It was not the pastor preaching as he preached with closed eyes. He never preached in this way. He always wrote down what he was going to say and always delivered the message with his eyes open.
I threw all the images of the saints into the trash and the Satanic ritual house was handed over to the church. I did 21 days of prayers daily without interruption.
After those visions, it was nightfall, I went to church, and when I entered there I had a vision, this congregation was chained.
I knelt by my bench. I asked Jesus, "How can this whole church be like this?"
Jesus revealed to me, "Sin began from the shepherd to the members. This leader leaves the sheep at will. The Holy Spirit has moved away because they do not live a holy life. The demons have chained these people. Satan the god of this century has blinded many to the truth. They do not consider their vanities and sensualities as sin."
"These pastors have spiritual scales in their eyes and do not see sin within their congregations. And the demons have entered into these churches, which do not fight sin. Their shepherds have settled for iniquity. The churches are fallen and their leaders as well."
"They are the same as the old Saul who knew the Mosaic laws, taught by a doctor of the law, but blinded in My mysteries."
That night the Lord brought me several visions on the pulpits of many churches. I saw many pastors, lecturers on the pulpit. The Holy Spirit revealed to me that many are on God's holy altar with sin in their lives. In a vision, the Lord showed me that many there betrayed their wives. At first sight, I saw one married pastor going out with a young woman in the praise group. The second vision I saw a third time I saw a Christian betraying his wife in social networks, committing the virtual betrayal. In the fourth vision, I saw an evangelist making a date with a woman through Whatsapp. This woman was a prostitute. I saw a female demon possessing this woman to overthrow this evangelist. I saw the devil who commands the Whatsapp, he's a terrible soul-winner that knocks down many men of God and I saw the devil who runs Facebook. Together these demons are doing havoc in the churches.
I discovered the two great areas of this twenty-first century that the demons are attacking. The Holy Spirit told me that these adulterous men are not worthy to stand upon God's holy altar. Then the Holy Spirit led me to the bedroom of my son and made me turn on his computer. The Spirit of God made me open the Facebook page. My vision opened and I saw several photos of millions of rows of the people who were trapped inside a giant cage,
The Holy Spirit said, "Pray for all those people who are imprisoned in the dark world. Many who are there have died. There is a very strong Satanist who has entered into social networks, met thousands of people and is using his profile in black magic and has killed many. His targets are the people of this evil network created by Satan, every photo you saw is in danger. There is even a Christian that is being targeted by Satan who has two more Satanists who help to destroy these people from the network. These three Satanists have destroyed the ministries of pastors through this social network."
"Many Christians are drifting away. The youth of the churches are leaving the way of life and entering the addictions to drugs because of these spells of the wizards of Facebook. Raise an urgent cry for these lives that I showed in view of the people who use this network."
I raised my hands towards the computer and I made an hour-long cry inside my sleeping son's room. Then I turned off the computer. I went to bed in my room next to my wife. God showed me in a vision that those Facebook lives were given release through from my prayer. I saw chains breaking.
I saw a couple who were there because of the lie. Their wife searched the life of each person through the social network and passed the information to her husband. He used this information to say it was God's revelation. He died practicing the lie.
I also saw a Bishop in hell because of the lie. He used his strategies to attract crowds of people to his church. The Bishop hired actors to play the roles of paralytics, blind and dead. These actors were getting up from the wheelchairs that the Bishop himself had bought.
The actor who acted like a dead man was brought on a stretcher to the altar of the church. The Bishop made a prayer and the actor "resurrected" rising from the litter, causing the people to go crazy!
While the people glorified God, the Bishop took advantage of the occasion to ask for a large sum of money. Everyone was moved by the miracle and opened their hearts to offer. The actor who received a lot of money went away to another country, hiding the farce. Crowds of people gave big sums of money hoping to get their miracles. This charlatan of the bishop died and went to hell.
I saw a reverend, he was married to a woman, but betrayed his wife with a homosexual man! He never left this evil homosexual practice and went to hell.
I saw an apostle in hell, he had no affair with a homosexual. He was a homosexual and married a woman to disguise and be raised as a church leader. This apostle desired the Christians to whom he presented and destroyed various marriages of his members. He put the Christians against their wives, thinking of getting an affair with the men of his church.
This apostle will pay a high amount of money to married Christians, make them betray their wives. He took advantage of the financial situation to buy and subordinate these believers. This apostle fell in love with a man who is not a Christian. This contributed to his divorce from his wife. He went on to run the church without his wife and kept a secret affair with this man. Unfortunately, he died in this sin and now he is in hell.
I have seen many famous pastors of serious churches. I will not reveal the names of these pastors so as not to cause scandals, respecting those churches that are serious. If one day you tell me to speak, I will relate who they are on another occasion!
The angel said, "Marcus, I have to take you to hell to complete the revelations I have shown you."
I said, "No angel, it is already fine. I'll say everything that you have shown me is enough already. No hell please; do not take me there."
The angel said, "Fear not man. I know that this fear that comes upon you is because you are in sin. I will not leave you down there, God has great work with you."
As I spoke, the angel calmed me down, because my conscience accused me of the sins that I had committed.
The angel said, "What will be revealed to you are two classes of pastors. Those pastors who have pacts with Satan, who are opening up heretic churches to contaminate the others. And the other class of pastors is the ones who will open churches not to save souls, but to fulfill their financial ambitions. Both types of pastors have pacts with Satan. The third class of pastors does not have pacts with the devil but they open churches for trade and merchandising the faith. Their names are already recorded in hell."
I saw a demon with a large blacklist with the names of famous preachers. They do not live what they preach and are in sin. Of these, I have quoted two of them preach prosperity to finance their evangelical enterprise. These known Christians are doomed when they die if they do not repent.
The Lord sent a warning to the true shepherds.
He said, “Tell the shepherds to teach the new converts because of the deceit of the false prophets.”
“False teachers deceive people by capitalizing on their lack of knowledge of My Word. The people were transformed into the ventriloquist dolls of these false shepherds.”
I went to the place where I saw shepherds who were men of God, but they went astray. They began preaching the truth and ended their lives preaching the lie. They changed the doctrine not to lose members. They have made thick views of sin and are in hell.
Jesus showed me the place of false prophets and founders of sects. And on the other side of these founders, I saw millions of people whom they brought to hell because of their sects. These people cursed the founders of the sects for throwing them into hell.
I saw in hell the prophetess Ellen White. Jesus said, "She is here in this place for inventing heresies. She prophesied lies and still had connections with the Satanists who helped her ministry grow. She also taught her members to keep the Sabbath, stepping on My grace. Whoever wants to live in the law who never sinned is what I was sacrificed for. Whoever chooses to live in the law will have to save himself for it without committing any sin like Me. All the sects that reject My grace tear the contract of the New Covenant. Whoever lives on the contract of the Old Covenant will be cursed and go to hell. This woman who is watching, she lied saying there is no hell and now she is in it."
The seed that this woman planted in the past still produces disgrace and loss to those who believe in her teachings. I saw how the demons tormented that woman. The more souls went down to hell because of her teaching, the more she was tormented.
From the foundation of his sect until now millions of souls are coming to hell. Jesus said, "Testify for more souls that they may come to salvation and ascend into heaven."
Then I was transported to the valley of the false prophets. A great valley, its area is the size of a city.
I saw a false prophet that founded a denomination in America. He said, “Get me out of here, I cannot take it anymore. I falsified the Gospel and introduced lies into my books by modifying the holy Word.”
I looked over at him and saw another false minister who was also there for preaching the false Gospel. I went to the place where the false prophets of prosperity are.
I saw a man jumping in the midst of the flames, and his body burned like an ember. I also saw a prosperity pastor. He said he was there for having enriched himself with the Gospel. Besides being tortured, this man suffered greatly in the fire. Their destructive heresies implanted on the earth condemned many to hell.
I received three prophecies from a false prophet. She said that Jesus was going to take my car. A demon used a thief to rob me and take the car. I bowed my knees and prayed to God that he allowed the devil to steal my car, the only car I had to do the evangelistic work.
The Holy Spirit said, "I did not permit it, nor did I speak in that woman's mouth."
That same woman gave me another prophecy that Doralice the missionary would be my wife. I prayed to God for a sign if it was true. I had known the missionary for 1 year and I have never seen her have any sentimental commitments.
A few days later God gave me a sign. Her husband, who is also a missionary, arrived from Chile.
That prophet lied. Doralice was not single. The missionary is married to a man of God.
This prophetess delivered several prophecies of marriage and managed to unite several brothers, forming couples. And many marriages united by her and not by God ended in divorce.
This prophetess gave me a prophecy of a new job. And a company called me to work for a big salary. I started traveling with this company. I could not go to church at night. The prophetess said that Jesus would put me in a great company.
But this prophecy was not of God. The devil wanted to get me out of the work of God that's why he opened the door to that job. The owner of this company is Freemason and he delivers the soul of all his employees to the devil.
Jesus told me to get out of this job. Jesus revealed to me that she is a witch in disguise as a pastor.
I saw all this woman's prophecies fulfilled and the devil made everything that came out of the woman's mouth come true.
The three prophecies she gave me have been fulfilled, but I want to tell the church that even fulfilling prophecies does not mean they are from God.
I left the job and went to do the work of Jesus. The salary of this job is high, this was a test to see where my heart was. I went through financial difficulties, but I was never hungry. I took the Gospel and I had difficulties. But Jesus blessed me and I own two cars and I worked at the little shop He gave me.
I was evangelizing a young man and he was an addict. A man came and pointed the gun in front of him and could not shoot because the young man was near me. The man squeezed the trigger several times, but no bullets left. The grace that was in me protected the boy. Death did not take this young man because he was with me and his days of life were extended.
The Lord showed me in a vision multiplication of false prophets. I saw Satan forming an army of false teachers. The demons used the pastor to give counterfeit seminars to a group of Christians, forming new heretics and teaching a false Gospel. I saw legions of demons using these believers to sow sects and the Gospel of deceit. The Word of God was being distorted.
In this Gospel comes a mixture of truths with lies. The pure and holy Word was tainted with infernal heresies.
Believers were losing identification with Jesus and opening churches to teach these heresies. The lie-viruses they received were passed on to others. This was the false theology being infiltrated into many seminaries.
The Lord and I went up to the earth. The Lord said to me, "Who will prophesy on the dry bones of these churches if the false prophets do not let My servants preach the truth? They say that they do not cast off sin because the Holy Spirit has not testified in their spirits, but the Holy Spirit cannot testify in dead spirits. They are far from Me, far from My ways; they do not hear My voice, do not feel My spirit that is so close to them. They have lost their spiritual sensibilities. Ninety percent of these churches will not rise. Only ten percent will rise, Leviticus 27:30, And all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land, or of the fruit of the tree, is the LORD'S: it is holy unto the LORD." These were His last words.
The Lord left me in my room where my body was. The next day I told the church where I pastor. After these revelations, I was very strict, because Satan does not play. The Lord Jesus is not happy with the situation of the churches. They are dead most of them are in ruins.
The Holy Spirit told me, "The bridegroom has not sought the bride yet, because there are few that are prepared. He wants more souls to reap, altars must be restored. These ruins must be repaired and raised for the number of brides to increase."
I was passing the street, and I saw a sign written: great revival, all are invited by the Pastor Ramiro pastor in the regional church of the saints.
I went to visit this church, people were called to testify about their healings on the second day of that campaign. They said they got jobs, others had their promotions and some had salary increases, people who opened companies were profiting.
They said that Pastor Ramiro released a prophetic word of Abraham's blessings. Pastor Ramiro went to minister and released a prophetic word of financial multiplication for all those who take their offerings at the altar. He asked for a large sum of money and released the anointing of Abraham's enrichment.
The people took their offerings to the altar. When he released the prophecies, I saw the demon of prosperity delivering a blessing to each person. This devil was horrible and in his body was full of gold, silver and bronze and notes of money, all this was stuck in his body.
He gave blessings to those people. He looked like Santa Claus, his body was adorned with riches. To win souls Satan gives out material gifts and presents to the people. The people acclaimed Ramiro as the prophetic mouth of God, and everything he speaks happens in a step of magic.
People have told me that prophecies that do not happen are from the devil, and the prophecies that are fulfilled are from God. This is the greatest deception that exists, not all the prophecy that is realized is of God. The devil also fulfills his promises, he gives the blessing to whom he desires.
Ramiro prayed and people were healed and many vomited diseases. He had great authority and a terrible anointing. I saw words coming out of his mouth in the form of fireballs with a dark yellow color that impacted those people. I saw two demons accompanying him, one is the demon of prosperity and the other is the demon miracle worker.
The Holy Spirit has revealed to me that this man is a deceiver and merchant of the work of God. The Holy Spirit gave me a prophecy to pass to him saying, "Tell this man to convert from his wicked ways, this is the last chance of his life. If he does not give up his sinful works his soul will be delivered to Satan."
The service ended he was leaving the church. I approached him and said, "Can I invite you to preach in my church?"
He replied, "I charge 50 thousand. I live from the work. I cannot preach for free. I have a family to care for. God has blessed me. I have a company, a new car of the year, apartment, all because I do His work. I deliver many blessings to the people that many Christians do not - I heal, I reveal and my prophecies of blessings have been fulfilled. I deserve riches for my services. It was for me to be a millionaire for everything I've done for this people."
Ramiro gave me his contact and said, "My schedule is full this month. This is my contact to book a schedule for next month."
I told him that his ego is great. If he exalts himself for everything he does, it is not the work of the Holy Spirit, and I passed on the prophecy of God's warning to him.
He felt afraid; he knew he was wrong. He was confronted and unmasked. He left my presence in a hurry and ashamed, saying nothing else.
Satan operated greatly on that church, the level of deception exceeded all my expectations.
The news later reported the death of Pastor Ramiro in a car accident. Pastors mourned for his death and said that he was used by God, and was a loss to the churches that counted on his ministry. I knew if he did not leave his bad way, he would be dead, that was God's last chance.
When we entered hell, we went to the valley of false prophets.
I saw Ramiro burning in flames.
He said, "Pastor, you're right. I've sinned, done wrong things, demanded high prices to preach the Gospel. Now I know we cannot charge. Satan deceived me. I thought I'd live longer, now I'm here, you're right. I did not listen to you, tell the angel at your side to get me out of here."
Jesus told me, "My servant Satan has diverted many from My path. I did not offer fame, recognition, and applause. I said that they would be persecuted and hated for My name's sake, and afflictions would pass."
In a short passage I had in Nigeria, I heard of the famous Synagogue Church Of The Nations of the prophet TB Joshua. I paid a visit to this temple that is in the Lagos. I did not know about it earlier as I do not watch the rotten media, but I learned of its fame in Nigeria. He is a millionaire shepherd, is not as poor as many think. He has become wealthy with the money of the poor people of Nigeria.
As I entered that gigantic temple, crowds of people were there. I felt a great negative charge, a very heavy energy for a serious church. I stared at this prophet, soon my vision opened. Behind the altar, I saw a black throne and the name of Lucifer. There was a terrible demon who performs many cures.
This man TB Joshua was doing a lot of deliverance and exorcism. What I saw in that place was not deliverance. It was demonic manifestations and great possessions happening in that place. This shepherd called the demons to live in the bodies of these people. Legions of airborne demons came through the roof of that temple, camouflaging inside the bodies of the people. The demons were silent, hidden secretly inside each person, without manifesting.
Passing a false appearance of liberation, they manifested and then watched that they had come out getting very still. When the meetings were over, people would leave that place full of demons.
In a serious church, demons cannot hide, they are forced to manifest because of the presence of the Holy Spirit. In my ministry, they tried to hide, but the fire of the Holy Spirit burned them; they could not withstand the fiery flames of destruction. Churches that do not please God, do not have the presence of the Holy Spirit. In those kinds of churches, demons are resistant and do not manifest. If there is any manifestation of demons, it is only for deception within the church.
The Holy Spirit has revealed to me that this false shepherd is like a kind of African messiah who has a charity to help children and poor people, but in reality, it is a way to win souls for Satan.
Many have told me that he works miracles in the name of Jesus. I said, "Even if I speak in the name of Jesus, it does not mean that it is the Holy Spirit."
Matthew 7: 22-23. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
The Holy Spirit does not attend to those who do not have the credentials of Jesus. The demons operate even in the name of Jesus.
My vision went beyond the 12 reservoirs of holy water in this church. They were called waters of the cleansing of sins, where people came in with TB Joshua to bathe.
The spirit has revealed to me that he is a fornicator. This man seduces women of his church by prostituting themselves with them so that they become fertile and healed from the womb.
What I saw was the demon of healing and false deliverance. He does not release the imprisoned but put more people in the hands of Satan. No one from other ministries has an opportunity to do healing and deliverance in that place other than his workers.
Everyone who has authority from Jesus, I see a spiritual ring in his right hand. In that false prophet, there was not the ring of God's authority on his finger.
All the servants of God who live the truth I see the ring of God's authority on his finger. Those who do not have the ring and cast out demons and heal does not come from God. I have seen many people without the ring operating many wonders. There was no fire of Holy Spirit in their lives, but a demon on their side performing the cures.
What struck me is that on the finger of TB Joshua, it was not like the hands of other false prophets who have no ring. He was the first false prophet that I saw with a black ring on his left hand. This ring is spiritually equal to the golden ring of God, not to be seen with the carnal eyes, only those that Jesus allows.
I saw many legions flying on the roof of that Satan synagogue. I left that temple because I could not stand the deception. This is not the first and it will not even be the last church I visited where the demons operate signs.
Already there had been a church of a bishop, who was not freed from vanity and expelled demons. They only pretended that they would go away for the people to believe that that woman has authority from God, though she did not leave her vanities. Her liberal doctrines were credible.
I warn the church, Jesus does not give authority to anyone. He delegated His authority to His disciples and today is in the hands of the true church. Jesus would never give authority to Christians to deceive the people with false doctrine. Jesus cannot give gifts to false prophets; if Jesus did this He would agree with the deceit,.Jesus would never make a covenant with falsehood.
When God created the world, He separated the light from the abyss of darkness. As well as those who are in the darkness of hell cannot pass into the light of paradise.
Second Corinthians 6: 14,15. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what communion can have light with darkness? What harmony between Christ and Belial? What is there in common between the believer and the unbeliever?
Jesus is the light and can have no share with those who serve the darkness.
Jesus told me to tell the people not to run after prophets, they will find many false prophets. My prophets are few, all those who seek My presence will make them prophets.
I do not want My people to follow after signs, but I will cause My signs to follow them wherever they go. I will turn their dried fountains into spring waters that will flow into their voids, filling them with My anointing, virtue, and grace. Their lives will bear fruit if they walk in My presence as Enoch walked, to go every day to the church is not enough. It is necessary that they live in prayer in their homes, and give good testimony of life in their company where they work and in the street where they live
I want to bring an exhortation to the people of God.
The legions of the air are terrible and they drop the strange fire from heaven to earth. I do not commit blasphemy because I have the gift of discerning the spirits. He who does not have this gift can fall into blasphemy if Jesus does not reveal it to him.
Another means of discerning the spirits is through the life or teachings of the false prophets, the mouth speaks what is in the full in the heart. The tree is known by its fruits. These men appropriate God's offerings according to their ambitions.
Jesus showed me, three covetous men. These three men were called to appear before the presence of the king. As they entered a room they stood before the king. The king opened a written scroll and judged those 3 men. The king became annoyed with the three men and ordered the knights of the court to take them to the shed. The three men were beheaded.
Another young man arrived later to stand trial. This young man who had come to the trial was me. I was afraid of being condemned by death. The king looked at me and handed me a glass of wine. The knight said, "The king has found favor in thee, thou hast pleased the Lord."
In this vision of the wine glass, I understand that it is the wedding of the Lamb. I was delivered from condemnation in this vision, but the 3 false prophets were knocked out by the king.
After Jesus showed me these things, He said, "While the people of today are applauding the ministries of false prophets funding the corrupt and rotten religious system, My servants are suffering in My work. If these religious empires are standing, the blame lies with the people who finance these churches. False prophets build their paradises on the earth with offerings and tithing, while those who contribute need to survive times of poverty and want. Many Christians pay expensive tickets to see these evangelical celebrities. His doctrines of devils have even entered into the holy churches that keep the Word. They have corrupted the world."
The Lord said, "I will take mine from within the false system of those pastors who preached in their churches contrary to My teachings."
Jesus told me that because of these men even the holy churches are becoming corrupted little by little. Jesus showed me in the vision the demons throwing a black powder into the eyes of all the shepherds and limbs. These men, being blinded, began to believe in the preaching of the false prophets. The shepherds who once served God began to believe in false preaching. The shepherds' understanding was blinded through that black powder.
What truths they believed before, they now ceased to believe. That which was sound doctrine and holiness was now viewed as legalism and religiosity. They began to despise the Word of reparation and renunciation of the world, making little of sin.
In this vision appeared two Christians who tried to open the eyes of those shepherds who fell. These shepherds once espoused sound doctrine. Now they no longer wanted to believe the Word and still mocked the teaching of sanctification.
These Pastors said, "These teachings were preached in former times, the present time is different. This is a new generation and we are in modern time. The doctrines innovated and adapted to this generation."
The 2 Christians who tried to alert them about the danger were sad. It was the Holy Spirit that was grieved within them. The two Christians withdrew from the presence of these shepherds.
Jesus told me, "It is of no use, their minds were darkened by deceit. They are blind and need to be cured of their blindness."
I had a vision of millions of angels going to various churches. I rejoiced when I saw those celestial beings.
Jesus told me, "Why are you glad? This saddens Me, son - they are angels of light, deceitful spirits who imitate the works of the Holy Spirit. They have the false prophets to carry out their plans of destruction. These false prophets when they receive these demons no longer have a normal life. This is the false Holy Spirit that the false prophets are giving to the people. A pirate copy of it, a fake imitation. These deceiving spirits will take their mouths in prophecy and they will think it is My Spirit."
In the vision I saw millions of spirits that produce warmth within the church, imitating the Holy Spirit. People prophesied, jumped, fell to the ground, shouted, danced and crawled dust from the heat. When the false prophets said to receive the anointing of the Holy Spirit, I saw many people giving place to receive their evil portions. I saw a blackened oil pouring into the heads of these people. These people thought it was the work of the Holy Spirit and they laughed at the power they thought to be of the Holy Spirit. I saw the garments of these muddy people, there was no purity in their spiritual lives. Their biggest mistake is to think that they can receive the Holy Spirit without sanctification. I saw millions of light spirits who were not from God going to other churches. They have transfigured themselves into angels of deceit, resembling the heavenly.
Jesus said to me, "These same spirits are of the Kardecist spiritualism that they incorporate in the people saying that it is the person who died are inside profane churches. They also appear in witchcraft with other names, and now in the false churches, they pass off as the Holy Spirit. They are deceivers. And more people are submitting to them in deception thinking they are experiencing the warmth of the Holy Spirit."
One of the greatest religious decoys of our time is Kardecist spiritualism. The followers of Kardec believe that they live the authentic Christianity. Kardecism preaches mediumship, charity as a table of salvation, reincarnation as necessary to the evolution of spirits.
The false prophets said, "Thus saith the Lord, 'Today I will anoint you as kings of this land.' " And the Christians are called to the front and a demon poured the black oil on the heads of the believers who went there. The false prophets soon spilled anointed oils on the heads of those brothers and prophesied a false anointing. Those believers fell to the ground with their bodies all trembling. From that moment they were raised with the same authority of the false prophets to perform their false works. They received false gifts to perform miracles invested with the authority given by false prophets.
Jesus showed me the filthy waters coming out of the interior of these false prophets.
I saw a demon say, "I reign in this place, I am their God, they do my will, I will operate here until they receive their crowns of eternal life." The demon gave a terrible laugh. I saw the demon of sensuality masquerading as the Holy Spirit. He uses sensual women in prophecies.
There is no spiritual warfare against the false prophets by the demons because the demons do not bother with them. Demons cannot fight false prophets because they are on the same side, contributing to spread the deceit in the bosom of the church, which should be a place where truth is preached.
Demons conduct spiritual warfare against true Christians because they know that they are a people who long to live in heaven and have the open spiritual vision about salvation. And the demons know that heaven is a good place and they have lost their homes and will do everything for the saints not to go there, offering them perishable silver and gold.
Jesus said, "There is a multiplication of false prophets with programs on television. For Christians who like to watch evangelical programs, these winds of doctrine lead many not to know the true Gospel. Many are sinking because of these doctrinal currents. There are two forces that influence the spiritual movements of the churches. The Gospel of truth is the mediator who brings a man to God. The false Gospel is the mediator who leads man to the devil. While one saves, the other condemns. The Gospel of truth is like clean water. If you throw some dirt in those waters, it is no longer clean and it has become contaminated. This is how Satan has been doing with many churches introducing little lies that take away the essence of the Gospel."
"Death and spiritual life are in what is taught in the churches. Many pastors are killing their flock with doctrines that they learn from the false prophets on the Internet. Pastors inviting famous preachers to preach in their churches without knowing they are false prophets. They invite them because of their impressive titles, not realizing they are bringing evil into their churches. And suddenly their faith is shipwrecked by surprise by their false doctrines. The modern Gospel has had a disastrous impact on the body of Christ. The Holy Spirit is miles away from churches that do not have the Gospel of Christ. When we are connected with what is spiritual we can be influenced by good or evil, depending on the doctrine we believe. They are varieties of ideological currents in our midst that divert man from the truth. If the Christian does not walk in the guidance of the Holy Spirit and instead is being guided by those false teachers and false prophets, he will jeopardize his salvation by following these teachings."
I had a vision of a giant aquarium of dark waters. The fish were dying and could not escape. Jesus revealed to me that what I was seeing were souls who were trapped in deception and need to be released and rescued from this aquarium. A false doctrine does this to a church. Jesus revealed to me, souls are going to hell and there are millions coming down to this place.
I saw in hell Pastors celebrities who had programs on television.
They were ridiculed in hell and being called program stars.
I went to the place where the world revolved around them, they did not care about anyone, they only weighed in their well-being.