
Tuesday, September 18, 2018



The YEAR 2013

God be praised. Thank God that you are here witnessing to God's glory. I'm a 70-year-old old man who had pastored a church. And today because of old age I'm just helping the church now. Listen to my testimony. I was kneeling praying inside my room asking for strength for my fragile body. I get tired easily with my body but after praying, I received great spiritual vigor. And I began to pray without stopping for two hours.

God gave me the grace to continue praying. In a matter of seconds, my spirit was caught up in the clouds. It was about 3 o'clock in the afternoon and I could see the golden face of Jesus shining a glorious light. He hugged me with a lot of love.

And from above the clouds, I could see the earth below.


Jesus with a sweet and quiet voice said, "Look at the confusion on the earth. Look at the situation in My churches." He was not speaking only of the Christian congregations, but of all the churches that speak the truth but are corrupting themselves.

He said to write down and that I would be His witness on earth. Jesus said, "I still have not come back because the church is not ready. The fruits are green and few are ripe for harvesting. Watch My servant and write down everything you see."

I fixed my eyes on the land and saw several church competitions and denominational wars. One ministry was wanting to be better than the other.

I beheld a great multitude of these peoples walking on a broad path toward hell. Many who died in these churches were falling off a cliff into the hell of fire.

I also saw a competition from several churches interested in tithing and offerings. These churches vie for members because of the money. I could see the false prophets taking people out of serious churches because their high salaries compelled them to increase the number of their membership. These evil men are not interested in nursing and pastoring God's people.

What matters to them is money. Christians came out of their churches and went to congregate with these false shepherds. They took their hands off the plow and turned away from the truth to follow the lies of the false shepherds. They are also walking towards hell with the false shepherds.

These shepherds do not want to take souls out of the world and bring them to Jesus. They take the true Christians out of the truth and bring them to the deceit of their churches. These false apostles do not want to save the drugged, drunk, and homeless because these types of unfortunate people have no money. They seek the middle and upper-class people to support their churches.

The true church invests in disciples.

I saw Christians speaking ill of others and because of this, they were walking down this path.

The tongue was their weapon of destruction, which discouraged the weak and deprived them of grace and makes them oppressed by the devil. Those who use their language for destruction do not bear fruit in their spiritual lives. They become unproductive and unprofitable servants.

They are infertile, destroyers, slanderers, scatterers of evil and agents of the devil. Millions of Christians were on this path of destruction and few were following the other path that was like a desert filled with thorns and stones. No one wanted to walk through the way of the cross.

The Lord Jesus wept. I saw tears of pain fall from His face because of the situation of the churches. I could see Christians making their lies become truths and their destructive heresies become doctrines. I saw all this happening on earth. Jesus said, "My servant, these are like the fire that destroys My Church."

"They have no goals in their spiritual lives. They are in the church just to add in quantity; they do not deserve to be called My servants. For justice' sake, they are not worthy to be called My servants because they do not do the things I demand. Their names are not in the Book of Life and they are wasting their time in the church. These false bishops give Me lipservice and speak very well of Me. But they are vain and do not humble themselves before My presence. Privately for them, humility is for the weak but publicly they will say that being humble is the right way to beg for My blessings. They are also following the path of hell."

Jesus told me about the ambition to secure positions within the church for themselves. Lots of fights take place in church jostling for positions from each other. Envious brothers twist for the failure of the other brother in office and wanting to see their brother's failure. 

What made me sad was a vision Jesus showed me. An elder went through great trial and turned from the path of Jesus. One of the brothers in his church was glad he had gone astray because that means he could take over the position of this elder. I also saw another brother who was grateful that a pastor was not succeeding in his work. And that's what happened, he could not shepherd the church anymore.

The founder and president of the church took him out of the work and put another to shepherd. And the new pastor was the very brother who hoped for the pastor to fail in the work. Maybe this brother who hugs you and slaps you on the shoulder is the envious one who wants to be in your place. It may be that this person is doing the work side by side with you and says that he is your friend. But he will be rooting for your failure so that he can take over your position.

Many fights for a position of the church, they dispute among themselves who is the best, who do more works than the other to get the attention of their shepherds. But they do not seek God's will and approval, and they do not please Jesus. Jesus does not want to see a church waging war over insignificant things on earth. Jesus showed me in a vision a Christian praying for another brother to fail in his work. This made me sad because it is not prayer, but a work of witchcraft.

Jesus showed me Christians who have projected a bad image of Christianity in their jobs. They did not watch their words and behavior in the midst of the wicked and they speak evil of their chief and of others of the company. They complained about their wages and their jobs.

With great sadness, Jesus said, "My servants ask for a job from Me. I use men to hire them. They get the job, but they do not thank Me for the blessing they received and they still speak ill of what they asked for that I gave. Such behavior displeases Me. My church has to be light anywhere, not just in the house of prayer."

Jesus showed me groups of Christians sitting in the circle of scoffers. The Christians together with the wicked spoke immoral words and on the sexual matters and jokes. The subjects were useless and never spoke of Jesus to those souls in need.

Church pay attention to your day to day attitudes outside the house of prayer. Watch to keep from falling into the bondage of the devil and learn to be bound in the Holy Spirit.

Let Him use you to evangelize. Even if the people around you do not approve of your work, God will approve your efforts. Do the work to please God and not man.

The Lord Jesus made me see a mega church on the earth.

This ministry had its attention turned to the famous preachers. The people admired those super-star men. Idolatry was on their faces. There are no fans, but worshipers. The humble Christians who were not known in this church, the people did not care about them as if they were nothing or did not exist. When they preached, the people would not listen. And when they knew he was a simple Christian who would preach that night, few came.

If the preacher were a famous celebrity preaching that day, the church would be filled as the people only chase after famous preachers. Jesus was sad about the situation in this church. I saw how 95 percent of this church walked toward hell along with the famous preachers.

There are 2 types of preachers: A preacher of the people and the preacher of God. One will please the people to be welcomed and the other will please God and be despised by the whole congregation.

The prophets did not please Israel at the time of the law. Jeremiah was a prophet rejected by the people for preaching against sin. The prophets who preached blessings and crops as great abundance belonged to the people.

The church chooses its prophets and God chooses its own.


Jesus led me to the heavenly mansions. I was in the air and suddenly I found myself in Paradise. I walked in the streets of gold and beheld the wonders that are prepared for the saved. I had never seen a city as beautiful as that. The crystal clear river cuts through the city. Crowds of people were living in this place.

I saw Priscilla, Apollo, Elizabeth, and Enoch in heaven. I also saw the prophet Ezekiel, all in white robes and youth. Men of holy doctrine from all over the world are there. The place is for saints who do not live in sin, no matter their church.

I was the elder of a congregation. Jesus said He delivered this flock into my hands and that it was the most obedient congregation in the city. I made a difference when I was an elder, always following the Bible.

Jesus said, "There is a lack of evangelism in the streets and homes. The people are in their comfort zones and do not want to spread the Gospel through the city."

Jesus took me to hell. I saw Christians from every church even from the Christian congregation. Plaques and denominations do not save.


I saw King Antiochus in the hell that persecuted the people of Israel and profaned the temple. All the Pharisees who persecuted Jesus are also in hell.

I continued walking in hell and I saw Emperor Julius Caesar. And King Herod.

I also saw Queen Cleopatra, Delilah and Nerfetite. These people have received great punishment for their evil deeds.

I saw Jezebel in hell. This woman was cruelly punished by the demons. Her screams of despair hurt my soul.


I saw people in hell with rotting bodies. Jesus said, "These souls have leprosy because of sin." Sins become leprosy of the body when souls go to hell.


I also saw Christians in hell because of adultery. They were brothers who divorced and married the second time.


Sisters wearing high heels are also there, along with those who wore jeans skirts. Do not wear this cloth called jeans as it is tight and causes lust, there is no wide denim skirt. Men also do not use this cloth, for it is consecrated on earth to devils and in hell, this cloth is very famous.

Do not wear sneakers, as it is a shoe created for those who practice a sport that is also of the devil, wear sneakers.

I saw the shirts with drawings or brand names that belong to the devil. Christian clothing is social shirt and pants and for women are skirts below the knee. 

Women who wear sleeveless shirts and Christian men also wear sleeveless shirts to show their armpits.

Jesus said that those shirts that show armpit hairs are not appropriate for use.


I saw Christians in hell because of television and there are many who have been taken to hell because of this apparatus. Even heretical evangelical programs have taken many to this place.


I saw how the world cup is a diabolical ceremony. Before the opening for this event, the worshipers of Satan have a human sacrifice, a ritual form to celebrate the great feast to the demons. And the whole world adored the world cup, whose gods are the teams who are the gods of flesh and the golden trophy that is also a god to them. The ball is also a god. The word ball in English is written baal and read as bol; in other languages bel is a form of worship to the Baal god.


I saw many Christians in hell because of social networking. Many Christians fell into hell because of Instagram. Their photos were stumbling blocks for many to sin. Do not have Instagram to display your photos. I saw Christians in hell because of Facebook. This social network is destroying many marriages.


Prostitution, fornication, and adultery are in this social network. Turn off your Facebook to not go to hell. I saw Christians in hell because of Whatsapp.

These Christians used their Whatsapp to destroy marriages and set up meetings to prostitute themselves. Christians who were faithful to God and joined the WhatsApp groups, they found wicked women who made them sin. These women sent pictures of their nakedness through the groups seducing the men. They entered into the privacy of the men of God who were in their groups and made them fall from the faith. Many Christians are in hell because of WhatsApp groups. I also saw the addictive spirits that made people addicted to WhatsApp and Facebook. These same spirits make people addicted to games, television and other technologies. These demons of vice and iniquity have taken many people to hell.


I saw demons of the musical rhythms that are in the churches. I saw dancing demons who also danced in the church and made the youth dance.


I saw abortion demons that make women kill their children. This is a sacrifice to the devil.


I saw millions of condoms in hell and figured out what its purpose is. The condom was created not to prevent disease but to promote free sex and prostitution. When diseases started to multiply and people died because of sex, people became afraid of prostitution so as not to be contaminated by disease. The demons did not want prostitution to diminish because of disease and inspired men to create condoms. After the condom was created, prostitution increased significantly because people could have sex without fear of contracting a disease. Even the number of prostitutes increased that before the women were afraid of not having protection against diseases.


Jesus said, "I have led many to hell as witnesses in order to diminish the number of souls that come to this place. After you, I will still bring more people to hell to witness to the world. I do it for love, I do not want anyone to get lost."

It's time to go back to earth. When He said this my spirit came back at high speed to my body. I want to thank God for the crown of eternal life He has given me if I am faithful and steadfast to the end. May all be in the peace of God. Amen.



I will begin my testimony by speaking of my youth. Today I am an old woman of 78 years. I and my sister were single girls. We were looking for marriage. I prayed to God and He told me who my husband would be. Then I opened the Word to confirm the revelation and it worked. A pastor prayed for me asking God to confirm if this person was right. And God confirmed it by the shepherd's mouth. Even so, I did not rush to see if he is a man of God.

I watched him if he gave a good testimony of life. I observed how he treats his parents. I even asked his parents if he was a good son. His parents said that before he met Jesus he was a difficult person, but now he is a very loving son. Time passed and I saw with my eyes that he is the husband prepared for me. The problem was that he was unemployed. My parents said that God would never give me an unemployed man to starve with him.

When I prayed to God, I asked for a husband to be holy and never to leave me. And he is the person who has the characteristics of what I asked of God. I did not pray to God for an entrepreneur.

My sister prayed to God for a man who had a lot of money so that she won't suffer lack. God heard her prayer and gave her a man who has a company. This man is not a Christian and never wanted to go to church. He gave everything my sister needed, but he always gave her headaches and drank a lot.

My sister was not happy with everything she got from him. Money did not bring her the joy she needed to have in her home.

My fiance did not have a job, and I would not agree to marry him in this situation. But God approved of our union and gave him a job. God would never let me and my husband to get married to suffer from want and need.

We were happy and married. He was a great husband and we never lacked anything. His salary, even though it was little, supplied my need. But when I began to look at the life of abundance that my sister was living I was sad. She had better clothes than I did and traveled to other countries.

My husband could not give me the life of a princess, even though I did not lack anything.

I left him for this and went back to my parents' house. My sister even told me that she was not happy despite living a queen life. She said my husband is very good.

I was interested in a pastor who has a very high salary and went to live with him. I thought I will not suffer like my sister who married a wicked man.

This is a pastor and will not give me work, but will help me. This man gave me everything, like the queen's life I wanted so badly now. But this pastor began to be possessive about me. If I did not obey, I was humiliated. He would hurt me with words and still say that if I did not fulfill my role as a woman he would leave me and look for another. I suffered a lot and had depression. I speak to girls who are single, never choose a person for the money or for what he has to offer.

Do not sell your ticket any more than that. Choose a man of God, Jesus knows how to choose the best for you. I asked God for a man who serves me. He gave him to me, but I threw him away and chose another. Now because of that wrong choice, I was paying a high price. I discovered that this pastor was divorced twice. He did not want to marry me. I was not sure that the relationship would work and I was afraid he would divorce me like he did to his previous two wives. We did not marry and we lived together. Single women when God prepares a person from him, do not worry about the financial, God knows how to provide at the right time. He will not stay unemployed for God will provide employment and everything.

I was always a woman of prayer and in this situation, I cried to God and He heard me. My husband God prepared was at home alone waiting for me. I apologized to him with tears in my eyes. I was in a life of adultery and he had every right not to accept me as his wife anymore since I scandalized his ministry. He accepted me as his wife. Amos did the same thing and accepted his adulterous wife.

I asked God for a man who would never leave me and he is that person. Years passed and we had children. I discovered that I had cancer.

My hair started to fall. I was weak because of my illness. The treatment also brought suffering to me. I thought my husband would leave me because of the disease. I got bald and lost all my hair.

My husband stayed by my side until my cure. Until an angel appeared to me and touched my head.

And after I was healed of cancer, God gave a great blessing to my husband. He joined a multinational and started earning 5 times as much as his old salary.

We were faithful in the little and God put us in a lot. And my husband won a scholarship to do an English course for free. The company paid for their college and when my spouse finished the course and graduated, he got a better position and went on to earn 8 times more than he had earned before. And together we grew older going through the tests.

In the year 2009, I had a spiritual rapture. It was the only day I saw the face of Jesus.

I was praying for 15 days always at midnight.

My soul descended in endless darkness until it reached the place of darkness. I began to walk desperate and got lost in this place.


Walking I saw red fires coming off the floor.

I saw a place full of naked men and women. They were prostitutes, transsexuals, lesbians, and porn actresses.

I saw 3 actresses who recorded pornographic movies while they were alive on earth. I did not know these women because I never watched their movies. A voice said, "This is called Anastasia Blue." She was being raped by the demons. The other one who was in the same situation is called Chloe Jones. And the last one I saw was Lolo Ferrari. I heard the voice of Jesus speaking to me and revealing everything. Jesus said, "Daughter, these women you saw in this place gave themselves to the pleasures thinking that they would be happy. They found a great void that was not filled by the prostitution of cinema. They were oppressed as sexual objects and pleasure goods."

The demons of depression harassed them and they committed suicide. This is the result of all who seek pleasures in sex. Jesus made me feel what these women felt on the earth when they were still alive. They had sex for the money. They no longer felt love or pleasure, for it was so artificial and so common. They no longer knew how to differentiate the love between a man and a woman and unfulfilled sex. The sex they made for money had no feeling and was mechanical and commonplace. They wanted to feel love and be loved, but the cinema could not give it to them. They suffered great prejudice in society by doing what they do and showing their faces on the screen of the cinema. They wanted to live a normal life, but the people saw them as Hollywood prostitutes.

These girls suffered greatly to commit suicide. They have become famous for their films and are no different from a common prostitute who does not show her face on the television screen. A nightclub prostitute makes her programs hidden. And when she wants to change her life, she travels to a place where no one knows her. An actress prostitute has her image released by the cinema to the four corners of the world making her known. No matter where she goes, she will always be known because of the television.

Many of these actresses could not stand the pressure of living an abnormal life and killed themselves.

I saw a prostitute in hell. She gave up marrying and living a normal life to be a prostitute. She fell into the pleasures of the flesh and became a prostitute with several men. She did not want to marry a man because she got used to sexual relations with several men. She was a destitute and insatiable person. When she died she went to hell.

The demons forced her to have sex with them and still tortured her private parts. I saw millions of prostitution demons in that place. These demons are the same ones that make women walk seductively in sexy clothes. They lead young girls to prostitution.

I saw the demons working in the lives of models, actresses, and prostitutes. Girls who dream of being models or a beauty queen are also influenced by these demons. All that has to do with beauty and sex.

These demons are involved. They lead women to be a media product and a lucrative commodity of the company. Women who were born beautiful become targets of beauty or sex companies.

The purpose of these diabolical companies is to sell God-given beauty. These same demons made women implant silicone and undergo plastic surgery to improve their appearances. Sex companies that sell women's bodies including movies are Satanists and spread immorality, sodomy, and depravity.

The modeling company also uses the image of women to spread sensuality and beauty. These companies are not honest, I advise you not to work in such places. They are companies that are taking thousands of souls to hell. These companies are pitfalls for death and conviction. Money has led people to do absurd things.

Women who sell their bodies for money have legions of demons dwelling in their bodies. Any man who lies with one of these women becomes flesh only as a couple. Sex can only be performed between the couple. When two people who are not married to each other have a sexual act, they become one flesh and the demons pass from one body to the other. There is no blessing in this, everything is a curse in their lives.

If you are a Christian used by God and have sex with a prostitute, her demons will pass to you and the Holy Spirit will depart from your life because of your sin. After seeing these companies in hell my spirit returned to the body.

I have a message for the church. The body of Christ who is the church has to cultivate friendship, unity without contention. In the ministry where I congregate, my husband as the pastor has adopted this pattern. The problem with today's churches is that they care about other people's targets and attack other churches. If the ministries cared about their sheep and let the shepherds take care of their flock, things would be better. My husband as a shepherd cares about the flock that is in his hands as Jesus will hold him accountable for the flock entrusted to him on that great day.

We cannot worry about the people of other churches whether they live the Gospel or not. These souls are not our responsibilities. It is not easy to maintain unity and harmony within the church. The church has brothers of negative personalities who repel the other brothers and prevent unity and cooperation.

Love and learning do not reign where there are siblings of a difficult personality. I tell pastors to show their love, do not scandalize the work of God. Encourage people to repent without using words that will hurt and tarnish on purpose. Jesus revealed to me that most of the work begins well and ends badly. Churches at the beginning of their foundations the people walked straight with sincerity obeying the Word.

Over the years the flock ceases to follow the Gospel and is no longer serious in the way of Jesus.

The Lord Jesus revealed that the people should always walk in the truth and persist in the path so that even if spiritual failure comes, they can overcome them.

The church should not be careless, making mistakes in its characters and not ceasing to do what is to be done.

Many want God to do in their place what their responsibilities are to do. My husband's church workers expect him to come and rebuke those who have made a mistake. My husband was complacent and did not argue with the workers who failed. He surprised everyone and still tolerated the lack of love of the accusatory workers who expected severe punishment.

My husband is an elderly man who has never left anything to be desired as a pastor. When it is to correct and apply the discipline he did, but he would never punish one member to massage the other's ego or realize the evil desire that is in the heart of the avenger.

He seems to want to do good in full and to be beneficent to all. He teaches the person to be benevolent to have a willingness to help the work and to do good. He always seeks to make the flock obey the word of God out of love, not out of obligation to please him.

He always says that if one were forced to live a Christian life without love, it will not please God. It is better to leave the way of Jesus and return to the world since you feel more pleasure there than to serve Jesus.

Every Christian has to have the essence of good in his way of life. The substance of love agape has that is inside the heart. In our church, we ask members not to disregard the visitors and not to cause discourtesy.

There is a Christian who does not pay attention to what happens in the church and disregards the preacher by not paying attention to his message. Careless Christians do not even know if they have any visitors, they do not observe who is preaching. How will you know what is being preached?

How will you examine that Word if it is right or wrong because you are distracted? The church of Jesus has to be a strong set. You have to grow spiritually in grace, love, and humility. God's servants must know how to distribute love and attention equally to all. Do not despise the humble by giving more attention to the great ministers. Cherish each sheep that God has placed beside you to help you.

Treat everyone equally, no matter what church they are.

Disunity hampers God's work in every life. Many leave their churches and go to others because of the poor treatment and lack of shelter. The development of the church is in unity. When there is love within the spiritual family the inequalities disappear. The Christian who does not value his brother and wants to be better than he generates disunity in the Christian family. The devil destroys the ministry that acts like this.

Soldiers only fight when united to defeat the enemy. We are a celestial family we have to unite to overcome Satan.

I want to thank God for everything. May you bless every person who witnesses this testimony amen.



The year 1985.

I will begin my testimony by talking about my parents' conversion to the Pentecostal church, Christ Reigns. At the time of their conversions, I was 12 and accompanied my parents to the church. At age 13 I decided to give my life to Jesus and began to sing in the church worship group. I was with my parents every day in the service. But I did not know what a sincere life was. I kept saying cool words and messing around at school with the girls. My parents did not testify at home and discussed television almost every day. My father loved to watch movies and my mother loves to read novels.

My parents were an example for my life. Everything they did at home in my perception was right. They said they knew what was right and what was wrong for me. If my parents had borne witness to true Christians, I would have been a true Christian by observing their way of life and wanting to learn. Those discussions of my parents with me were normal. I was already used to it and at school, I did the same thing. I discussed television with the students of my class and argued with them every day, despite being a believer.

One night I had a dream. A giant dove flew over my house. He said, "I am not pleased with your way of life, put your house in order."

The next day I dreamed the same dream and I told my mother but she could not explain. On the third day, I dreamed the same dream and I told my pastor. He said that the Holy Spirit wanted to use me and asked me to do repentance.

The church where I congregated is a ministry focused on praise and worship. Teaching is rare and the pastor is not one who takes holiness seriously. This was reflected in the lives of my parents and the whole church. Three years passed and I and my family still congregated in that church. There was no change in me and I did not feel a difference. I was one of those impious teenagers before I went to church. If I stopped going to church or stopped doing the work, the members and the pastor would call me devious. But the truth is that I never became a member of the church.

I was walking on the street and God used a woman who is not from my church. Where I congregated there were no people that were used by God that way. That woman came and said, "God will make you His watchman."

I had served three years of ministry in the praise and worship group and did not know what conversion was. Now 16, the promises of God have come to me.

And that's what happened, I heard a soft voice when I was in my room. I went to meet Jesus who was waiting for me and we entered hell.


I beheld in hell the prison system that looks like prison cells from the chains of the earth. Souls are tortured inside their cells. They are awaiting final judgment, living in painful torture. 

Jesus said, “Servant, the sin of the world imprisons people. Whoever does not sacrifice the desires of the flesh, and does not kill the sin that is in the flesh, will come to that place. Tell the deviants who have fallen in the faith to reflect on their lives, analyze how long they have begun the journey, and see where they have gone wrong and fallen to begin again from where they left off.”

"In the world, there is much division between color, race, peoples, religions, rich, poor, tongues and there is no union between them. In My church, there is no union to worship Me. Even hell plays its part in uniting poor with rich and all peoples, languages and religions. All are united in this place of torment."


I saw a rich man burning in the fire. The Lord Jesus told that man to tell Him why he was there. 

He said, "My money held me in material things, the more I had, the more I wanted to spend on luxury, pleasure, and women. I did not have time to go to church because of the money that brought well-being to me. I was traveling the world and I never remembered God. Money was more important to me than Jesus. My money made me forget God and stopped my salvation. I preferred the transient wealth of the earth rather than the eternal heavenly riches. There is no hope for anyone descending to this place."

Jesus showed me people in hell who have deified their money and material possessions. I beheld people who had purchasing power on earth and influences such as presidents, judges, governors, kings, queens, emperors, bankers and businessmen. All these did not help the poor and when they died took nothing, leaving everything on earth. These were forgotten when they died. Both rich and poor in hell there is no superiority. All these men left their wealth and their millionaire fortunes. And now everyone is in a place of eternal misery.

One shouted, saying, "I would give all my wealth on earth to live a miserable life there. I want to go back to earth and be the most despised person there than to stay in this place of torment. Let me go back to earth and be a garbage collector, but do not let me stay here. Tell the people of the earth not to walk away from helping the poor."

Seeing that man begging to return to earth was so sad. They repented too late.

In hell, there is no separation of class between rich and poor. Everyone mingles in that place. I saw poor, rich, black, brown, white and brown all in one place. All religions, cultures, and languages are in that place. People from the time of Abraham and from various times to the present day.

Jesus took me to a place in hell where I saw a beggar man. 

Jesus said, "I have sent My servant to this man. And every day he brought food and juice. The Word was preached to him, but he did not want to give his life to Me and at dawn was found dead because of the cold. The blanket this man had was not enough to protect him from the cold." 

The beggar shouted and said, "I do not deserve this place for living a miserable life on earth. I deserve heaven, this is not fair." This beggar tried to justify himself that he did not deserve hell for living a poor and miserable life on earth.


Jesus showed me Christians in hell in various types of prisons, which means they were not freed. They have forgotten to sanctify their lives by looking at the faults of others. They said, "The shepherd's wife does not sanctify herself, so we do not need to sanctify ourselves." They knew it was a sin and yet they wanted to mirror their leaders.

When they were alive, they said among themselves, "I saw the pastor walking in shorts and a sleeveless shirt, if it was a sin, he would not walk like that. Even his daughter goes to the beach in a bikini."

The other group did not sanctify their lives and lived accusing and judging the wicked saying that they go to hell.

I saw a woman in hell who did not convert to Jesus for seeing defects in all the churches. She went to a very liberal church and felt ashamed, for she said that the people in that church did not convert such that they were no different from the people of the world. Then she went to a rigid church and could not stand the doctrine. She said it was man's doctrine and did not need all that. She died without making any commitment to salvation. Time has passed, death has come and she is in hell.

Jesus showed me Christians in hell that instead of helping the apostates to return, they condemned them by making them move further from the path of Jesus. When the backslidden left the church, these Christians spoke ill of them and criticized them. The hurt deviants never returned to the path of Jesus and promised never to step on their feet in any church.

Those Christians who did this are in hell.


I beheld a shepherd in hell for tolerating sin in his church. He knew of the sin of the people, and yet he did not correct the flock. Jesus said that He touched his heart several times to preach holiness, but he resisted the Holy Spirit. He even used a servant to tell him to preach. He did not repent and did not listen, being rebellious until God's patience reached the limit. Death touched him for choosing to walk in darkness and rejecting the truth.

The Lord Jesus showed me a shepherd in hell for cursing a Christian who left his church to be a member of another; we should not curse what God has created in His image.


I saw a girl in hell for masturbating, sometimes she manipulated objects for pleasure.


I saw a Christian tattooed on his body because he did not think it was a sin. The tattoo demon came out looking the same as the drawing and began to torture that boy in hell. The demon also had a tattoo and looked like a beast.


Satan sat on his throne, he was elegant, but suddenly that good-looking demon fell and turned into a horrible monster. And when he looked at the Christians suffering in hell he gave an amazing laugh, he was happy. He told the demons, "We're winning the church, see my victory, look how many Christians are in this place, it's our rewards. The battle to take these souls was difficult, but we succeeded."

Satan commanded a terrible demon to go to church. The goal is to bring a particular soul to hell. An ugly demon of ten feet rose and went up to the earth.


Lord Jesus showed me Christians in hell by committing sins in secret without anyone knowing. This group of Christians hid their sins from their shepherds to avoid being corrected. But they could not hide from God. Jesus showed me the earth, I saw thousands of eyes of fire scattered throughout the four corners of the world. Those eyes did not close and I was watching. 

Jesus said, "The eyes of God are all over the earth, and nothing can be hidden from Me. The people and laws of the land are unjust. Innocents pay for crimes for lack of evidence, but the law of God has been just and His measure is right."


Jesus showed me the place of false prophets and founders of sects. And on the other side of these founders, I saw millions of people that were brought to hell because of their sects. These people cursed the founders of the sects for throwing them into hell.


I saw in hell the prophetess Ellen White. Jesus said, "She is here in this place for inventing heresies. She prophesied lies and still had connections with the Satanists who helped her ministry grow. She also taught her members to keep the Sabbath, stepping on My grace. Whoever wants to live in the law should never sin if they want to be saved. Sinners under the law are what I was sacrificed for. Whoever chooses to live in the law will have to save himself for it without committing any sin like Me. All the sects that reject My grace tear the contract of the New Covenant. Whoever lives on the contract of the Old Covenant will be cursed and go to hell. This woman who is watching, she lied saying there is no hell and now she is in it."

The seed that this woman planted in the past still produces disgrace and loss to those who believe in her teachings. I saw how the demons tormented that woman. The more souls went down to hell because of her teaching, the more she was tormented.

From the foundation of her sect until now millions of souls are coming to hell. Jesus said, "Testify what you saw here so that more souls may come to salvation and ascend into heaven."


I was in a beautiful field full of flowers. A beautiful paradise with a splendidly colorful and gleaming landscape. A full city walled with pure and fine gold. Fantastic heavenly architecture, what the wicked would do to live in that place.

The angel came to me and Jesus left us alone.


Another angel came with a book in his hand and stopped in front of me. The angel opened the book and showed the date that I converted, but my name was erased by not living a life according to God's will.

The angel took another different book that is that of condemnation. And when I saw my name there, I started to cry. The angel said, "All the names that are written in that book will not inherit eternal life."

I wanted very much to live in that place, but my condition of life would not allow me to do so. I was found unworthy to stay there. The angel told me that I looked at the life of others and did not see the defects of my own life.

The angel said, "It's time to look at your life and see how it stands before God." 

spiritual mirror of gold, whose glass does not exist on earth and shines appeared before me and revealed all my sins.

My face was full of wrinkles, my appearance was of an old woman. I wanted to remove those wrinkles to improve my appearance. I was worried because I was only 16 years old. 

The angel said, “Do not worry; these are the marks of the imperfection of sin. Although you are young your spirit is old and is already getting to die. If you are not born again you will die, and your life limit is ending. The wages of sin is death. These wrinkles are the sin of pride, selfishness, lack of love for God and the wickedness that is in your heart. You consider yourself perfect, you do not accept correction, and you do not correct yourself. You are waiting for God to correct you. Do not give the excuse that you are waiting for this divine touch in your life. Correct yourself while there is still time."

I said to the angel, “I'm so young to die, yet I'll die earlier than my parents.”

The angel said, “For God the age on earth means nothing. Your lifespan is measured in heaven. Your spiritual appearance is of an elderly woman who is almost dying.”

I did not accept church people to praise other people who are better than me. And when God's servants visited my church, people spoke well of them, envy made me say that they were not as used as they seemed. The devil used me to ridicule the servants of God, calling out defects in them where they were none.

I never spoke approvingly of the people that God used, the envy of wanting to be equal to these people sprang into my heart. I did not admit the reality of seeing people being used; I did not accept this situation. Deep in my heart, I knew I did not have the privilege of being like them. It corroded me on my inside. I was proud and I did not accept to be the worst of them all.

The angel made me know my faults, I repented of everything. He preached to me the true doctrine that a servant of God must know. These were teachings in my church that never spoke.

The angel said, “Now go back to the earth.” When he finished saying that word my spirit was in my body. I rose up from the ground.

I saw the woman who brought me the prophecy and told her I would change my life. The conversion came to me for the first time after 3 years of attending the church. That woman said goodbye to me and left. She was a person sent by God who made me understand what God wanted from me.

I went to church and told my pastor about my experience. He was offended when I said that the whole church was in sin. The entire congregation began to persecute me. I was humiliated. They said that I wanted to be too holy. The pastor said that I was in delirium and heresy to destroy the ministry.

I looked at the shepherd and saw hatred in his face. His face transfigured into the face of a horrible monster. When I looked at the whole church, their faces were monsters. The Holy Spirit spoke in my mind, they have lost the image and likeness of God and have assumed the face and likeness of their master for whom they serve.

The pastor took me out of the worship group, I could no longer sing. No one else spoke to me, I was being despised by everyone, I was the stranger among the people. I returned to the house and my parents who gathered in my ministry said that I should not have spoken my experiences and rebuked me. I told my parents, “Who would you believe, me, or the pastor?"

My mother said, “Daughter, you have undergone such a beautiful spiritual change, you are no longer a rebellious girl with your parents. Because of your change, I will believe in you, not the pastor.”

My father said, "The pastor is the authority of the church and that we cannot rebel with those whom God anointed to be an authority on earth. Because of your change, I will believe in you, not the pastor."

My father said, “If the pastor is wrong, God will show me.” That same night, my father dreamed of the whole church. The pastor preached in the pulpit and everything was dark, lacking energy. My father looked to the side where I was sitting and a light was on top of my head. When that light touched my head, my body shone all over like the star. My body climbed over the ceiling and disappeared. The whole church was terrified and said Jesus had come and they were left behind. He has already snatched His chosen ones.

My father woke up scared, hugged me and apologized to me. The pastor excluded me from his church. I prayed to God and asked him to show me a church that speaks of the truth that was revealed to me.

God prepared a serious church for me and my family.

Years passed and my parents grew old, I came to a good age to marry.

I was engaged to a man of God and had to travel and leave my parents to live with him. The wedding was marked, my fiancé's father had given him a house as a gift that would be our home.

My parents are of advanced ages and alone with no one to care for.
I had to make a decision to take care of them or get married and leave to live a happy life. I could not take them with me and any decision I made would have to give someone up which would bring a pain in the soul.

I chose not to marry which was my dream despite loving my fiancé.
I could not leave my parents to have no weight on my conscience that would cause a wound in me. My parents were sick and walked very slowly.

I have to fill the void of sorrow filling up with Holy Spirit since I had lost a man of God. I learned to live with the thorns of the road.

I faced the opposition for Jesus' sake, I won young people for Jesus who lived in prostitution, in the vice of alcohol and tobacco.

I was preaching the Word of God and I had a revelation from a girl who wanted to stop attending the services and leaving the church because of her friends who spoke ill of her.

I asked the girl, “Is there another church near your house?”

She replied, "No, there is only this church.”

I said: “Do not leave, only pray and God will operate.”

A few days passed and her friends stopped chasing after her and walking away, leaving the girl alone.

We should never leave the hand of the plow because of someone's faults, they are all flawed.

Any church, company, school or place will encounter problems.

What we find today is the leadership of the church valuing each other and we do not have to get used to these failures.

Others want to draw attention to themselves and they do things to be seen by everyone within the church.

Workers leave the church because they feel jealous of the pastor and others also leave for not receiving the opportunity to serve. This should not happen.

I saw two believers arguing.

One said, "I'm not going to church anymore so that I don't have to see the face of this person anymore."

The other replied, "I will no longer congregate in the church, there is no more climate for me to stay in that place."

I saw all this in the churches where I went to preach. I am not a preacher, just a servant who does the will of God that is to preach the gospel to all. People disagree and forget that Jesus does not like it. Many Christians seek trouble in their lives, through their attitudes, decisions, and practices without Jesus' direction.

I close my testimony, may God bless the church. Amen.



I received the call of God to be a missionary. I live in the city of Houston, United States. My whole family is evangelical, this is our inheritance from God.

Before beginning my testimony, I will speak about some experiences of some people in my family.


My sister Emily Peterson had a dream. Jesus was being mocked by the people and picked up by those soldiers. Jesus took every whip with His flesh and was cut down to the ground. He was all deformed, but He did not retaliate.

The Lord spoke to her, "Emily, before My Church is snatched away, she will go through afflictions. As I have passed by this way, My servants will also take many stripes, be slandered by their own brethren of their own ministry. The government itself will sanction laws against the Church. My chosen ones will feel the same pain that I felt when I took the lashes that struck My hands and My feet. The pain that My Church will feel is not the physical pains that I felt on the cross, but they are pains in the soul."

"Tell them to remain until the end. No matter how prickly the path of Golgotha was and painful the cross was, it was on the cross that I overcame. Thou shalt overcome in the way of the Golgotha, which I overcame. I have shed My blood for the salvation of many, and it will be in the way of Golgotha that My chosen ones will overcome. Suffering will bring maturity and reward."

Matthew 10:38, "And whoever does not take up his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me.

Just as the magicians were led by the star and came to Me and worshiped Me when I was in that manger, so My servants will look up and see My true star that is My Word and will be guided by them until they will be led to Me for salvation. The stars shine in the night to reveal to them the truth in My Word. It is for them to look at My Word that is the light. No matter if the world is in darkness, My Word will shine in the midst of darkness.


My mother's name is Clay Peterson. She was praying to the Lord; she was anxious for deliverance from her sins, she had no strength to cast off sin. The voice of the Holy Spirit spoke to her, "Seek Me more and more, I will pour upon you a mighty anointing that will break the judgment of the bondage of sin. Your flesh will die, that sin will have no more force upon you, it is necessary to fast and pray. The churches have not freed themselves from the bonds of sin by not praying for their deliverance."

Isa 10:27  And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing. 


My younger sister Dayse Peterson had a spiritual vision when praying at dawn. Jesus appeared to her and said, “Tell My Church that this turbulent night will be the last for My people. It's the longest night and it will be more terrible than every night. My Church will cry, but a new day will come. That day will be eternal, there will never be an end; new dawn will dawn on them, it will be a different day, the night will never come more upon My people, they will be with Me in eternity.”

Psalm 30: 5 For His anger endureth but a moment; in His favor is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. 

Malachi 4: 2 But unto you that fear My name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in His wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall. 

My sister was amazed at this sight and fell on her face in the dust.


My father Richard Peterson received a revelation from God.

The Lord said to him, “Many say that My servants cannot be poor, saying that poverty is Satan, and say that diseases belong to the devil and that they cannot accept poverty and sicknesses. They forget that I left My throne and My wealth to be a simple carpenter; they forget that the prophet Elisha died sick and the apostle Paul carried his sickness to the end of his life. Many of My servants died sick and are with Me now in paradise. If poverty and sickness are all of the devils, who would inherit salvation if they were poor and sick? It is not all the infirmities that are sent from the evil one. Natural infirmities are part of the entrance of the sin of Adam to the world. Many say that My chosen ones cannot go through trials and afflictions for being of the devil. I went through afflictions, agony and I suffered drops of blood.”

“Servant, as there are day and night in the counting of man on earth, there is evil and good, you will be free when you snatch it for Me.”


My Uncle Brian was wanting to run in politics. The Lord used me in prophecies and I prophesied to him and said the Lord did not want him involved with corrupt politics and that the work He had for him is beautiful. My uncle gave up and preferred to do the work of God.


One day I was praying and a voice said to me, "Daughter you need to go to India, I have a work with you there.” I woke up, I went to the church at night. When I arrived, I went to pray, the voice once more said, "Daughter you must go to India; I have seen their suffering, they need you.”

The next day I told my father who is pastor of the ministry. He believed and said, “My daughter, the ministry will raise money for your trip.” My husband, Robert understood and said, "I'm coming with you for this mission.”

Months passed, my husband and I took the plane and headed for India. When we arrived in New Delhi we prayed together and the Lord showed us the city of Mondai. We went there, an extremely poor place, full of garbage in the streets. We stayed in a house, asking for financial support from our church in Houston. My father is my pastor; he raised the money and sent it to us.

The poor children were playing in the trash. It was necessary to help these children and also a lot of poor families in that place. God was multiplying our money to help that little neighborhood. After 6 months of suffering, we had financial difficulties for our sustenance. The money my father sent was not only for us, but we also distributed it to all those people in need. Ecclesiastes 11:1, 2 says, “Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days. Give a portion to seven, and also to eight; for thou knowest not what evil shall be upon the earth. 

My husband bought musical instruments and did a beautiful project. We taught them to play, we preached the Word, many accepted Jesus, we created a family bond with that community.

Of course, everything was done under vigilance. This country has varieties of gods and a lot of intolerance for the Gospel. God was on this mission, nothing could go wrong, nobody knew we were evangelizing.


I went to stroll through several cities. I saw men making enchantments to snakes and others stepping on fire and not getting burnt.

The Lord told me, "These people are possessed by demons."

In my room, I bowed my knees and went to pray to God. That place was infested with diabolical legions and oppressed many people. My husband and I went through afflictions. In my prayers, something prevented me from feeling the presence of God. I saw my prayer rise like a fireball in my room, but a great wall prevented my prayer from rising. I was afraid of the demonic forces that were there. I knew that fear was blocking my faith, that my prayers were powerless to break that great spiritual barrier of a blockade.

I began to pray, I asked the Holy Spirit to visit me, because I did not feel His presence.

A soft voice told me, "I never left you, I was always by your side. You did not perceive Me, your lack of faith nullified My presence. My essence is in you; speak in mysteries (tongues) with Me so the enemy does not understand."

I started to speak in mystery (tongues). I saw my prayer arise in a fireball at high speed and they broke that great spiritual wall leaving a large crater open. That ball continued to rise up with all the force. The demons tried to catch that ball, but they could not. A huge dragon tried to hold my prayer, it passed through the claws of that dragon and disappeared in the sky. More dragons tried to capture that ball, but everything was in vain, the powers of the air were desperate because the prayer with the power broke the outer space.

The angel Gabriel came down in response to my prayers. The angel appeared in my room and said, “This prayer that you prayed is pleasing to God; sincere and unselfish prayer, a contrite prayer of someone who needs God; this is the true prayer, the prayer of faith.”

When I finished praying I laid on the bed. I felt my heart and my body began to soften. I began to freeze and I extinguished when I realized I was standing while my body was lying on the bed. When I took my eyes from my body and began to look at the sides of my room, I gazed on a Man with a fine appearance. His body shone in glory and attracted attention. He had no wings and bore the glory of His body and much anointing.

I said, "You are an angel."
He answered me, "I walk with you so much and you do not know Me? I dwell in you, My essence is within you; you know Me only in feeling, now you know Me in seeing. I have used you on Earth, I am God in your life. I have been here on Earth since the day of Pentecost. My mission is ending here on earth, soon I will take the Church up to meet the Bridegroom."

I said, "You are the Holy Spirit."

I marveled at His glory. He said to me, "I am real, I am not like men who write of Me “like a dove.” I am God and do the same works that Father and Son did on Earth. I heal, I deliver, I give authority to the saints. I baptize, mark the saved with the seals. Tell the Church that I will be with all those who obey the Word and live a pure life. I am in them. Tell them not to fear evil nor difficulties. I am with all, I will not leave them; I will be with them. I will be with them to persevere until the coming of the Bridegroom if they walk according to the Word."


Then a light shone in my room, the angel of the Lord came down to me and took me to the air. We entered the universe where I found the stars and celestial bodies. The angel pointed his hand to a place in the universe where I could see thrones floating in the universe. These thrones were in various parts, and those who were seated on the thrones had at their disposal a legion of devils who worked for them. The principalities commanded those demons of the air to attack the churches on Earth. Their main targets are the churches for those who are in the world already belong to them.


The angel said, "Look down."

I saw Sister Sandy praying to God for her son who was on drugs. His son was sleeping; demons had sent some men to take the life of that young man, but those possessed men gave up killing that sister's son. Those demons lost their force when this sister was praying.

When I looked at this sister's house on the side of her son's bedroom, devils surrounded that house wanting to kill her son. The death demons surrounded that house to reap the life of that young man and lead to hell. God heard the fervent prayers of that sister and sent angels to come down from heaven, and those demons fled from that house. When the angels went up in the air, there were legions of devils wanting to go down to that house to kill that young man. There was a war in the air of the angels with those legions for a soul,

I asked the angel, "Why is this young man's soul so important?"

The angel said, "He was chosen in the womb for a mission; he will win many souls when he converts to Jesus. Many souls will find salvation through his ministry and depend on his preaching. Satan wants his soul anyway. This young man will give a lot of work to the demons. There are many witches who offered great sacrifices and offerings of blood for this young man to die. The demons wanted to fulfill the purposes of these evil women, but because of the prayer of the mother of this young man and also of the church, all these devilish actions were not succeeding."

The angel said, "If it had not been for prayer, this young man would have died because the whole of hell rose up against his life. When you return to earth tell this young man, there is no time for him to be walking on the path of doom; prayer is a weapon that protects those who are lost. Tell them not to stop interceding for the weak. Many have stopped praying for those who have not yet converted and the demons have mowed down several lives for not having that spiritual covering."

"A young man named Relri goes to the church where his father shepherds. He is undecided, rejecting the call of missionary that the Lord God prepared. Although he knows the Word, he continues walking in the path of perdition; his will determined that choice. Warn him that his lifespan is ending and if he leaves, he should not take for granted that his life will be protected."

"Tell the young Britney that she has not yet converted. Death can surprise at any moment; the wages of sin is death. Only by coming to Jesus will her life be prolonged. She said that she is too young to convert; she wants to reach middle age before she follows the path. She is deceived if she thinks she will survive until that age."

"Say that for the rest too. They stopped being Christians thinking there they are many days to go before their end, and they are not prepared to meet with Jesus if their lives end suddenly."


We descended down, we entered in very low regions; the more we went down, the more the breathing became more difficult. All air begins to disappear until we arrived at the gate of hell.

That gate opened and we entered into that place; the place was of deep darkness. That part had no fire, only the light body of the angel illuminated that place, but the torment was terrible.

I asked the angel why this place is so thick with darkness. The angel said to me, "The darkness of this place is for the blind. The spiritual blindness of the eyes of many caused them to die without salvation and fall into this place. They preferred the darkness rather than the light."


We went to a room that only had people doing magic tricks to make money. The Bible says that the deceiver is Satan. There were also illusionists, snake charmers and they made these incantations with people too. These magicians worked with occult powers and had pacts with the devil and received powers.


We were in a partition in hell, the valley of the shepherds, bishops, and apostles. The angel showed me a man. He suffered great torture; the demons thrust a great sword into his eyes. He had no more eyes, only holes instead of his eyes.

The angel said, "Remember that man?”

I looked good and said, "This man is the pastor of my father's ministry. He is pastor Mark; he anointed my father as a pastor and gave a church leadership to him to feed the flock. We all thought he was in heaven. What he did do wrong? This man is a man of God."

The angel said, "He committed infidelity to his wife; he watched pornographic movies and thought about women and masturbated; he committed virtual adultery."

I said to the angel, “But he did not commit the act.”

The angel said, “He did not do it because he did not have the opportunity; he preferred these whores instead of his wife. He had great desires for this class of woman and he never tried to break free.”

The angel showed me a bishop burning in hell. I asked, “What did he do?”

The angel answered me, "He betrayed his wife in social networks; he began to exchange illicit words with women who were wicked in their hearts. He was planning to make a trip to meet these women and have relations with them. He did not have time for this sin to be consummated for death suddenly reckoned with him. Everyone thought that he lived a holy life and is in heaven. Nobody knew that he had planned to commit adultery. Tell the Church that if they commit adultery sins in their hearts, even if they do not realize if they die and they will come to this place. The Lord God probes the thoughts and hearts, there are no sins hidden before His eyes. He contemplates the 4 corners of the world."

The angel showed me 2 shepherds inside a hole in the ground. The fire burned those shepherds. They fought to want to get out of there. One wanted to climb on top of the other to climb to the edge of that hole and leave, but there was no success for either of them to leave.

The angel told me, "They are here because they lived on earth fighting each other, because of the tithes and the offerings of the souls. They competed, one wanted to take the souls of the other and to bring to themselves."


We went to a division where there are many children. I asked what these children had done. The angel told me, "Colossians 3:20 to 21, Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well-pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged."


We were in the division that has men who idolized their bodies, the bodybuilders. They suffered great muscular tortures. Their bodies were everything for them; they lived as slaves of their bodies.


We went to the part where I saw men and women practicing martial arts in hell.

The angel told me that these martial arts practices are engaging with spells, mantras, meditations, spiritual philosophies, and violence.

Luke 6:29  And unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek offer also the other; and him that taketh away thy cloak forbid not to take thy coat also. 

John 18:10-11  Then Simon Peter having a sword drew it, and smote the high priest's servant, and cut off his right ear. The servant's name was Malchus. Then said Jesus unto Peter, Put up thy sword into the sheath: the cup which My Father hath given Me, shall I not drink it? 


We were at a place where I saw people performing various rhythmic dances. The demon dancers invented new choreographies in hell to put on Earth and to take the greatest number of people to hell that practice their dances.


I went to a division where I saw the owners of the stations. I looked at a man who owned a television station; he was on fire. I asked, "Why is this man here?"

The angel told me, “For misleading mankind to perdition with diabolical films, TV series, cartoons, and commercials. This man has a large audience and sacrificed people and offered several offers for Satan. Tell the Church, warn the pastors not to make television programming. All the offerings and tithes of the people go into the hands of these broadcasters for them to make sacrifices and rituals to gain more audience. All the money dedicated to God is going to the wrong hands. The money the Church gives with faith is being devoutly dedicated to devils on satanic altars, and it is the fault of the pastors who insist on paying for programming on these satanic channels by delivering money from the house of the Lord into the hands of Satanists for them to offer to demons.”

I said to the angel, "But television serves to preach the Word of God; it is a means of communication that reaches a whole nation.”

The angel showed me on a screen. I observed a pastor of a large church talking to an owner of a station. That pastor took all the money collected from the faithful and gave it to the owner of the station to do their programming. There were contracts of millions of dollars with that owner of the station. On receiving that money, the owner of that station took the tithes and offerings to the devil and still paid people to kidnap children to be offered rituals, and hired actors to record soap operas and TV series for the destruction of mankind.

That shocked me, all the churches' money was being invested in television for their own condemnation and destruction of their children. All that money offered in faith and consecrated to God had a wrong destiny and was consecrated to demons.

I also saw this pastor signed a clause that said that it was forbidden to preach against the Satanist religion, could not speak against films, cartoons, TV series, novels, religions, homosexuals, witchcraft and other issues that go against the world system. All this so as not to alienate people and decrease the audience viewership. This pastor had to preach only blessings so as not to affect the broadcaster's profits.

The angel told me, “See the shepherds? They cannot preach the truth and denounce sin; the document pastors sign is a diabolical strategy. They can only speak what the broadcaster want and many still make this agreement and pay dearly for these schedules. They cannot speak against the abominations that the television teaches and does not preach against their lies. All those who make television programs are making covenants with Satan, investing all money to spread the lie. The true servants of God are separated from the power of Babylon, the great prostitute that pollutes the world through television. Tell leaders not to fund satanic broadcasters; tell them to denounce broadcasters who multiply iniquities, lest you be a partaker of hell equal to them.”

The skeletal forms of these pastors meant that they were spiritually dead, blinded by the ambition of ministerial growth, had no Holy Spirit to awaken them, and resurrect their spiritual lives from the dry valleys of iniquity.


After this great revelation, the angel took my hand and we climbed up. We arrived at a golden door. It opened to a beautiful and stunning place, a true paradise. The angel entered, I was perplexed, I felt unworthy to enter there, I entered and a feeling that I had never felt took hold of me. My heart began to beat for joy, and euphoria took over my being. I felt like a child. I bent down and picked up a precious stone. Its immense glow illuminated my hand. No stone of the earth shines like those of heaven. There in heaven we will step on these precious stones.

“Tell the Church that your works on earth will not be in vain; your treasures are being gathered in heaven. The more they do the work of God, the more their treasures are being accumulated here. The greatest on earth is the smallest here, and the least on earth is the greatest here. All who seek fame and success on earth and gather the treasure on earth, will have no treasures in heaven. Tell them not to gather earthly fortunes, but to gather heavenly treasure, for the treasure of the earth perishes, but the heaven is eternal. Those who give up the earthly treasure, give up earthly glory, will have their glory here.”

I said to the angel, "How can I gather all this treasure here in heaven and be rich?"

The angel said, “All the saved are already rich by inheriting from the inheritance of the One who owns the gold and silver, as it is written in Haggai 2: 8, The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the LORD of hosts. If you want to add more and more treasures it is necessary to follow two commandments.”

I said, "What, Angel?"

He said, "To love God above all things and your neighbor as yourself.

I said, "Is that all, Angel?"


The angel said, “He who loves God does not sin, he will live in holiness to please God. He who loves God does not scandalize the Gospel, he separates himself from the world so as not to grieve the Holy Spirit. He who loves God has the pleasure of talking with Him every day in prayer. He who loves God obeys His Word not by force, but out of love. He who loves God abhors sin, and when he errs, he repents not having pleasure in living in sin. He who loves his neighbor will help in times of trouble, and make peace with him, without division. He who loves his neighbor is concerned for him and will never ignore him, nor will he have prejudices; who loves his neighbor will offer forgiveness when he offends him; who loves his neighbor will preach the Gospel so he does not go to hell; whoever loves his brother will seek to live in peace without discussion; whoever loves his brother will warn him when he is sinning so that he does not go to hell. These are just the two main commandments that were left, to love God and also to others.”

I said to the angel, "It's too much."

Brothers, that place is a kingdom, not made by the hands of men, but made by divine hands, its architect is the Lord of Hosts. I passed through that beautiful city, I saw an immense river of crystalline waters that passed in front of those houses.

I said to the angel, “Where does this River come from?"

He said, “It is born of the throne of God, and from this water whoever drinks, will never thirst.”

I said, "Take me to the throne of God.”

The angel said, "Not yet, when the time comes, only the Son will take the Church to His Father."

I said, "I want to see the Holy Spirit the same as the first I saw.”

The angel said, "He's not here, He's on Earth. He cannot come up here until He finishes His mission with the Church."


I said to the angel, “I want to see Jesus.”

The angel said, "The Lord wants to talk to you too."

The angel disappeared and soon the Lord Jesus appeared to me. His body is glorious, His look of love, His smile was triggered by my presence there. The greatest pleasure of Jesus is to see us by His side. The place of the Church is there with Him, not elsewhere.

The Lord Jesus said, “Welcome beloved servant, I have been pleased with your works; I will reveal to you, what is hidden from human eyes.”

We came to a place, my eyes beheld a giant table in length, lined with fine linen with cutlery, plates, bowls and pitchers of gold. There were chairs without end and were embroidered with cedar, gold and purple.

Jesus said, “These are the places of the saints, of My children, of those who were born of My Church. Your place is there prepared for the great supper, for you who have gone out of the ways to serve the Lord. Your chair will always be waiting for you. Come back, do not leave your place for another seat; there are chairs for everyone. Even if the whole world would come, there would be enough chairs for all to sit. All chosen different people, no matter which church they congregate in, they will all be there, of various churches, nations, languages, but only the saints will sit in these chairs. All will be there united in one love. I tell you to reconcile with your brother and together they will be there at that table.”

I could not enter that city where there are twelve doors. I could see from outside. I came near the gate, I could not enter there.

Jesus said, “Everything is prepared but the church is not prepared. What is seen here was prepared with love. The angels did all the work, even the fine linen embroidery of the table was done by the angels that weaved. Tell My Church that I love her very much, even our incorruptible heavenly robes were made by the angels who made with fine linen, holy garments. Tell them My love is unconditional. They do not understand the dimension of this love. If they understood they would have converted their hearts more and more.”

Jesus and I walked through the city of gold. Jesus said, “Daughter, you are doing good work in that small community. This work is like a treasure for Me. You have taken care with much love, distributed the gifts on the day of the visitation of the Holy Spirit in that needy community. Therefore, I have great work there. Tell Jaimine, I'm going to put a ministry in her hand to take care of. Tell Andrick I'll put the gift of love in his heart. Tell Adesh I'll give him the gift of praise for him to worship Me. I'll give an angelic voice to Chandra, who I will give the Word to preach. Tell Ademiam that I will give him a mission ministry, I will raise him as My missionary on earth. Tell Gaimeche that I will give him the gift of healing so that the sick cannot die when he prays over them. Tell Valiam that I will give him the gift of wisdom, he will be a teacher to teach the people. Tell Arita that I will give her the gift of revelation, I will use her to speak words of wisdom and revelation. Tell Indira that I will give her the gift of knowledge to be the counselor of My people. Tell Faisa that I will give her the gift of signs and wonders and will be an instrument in My hands. Tell Daila that I will give her the gift of prophecy, she will be My watchman among the people. Tell Enakochei that I will give her the gift of discernment as a great weapon against the legions, she will be My warrior.”


I said, "My Lord, the Church is not ready, how are You ready for the big day?"

The Lord showed me in a vision all the churches of my city closed and the soldiers were allowed to invade several houses of the brothers.

I asked the Lord, "Will the Church go through the great tribulation? It will not survive."

The Lord said, "Daughter, the Church will not go through all the tribulation, it is necessary that My people see the Antichrist to awaken.”

I asked, “Lord, has it got to be this way; the Church cannot go up before the great tribulation?

He said, “For if I come before this sign many will not awaken. You must go through trials to remember Me and seek My presence. Remember the three young men of the furnace, they went through a great trial, had to pass through the fire to be purified and approved. Remember Joshua and Caleb who have passed through the great tribulation of the wilderness. They had their faith increased and they inherited the Earth that exudes milk and honey. The Church that will be preserved will also inherit eternal life in Heaven. That little time that My Church will suffer on earth will be a small tribulation; she will not go through all tribulation; it will be as a watershed and all who are on the Earth will know who the true believers are. That affliction that is coming upon the earth will serve to ripen My fruits for the harvest. Are not all the fruits that belong to Me? When this persecution comes on the earth many will fear when it becomes hard and many will deny My name to not suffer persecution; they will stay behind for the great tribulation. Daughter, it's time to go back, four hours have passed and your husband is worried."

I said, "Lord, when I shall see You again?”

He said, "I will reveal what is hidden through My Holy Spirit. Continue to sanctify your body, soul and spirit. Keep yourself as a pure virgin that I will soon take you to Me once and for all. I assure you of your salvation and you will become My servant."

I said, "I promise to live a holy life more and more."

“Now go.”

When He spoke that word, I came down at high speed. I was on my face in the dust in my room. My husband had entered the room and saw me lying on the floor with my face in the dust. He told me he was worried I would not live. He tried to move my body and see what was happening to me, but the Holy Spirit did not allow him to move my body and revealed to him that God was revealing His mysteries. My husband stayed four hours hoping that my body would come back to life.

When I returned, my husband saw my body move and he was calm. I was able to talk to him and report what I saw. My father sent all the money raised for the construction of the church. We made a small church of wood. We did not put a plaque in the name so as not to catch the attention of the persecutors. Some men came from my father's ministry to help us. We built the church with wood. On the first day of the inauguration, the people were thirsting to seek God, they were praying a lot for this ministry to be built in their community. The worship that night was unforgettable for me, my husband and some brothers who came from afar to help there. Before God had used a vessel that the Holy Spirit will come down there on the day of the inauguration and told the people to pray and sanctify themselves. The Spirit descended on that church and the brothers and sisters began to prophesy. Others spoke in spiritual tongues, there was an interpretation of heavenly tongues for the people to understand. There were cures, the Holy Spirit was involved with all who were there; there was no one who did not receive from Him. The gifts were granted to each one and were different gifts.

The Holy Spirit revealed to me something extraordinary. He told me, “These people seek God with all their heart and soul. This will be the little seed that will spread the work throughout the country. Tell My people to ask for spiritual blessings and I will flood them with these blessings. Happy is the people when I come back find seeking spiritual and not material blessings, I will take them away with Me.”

The day arrived for me and my team to leave for our homeland. We said goodbye to that beloved community; it was a farewell with a lot of tears. When we took the plane to go back to our country, I was very sad. When I arrived home, I told my husband, “I will still come back to them, they are my spiritual families, I need to know how they are.”

A few minutes later I went to pray in my room, a voice told me, "My servant, you will not return to India, you have done your part, this is your last journey, let your heart be still, I am the Lord of that work, I will take care of them.”

That quiet and soft voice gave me tranquility. After I left that community until today I have not seen people so warm, so thirsty for God, poor people who were satisfied with what they have, only grace is enough. The people are attached to the Word and take each verse very seriously, while my country despises the biblical precepts. They no longer live the Gospel; the people are not satisfied with what they have and want more and more. Materialistic people do not serve God.

I began to walk in my ministry where my father is a pastor.

My sister Emily brought a prophecy to that place. She used it by the Holy Spirit and spoke directly to the people of the church that many of them were cursing of life, because of the lack of money, and still said, “My people, resist the temptations, because I have contemplated your suffering, I am with you and always will be. Many say that I am not here because I do not have my signs and because you no longer feel the presence of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit does not leave you; it is you who turned away from the Holy Spirit for not wanting to seek My presence anymore. The disobedience of My Word has also saddened and distressed My Spirit in you. Many here are asleep and will not hear the sound of the trumpet, and they shall stand, and not come up."

My sister Emily also brought a prophecy to my mother saying, "Do not complain, O woman, because of illness. I am the God who heals you, cleanses you and keeps you from death.”

After that night we went home, and as I bent my knee the Lord showed me a vision on the wall of my room. I saw ten virgin women, five women were in the room on the left, and the other five women were on the right side. These rooms had doors. I saw when the Man in white looking like a prince opened the bedroom door on the right side by surprise, those five girls were with the lamps on. That prince led them and took them away. The same prince opened the door on the left side by surprise, but this room was dark because there was no light. He did not see those five girls who were in the dark. He simply ignored them and left.

I want to leave a message for that little church in the community. This little church will be in my heart, I love them so much. I will not be able to see them, but soon I will see my little children in glory, Amen.